[Support/Editors] Added a TextMate bundle that adds commands and other shortcuts specific to Aphid.
[Tools] Always display Growl notifications when not building from the terminal.
[Aphid.UI.PopoverView] Visible popover view instances will now automatically dismiss when a modal view is presented.
[Aphid.UI.NavigationController] Added popToViewController and popToRootViewController methods to complement popViewController for jumping up the navigation stack.
[Aphid.Support.Object] Added convenience methods callDelegateMethod and hasDelegateMethod for calling delegate methods or checking for a valid method implemented by the delegate of an object.
[Aphid.UI.View] Views are now properly initialized with the correct superview. They are also instantiated before being connected to their outlets. This allows us to instantiate views that are not connected to an outlet.
[Aphid.UI.TabViewController] Change the data-* property that defines the view to automatically instantiate on tab elements from data-view-class to data-content-view-class. This is a backwards incompatible API change!
[Aphid.Model.CollectionProxy] Added support for appending to the collection by calling appendCollection(). This method takes the same arguments as the Aphid.Model.Base.loadCollection() method.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Optimized the reloading of data in a list view so that it no longer redraws items that were already present in the list. This also fixes an issue where reloading data from cached items would result in the cached items not being re-added to the list view after a reloadData call.
[Aphid.UI.NavigationController] Added a navigation controller that can be used to manage a stack of view controllers and handle switching between them.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added two new transitions: SlideUpTransition and SlideDownTransition.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for transitions to showAnimated and hideAnimated.
[Tools] Added support for watching changes with OSX FSEvents API by way of the rb-fsevent library. This has the distinct advantage to picking up new, removed or renamed files.
[Documentation] Added a custom documentation template for PDoc.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added scopeIdentifier() for use as a queue scope identifier with script.aculo.us' Effect class.
[Aphid.Core] Added an auto-incrementing instance counter that can be used to identify specific instances of any object that is created with the Aphid.Support.Object mixin.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added Array#sum().
[Aphid.UI.PopoverView] The PopoverView now recalculates and adjusts its position in the case of its attachedView changing position as that result of a scroll event.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added viewDidScroll callback, viewScrollOffsetDidChange delegate method and a ViewDidScrollNotification notification that are all fired when the view scroll offset changes.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for handling touch "start", "end" and "move" events.
[Aphid.UI] Removed all instances of LoadingIndicator, replacing them with the new View-based LoadingIndicatorView. This includes moving the global loading indicator to Aphid.UI.Window from Aphid.Core.Application.
[Aphid.Model] Added support for manually parsing the instance or response collections in each model class definition by defining parseCollectionResponse or parseInstanceResponse.
[Aphid.UI.ModalView] Modal views may now be dismissed by pressing the escape key.
[Tools] Added "aphid vendorize" for vendorizing Aphid in an existing Aphid project.
[Tools] When building an Aphid-based project, the toolchain will now copy Aphid from the installed location if it is not Vendored.
[Tools] Added Aphid.path and Aphid.version for returning the path to the current Aphid installation and its version, respectively.
[Tools] Added support for initializing bootstrapped projects as Git repositories and for disabling Aphid vendorization.
[Tools] Fixed an issue where template evaluation during project bootstrapping wasn't properly re-writing the evaluated template output.
[Tools] Updated YUI Compressor to 2.4.6.
[General] Many minor syntax fixes as a result of running Aphid through JSHint.
[Aphid.UI.View] Wired actions now pass the View that the action belongs to and the element that received the event to the defined action method.
[Aphid.UI.View] The View instance is now stored on the View's element instance (i.e. element.retrieve("view")).
[Aphid.UI.LoadingIndicatorView] Ported LoadingIndicator to derive from Aphid.UI.View. Both LoadingIndicator and LoadingIndicatorView are currently in place, but LoadingIndicator will be removed once integration is fully complete.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Added an optional boolean argument to removeItem that will force the removal of an item by bypassing the shouldRemoveItem callback and listViewShouldRemoveItem delegate methods.
[Aphid.UI.MatrixView] Keyboard events are now only observed with the MatrixView is focused.
