diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.cs.xlf index da52125b62a..8775746c936 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.cs.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Akcelerace sestavení byla pro tento projekt zakázána kvůli známým nekompatibilním odkazům na balíčky NuGet {0}. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Data akcelerace sestavení nejsou pro projekt s cílem {0} k dispozici. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Probíhá kontrola kopírování položek z projektu {0}: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Zdá se, že tento projekt je kandidátem na akceleraci sestavení. Pro přihlášení nastavte vlastnost MSBuild AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio na hodnotu true. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - Akcelerace sestavení není pro tento projekt k dispozici, protože ne všechny přechodně odkazované projekty poskytly data akcelerace. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Akcelerace sestavení je pro tento projekt zakázaná prostřednictvím vlastnosti MSBuild AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Přidávají se značky kopírování vstupního odkazu: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Přidává se nejnovější vstup importu: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Přidávají se vstupy {0} v sadě="{1}": + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Přidávají se vstupy {0}: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Přidávají se výstupy {0} v sadě="{1}": + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Přidávají se výstupy {0}: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Akcelerace sestavení je pro tento projekt povolená prostřednictvím příznaku funkce. Toto nastavení můžete ovládat v části „Nástroje | Možnosti | Prostředí | Funkce Preview“. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Akcelerace sestavení je pro tento projekt povolená prostřednictvím vlastnosti MSBuild AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Akcelerace sestavení není pro tento projekt povolená. Viz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Akcelerace sestavení zkopírovala soubory: {0}. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - Položka {0} přidala {1} + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - Položka {0} odebrala {1} + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Kontrola výstupního souboru sestavení (UpToDateCheckBuilt s vlastností Original): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - Cíl {0} pro kopírování z {1} neexistuje. Není aktuální. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - Zdroj je novější než výstupní cíl sestavení. Není aktuální. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Zdroj {0} pro sestavení do cíle {1} neexistuje, není aktuální. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Kontroluje se konfigurace {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Zdroj {0} pro kopírování do {1} neexistuje. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Cíl {0} neexistuje. Není aktuální. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Kontrola položky {0} + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Kontrolují se položky, které se mají zkopírovat do výstupního adresáře: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Položka s CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" zdroje {1} je novější než cíl {2}, není aktuální. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Zdroj {0} neexistuje. Není aktuální. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Porovnání časových razítek vstupů a výstupu značky kopírování: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Porovnávání časových razítek vstupů a výstupů: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Porovnávají se časová razítka vstupů a výstupů v sadě="{0}": + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Kontrola aktuálnosti dokončena za {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Položka se zdrojem CopyToOutputDirectory"Always" ({0} {1}, počet bajtů: {2}) se liší od cíle ({3} {4}, počet bajtů: {5}), není aktuální. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Kopírují se soubory ({0}) pro zrychlení sestavení (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Kritické úlohy sestavení jsou spuštěné. Není aktuální. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - Cíl {0} neexistuje. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Cíl {0}: {1} + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - Vlastnost DisableFastUpToDateCheck je true. Není aktuální. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Exception kopírování souboru, plánování MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Kontrola aktuálnosti vyvolala výjimku. Není aktuální. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Pro tento projekt ještě neběží kontrola aktuálnosti. Není aktuální. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Z: {0} do: {1}. + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Ignorují se položky kontroly aktuálnosti s prvkem Kind="{0}". + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Vstupní značka neexistuje. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Vstupní značka {0} je novější ({1}) než výstupní značka{2} ({3}). Není aktuální. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Vstup {0} ({1}) se od posledního úspěšného zahájení sestavení ({2}) změnil, takže není aktuální. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Vstup {0} je novější ({1}) než nejstarší výstup {2} ({3}). Není aktuální. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Nejsou definovány žádné výstupy sestavení. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - V sadě="{0}" nejsou definované žádné výstupy sestavení. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Neexistují žádné vstupní značky. Kontrola značek se přeskočí. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Nejsou definované žádné vstupy. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - V sadě="{0}" nejsou definovány žádné vstupy. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - V sadě="{4}" nejsou žádné vstupy novější než nejstarší výstup {0} ({1}). Nejnovější vstup je {2} ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Žádné vstupy nejsou novější než nejstarší výstup {0} ({1}). Nejnovější vstup je {2} ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Výstupní značka {0} neexistuje. Kontrola značek se přeskočí. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Vstup {0} neexistuje, ale není povinný. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Vstupní položka {1} {0} neexistuje, i když je povinná. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Tento projekt povolil akceleraci sestavení, ale ne všechny odkazované projekty vytvářejí referenční sestavení. Zajistěte, aby projekty vytvářející následující výstupy měly vlastnost MSBuild ProduceReferenceAssembly nastavenou na hodnotu true: {0}. Další informace najdete v https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Výstup {0} neexistuje. Není aktuální. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Pamatovat si, že je nutné kopírovat soubor {0} do {1}. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Vstup {0} neexistuje, i když je povinný. Není aktuální. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Vstupní položka {1} {0} neexistuje, i když je povinná. Není aktuální. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Sada změněných položek je prázdná. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Sada položek projektu změněna ({0}), tedy před posledním úspěšným časem zahájení sestavení ({1}), takže není aktuální. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Kopírování položky CopyToOutputDirectory Always z {0} do {1} se přeskakuje kvůli stejné velikosti souboru a času posledního zápisu. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Přeskočí se {0} s ignorovaným prvkem Kind="{1}". + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Zdroj {0}: {1} + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Položka {0} ({1}) vstupu {3} se od posledního úspěšného zahájení sestavení ({2}) změnila, takže není aktuální. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Vstupní položka {4} {0} je novější ({1}) než nejstarší výstup {2} ({3}). Není aktuální. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Projekt je aktuální. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Časové razítko zápisu na výstupní značce je {0} v cestě {1}. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.de.xlf index b40bb1aaa21..2e3bb050cd1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.de.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.de.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Die Buildbeschleunigung wurde für dieses Projekt aufgrund bekannter inkompatibler NuGet-Paketverweise {0} deaktiviert. Siehe https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Buildbeschleunigungsdaten sind für das Projekt mit dem Ziel "{0}" nicht verfügbar. Siehe https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Das Kopieren von Elementen aus dem Projekt „{0}“ wird überprüft: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Dieses Projekt scheint ein Kandidat für die Buildbeschleunigung zu sein. Um sich zu entscheiden, legen Sie die MSBuild-Eigenschaft "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" auf "true" fest. Siehe https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - Die Buildbeschleunigung ist für dieses Projekt nicht verfügbar, da nicht alle transitiv referenzierten Projekte Beschleunigungsdaten bereitgestellt haben. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Die Buildbeschleunigung ist für dieses Projekt über die MSBuild-Eigenschaft "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" deaktiviert. Siehe https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Ausgabeverweiskopiemarker wird hinzugefügt: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Die neueste Importeingabe wird hinzugefügt: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - In Set="{1}" werden {0} Eingaben hinzugefügt: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Eingaben {0} werden hinzugefügt: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - In Set="{1}" werden {0} Ausgaben hinzugefügt: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - {0} Ausgaben werden hinzugefügt: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Die Buildbeschleunigung ist für dieses Projekt über ein Featureflag aktiviert. Über "Extras" > "Optionen" > "Umgebung" > "Vorschaufeatures" können Sie diese Einstellung steuern. Informationen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Die Buildbeschleunigung ist für dieses Projekt über die MSBuild-Eigenschaft "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" deaktiviert. Informationen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Die Buildbeschleunigung ist für dieses Projekt nicht aktiviert. Informationen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Die Buildbeschleunigung kopierte {0} Dateien. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} Element hinzugefügt "{1}" + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} Element entfernt "{1}" + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Die erstellte Ausgabedatei (UpToDateCheckBuilt mit originaler Eigenschaft) wird überprüft: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - Das Ziel "{0}" ist für das Kopieren von "{1}" nicht vorhanden, nicht aktuell. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - Die Quelle ist neuer als das Buildausgabeziel und nicht aktuell. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Die Quelle "{0}" ist für den Build in das Ziel "{1}" nicht vorhanden, nicht aktuell. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Konfiguration {0} wird überprüft: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Die Quelle "{0}" ist für das Kopieren nach "{1}" nicht vorhanden. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Das Ziel '{0}' ist nicht vorhanden, nicht aktuell. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - {0} Element wird überprüft. + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Elemente, die in das Ausgabeverzeichnis kopiert werden sollen, werden überprüft: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Element mit CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" Quelle "{1}" ist neuer als das Ziel "{2}", nicht aktuell. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Die Quelle '{0}' ist nicht vorhanden, nicht aktuell. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Vergleichen der Zeitstempel von Eingaben und Ausgaben von Kopiermarkierungen: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Zeitstempel von Eingaben und Ausgaben werden verglichen: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Zeitstempel von Eingaben und Ausgaben in Set="{0}" werden verglichen: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Die aktuelle Überprüfung wurde in {0:N1} ms abgeschlossen. + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Element mit der Quelle CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" ("{0}" {1}, {2} Byte) unterscheidet sich vom Ziel ("{3}" {4}, {5} Byte), nicht aktuell. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Kopieren {0} Dateien, um den Buildvorgang zu beschleunigen (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Wichtige Buildtasks werden ausgeführt und sind nicht auf dem neuesten Stand. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - Das Ziel "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Ziel {0}: "{1}" + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - Die Eigenschaft 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' ist 'true', nicht aktuell. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Ausnahme beim Kopieren der Datei, MSBuild wird geplant: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Bei der aktuellen Überprüfung wurde eine Ausnahme ausgelöst. Nicht aktuell. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Die aktuelle Überprüfung wurde für dieses Projekt noch nicht ausgeführt. Nicht aktuell. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Von "{0}" bis "{1}" + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Aktuelle Prüfelemente mit Kind="{0}" werden ignoriert. + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Der Eingabemarker ist nicht vorhanden. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Eingabemarker '{0}' ist neuer ({1}) als Ausgabemarker '{2}' ({3}), nicht aktuell. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Die Eingabe '{0}' ({1}) wurde seit dem letzten erfolgreichen Buildstart ({2}) geändert und ist nicht auf dem neuesten Stand. