This course covers best practices when developing a Web application including API design, package definition, NPM interaction, unit tests and transpilers with TypeScript. The objective is to prepare an API which collects metrics to store in a database and provide access through a dashboard.
The course also makes use of usual developer tools : versioning, knowledge bases, transpilers, terminal, ...
This course requires familiarity with JavaScript development and a general knowledge of Web technologies. A reminder is done during the first class to assert that everyone has the required basics.
Prior server-side development (ex : Lamp) is a plus.
- Development of a Web API with Node.JS and Express
- Development of unit tests
- Use of Git & Github
- Theory
- Node.JS & JavaScript
- Transpilation with TypeScript
- Databases in general with a focus on key-value stores
- Web technologies (client / server, protocols, websockets, …)
- Developer’s best practices
- Production considerations