[Aphid.Support.Compatibility] Added a compatibility method for Date.now(), which is not supported by Internet Explorer 8 or older.
[Aphid.Support.Compatibility] Added a compatibility method for window.stop(), which is not supported by any version of Internet Explorer.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added a "visible" read-only property that will return true if the view is: not hidden, not 100% transparent and all of its superviews are also visible.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added a "hidden" property that controls the visibility of the view. It is important to note that hidden views will not be be made visible automatically when passing the view to setView/setViewAnimated or addSubview/addSubviewAnimated, although the callbacks viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear will still be called.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added a "superviews" property that will return all of the view's superviews in order from most immediate to least immediate.
[Resources] Added a "Light Background" pattern as a lighter variation of the existing Background pattern.
[Aphid.UI.Window] Added a confirmBeforeLeaving boolean property to Window that can be set to false in order to prevent the confirmation prompt from being displayed when the user attempts to leave the application.
[Aphid.UI.PopoverView] Added support for displaying the PopoverView to the top, left and right of the attached view (in addition to the previous bottom-only support).
[Aphid.UI.View] View callbacks are no longer called if the superview that the added view is being added to is not visible. The callbacks will still be called on subviews when the superview becomes visible.
[Tools] Added support for calling an "after_publish" callback, if it is defined in the publish configuration.
[Aphid.Support.Cookie] Added setPersistent() that will set a persistent cookie (that expires in 10 years).
[Aphid.UI.Window] Added a loadResource method that will dynamically load JavaScript or CSS Stylesheets by URL.
[Aphid.Model] Model instances now post notifications after loading, reloading and destroying instances.
[Aphid.UI.View] Do not observe for or dispatch events when a view is disabled.
[Aphid.UI.ImageView] Added ImageView, a view for managing the loading and display of an image (by URL) which invokes callbacks upon a successful image load or an error.
[Aphid.UI.View] Setting or adding a subview on a view will no longer attempt to re-display the added view if the view is already a subview of the superview.
[Aphid.Model.Base] Added support for reloading models with the reload() method.
[Aphid.Model.Base] Added a call to the modelDidFailWithError delegate message when an error occurs.
[Tools] Changed publish strategy to use rsync for speed by keeping a remote cached copy of the build output so that we're only transferring what has changed when publishing a new release.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added Array#insert().
[Aphid.Model.Base] Added support for creating and destroying records.
[Aphid.Core.NotificationCenter] It is no longer possible to register multiple observers with the same signature.
[Aphid.Model.Base] Added initial support for asynchronous loading of both single instances and collections (through a new CollectionProxy object).
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Added support for passing function arguments to properties with custom getters or computed properties (i.e. foo.get("bar", { baz: "bong" })).
[Aphid.Support.Object] Added a default initializer that will apply options to the instance.
[Aphid.UI.MatrixView] Removed scrollIntoView() in favor of using the scrollToSelectedItem() method inherited from Aphid.UI.ListView.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Improved the scrollToSelectedItem() method to allow for scrolling to items in a horizontal scrolling list.
[Aphid.Class] Initializing classes with Aphid.Class will now automatically set the displayName property on each Class prototype function defined, for an improved debugging experience.
[Tools] Resources/Images will now be copied to the Build output folder, excluding any image source files (i.e. PSD, AI, etc).
[Tools] Added multiple-environment support to the publish functionality.
[Tools] Added retry support on closed connections when publishing.
[Aphid.Model] Any properties that are part of an association's URL template will now be passed automatically when initializing the association if any of those matching properties are present on the model instance that is initializing the association.
[Aphid.Model] New implementation of the model layer (only loading is supported at the moment) that fully utilizes properties and replaces proxy support with full has many and belongs to association support.
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Allow for previously undefined properties to be set with set().
[Aphid.UI.LoadingIndicator] Added minimumDisplayTime property for defining the minimum amount of time that the loading indicator should be visible (in seconds). This is used to prevent the indicator from being shown and then hidden before the animations have a chance to complete, and by default is set to 0.5s.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Made Array#compare return false if the array being compared is null.