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Die Eingabe "{0}" ist neuer ({1}) als die früheste Ausgabe "{2}" ({3}), nicht aktuell. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Es wurden keine Buildausgaben definiert. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - In Set="{0}" sind keine Buildausgaben definiert. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Es sind keine Eingabemarker vorhanden, die Markerüberprüfung wird übersprungen. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Keine Eingaben definiert. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - In Set="{0}" sind keine Eingaben definiert. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - In Set="{4}"sind keine Eingaben neuer als die früheste Ausgabe '{0}' ({1}). Die neueste Eingabe ist "{2}" ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Keine Eingaben sind neuer als die früheste Ausgabe "{0}" ({1}). Die neueste Eingabe ist "{2}" ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Der Ausgabemarker "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden, die Markerüberprüfung wird übersprungen. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Die Eingabe "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden, aber nicht erforderlich. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Die Eingabe {1}-Element "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden, aber nicht erforderlich. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Dieses Projekt hat die Build-Beschleunigung aktiviert, aber nicht alle Projekte, auf die verwiesen wird, erzeugen eine Verweis-Assembly. Stellen Sie sicher, dass für Projekte, die die folgenden Ausgaben erzeugen, die MSBuild-Eigenschaft „ProduceReferenceAssembly“ auf TRUE festgelegt ist: {0}. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter „https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration“. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Die Ausgabe "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden, nicht aktuell. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Denken Sie daran, dass die Datei "{0}" nach "{1}" kopiert werden muss. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Eingabe "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden und erforderlich, nicht aktuell. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Eingabe {1}-Element "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden und erforderlich, nicht aktuell. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Der Satz geänderter Elemente ist leer. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Der Satz von Projektelementen wurde vor kürzerer Zeit ({0}) gegenüber der letzten erfolgreichen Buildstartzeit ({1}) geändert und ist nicht aktuell. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Das Kopieren des CopyToOutputDirectory-Elements wird aufgrund identischer Dateigröße und des letzten Schreibvorgangs von "{0}" in "{1}" übersprungen. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - "{0}" wird mit ignoriertem Kind="{1}" übersprungen. + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Quelle {0}: "{1}" + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Die Eingabe {3}-Element '{0}' ({1}) wurde seit dem letzten erfolgreichen Buildstart ({2}) geändert und ist nicht auf dem neuesten Stand. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Die Eingabe {4}-Element "{0}" ist neuer ({1}) als früheste Ausgabe "{2}" ({3}), nicht aktuell. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Das Projekt ist auf dem neuesten Stand. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Der Schreibzeitstempel für den Ausgabemarker ist auf "{1}" {0}. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.es.xlf index 5bd04385169..95651320f24 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.es.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.es.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - La aceleración de compilación se ha deshabilitado para este proyecto debido a referencias de paquete NuGet incompatibles conocidas {0}. Ver https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Los datos de aceleración de compilación no están disponibles para el proyecto con el destino "{0}". Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Comprobando elementos de copia del proyecto "{0}": + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Este proyecto parece ser candidato para la aceleración de compilación. Para participar, establezca la propiedad "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" de MSBuild en "true". Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - La aceleración de compilación no está disponible para este proyecto porque no todos los proyectos a los que se hace referencia de forma transitiva han proporcionado datos de aceleración. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - La aceleración de compilación está deshabilitada para este proyecto a través de la propiedad "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" de MSBuild. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Agregando marcadores de copia de referencia de entrada: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Agregando una nueva entrada de importación: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Agregando {0} entradas en Set="{1}": + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Agregando {0} entradas: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Agregando {0} salidas en Set="{1}": + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Agregando salidas de {0}: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - La aceleración de compilación está habilitada para este proyecto a través de una bandera de característica. Ver "Herramientas | Opciones | Entorno | Previsualizar Características" para controlar este ajuste. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - La aceleración de compilación está habilitada para este proyecto a través de la propiedad MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - La aceleración de compilación no está habilitada para este proyecto. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - La aceleración de compilación copió {0} archivos. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} elemento agregado '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} elemento quitado '{1}' + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Comprobación del archivo de salida compilado (UpToDateCheckBuilt con la propiedad Original): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - El destino "{0}" no existe para copiar desde "{1}", no está actualizado. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - El origen es más reciente que el destino de la construcción, no está actualizado. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - El origen '{0}' no existe para la compilación en el destino '{1}', no está actualizado. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Comprobando la configuración {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - El origen '{0}' no existe para copiar en '{1}'. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - El destino '{0}' no existe, no está actualizado. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Comprobando elemento {0} + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Comprobando elementos para copiar en el directorio de salida: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - El elemento con origen CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" '{1}' es más reciente que el destino '{2}', no está actualizado. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La fuente '{0}' no existe, no está actualizada. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Comparando marcas de tiempo de entradas y salida de marcadores de copia: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Comparando marcas de tiempo de entradas y salidas: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Comparación de las marcas de tiempo de las entradas y salidas en Set="{0}": + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Comprobación actualizada completada en {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - El elemento con el origen CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) difiere del destino ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), no actualizado. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Copiando archivos {0} para acelerar la compilación (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Las tareas críticas de construcción se están ejecutando, no están actualizadas. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - El destino '{0}' no existe. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Destino {0}: "{1}" + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - La propiedad "DisableFastUpToDateCheck" es "true", no está actualizada. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Excepción al copiar el archivo, programando MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - La comprobación de la actualización produjo una excepción. No está actualizado. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - La comprobación de actualización aún no se ha ejecutado para este proyecto. No está actualizado. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - De '{0}' a '{1}'. + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Ignorar los elementos de control actualizados con Kind="{0}" + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - El marcador de entrada no existe. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - El marcador de entrada "{0}" es más reciente ({1}) que el de salida "{2}" ({3}), no está actualizado. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - La entrada \"{0}\" ({1}) se ha modificado desde que se inició la última compilación correcta ({2}), no actualizada. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - La entrada "{0}" es más reciente ({1}) que la primera salida "{2}" ({3}), no está actualizada. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - No se han definido salidas de construcción. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - No hay resultados de compilación definidos en Set="{0}". + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - No existen marcadores de entrada, omitiendo la comprobación de marcadores. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - No se definió ninguna entrada. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - No hay entradas definidas en Set="{0}". + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - En Set="{4}", ninguna entrada es más reciente que la primera salida "{0}" ({1}). La entrada más reciente es "{2}" ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Ninguna entrada es más reciente que la primera salida "{0}" ({1}). La entrada más reciente es "{2}" ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - El marcador de salida "{0}" no existe, saltándose la comprobación del marcador. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - La entrada "{0}" no existe, pero no es necesaria. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - El elemento {1} de entrada "{0}" no existe, pero no es necesario. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Este proyecto ha habilitado la aceleración de compilación, pero no todos los proyectos a los que se hace referencia generan un ensamblado de referencia. Asegúrese de que los proyectos que producen las siguientes salidas tienen la propiedad MSBuild "ProduceReferenceAssembly" establecida en "true": {0}. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration para obtener más información. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La salida "{0}" no existe, no está actualizada. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Recordando la necesidad de copiar el archivo '{0}' en '{1}'. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - La entrada "{0}" no existe y es necesaria, no está actualizada. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - El elemento {1} de entrada "{0}" no existe y es necesario, no está actualizado. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - El conjunto de elementos modificados está vacío. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - El conjunto de elementos de proyecto ha cambiado más recientemente ({0}) que la hora de inicio de la última compilación correcta ({1}), no actualizada. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Omitiendo la copia del elemento CopyToOutputDirectory Always de '{0}' a '{1}' debido a un tamaño de archivo idéntico y a la hora de la última escritura. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Omitiendo "{0}" con Kind="{1}" omitido + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Origen {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - El elemento {3} de entrada \"{0}\" ({1}) se ha modificado desde que se inició la última compilación correcta ({2}), no actualizada. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - El elemento {4} de entrada "{0}" es más nuevo ({1}) que el de salida más antiguo "{2}" ({3}), no está actualizado. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - El proyecto está al día. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Escribir marca de tiempo en el marcador de salida es {0} en "{1}". + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.fr.xlf index 77a8129aff8..a2328cafb67 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.fr.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.fr.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accélération de compilation a été désactivée pour ce projet en raison de références de package NuGet incompatibles connues {0}. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Les données d’accélération de build ne sont pas disponibles pour le projet avec la cible '{0}'. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Vérification des éléments de copie à partir du projet « {0} » : + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ce projet semble être un candidat pour l’accélération de build. Pour y participer, définissez la propriété MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' sur 'true'. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - L’accélération de build n’est pas disponible pour ce projet car tous les projets à référence transitive n’ont pas fourni de données d’accélération. