diff --git a/nodes/sampler.py b/nodes/sampler.py
index 5b18ce0..5268404 100644
--- a/nodes/sampler.py
+++ b/nodes/sampler.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import logging
+import os
 from abc import ABC, abstractproperty
 from collections.abc import Iterable
-from pathlib import Path
 from dynamicprompts.sampling_context import SamplingContext
 from dynamicprompts.wildcards import WildcardManager
@@ -37,24 +37,18 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self._wildcard_manager = WildcardManager(path=wildcards_folder)
         self._current_prompt = None
-    def _find_wildcards_folder(self) -> Path | None:
+    def _find_wildcards_folder(self):
         Find the wildcards folder.
-        First look in the comfy_dynamicprompts folder, then in the custom_nodes folder, then in the Comfui base folder.
-        from folder_paths import base_path, folder_names_and_paths
+        install_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+        wildcard_path = os.path.join(install_dir, "wildcards")
-        wildcard_path = Path(base_path) / "wildcards"
-        if wildcard_path.exists():
+        if os.path.exists(wildcard_path):
             return wildcard_path
-        extension_path = (
-            Path(folder_names_and_paths["custom_nodes"][0][0])
-            / "comfyui-dynamicprompts"
-        )
-        wildcard_path = extension_path / "wildcards"
-        wildcard_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        wildcard_path = os.path.join(wildcard_path)
+        os.mkdir(wildcard_path)
         return wildcard_path
@@ -108,5 +102,4 @@ def get_prompt(self, text: str, seed: int, autorefresh: str) -> tuple[str]:
         return (str(new_prompt),)
-    def context(self) -> SamplingContext:
-        ...
+    def context(self) -> SamplingContext: ...