[Skeleton] Updated the default Rakefile so that it attempts to load the Aphid Rake tasks from the vendored Aphid, if present, before attempting to load a gem-based install. If neither can be loaded, a friendly error message explaining that Aphid is missing will be displayed to the user.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added better support for parsing the various ISO 8601 date formats in String#toDate(), deferring to native browser support when available.
[Aphid.Core] Added Aphid.Class.create() as a wrapper for Prototype's Class.create() method. The Aphid version of this method automatically extends the resulting class with Aphid.Support.Properties, sets the displayName and className properties to the defined class name and adds a hook to call the "inherited(subclass)" class method on a parent class in the case of inheritance.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for handling mouseenter and mouseleave events with the handleMouseEnterEvent and handleMouseLeaveEvent callbacks.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for a layoutSubviews callback that, if implemented by a View instance, will be called after viewWillAppear and any time that the browser window is resized. This allows you to do complex layouts that need recalculation when its container dimensions change.
[Aphid.Support.Object] Added addObserver, removeObservers, removeObserver and postNotification methods to our core Object extensions so that you can simply call this.postNotification() without providing a sender (this will be inferred).
[Aphid.UI.View] Reset absolutely positioned elements to 0, 0, 0, 0 when calling setView.
[Aphid.UI.Controls] Added ButtonControl for managing a with an optional toggle state (on/off).
[Aphid.Support.Extensions.Element] Added Element#clearData() for removing a data attribute and changed all data methods to use readAttribute and writeAttribute from Prototype.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Fixed the implementation of removeItem.
[Aphid.UI.Controls.SegmentedControl] Implemented a basic segmented button control.
[Aphid.UI.ViewController] Added support for stacking view controllers with pushViewController/pushViewControllerAnimated and popViewController/popViewControllerAnimated.
[Aphid.UI.Controls.DateView] Added a date view control that will display an instance of Aphid.UI.CalendarView in a PopoverView when the field is focused.
[Aphid.UI.CalendarView] Added a calendar view to the core UI library.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions.Date] Added date#daysInMonth() and Date.daysInMonth(month, year) for getting the number of days in the given month and year.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions.Date] Added date#isSameDate(date) for comparing just the date (not the time) to a date instance.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions.Date] Added shortMonthNames and shortDayNames to Date.
[Aphid.UI.PopoverView] Implemented a "pop-over" view that allows you to display a view relative to another view in a tooltip-like pop-up.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for observing focus and blur events on Views that implement handleFocusEvent and handleBlurEvent methods.
[Aphid.UI.MatrixView] Rebased the MatrixView class on top of Aphid.UI.ListView, as to not duplicate a lot of logic and to clean up the implementation so that it better matches Aphid best practices.
[Aphid.UI.View] Implemented automatic Event observer registration (and de-registration) for any View class that implements a method to handle the event (i.e. "handleClickEvent", "handleMouseMoveEvent", etc). Events will be observed when the View appears and observers will be removed when the View disappears.
[Aphid.UI.MatrixView] Added two new configuration parameters for controlling multiple selection and drag selection support. Drag selection requires multiple selection to be enabled.
[Aphid.UI.View] Return the view from enable() and disable() so that method calls may be chained (i.e. someView.hide().disable()).
[Aphid.UI.View] Added hide() and show() for hiding or showing a view.
[Aphid.UI.Controls.SelectView] Implemented support for a
callback and aselectViewSelectionDidChange
delegate method that are called when the selection changes. -
[Aphid.UI.Window] Implemented preventTextSelection() and allowTextSelection() (from Aphid.UI.Controls.SelectView) for preventing and allowing text selection on the document. This is currently only supported by WebKit and Gecko-based browsers.
[Aphid.UI.Controls.SelectView] Added a SelectViewOption class for managing options in the SelectView. All items in a SelectView must now be an instance of SelectViewOption (this is similar to the requirements of Aphid.UI.ListView).
[Aphid.UI.TokenListView] Added a new list view subclass for listing tokens, such as filters or recipients.
[Aphid.UI.ModalView] Added a modal view class and migrated ViewController's presentModalViewController to using the new modal view class.