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L’accélération de build est désactivée pour ce projet via la propriété MSBuilds 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Ajout des marqueurs de copie de référence d’entrée : + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Ajout de l’entrée d’importation la plus récente : + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Ajout d’entrées {0} dans Set="{1}" : + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Ajout d’entrées {0} : + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Ajout de sorties {0} dans Set="{1}" : + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Ajout de sorties {0} : + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L’accélération de build est activée pour ce projet via un indicateur de fonctionnalité. Voir « Outils | Options | Environnement | Fonctionnalités en préversion » pour contrôler ce paramètre. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L’accélération de build est activée pour ce projet via la propriété MSBuild « AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio ». Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L’accélération de build n’est pas activée pour ce projet. Voir https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Accélération de build a copié {0} fichiers. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} élément ajouté « {1} » + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} élément supprimé « {1} » + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Vérification de la sortie générée (UpToDateCheckBuilt avec la propriété Original) du fichier : + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - La '{0}' de destination n’existe pas pour la copie à partir de '{1}', elle n’est pas à jour. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - La source est plus récente que la destination de sortie de build, et n’est pas à jour. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - La source « {0} » n’existe pas pour la build dans la cible « {1} », pas à jour. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Vérification de la configuration {0} : + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Le « {0} » source n’existe pas pour la copie vers « {1} » + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La destination '{0}' n’existe pas, elle n’est pas à jour. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Vérification de {0} élément + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Vérification des éléments à copier dans le répertoire de sortie : + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Élément avec la source CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" « {1} » est plus récent que la destination « {2} », pas à jour. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La '{0}' source n’existe pas, elle n’est pas à jour. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Comparaison des horodatages des entrées et sorties de marqueur de copie : + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Comparaison des horodatages des entrées et sorties : + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Comparaison des horodatages des entrées et sorties dans Set="{0}" : + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Vérification à jour effectuée en {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Élément avec source CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" (« {0} » {1}, {2} octets) diffère de la destination (« {3} » ,{4} {5} octets), pas à jour. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Copie de fichiers {0} pour accélérer la génération (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration) : + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Des tâches de build critiques sont en cours d’exécution et ne sont pas à jour. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - La destination « {0} » n’existe pas. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Destination {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - La propriété « DisableFastUpToDateCheck » a la valeur « true » et n’est pas à jour. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Exception lors de la copie du fichier, planification de MSBuild : {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Une vérification à jour a levé une exception. Pas à jour. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - La vérification à jour n’a pas encore été exécutée pour ce projet. Pas à jour. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - De « {0} » à « {1} ». + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Éléments de vérification à jour avec Kind="{0}" ignorés + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Le marqueur d’entrée n’existe pas. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Le marqueur d’entrée '{0}' est plus récent({1}) que le marqueur de sortie '{2}' ({3}), pas à jour. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - L'entrée '{0}' ({1}) a été modifiée depuis le dernier lancement réussi de la construction ({2}), elle n'est pas à jour. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Le '{0}' d’entrée est plus récent ({1}) que le '{2}' de sortie le plus ancien ({3}). Il n’est pas à jour. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - ||Aucune sortie de build définie + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Aucune sortie de build définie dans Set="{0}". + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Aucun marqueur d’entrée n’existe. La vérification des marqueurs est ignorée. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Aucune entrée définie + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Aucune entrée définie dans Set="{0}" + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Dans Set="{4}", aucune entrée n’est plus récente que la sortie la plus ancienne '{0}' ({1}). L’entrée la plus récente est '{2}' ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Aucune entrée n’est plus récente que la sortie la plus ancienne '{0}' ({1}). L’entrée la plus récente est '{2}' ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Le '{0}' de marqueur de sortie n’existe pas. La vérification du marqueur est ignorée. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Le '{0}' d’entrée n’existe pas, mais n’est pas obligatoire. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - L''{0}' d’élément de {1} d’entrée n’existe pas, mais n’est pas obligatoire. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Ce projet a activé l’accélération de build, mais tous les projets référencés ne produisent pas un assembly de référence. Vérifiez que la propriété MSBuild « ProduceReferenceAssembly » des projets produisant les sorties suivantes a la valeur « true » : {0}. Pour plus d’informations, consultez https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La sortie '{0}' n’existe pas, elle n’est pas à jour. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Se souvenir de la nécessité de copier le fichier « {0} » vers « {1} ». + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - L'entrée '{0}' n’existe pas et est obligatoire et n’est pas à jour. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - L'élément '{0}' de {1} d’entrée n’existe pas et est obligatoire et n’est pas à jour. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - L’ensemble d’éléments modifiés est vide. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - L’ensemble d’éléments de projet a été modifié plus récemment ({0}) que l’heure de début de la dernière génération réussie ({1}), pas à jour. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Copie de l’élément CopyToOutputDirectory Always ignorée de « {0} » à « {1} » en raison d’une taille de fichier identique et de la dernière heure d’écriture. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Ignorer '{0}' avec kind="{1}" ignoré + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Source {0} : « {1} » + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - L'élément {3} d'entrée '{0}' ({1}) a été modifié depuis le dernier lancement réussi de la construction ({2}), il n'est pas à jour. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - L’élément {4} de '{0}' d’entrée est plus récent ({1}) que le '{2}' de sortie le plus ancien ({3}). Il n’est pas à jour. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Le projet est à jour. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - L’horodatage d’écriture sur le marqueur de sortie est {0} sur '{1}'. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.it.xlf index ad65197edc3..d6249017572 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.it.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.it.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accelerazione della compilazione è stata disabilitata per questo progetto a causa di riferimenti al pacchetto NuGet noti incompatibili {0}. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - I dati di accelerazione della compilazione non sono disponibili per il progetto con destinazione '{0}'. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - È in corso il controllo della copia degli elementi dal progetto '{0}': + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Questo progetto sembra un candidato per l'accelerazione della compilazione. Per acconsentire esplicitamente, impostare la proprietà 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' di MSBuild su 'true'. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - L'accelerazione della compilazione non è disponibile per questo progetto perché non tutti i progetti a cui viene fatto riferimento in modo transitivo hanno fornito dati di accelerazione. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accelerazione della compilazione è disabilitata per questo progetto tramite la proprietà MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Aggiunta di marcatori di copia di riferimento di input: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Aggiunta dell'input di importazione più recente: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Aggiunta di input {0} in Set="{1}": + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Aggiunta di input {0}: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Aggiunta degli output {0} in Set="{1}": + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Aggiunta di output {0}: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accelerazione di compilazione è abilitata per questo progetto tramite un contrassegno di funzionalità. Vedere "Strumenti | Opzioni | Ambiente | Anteprima funzionalità" per controllare questa impostazione. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accelerazione della compilazione è abilitata per questo progetto tramite la proprietà MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - L'accelerazione di compilazione non è abilitata per questo progetto. Vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Accelerazione della compilazione ha copiato {0} file. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - Elemento {0} aggiunto in '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - Elemento {0} rimosso '{1}' + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Controllo del file di output compilato (UpToDateCheckBuilt con proprietà Original): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - La destinazione '{0}' non esiste per la copia da '{1}', non aggiornata. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - L'origine è più recente della destinazione dell'output di compilazione, non aggiornata. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - L'origine '{0}' non esiste per la compilazione nella destinazione '{1}', non aggiornata. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Verifica della configurazione {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - L'origine '{0}' non esiste per la copia in '{1}'. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - La destinazione '{0}' non esiste, non è aggiornata. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Controllo dell'elemento {0} in corso + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Controllo degli elementi da copiare nella directory di output: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - L'elemento con CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" origine '{1}' è più recente della destinazione '{2}', non aggiornato. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - L'origine '{0}' non esiste, non è aggiornata. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Confronto dei timestamp di input e output del marcatore di copia: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Confronto dei timestamp di input e output: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Confronto dei timestamp di input e output in Set="{0}": + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Controllo aggiornato completato in {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - L'elemento con origine CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" ('{0}' {1}, {2} byte) differisce dalla destinazione ('{3}' {4}, {5} byte), non aggiornato. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Copia dei file di {0} per accelerare la compilazione (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Le attività di compilazione critiche sono in esecuzione, non aggiornate. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - La destinazione '{0}' non esiste. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - {0} di destinazione: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - La proprietà 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' è 'true', non aggiornata. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Eccezione durante la copia del file, pianificazione di MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Il controllo aggiornato ha generato un'eccezione. Non aggiornato. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Il controllo aggiornato non è ancora stato eseguito per questo progetto. Non aggiornato. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Da '{0}' a '{1}'. + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Gli elementi di controllo aggiornati verranno ignorati con Kind="{0}" + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Il marcatore di input non esiste. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Il marcatore di input '{0}' è più recente ({1}) del marcatore di output '{2}' ({3}), non aggiornato. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - L'input '{0}' ({1}) è stato modificato dall'ultima compilazione avviata correttamente ({2}), non aggiornato. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - L'input '{0}' è più recente ({1}) del primo output '{2}' ({3}), non aggiornato. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Nessun output di compilazione definito. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nessun output di compilazione definito in Set="{0}". + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Non esistono marcatori di input. Il controllo dei marcatori verrà ignorato. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Nessun input definito. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nessun input definito in Set="{0}". + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - In Set="{4}", nessun input è più recente del primo output '{0}' ({1}). L'input più recente è '{2}' ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Nessun input è più recente del primo output '{0}' ({1}). L'input più recente è '{2}' ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Il marcatore di output '{0}' non esiste. Il controllo del marcatore verrà ignorato. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - L'input '{0}' non esiste, ma non è obbligatorio. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - L'input {1} 'elemento '{0}' non esiste, ma non è obbligatorio. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Questo progetto ha abilitato l'accelerazione di compilazione, ma non tutti i progetti a cui si fa riferimento generano un assembly di riferimento. Assicurarsi che la proprietà 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' di MSBuild dei progetti che generano gli output seguenti sia impostata su 'true': {0}. Per altre informazioni, vedere https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - L'output '{0}' non esiste, non è aggiornato. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Memorizzazione della necessità di copiare il file '{0}' in '{1}'. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - L'input '{0}' non esiste ed è obbligatorio, non aggiornato. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - L'input {1} 'elemento '{0}' non esiste ed è obbligatorio, non aggiornato. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Il set di elementi modificati è vuoto. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Il set di elementi del progetto è stato modificato più di recente ({0}) rispetto all'ora di inizio della compilazione riuscita ({1}), non aggiornato. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - La copia dell'elemento CopyToOutputDirectory Always da '{0}' a '{1}' verrà ignorata perché le dimensioni dei file e la data/ora di ultima scrittura sono identiche. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - '{0}' ignorato con Kind="{1}" ignorato + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Origine {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - L’elemento input {3} '{0}' ({1}) è stato modificato dopo l'ultima compilazione avviata correttamente ({2}), non aggiornato. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - L'elemento {4} di input '{0}' è più recente ({1}) dell'output meno recente '{2}' ({3}), non aggiornato. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Il progetto è aggiornato. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Il timestamp di scrittura sul marcatore di output è {0} su '{1}'. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ja.xlf index 2bd189d5268..9b489b8c285 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ja.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 互換性のない NuGet パッケージ参照 {0} がわかっているため、このプロジェクトのビルド アクセラレーションは無効になっています。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - ビルド アクセラレーション データは、ターゲット '{0}' のプロジェクトでは利用できません。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - プロジェクト '{0}' からのコピー項目を確認しています: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - このプロジェクトは、ビルド アクセラレーションの候補のようです。オプトインするには、'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild プロパティを 'true' に設定します。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - 推移的に参照されるすべてのプロジェクトがアクセラレーション データを提供しているわけではないため、このプロジェクトではビルド アクセラレーションを使用できません。 + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild プロパティを介して、このプロジェクトのビルド アクセラレーションが無効になっています。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - 入力参照コピー マーカーの追加: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - 最新のインポート入力の追加: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Set="{1}" で {0} 個の入力の追加: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - {0} 入力の追加: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Set="{1}" での {0} 出力の追加: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - {0} 出力の追加: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 機能フラグを介して、このプロジェクトのビルド アクセラレータが有効になっています。この設定を管理するには、[ツール] | [オプション] | [環境] | [プレビュー機能] を参照してください。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild プロパティを介して、このプロジェクトのビルド アクセラレータが有効になっています。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - このプロジェクトではビルド アクセラレータが有効になっていません。https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - ビルド アクセラレーションによって {0} 個のファイルがコピーされました。 + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} 項目が追加されました '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} 項目を削除しました '{1}' + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - ビルド済み出力 (Original プロパティ を使用した UpToDateCheckBuilt) ファイルの確認: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - 宛先 '{0}' は '{1}' からコピーするために存在せず、最新ではありません。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - ソースは、ビルド出力先よりも新しく、最新ではありません。 + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - ソース '{0}' はターゲット '{1}' にビルドするために存在せず、最新ではありません。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - 構成 {0} を確認しています... + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - ソース '{0}' は '{1}' にコピーするために存在しません。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 宛先 '{0}' が存在せず、最新ではありません。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - {0} 項目を確認しています + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - 出力ディレクトリにコピーする項目を確認しています: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" ソース '{1}' の項目は、宛先 '{2}' よりも新しく、最新ではありません。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - ソース '{0}' が存在せず、最新ではありません。 + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - コピー マーカーの入力と出力のタイムスタンプの比較: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - 入力と出力のタイムスタンプの比較: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Set="{0}" での入力と出力のタイムスタンプの比較: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - {0:N1} ミリ秒で最新チェックが完了しました + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" ソース ('{0}' {1}, {2} バイト) を持つ項目は、宛先 ('{3}' {4}, {5} バイト) と異なり、最新ではありません。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - {0} 個のファイルをコピーしてビルドを高速化しています (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - 重要なビルド タスクを実行中ですが、最新ではありません。 + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - ターゲット '{0}' は存在しません。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - 宛先 {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' プロパティは 'true' で、最新ではありません。 + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - ファイルのコピー中に例外が発生し、MSBuild をスケジュールしています: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - 最新のチェックで例外が発生しました。最新ではありません。{0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - このプロジェクト用の最新チェックはまだ実行されていません。最新ではありません。 + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - '{0}' から '{1}'。 + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Kind="{0}" を含む最新のチェック項目を無視します + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - 入力マーカーが存在しません。 + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 入力マーカー `{0}` ({1}) は、出力マーカー `{2}` ({3}) よりも新しく、最新ではありません。 + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 入力 '{0}' ({1}) は、前回の成功したビルドの開始 ({2}) 以降に変更されており、最新ではありません。 + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 入力 '{0}' は、最も前の出力'{2}' ({3}) よりも新しい ({1}) で、最新ではありません。 + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - 定義されたビルド出力はありません。 + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" に定義されたビルド出力はありません。 + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - 入力マーカーが存在せず、マーカーの確認をスキップしています。 + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - 入力が定義されていません。 + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" で入力が定義されていません。 + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Set="{4}" では、最初の出力 '{0}' ({1}) よりも新しい入力はありません。最新の入力は '{2}' ({3}) です。 + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 最初の出力 '{0}' ({1}) よりも新しい入力はありません。最新の入力は '{2}' ({3}) です。 + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - 出力マーカー '{0}' が存在せず、マーカーの確認をスキップしています。 + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 入力 '{0}' は存在しませんが、必須ではありません。 + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 入力 {1} の項目 '{0}' は存在しませんが、必須ではありません。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - このプロジェクトではビルド アクセラレーションが有効になっていますが、参照されているすべてのプロジェクトで参照アセンブリが生成されるわけではありません。次の出力を生成するプロジェクトで、'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild プロパティが 'true': {0} に設定されていることを確認します。詳細については、https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration を参照してください。 + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 出力 '{0}' が存在せず、最新ではありません。 + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - ファイル '{0}' を '{1}' にコピーする必要があります。 + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 入力 '{0}' が存在せず、最新ではないことが必須です。 + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 入力 {1} の項目 '{0}' が存在せず、最新ではないことが必須です。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - 変更された項目のセットが空です。 + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - プロジェクト項目のセットが、前回成功したビルド開始時刻 ({0}) よりも最近 ({1}) 変更されており、最新ではありません。 + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - ファイル サイズと最終書き込み時間が同一であるため、'{0}' から '{1}' への CopyToOutputDirectory Always 項目のコピーをスキップしています。 + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Kind="{1}" を無視して '{0}' をスキップしています + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - ソース {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 入力 {3} 項目 '{0}' ({1}) は、前回の成功したビルドの開始 ({2}) 以降に変更されており、最新ではありません。 + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 入力 {4} 項目 '{0}' は、最も前の出力 '{2}' ({3}) よりも新しい ({1}) で、最新ではありません。 + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - プロジェクトは最新のものです。 + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - '{1}' で出力マーカーが {0} の書き込みタイムスタンプ。 + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ko.xlf index e703618f552..8472711218c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ko.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 알려진 호환되지 않는 NuGet 패키지 참조 {0}(으)로 인해 이 프로젝트에 빌드 가속을 사용할 수 없습니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 대상이 '{0}'인 프로젝트에는 빌드 가속 데이터를 사용할 수 없습니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - 프로젝트 '{0}'에서 항목 복사를 확인하는 중입니다. + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 이 프로젝트는 빌드 가속의 후보로 보입니다. 옵트인하려면 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 속성을 'true'로 설정합니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - 전이적으로 참조된 프로젝트 일부에서 가속 데이터를 제공하지 않았으므로 이 프로젝트에는 빌드 가속을 사용할 수 없습니다. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 이 프로젝트에는 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 속성을 통해 빌드 가속을 사용할 수 없습니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - 입력 참고자료 복사 마커 추가: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - 최신 가져오기 입력 추가: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Set="{1}"에 {0} 입력 추가: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - {0} 입력 추가: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Set="{1}"에 {0} 출력 추가: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - {0} 출력 추가: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 기능 플래그를 통해 이 프로젝트에 대해 빌드 가속화가 활성화되었습니다. 이 설정을 제어하려면 "도구 | 옵션 | 환경 | 미리보기 기능"을 참조하세요. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 속성을 통해 이 프로젝트에 빌드 가속이 활성화됩니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 이 프로젝트에 대해 빌드 가속이 활성화되어 있지 않습니다. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을 참조하세요. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - 빌드 가속이 {0}개의 파일을 복사했습니다. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} 항목이 '{1}'을(를) 추가함 + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} 항목이 '{1}'을(를) 제거함 + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - 빌드된 출력(Original 속성이 있는 UpToDateCheckBuilt) 파일을 확인하는 중: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - '{1}'의 복사본에 대한 대상 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - 원본이 최신이 아니라 빌드 출력 대상보다 최신입니다. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - 대상 '{1}'에 빌드할 원본 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다. 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - 구성 {0}을(를) 확인하는 중: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - '{1}'에 복사할 원본 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 대상 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - {0} 항목 확인 중 + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - 출력 디렉터리에 복사할 항목을 확인하는 중: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" 원본 '{1}'인 항목이 대상 '{2}'보다 최신입니다. 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 원본 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - 복사 마커 입력 및 출력의 타임스탬프를 비교하는 중: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - 입력 및 출력의 타임스탬프를 비교하는 중: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Set="{0}"에서 입력 및 출력의 타임스탬프 비교: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - {0:N1}ms 후에 최신 확인 완료 + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" 원본('{0}' {1}, {2}바이트)이 있는 항목이 대상('{3}' {4}, {5}바이트)과 다릅니다. 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - 빌드 가속을 위한 {0} 파일 복사(https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - 중요한 빌드 작업이 최신 상태가 아닌 실행 중입니다. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - 대상 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - 대상 {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' 속성은 최신이 아닌 'true'입니다. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - 파일 복사, MSBuild 예약 중 Exception: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - 최신 검사에서 예외가 발생했습니다. 최신 정보가 아닙니다. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - 이 프로젝트에 대한 최신 확인이 아직 실행되지 않았습니다. 최신 정보가 아닙니다. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - 원본: '{0}', 대상: '{1}' + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Kind="{0}"인 최신 확인 항목 무시 + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - 입력 마커가 없습니다. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 입력 마커 '{0}'이(가) 최신이 아니라 출력 마커 '{2}' ({3})보다 최신({1})입니다. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 입력 '{0}'({1})이(가) 마지막으로 성공한 빌드가 시작된 이후({2}) 수정되었습니다. 최신 정보가 아닙니다. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 입력 '{0}'이(가) 최신이 아니라 가장 오래된 출력 '{2}'({3})보다 최신({1})입니다. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - 빌드 출력이 정의되지 않았습니다. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}"에 정의된 빌드 출력이 없습니다. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - 마커 확인을 건너뛰는 입력 마커가 없습니다. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - 정의된 입력이 없습니다. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}"에 정의된 입력이 없습니다. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Set="{4}"에서 가장 빠른 출력 '{0}'({1})보다 최신 입력이 없습니다. 최신 입력은 '{2}'({3})입니다. + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 가장 빠른 출력 '{0}'({1})보다 최신 입력이 없습니다. 최신 입력은 '{2}'({3})입니다. + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - 출력 마커 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않아 마커 검사를 건너뜁니다. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 입력 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않지만 필수는 아닙니다. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 입력 {1} 항목 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않지만 필수는 아닙니다. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - 이 프로젝트는 빌드 가속화를 활성화했지만 모든 참조 프로젝트가 참조 어셈블리를 생성하지는 않습니다. 다음 출력을 생성하는 프로젝트에서 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild 속성이 'true'로 설정되었는지 확인합니다. {0} 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration을을 참조하세요. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 출력 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - '{0}' 파일을 '{1}'에 복사해야 할 필요성 기억 중 + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 입력 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 필수 항목이며 최신 정보가 아닙니다. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 입력 {1} 항목 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않으며 필수 항목이며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - 변경된 항목 집합이 비어 있습니다. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - 프로젝트 항목 집합이 마지막 성공적인 빌드 시작 시간({1})보다 최근({0})에 변경되었습니다. 최신 정보가 아닙니다. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - 동일한 파일 크기와 마지막 쓰기 시간으로 인해 CopyToOutputDirectory Always 항목을 '{0}'에서 '{1}'(으)로 복사하는 작업을 건너뛰는 중 + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - 무시된 Kind="{1}"(으)로 '{0}' 건너뛰기 + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - 원본 {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 입력 {3} 항목 '{0}'({1})은(는) 마지막 빌드({2})가 시작된 이후 수정되었습니다. 최신 정보가 아닙니다. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 입력 {4} 항목 '{0}'이(가) 최신 출력 '{2}'({3})보다 최신({1})이며 최신 상태가 아닙니다. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - 프로젝트가 최신 상태입니다. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - 출력 마커의 쓰기 타임스탬프는 '{1}'의 {0}입니다. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pl.xlf index b3104fd129d..1a3eae168d1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pl.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pl.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji zostało wyłączone dla tego projektu z powodu znanych niezgodnych odwołań do pakietu NuGet {0}. Zobacz stronę https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Dane przyspieszania kompilacji są niedostępne dla projektu z elementem docelowym „{0}”. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Sprawdzanie elementów kopii z projektu „{0}”: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ten projekt wydaje się być kandydatem do przyspieszenia kompilacji. Aby wyrazić zgodę, ustaw właściwość MSBuild „AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio” programu MSBuild na wartość „true”. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji nie jest dostępne dla tego projektu, ponieważ nie wszystkie projekty, do których istnieje odwołanie przechodnie, dostarczyły dane przyspieszenia. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji jest wyłączone dla tego projektu za pośrednictwem właściwości MSBuild „AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio” programu MSBuild. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Dodawanie znaczników kopiowania odwołań wejściowych: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Dodawanie najnowszych danych wejściowych importu: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Dodawanie {0} danych wejściowych w zestawie Set=„{1}”: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Dodawanie {0} danych wejściowych: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Dodawanie {0} danych wyjściowych w zestawie Set=„{1}”: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Dodawanie {0} danych wyjściowych: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji jest włączone dla tego projektu za pośrednictwem flagi funkcji. Zobacz sekcję „Narzędzia | Opcje | Środowisko | Funkcje w wersji zapoznawczej”, aby sterować tym ustawieniem. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji jest włączone dla tego projektu za pośrednictwem właściwości „AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio” platformy MSBuild. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Przyspieszanie kompilacji nie jest włączone dla tego projektu. Zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Skopiowane pliki po przyspieszeniu kompilacji: {0} + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - Element {0} dodał „{1}” + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - Element {0} usunął „{1}” + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Sprawdzanie wbudowanego pliku wyjściowego (UpToDateCheckBuilt z oryginalną właściwością): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - Miejsce docelowe „{0}” nie istnieje dla kopii z elementu „{1}”, nieaktualne. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - Źródło jest nowsze niż miejsce docelowe danych wyjściowych kompilacji, nieaktualne. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Źródło „{0}” nie istnieje dla kompilacji do elementu docelowego „{1}”, nieaktualne. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Sprawdzanie konfiguracji {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Źródło „{0}” nie istnieje dla kopii do „{1}”. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Miejsce docelowe „{0}” nie istnieje, nie jest aktualne. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Sprawdzanie elementu {0} + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Sprawdzanie elementów do skopiowania do katalogu wyjściowego: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Element z CopyToOutputDirectory=„{0}” źródła „{1}” jest nowszy niż element docelowy „{2}”, nieaktualny. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Źródło „{0}” nie istnieje, nie jest aktualne. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Porównywanie znaczników czasu danych wejściowych i wyjściowych znacznika kopiowania: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Porównywanie sygnatur czasowych danych wejściowych i wyjściowych: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Porównywanie sygnatur czasowych danych wejściowych i wyjściowych w zestawie Set=„{0}”: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Sprawdzanie aktualności zostało ukończone w {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Element ze źródłem CopyToOutputDirectory=„Always” („{0}” {1}, {2} bajtów) różni się od lokalizacji docelowej („{3}” {4}, {5} B), nie jest aktualny. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Kopiowanie {0} plików w celu przyspieszenia kompilacji (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Krytyczne zadania kompilacji są uruchomione, nieaktualne. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - Miejsce docelowe „{0}” nie istnieje. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Lokalizacja docelowa {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - Właściwość "DisableFastUpToDateCheck" ma wartość „true”, nieaktualne. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Plik kopiowania wyjątków, planowanie MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Aktualne sprawdzanie zgłosiło wyjątek. Nieaktualne. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Sprawdzanie aktualności nie zostało jeszcze uruchomione dla tego projektu. Nieaktualne. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Z „{0}” do „{1}” + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Ignorowanie aktualnych elementów sprawdzania za pomocą Kind=„{0}” + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Znacznik danych wejściowych nie istnieje. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Znacznik danych wejściowych „{0}” jest nowszy ({1}) niż znacznik danych wyjściowych „{2}” ({3}), nie jest aktualny. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Dane wejściowe „{0}” ({1}) zostały zmodyfikowane od czasu ostatniego pomyślnego uruchomienia kompilacji ({2}), nieaktualne. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Dane wejściowe „{0}” są nowsze ({1}) niż najwcześniejsze dane wyjściowe „{2}” ({3}), nieaktualne. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Nie zdefiniowano żadnych danych wyjściowych kompilacji. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nie zdefiniowano żadnych danych wyjściowych kompilacji w elemencie Set=„{0}”. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Nie istnieją znaczniki wejściowe, pomijanie sprawdzania znaczników. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Nie zdefiniowano danych wejściowych. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nie zdefiniowano żadnych danych wejściowych w zestawie Set=„{0}”. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - W zestawie Set=„{4}” żadne dane wejściowe nie są nowsze niż najwcześniejsze dane wyjściowe „{0}” ({1}). Najnowsze dane wejściowe to „{2}” ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Żadne dane wejściowe nie są nowsze niż najwcześniejsze dane wyjściowe „{0}” ({1}). Najnowsze dane wejściowe to „{2}” ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Znacznik danych wyjściowych „{0}” nie istnieje, pomijanie sprawdzania znacznika. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Dane wejściowe „{0}” nie istnieją, ale nie są wymagane. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Wejściowy {1} element „{0}” nie istnieje, ale nie jest wymagany. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Ten projekt włączył przyspieszanie kompilacji, ale nie wszystkie przywoływane projekty tworzą zestaw referencyjny. Upewnij się, że projekty generujące następujące dane wyjściowe mają właściwość MSBuild „ProduceReferenceAssembly” ustawioną na wartość „true”: {0}. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Dane wyjściowe „{0}’ nie istnieją, nie są aktualne. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Pamiętając o konieczności skopiowania pliku „{0}” do „{1}”. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Dane wejściowe „{0}” nie istnieją i są wymagane, nie są aktualne. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Wejściowy {1} element „{0}” nie istnieje i jest wymagany, nie jest aktualny. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Zestaw zmienionych elementów jest pusty. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Zestaw elementów projektu został zmieniony wcześniej ({0}) niż czas ostatniego pomyślnego rozpoczęcia kompilacji ({1}), nieaktualnej. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Pomijanie kopii elementu CopyToOutputDirectory Always z „{0}” do „{1}” z powodu identycznego rozmiaru pliku i czasu ostatniego zapisu. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Pomijanie elementu „{0}” z zignorowanym rodzajem Kind=„{1}” + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Źródło {0}: „{1}” + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Dane{3} wejściowe „{0}” (klasa {1}) zostały zmodyfikowane od czasu ostatniego pomyślnego uruchomienia kompilacji ({2}), nieaktualnej. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Dane {4} wejściowe „{0}” są nowsze ({1}) niż najwcześniejsze dane wyjściowe „{2}” ({3}), nieaktualne. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Projekt jest aktualny. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Sygnatura czasowa zapisu w znaczniku danych wyjściowych jest {0} na „{1}”. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pt-BR.xlf index 5c0b5e551ae..657ee54551c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.pt-BR.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - A aceleração da compilação foi desabilitada para esse projeto devido a referências {0} do pacote NuGet sabidamente incompatíveis. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Os dados de aceleração de compilação não estão disponíveis para o projeto com destino '{0}'. Veja https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Verificando itens de cópia do projeto '{0}': + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Este projeto parece ser um candidato para aceleração de construção. Para aceitar, defina a propriedade MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' como 'verdadeiro'. Veja https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - A aceleração de compilação não está disponível para este projeto porque nem todos os projetos referenciados transitivamente forneceram dados de aceleração. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - A aceleração de compilação está desabilitada para este projeto por meio da propriedade MSBuild 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Veja https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Adicionando marcadores de cópia de referência de entrada: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Adicionando entrada de importação mais recente: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Adicionando {0} entradas em Set="{1}": + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Adicionando {0} entradas: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Adicionando saídas {0} em Set="{1}": + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Adicionando {0} saídas: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - A aceleração de build está habilitada para este projeto por meio de um sinalizador de recurso. Consulte "Ferramentas | Opções | Ambiente | Visualizar Recursos" para controlar essa configuração. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - A aceleração de compilação está desabilitada para este projeto por meio da propriedade MSBuild "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio". Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - A aceleração de build não está habilitada para este projeto. Consulte https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Aceleração de compilação copiada {0} arquivos. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} item adicionado '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} item removido '{1}' + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Verificando o arquivo de saída construído (UpToDateCheckBuilt com propriedade Original): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - O destino '{0}' não existe para a cópia de '{1}', não atualizado. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - A origem é mais recente do que o destino de saída do build, não atualizada. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Origem '{0}' não existe para construir no destino '{1}', não está atualizado. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Verificando a configuração {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Fonte '{0}' não existe para copiar para '{1}'. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - O destino '{0}' não existe, não atualizado. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Verificando {0} item + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Verificando itens para copiar para o diretório de saída: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Item com CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" origem '{1}' é mais recente que destino '{2}', não atualizado. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - A origem '{0}' não existe, não atualizada. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Comparando timestamps de entradas e saídas de marcador de cópia: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Comparando carimbo de data/hora de entradas e saídas: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Comparando carimbos de data/hora de entradas e saídas em Set="{0}": + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Verificação de atualização concluída em {0:N1} ms + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Item com origem CopyToOutputDirectory="Sempre" ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) difere do destino ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), não atualizado. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Copiando arquivos {0} para acelerar a compilação (https://aka.ms/vs-build-cecelation): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Tarefas críticas de build estão em execução, não atualizadas. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - O destino '{0}' não existe. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Destino {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - A propriedade 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' é 'true', não atualizada. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Arquivo de cópia de exceção, agendamento do MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - A verificação de atualização a gerou uma exceção. Não atualizada. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - A verificação de atualização ainda não foi executada para este projeto. Não atualizada. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - De '{0}' para '{1}'. + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Ignorando itens de verificação atualizados com Kind="{0}” + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - O marcador de entrada não existe. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - O marcador de entrada '{0}' é mais recente ({1}) do que o marcador de saída '{2}' ({3}), não atualizado. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - A entrada '{0}' ({1}) foi modificada desde o início da última compilação bem-sucedida ({2}), não atualizada. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - A entrada '{0}' é mais recente ({1}) do que a saída mais antiga '{2}' ({3}), não atualizada. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Nenhuma saída de build definida. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nenhuma saída de build definida em Set="{0}”. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Não há marcadores de entrada, ignorando a verificação de marcador. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Nenhuma entrada definida. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Nenhuma entrada definida em Set="{0}”. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Em Set="{4}", nenhuma entrada é mais recente do que a saída mais antiga '{0}' ({1}). A entrada mais recente é '{2}' ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Nenhuma entrada é mais recente do que a saída mais antiga '{0}' ({1}). A entrada mais recente é '{2}' ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - O marcador de saída '{0}' não existe, ignorando a verificação de marcador. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - A entrada '{0}' não existe, mas não é necessária. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - O item '{0}' de entrada {1} não existe, mas não é necessário. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Este projeto habilitou a aceleração de build, mas nem todos os projetos referenciados produzem um assembly de referência. Verifique se os projetos que produzem as seguintes saídas têm a propriedade MSBuild "ProduceReferenceAssembly" definida como "true": {0}. Confira https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration para obter mais informações. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - A saída '{0}' não existe, não atualizada. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Lembrando a necessidade de copiar o arquivo '{0}' para '{1}'. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - A entrada '{0}' e é necessária, não atualizada. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - O item '{0}' de entrada {1} não existe e é necessário, não atualizado. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - O conjunto de itens alterados está vazio. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - O conjunto de itens do projeto foi alterado mais recentemente ({0}) da última hora de início da última compilação bem-sucedida ({1}), não atualizada. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Ignorando a cópia do item CopyToOutputDirectory Sempre de '{0}' para '{1}' devido ao tamanho de arquivo idêntico e à hora da última gravação. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Ignorando '{0}' com Kind="{1}" + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Fonte {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - A entrada {3} do item '{0}' ({1}) foi modificada desde o início da última compilação bem-sucedida ({2}), não atualizada. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - O item '{0}' de entrada {4} é mais recente ({1}) do que a saída mais antiga '{2}' ({3}), não atualizado. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - O projeto está atualizado. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - O carimbo de data/hora de gravação no marcador de saída é {0} em '{1}'. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ru.xlf index a0d83264ba9..a2cb1140db5 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ru.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.ru.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ускорение сборки отключено для этого проекта из-за известных несовместимых ссылок на пакеты NuGet {0}. Сведения: https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Данные ускорения сборки недоступны для проекта с целью "{0}". См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - Проверка копирования элементов из проекта "{0}": + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Кажется, этот проект является кандидатом на ускорение сборки. Чтобы согласиться, задайте для свойства MSBuild "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio" значение TRUE. См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - Ускорение построения недоступно для этого проекта, так как не все проекты с транзитивной ссылкой предоставили данные ускорения. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ускорение сборки отключено для этого проекта с помощью свойства MSBuild "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio". См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Добавление маркеров копирования ссылок на входные данные: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - Добавление новейших входных данных импорта: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - Добавление входных данных {0} в Set="{1}": + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - Добавление входных данных {0}: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Добавление выходных данных {0} в Set="{1}": + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - Добавление выходных данных {0}: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ускорение сборки включено для этого проекта с помощью флага компонента. См. раздел "Инструменты | Параметры | Среда | Предварительный просмотр компонентов" для управления этим параметром. См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ускорение сборки включено для этого проекта с помощью свойства MSBuild "AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio". См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Ускорение сборки не включено для этого проекта. См. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Ускорение построения — скопировано столько файлов: {0}. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - Добавлен элемент {0}: "{1}" + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - Удален элемент {0}: "{1}" + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Проверка выходного файла построения (UpToDateCheckBuilt со свойством Original): + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - Назначение "{0}" не существует для копирования из "{1}". Обновление не выполнено. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - Источник новее, чем целевой выходной объект сборки. Обновление не выполнено. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Источник "{0}" не существует для добавления в целевой объект "{1}". Обновление не выполнено. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Проверка конфигурации {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - Источник "{0}" не существует для копирования в "{1}". + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Назначение “{0}” не существует. Обновление не выполнено. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - Проверка элемента {0} + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Проверка элементов для копирования в выходной каталог: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - Элемент с источником CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" "{1}" является более новым по сравнению с назначением "{2}". Обновление не выполнено. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Источник “{0}” не существует. Обновление не выполнено. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Сравнение меток времени входных и выходных данных маркера копирования: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Сравнение меток времени входных и выходных данных + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Сравнение меток времени входных и выходных данных в Set="{0}": + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Проверка актуальности завершена за {0:N1} мс + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - Элемент с источником CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" ("{0}" {1}, {2} байт) отличается от назначения ("{3}" {4}, {5} байт). Обновление не выполнено. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Идет копирование файлов ({0}) для ускорения сборки (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Критические задачи сборки запущены. Обновление не выполнено. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - Назначение "{0}" не существует. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - Назначение {0}: "{1}" + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - Свойству DisableFastUpToDateCheck присвоено значение true. Обновление не выполнено. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Exception при копировании файла, планирование MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - При проверке актуальности возникло исключение. Обновление не выполнено. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Для этого проекта еще не запускалась проверка актуальности. Обновление не выполнено. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Из "{0}" в "{1}". + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Пропуск элементов проверки актуальности с Kind="{0}" + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Маркер входных данных не существует. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Входной маркер "{0}" новее ({1}) выходного маркера "{2}". ({3}) обновление не выполнено. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Входные данные \"{0}\" ({1}) были изменены с начала последней успешной сборки ({2}). Обновление не выполнено. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Входные данные "{0}" новее ({1}), чем самые ранние выходные данные "{2}" ({3}). Обновление не выполнено. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Выходные данные сборки не определены. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Выходные данные сборки не определены в Set="{0}". + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Входные маркеры не существуют. Проверка маркера пропускается. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Входные данные не заданы. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Входные данные не заданы в Set="{0}". + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - В Set="{4}" нет входных данных новее, чем самые ранние выходные данные "{0}" ({1}). Самые новые входные данные: "{2}" ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Отсутствуют входные данные новее, чем самые ранние выходные данные "{0}" ({1}). Самые новые входные данные: "{2}" ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - Выходной маркер "{0}" не существует. Проверка маркера пропускается. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Входные данные "{0}" не существуют и не являются обязательными. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - Элемент "{0}" входных данных {1} не существует и не является обязательным. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - В этом проекте включено ускорение сборки, но базовая сборка создается не во всех проектах, на которые ссылается этот проект. Убедитесь, что для проектов, создающих следующие выходные данные, свойство MSBuild "ProduceReferenceAssembly" имеет значение "true": {0}. Дополнительные сведения см. на странице https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - Выходные данные "{0}" не существуют. Обновление не выполнено. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - Не забудьте скопировать файл "{0}" в "{1}". + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Входные данные "{0}" не существуют и являются обязательными. Обновление не выполнено. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - Элемент "{0}" входных данных {1} не существует и является обязательным. Обновление не выполнено. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Набор измененных элементов пуст. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Набор элементов проекта был изменен позже ({0}), чем началась последняя успешная сборка ({1}). Обновление не выполнено. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Пропуск копирования элемента CopyToOutputDirectory Always из "{0}" в "{1}" из-за одинакового размера файлов и времени последней записи. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Пропуск "{0}" с пропущенным Kind="{1}" + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Источник {0}: "{1}" + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - Элемент \"{3}\" ({0}) входных данных {1} был изменен с начала последней успешной сборки ({2}). Обновление не выполнено. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - Элемент "{0}" входных данных {4} новее ({1}), чем самые ранние выходные данные "{2}" ({3}). Обновление не выполнено. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Проект обновлен. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Метка времени записи в выходном маркере {0} в "{1}". + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.tr.xlf index f505f5b5ad2..6d28b734d7e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.tr.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.tr.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Bilinen uyumsuz {0} NuGet paketi başvuruları nedeniyle derleme hızlandırma bu proje için devre dışı bırakıldı. Şu sayfaya bakın: https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Derleme hızlandırma verileri '{0}' hedefindeki proje için kullanılamıyor. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - '{0}' projesindeki kopya öğeleri kontrol ediliyor: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Bu proje, derleme hızlandırma için aday gibi görünüyor. Kabul etmek için 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild özelliğini “true” olarak ayarlayın. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - Geçişli olarak başvurulan tüm projeler hızlandırma verileri sağlamadığından derleme hızlandırması bu proje için kullanılamıyor. + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Derleme hızlandırma, 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild özelliği aracılığıyla bu proje için devre dışı bırakıldı. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - Giriş başvurusu kopyalama işaretçileri ekleniyor: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - En yeni içeri aktarma girişi ekleniyor: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - {0} girişleri Set="{1}" içine ekleniyor: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - {0} girişleri ekleniyor: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - Set="{1}" içine {0} çıkışları ekleniyor: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - {0} çıkışları ekleniyor: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Bu proje için bir özellik bayrağı aracılığıyla derleme hızlandırma etkinleştirildi. Bu ayarı kontrol etmek için bkz. "Araçlar | Seçenekler | Ortam | Önizleme Özellikleri" seçeneğini belirleyin. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Derleme hızlandırma, 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild özelliği aracılığıyla bu proje için etkinleştirildi. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - Bu proje için derleme hızlandırma etkin değil. Bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - Derleme hızlandırması {0} dosyayı kopyaladı. + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} öğe eklendi '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} öğesi kaldırıldı '{1}' dosya yolu + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - Yerleşik çıktı (Orijinal özelliği ile UpToDateCheckBuilt) dosyası kontrol ediliyor: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - '{1}' dosya yolundan kopyalama için '{0}' hedefi yok ve güncel değil. + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - Kaynak, derleme çıkışı hedefinden daha yeni ancak güncel değil. + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - Kaynak '{0}', '{1}' hedefine derlemek için mevcut değil, güncel değil. + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - Yapılandırma denetleniyor {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - '{1}' yoluna kopyalamak için '{0}' kaynağı mevcut değil. + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - '{0}' hedefi yok ve güncel değil. + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - {0} öğe denetleniyor + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - Çıkış dizinine kopya için öğeler denetleniyor: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" kaynağı '{1}' olan öğe, '{2}' hedefinden daha yeni, güncel değil. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - '{0}' kaynağı yok ve güncel değil. + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - Kopya işaretleyici girişlerinin ve çıkışının zaman damgalarının karşılaştırılması: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - Girişlerin ve çıkışların zaman damgaları karşılaştırılıyor: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - Set="{0}" içinde giriş ve çıkışların zaman damgaları karşılaştırılıyor: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - Güncel denetim {0:N1} ms içinde tamamlandı + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" kaynağına ('{0}', {1}, {2} bayt) sahip öğe hedeften ('{3}' {4}, {5} bayt) farklı, güncel değil. + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - Derlemeyi hızlandırmak için {0} dosya kopyalanıyor (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - Kritik derleme görevleri çalışıyor ancak güncel değil. + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - '{0}' hedefi mevcut değil. + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - {0} hedefi: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' özelliği 'true' ancak güncel değil. + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - Dosya kopyalanırken özel durum oluştu, MSBuild zamanlanıyor: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - Güncel denetim bir özel durum oluşturdu ancak güncel değil. {0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - Bu proje için henüz güncel denetim çalıştırılmadı. Güncel değil. + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - Başlangıç: {0} Varış: {1} + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - Kind="{0}" ile güncel denetim öğeleri yoksayılıyor + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - Giriş işaretleyici mevcut değil. + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - '{0}' giriş işaretçisi, '{2}' çıkış işaretçisinden ({3}) daha yeni ({1}) ancak güncel değil. + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - '{0}' girişi ({1}) son başarılı derleme başlangıç zamanından ({2}) sonra değiştirildi ancak güncel değil. + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - '{0}' girişi, en erken '{2}' ({3}) çıkışından daha yeni ({1}) ancak güncel değil. + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - Derleme çıkışı tanımlanmadı. + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" içinde derleme çıkışı tanımlanmadı. + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - Giriş işaretçisi yok, işaretçi denetimi atlanıyor. + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - Giriş tanımlanmadı. + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" içinde giriş tanımlanmadı. + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - Set="{4}" içinde, en erken '{0}' ({1}) çıkışından daha yeni giriş yok. En yeni giriş '{2}' ({3}). + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - En erken '{0}' ({1}) çıkışından daha yeni giriş yok. En yeni giriş '{2}' ({3}). + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - '{0}' çıkış işaretçisi yok, işaretçi denetimi atlanıyor. + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - '{0}' girişi yok ancak gerekli değil. + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - {1} girişinin '{0}' öğesi yok ancak gerekli değil. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - Bu proje, derleme hızlandırmayı etkinleştirdi, ancak başvurulan projelerin tümü bir başvuru bütünleştirilmiş kodu üretmedi. Şu çıktıları üreten projelerin 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild özellik kümesinin 'true' olarak ayarlandığından emin olun: {0}. Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - '{0}' çıkışı yok ve güncel değil. + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - '{0}' dosyasını '{1}' yoluna kopyalama ihtiyacının hatırlanması. + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - '{0}' girişi yok ve gerekiyor ancak güncel değil. + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - {1} girişinin '{0}' öğesi yok ve gerekiyor ancak güncel değil. + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - Değiştirilen öğeler kümesi boş. + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - Proje öğeleri kümesi, son başarılı derleme başlangıç zamanından ({1}) daha yakın bir zamanda ({0}) değiştirildi ancak güncel değil. + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - Aynı dosya boyutu ve son yazma zamanı nedeniyle "CopyToOutputDirectory Always" öğesinin kopyası '{0}' yolundan '{1}' yoluna atlanıyor. + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - Yoksayılan Kind="{1}" ile '{0}' atlanıyor + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - Kaynak {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - {3} girişi '{0}' öğesi ({1}) son başarılı derleme başlangıç zamanından ({2}) sonra değiştirildi ancak güncel değil. + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - {4} girişinin '{0}' öğesi en erken '{2}' ({3}) çıkışından daha yeni ({1}) ancak güncel değil. + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - Proje güncel. + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - Çıkış işaretçisindeki yazma zaman damgası '{1}' üzerinde {0}. + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hans.xlf index bae15ff3c57..7a0ad4c5cc8 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 由于已知的 NuGet 包引用 {0} 不兼容,已为此项目禁用生成加速。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 生成加速数据不适用于目标为“{0}”的项目。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - 正在检查项目“{0}”中的复制项: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 此项目似乎是生成加速的候选项。要选择加入,请将 “AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio” MSBuild 属性设置为 “true”。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - 生成加速不适用于此项目,因为并非所有可传递引用的项目都提供了加速数据。 + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已通过 “AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio” MSBuild 属性禁用此项目的生成加速。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - 正在添加输入引用副本标记: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - 正在添加最新的导入输入: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - 正在 Set="{1}" 中添加 {0} 个输入: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - 正在添加 {0} 个输入: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - 正在 Set="{1}" 中添加 {0} 个输出: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - 正在添加 {0} 个输出: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已通过功能标志启用此项目的生成加速。请参阅“工具 | 选项 | 环境 | 预览功能”以控制此设置。参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已通过“AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio”MSBuild 属性启用此项目的生成加速。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 没有为此项目启用生成加速。请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - 生成加速已复制 {0} 文件。 + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - 已添加 {0} 项“{1}” + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - 已删除 {0} 项“{1}” + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - 正在检查生成的输出 (使用原始属性生成 UpToDateCheckBuilt )文件: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - 从'{1}'复制的目标'{0}'不存在,不是最新的。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - 源比生成输出目标新,不是最新的。 + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - 生成到目标“{1}”时,源“{0}”不存在,不是最新的。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - 正在检查配置 {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - 源“{0}”不存在,无法复制到“{1}”。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 目标 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新的。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - 正在检查 {0} 项 + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - 正在检查要复制到输出目录的项: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - 具有 CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}"源 '{1}' 的项比目标 '{2}' 更新,不是最新版本。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 源 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新的。 + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - 比较复制标记输入和输出的时间戳: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - 比较输入和输出的时间戳: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - 比较 Set="{0}" 中的输入和输出时间戳: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - 最新检查已在 {0:N1} 毫秒内完成 + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - 具有 CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" 源的项('{0}' {1},{2} 字节)不同于目标('{3}' {4},{5} 字节),不是最新版本。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - 正在复制 {0} 个文件以加速生成(https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - 关键生成任务正在运行,不是最新的。 + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - 目标“{0}”不存在。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - 目标 {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' 属性为 'true',不是最新的。 + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - 复制文件时出现异常,正在计划 MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - 最新检查引发了异常。不是最新的。{0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - 尚未为此项目运行最新检查。不是最新的。 + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - 从“{0}”到“{1}”。 + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - 正在忽略 Kind="{0}" 的最新检查项 + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - 输入标记不存在。 + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 输入标记“{0}”比输出标记“{2}”({3})更新({1}),不是最新的。 + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 自上次成功生成开始({2}) 以来,已对输入“{0}”进行了修改({1}),不是最新的。 + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 输入 '{0}' 比最早的输出 '{2}' ({3}) 新 ({1}) ,不是最新的。 + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - 未定义生成输出。 + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" 中未定义生成输出。 + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - 不存在输入标记,正在跳过标记检查。 + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - 未定义输入。 + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" 中未定义任何输入。 + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 在 Set="{4}" 中,没有比最早输出'{0}' ({1})更新的输入。最新的输入为'{2}' ({3})。 + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 输入不早于最早输出'{0}' ({1})。最新的输入为 '{2}' ({3})。 + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - 输出标记 '{0}' 不存在,正在跳过标记检查。 + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 输入'{0}'不存在,但不需要。 + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 输入{1}项'{0}'不存在,但不需要。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - 此项目已启用生成加速,但并非所有引用的项目都会生成引用程序集。确保生成以下输出的项目已将“ProduceReferenceAssembly”MSBuild 属性设置为“true”: {0}。有关详细信息,请参阅 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 输出 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新的。 + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - 请记住,需要将文件“{0}”复制到“{1}”。 + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 输入 '{0}' 不存在并且是必需的,不是最新的。 + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 输入 {1} 项'{0}'不存在且是必需的,不是最新的。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - 已更改项的集合为空。 + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - 与上次成功的生成开始时间({1})相比,最近({0})对项目项集进行了更改,不是最新的。 + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - 由于文件大小和上次写入时间相同,正在跳过 CopyToOutputDirectory Always 项从“{0}”到“{1}”的副本。 + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - 正在跳过已忽略 Kind="{1}" 的'{0}' + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - 源 {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 自上次成功生成开始({2})以来,已对输入 {3} 项“{0}”({1})进行了修改,不是最新的。 + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 输入{4}项 '{0}' 比最早输出'{1}' ({2})新 ({3}),不是最新的。 + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - 项目已是最新。 + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - 输出标记上写入时间戳为 '{1}'上的 {0}。 + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hant.xlf index b9c53a5c0ae..ae5d79f1916 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.Managed.VS/xlf/VSResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 此專案的組建加速已停用,因為已知的 NuGet 套件參考{0} 不相容。請參閱 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration has been disabled for this project due to known incompatible NuGet package reference(s) {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a comma-separated list of NuGet package names. @@ -72,357 +72,357 @@ Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 具有目標 '{0}' 的專案無法使用建置加速資料。請參閲 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration data is unavailable for project with target '{0}'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. {0} is a file path. Checking copy items from project '{0}': - 正在檢查來自專案 '{0}' 的複製項目: + Checking copy items from project '{0}': {0} is a file path. This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 此專案似乎是建置加速的候選項目。若要加入,請將 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 屬性設定為 'true'。請參閲 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + This project appears to be a candidate for build acceleration. To opt in, set the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property to 'true'. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' or 'true'. Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. - 此專案無法使用建置加速,因為並非所有可轉移參考的專案都提供加速資料。 + Build acceleration is not available for this project because not all transitively referenced projects have provided acceleration data. Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已透過 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 屬性停用此專案的建置加速。請參閲 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is disabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio. Adding input reference copy markers: - 正在新增輸入參考複製標記: + Adding input reference copy markers: Adding newest import input: - 正在新增最新的匯入輸入: + Adding newest import input: Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": - 正在 Set="{1}" 中新增 {0} 輸入: + Adding {0} inputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} inputs: - 正在新增 {0} 輸入: + Adding {0} inputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": - 正在在 Set="{1}" 中新增 {0} 輸出: + Adding {0} outputs in Set="{1}": {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is the name of the set. Adding {0} outputs: - 正在新增 {0} 輸入: + Adding {0} outputs: {0} is an MSBuild item type. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已透過功能旗標為此專案啟用建置加速。請參閱 [工具] | [選項] | [環境] | [預覽功能] 以控制此設定。請參閱 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via a feature flag. See "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" to control this setting. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. "Tools | Options | Environment | Preview Features" references UI labels that must be made to match the equivalent values in each culture. Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 已透過 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild 屬性為此專案啟用建置加速。請參閱 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is enabled for this project via the 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio' MSBuild property. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Do not translate 'AccelerateBuildsInVisualStudio'. Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. - 未針對此專案啟用建置加速。請參閱 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + Build acceleration is not enabled for this project. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration. Build acceleration copied {0} files. - 建置加速已複製 {0} 個檔案。 + Build acceleration copied {0} files. {0} is a non-zero integer. {0} item added '{1}' - {0} 項目已加入 '{1}' + {0} item added '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. {0} item removed '{1}' - {0} 項目已移除 '{1}' + {0} item removed '{1}' {0} is an MSBuild item type. {1} is a file path. Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: - 正在檢查組建的輸出 (具有原始屬性的 UpToDateCheckBuilt) 檔案: + Checking built output (UpToDateCheckBuilt with Original property) file: Do not translate UpToDateCheckBuilt or Original. Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. - 目的地 '{0}' 不存在,無法從 '{1}' 複製,不是最新狀態。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist for copy from '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. - 來源比組建輸出目的地更新,不是最新狀態。 + Source is newer than build output destination, not up-to-date. Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. - 建構到目標 '{1}' 的來源 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新狀態。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for build into target '{1}', not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are file paths. Checking configuration {0}: - 正在檢查設定 {0}: + Checking configuration {0}: {0} is a description of the project's configuration, such as "Debug|AnyCPU|net6.0". Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. - 來源 '{0}' 不存在,無法複製到 '{1}'。 + Source '{0}' does not exist for copy to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 目的地 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新狀態。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Checking {0} item - 正在簽入 {0} 項目 + Checking {0} item {0} is either the literal "PreserveNewest" or "Always", describing the policy used when copying these items to the output directory. Checking items to copy to the output directory: - 正在檢查要複製到輸出目錄的項目: + Checking items to copy to the output directory: Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. - 項目與 CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" 來源 '{1}' 比目的地 '{2}' 更新,不是最新的。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="{0}" source '{1}' is newer than destination '{2}', not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory. {0} is from an enum of valid values. {1} and {2} are file paths. Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 來源 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新狀態。 + Source '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: - 正在比較複製標記輸入和輸出的時間戳記: + Comparing timestamps of copy marker inputs and output: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: - 正在比較輸入和輸出的時間戳記: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs: Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": - 正在比較 Set="{0}" 中輸入和輸出的時間戳記: + Comparing timestamps of inputs and outputs in Set="{0}": Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms - 已在 {0:N1} 毫秒内完成最新的檢查 + Up-to-date check completed in {0:N1} ms {0} is a duration in milliseconds. "ms" refers to "milliseconds". Leave the "{0:N1}" string as-is, for correct formatting of the number. Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. - 項目與 CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" 來源 ('{0}' {1}, {2} 位元組) 不同於目的地 ('{3}' {4}, {5}位元組),不是最新的。 + Item with CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" source ('{0}' {1}, {2} bytes) differs from destination ('{3}' {4}, {5} bytes), not up-to-date. Do not translate CopyToOutputDirectory="Always". {0} and {3} are file paths. {1} and {4} are date times. {2} and {5} are byte counts. Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): - 複製 {0} 檔案以加速建置 (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): + Copying {0} files to accelerate build (https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration): {0} is an integer. Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. - 重要的組建工作正在執行,不是最新狀態。 + Critical build tasks are running, not up-to-date. Destination '{0}' does not exist. - 目的地 '{0}' 不存在。 + Destination '{0}' does not exist. {0} is a file path. Destination {0}: '{1}' - 目的地 {0}: '{1}' + Destination {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Destination" should be coordinated with the value of "Source" in FUTD_SourceFileTimeAndPath_2. The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. - 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' 屬性為 'true',不是最新狀態。 + The 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' property is 'true', not up-to-date. Do not translate 'DisableFastUpToDateCheck' or 'true'. Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} - 複製檔案時發生例外狀況,正在排程 MSBuild: {0} + Exception copying file, scheduling MSBuild: {0} Do not translate 'Exception' or 'MSBuild'. {0} is an exception message and stack trace. Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} - 最新檢查擲出例外狀況。不是最新狀態。{0} + Up-to-date check threw an exception. Not up-to-date. {0} {0} is the exception message. The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. - 此專案尚未執行最新檢查。不是最新狀態。 + The up-to-date check has not yet run for this project. Not up-to-date. From '{0}' to '{1}'. - 從 '{0}' 到 '{1}'。 + From '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" - 正在略過 Kind="{0}" 的最新檢查項目 + Ignoring up-to-date check items with Kind="{0}" Do not translate Kind. {0} is the kind name. Input marker does not exist. - 輸入標記不存在。 + Input marker does not exist. Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 輸入標記 '{0}' ({1}) 比輸出標記 '{2}' 新 ({3}),不是最新狀態。 + Input marker '{0}' is newer ({1}) than output marker '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 自上次成功建置開始 ({2}) 以來,輸入 '{0}' ({1}) 已被修改,不是最新的。 + Input '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 輸入 '{0}' 比最早的輸出 '{2}' ({3}) 新 ({1}),不是最新狀態。 + Input '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. No build outputs defined. - 未定義任何組建輸出。 + No build outputs defined. No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" 中未定義任何組建輸出。 + No build outputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. No input markers exist, skipping marker check. - 沒有輸入標記存在,正在略過標記檢查。 + No input markers exist, skipping marker check. No inputs defined. - 未定義任何輸入。 + No inputs defined. No inputs defined in Set="{0}". - Set="{0}" 中未定義任何輸入 + No inputs defined in Set="{0}". Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} is the name of the set. In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 在 Set="{4}" 中,沒有輸入比最早的輸出 '{0}' ({1}) 新。最新輸入是 '{2}' ({3})。 + In Set="{4}", no inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). Do not translate 'Set' as this name is used in code. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {4} is the name of the set. No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). - 沒有輸入比最早的輸出 '{0}' ({1}) 新。最新輸入是 '{2}' ({3})。 + No inputs are newer than earliest output '{0}' ({1}). Newest input is '{2}' ({3}). {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {2} are datetimes. Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. - 輸出標記 '{0}' 不存在,正在略過標記檢查。 + Output marker '{0}' does not exist, skipping marker check. {0} is a file path. Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 輸入 '{0}' 不存在,但並非必要項目。 + Input '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. - 輸入 {1} 項目 '{0}' 不存在,但並非必要項目。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist, but is not required. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. - 此專案已啟用建置加速功能,但並非所有參考專案都會產生參考組件。請確認產生下列輸出的專案都將 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild 屬性設定為 'true': {0}。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration。 + This project has enabled build acceleration, but not all referenced projects produce a reference assembly. Ensure projects producing the following outputs have the 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' MSBuild property set to 'true': {0}. See https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration for more information. Do not translate 'ProduceReferenceAssembly' or 'true'. Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. - 輸出 '{0}' 不存在,不是最新狀態。 + Output '{0}' does not exist, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. - 記住需要將檔案 '{0}' 複製到 '{1}'。 + Remembering the need to copy file '{0}' to '{1}'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 輸入 '{0}' 不存在且為必要項目,不是最新狀態。 + Input '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. - 輸入 {1} 項目 '{0}' 不存在且為必要項目,不是最新狀態。 + Input {1} item '{0}' does not exist and is required, not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} is an MSBuild item type. The set of changed items is empty. - 變更的專案集是空的。 + The set of changed items is empty. The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. - 專案項目集的變更比上次成功的建置開始時間 ({1}) 更近 ({0}),而不是最新的。 + The set of project items was changed more recently ({0}) than the last successful build start time ({1}), not up-to-date. {0} and {1} are datetimes. Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. - 因為檔案大小與上次寫入時間相同,所以略過 CopyToOutputDirectory Always 項目從 '{0}' 副本複製到 '{1}'。 + Skipping copy of CopyToOutputDirectory Always item from '{0}' to '{1}' due to identical file size and last write time. Do not translate 'CopyToOutputDirectory' or 'Always'. {0} and {1} are file paths. Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" - 在忽略 Kind="{1}" 的情況下略過 '{0}' + Skipping '{0}' with ignored Kind="{1}" Do not translate 'Kind' as this name is used in code. {0} is a file path. {2} is the name of the kind. Source {0}: '{1}' - 來源 {0}: '{1}' + Source {0}: '{1}' {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path. The indentation after "Source" should be coordinated with the value of "Destination" in FUTD_DestinationFileTimeAndPath_2. Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. - 自上次成功建置開始 ({2}) 以來,輸入 {3} 項目 '{0}' ({1}) 已被修改,不是最新的。 + Input {3} item '{0}' ({1}) has been modified since the last successful build started ({2}), not up-to-date. {0} is a file path. {1} and {2} are datetimes. {3} is an MSBuild item type. Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. - 輸入 {4} 項目 '{0}' 比最早的輸出 '{2}' ({3}) 新 ({1}),不是最新狀態。 + Input {4} item '{0}' is newer ({1}) than earliest output '{2}' ({3}), not up-to-date. {0} and {2} are file paths. {1} and {3} are datetimes. {4} is an MSBuild item type. Project is up-to-date. - 專案是最新狀態。 + Project is up-to-date. Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. - 輸出標記上的寫入時間戳記是 {0},'{1}'。 + Write timestamp on output marker is {0} on '{1}'. {0} is a datetime. {1} is a file path.