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Renamed "hasProperty" method to simply "has".
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Made the split view aware of the differences between modes and fixed initialization so that it sets the correct secondView position regardless of mode.
[Aphid.Model] Disabled asynchronous loading by default, for now.
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Added detection for uninitialized properties when getting or setting properties with chaining (i.e. "foo.bar.baz").
[Aphid.UI.View] Changed the behavior of _addSubview so that we add the element to the DOM and hide it with the visibility and opacity properties before calling viewWillAppear so that the viewWillAppear callback can calculate the added view's position before it appears.
[Aphid.UI.TabViewController] Disabled animation by default for new TabViewController instances.
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Added support for setting the position of the split view divider programmatically through the methods setPosition and setPositionAnimated.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] The willClearSelection and didClearSelection callback methods as well as the listViewWillClearSelection and listViewDidClearSelection delegate methods are now called when clearing the selection of a list view.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Added support for persisting the selected item index in a session cookie and restoring that selection when reloading the browser or view.
[Aphid.Support.Cookie] Added support for cookies with names that include square brackets (i.e. "ViewController[identity].property").
[Aphid.UI.View] Views are automatically assigned CSS class names for itself and all of its superclasses, based on the displayName property of each class in the view stack.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added support for transitions when setting, adding or removing views.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added a tagName property (defaults to "section") that is used to create an element for the View when a template or element is not provided during initialization.
[Aphid.UI.View] Prevented the same view from being set as the subview of a view if the view is already a subview of that view.
[Aphid.UI.SourceListView] Implemented a source list view item that acts as a divider (Aphid.UI.DividerSourceListViewItem).
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Added a notification that is posted when a split view has been resized (SplitViewControllerResizedNotification).
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Added callback and delegate calls to the split view controller.
[Aphid.Support.Object] Implemented Aphid.Support.Object for all Aphid subclasses to extend that contains support for common features, such as properties and delegates.
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Implemented the allowsResize property for allowing or disallowing user resizing of the split view.
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Significant refactoring of the Split View Controller which brought almost all of the code into Aphid.UI.SplitViewController which greatly simplifies our integration with Aphid and our subclass of Draggable from Scriptaculous.
[Vendor/Prototype] Updated to Prototype 1.7.
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Fixed persistence support for restoring the position of the split view divider upon subsequent reloads.
[Aphid.UI.TabViewController] Added support for animation when switching between tabs.
[Aphid.UI.View] Completed the implementation of the viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, viewWillDisappear and ViewDidDisappear callbacks (including tests).
[Aphid.UI.View] Fixed an issue where calling setView() with no value would throw an error instead of the desired result of simply removing the view.
[Aphid.UI.MatrixView] Initial port of MatrixView to Aphid (see matrixview.org for more details on the class).
[Aphid.UI.SourceListView] Implemented SourceListView and SourceListViewItem classes.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Initializing list views from static HTML will now honor the data-view-class attribute on
- elements for instantiating described ListViewItem subclasses.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] List views will fall back to operating on the items property when either the listViewItemCount or listViewItemForIndex delegate methods are not implemented.
[Aphid.UI.View] Views will no longer attempt to connect outlets to the view when those outlets belong to another view (as determined by a parent element with the data-view-class attribute set).
[Aphid.Support.Logger] Added persistence to the Aphid.Support.Logger#level property so that changing this property manually will persist the level for your entire session.
[Aphid.UI.View] Set default property values before applying the options hash to the View so that property setters may add subviews during initialization.
[Aphid.UI.View] Initialize views with an empty element when an element, template or outlet is not set.
[Aphid.UI.ListView] Changed list views to be positioned absolutely within their container view.
[Aphid.UI.SplitViewController] Added default styles for controllers that inherit from split views, as well as 2 additional styles: padded and borderless. The additional styles can be set by adding the padded or borderless class to the split view.
[Aphid.UI.TabViewController] Added support for lazily initializing views by specifying the data-view-class attribute on the tab Elements that make up the tab view.
[Aphid.UI.AlertView] Fixes to animation preferences when displaying and dismissing alerts as well as other minor bug fixes, improvements and tests.
[Aphid.UI.Window] Added a new property to Window (overlayVisible) for determining whether or not the overlay is currently visible as well as tests for the overlay functionality.
[Aphid.Model] Added a modelDidFailToLoad delegate method for notifying delegates of problems that arise during asynchronous loading of models.
[Aphid.UI.View] Implemented custom scrollbars for WebKit-based browsers.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Fixed ordinal suffix output in Date#strftime.
[Tools] Added support for compressing JavaScript and CSS build output using the YUI Compressor at build time.
Added a sample Apache configuration file that that is configured with the appropriate caching and compression options for serving Aphid-based applications efficiently.
[Tools] Added support for appending asset timestamps to any references found in templates or stylesheets in order to bust browser caches upon publishing new releases.
[Tools] Added support for pre-processing the new project skeleton files with Erb.
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Added support for getting or setting chained properties (i.e. foo.get("bar.baz.bong") instead of foo.get("foo").get("baz").get("bong")).
[Aphid.Support.Properties] Added support for computed properties.
[Aphid.Model] Added support for properties (Aphid.Support.Properties) on instances of Aphid.Model and changed the way that properties are declared on models from an array of keys to a hash of keys with an options hash as the value.
[Aphid.Support] Added Aphid.Support.Properties, a mixin that defines a standard accessor and setter pattern for Objects in Aphid.
[Tools] Added support for copying any files and folders under Public (in the project root) to the Build output folder during builds. This could be used for other assets (images, files, etc) that do not fit in to the normal Aphid structure.
[Tools] Added initial support for publishing the built project output of Aphid-based projects by using "rake publish" (publishing is configured in the Publish.rb file in the Aphid project root).
[General] Added support for Google Chrome Frame.
[Aphid.Core.Application] Redirect users of unsupported browsers (Internet Explorer 6 only, for now) to a page that explains that we do not support their browser and provides a list of supported browsers.
[Tools] Add or update the .buildstamp file to the Build output directory after each build and add the .buildstamp file to the list of watched files when Aphid is vendored within another application so that changes to the vendored Aphid result in a rebuild of the application.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Updated Date#strftime with a new formatting component (%z) for displaying the timezone offset (i.e. -4).
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Fixed parsing of ISO-8601 formatted dates when using String#toDate() so that it initializes the date as a UTC date.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added String#parseURI() for parsing a URI string into its various parts (i.e. protocol, host, port, path, etc).
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added support to String#toDate() for parsing strings in the ISO 8601 format.
[General] New Aphid projects no longer have an index.html file in the root of the project. Instead, the default file is located in Resources/Templates/Application.html and is output as Build/index.html when building. This file is also now observed for changes by the "watch" Rake task.
[Tools] Expanded the Aphid library for Ruby to also include most of the Rake tasks and supporting methods that can be shared by both Aphid and Aphid-based projects.
[General] Restructured the Build output folder so that it follows a similar, albeit compiled structure resembling typical Aphid project structures (i.e. Library, Resources/Images, Resources/Stylesheets, etc).
[General] Added an exception handler to all Ajax.Request instances so that exceptions thrown in callback methods are properly thrown to the user so that we no longer have cases where an error in viewDidLoad fails silently.
[Aphid.UI.Controls.SelectView] Added SelectView, a custom control that replaces HTML SELECT controls with our own custom styling and behaviors.
[Aphid.Core.Application] Alias Application.sharedInstance to $AppDelegate upon application initialization.
[Aphid.Core.Application] Initialize a shared notification center during application initialization (accessible as Application.sharedInstance.notificationCenter).
[Aphid.Core.NotificationCenter] Added NotificationCenter which provides a mechanism for broadcasting information throughout an application.
[Tools] Fixed an issue where a mis-configured Growl configuration would cause the Rake "watch" task to fail. When Growl is not configured properly, a message is displayed to the user that tells them how to resolve the problem.
[Aphid.UI.View] Improved error reporting when a template load request fails for any reason by displaying an AlertView with the error that was encountered.
[Aphid.Support.Logger] Added support for sending an object to the Logger instead of a String to use as the prefix. The logger will use the displayName property of the class as the message prefix, if available.
[Tools] Added rake tasks to support building packages and gem files.
[Tools] Added an "aphid" command-line tool that can be used to bootstrap a new Aphid application (e.g. "aphid new ProjectName").
[Skeleton] Added a skeleton project in the Skeleton directory that may be used to start new Aphid-based applications. It contains an application delegate, a view controller and a Rakefile for building the project.
[Aphid.UI.View] Changed the default load path for view templates from APPLICATION/Views to APPLICATION/Resources/Templates.
[Aphid.Model] Added support for specifying proxied attributes as a hash with the following keys: type and validate. Type would be the class name of the proxy (as a string or a literal) and validate is a boolean denoting whether or not the proxy should be validated when validate() is called on its parent model.
[Aphid.UI.View] When initializing views from outlets that are loaded from a template, add only the template wrapper's child elements to the outlet element to avoid double-wrapping the view with an element with the same DOM ID (or other characteristics).
[Aphid.Model] Fixed an issue where proxies whose attributes were either undefined or null were preventing the model instance from fully initializing.
[Aphid.Model] Fixed an issue where models that were initialized with missing attributes (as defined by the model's attribute property) were silently failing to initialize.
[Aphid.Model] Added afterInitialize() callback that is called after the model instance has finished initialization.
[Aphid.UI.View] Added Aphid.UI.View#clearSubviews() for removing all subviews of a view.
Merged a new tab view template into Aphid proper.
[Aphid.Support.Extensions] Added Array#compare() for comparing two arrays.
Reordering a sortable list now updates the order of the items in the items array on the list view to match the presented order.
List view items in sortable list views are now draggable anywhere in the element instead of just the drag handle to resolve some issues.
Initial support for validations on Aphid.Model. Models that implement the validate() method will have this method called before saving can take place. If any errors have been added to the instance using the addError() method, the save will not be performed and an error message will be displayed.
Added Array#remove(item) for removing the specified item from the array without creating a copy of the array.
Added support to Aphid.UI.ListView for tracking and selecting list view items by their index in Aphid.UI.ListView#items by referencing the selectedItemIndex and selectedItemIndexes properties and calling the selectItemAtIndex(), deselectItemAtIndex() and openItemAtIndex() methods.
Added dirty state tracking support to Aphid.Model through the new isDirty() method. Models who have had attribute values change will return true when isDirty() is called.
Added support for reloading models after they have been loaded and Aphid.Model will now automatically reload the model after it has been saved.
Added Aphid.Model#identifierAttribute for specifying the name of the attribute that should be considered the identifier for the model to be used when loading, reloading and saving.
Added a custom String#toDate extension to be used for converting dates formatted as strings to instances of Date.
Added a custom Date#strftime extension to be used for formatting dates with format strings.
Added "enabled" state management to Aphid.UI.View through the isEnabled property and the enable() and disable() methods.
Fixed issues with Aphid.UI.SplitViewController that prevented split views from being initialized when asynchronous loading is not enabled.
Renamed the
delegate method, called by Aphid.UI.View when asynchronously loaded views are initialized, toviewDidLoadAsynchronously
. -
Added support for updating elements with HTML5 tags in Internet Explorer versions less than 9.
Added support for configuring asynchronous view loading and disabled it, by default, until we have more time to test it with Internet Explorer.
Setting or adding items to an instance of Aphid.UI.ListView now honors the selection state on the items properly.
Adding list view items to Aphid.UI.ListView instances now always have their listView property set to the owning list view.
Added support for calling Aphid.Model#afterLoad() callback when implemented by a subclass.
Added Aphid.Model#save() for serializing and updating a record on a remote web service.
Added Aphid.Model#serialize() for serializing a model instance's attributes to a Hash that is suitable for initializing another instance or converting to JSON for transport to a web service.
Brought in ExplorerCanvas as a dependency for supporting HTML5 canvas in Internet Explorer and other bug fixes preventing Aphid from initializing.
Improved Aphid.UI.ListView item selection so that the selected item is always made visible in cases where it may be outside the current visible scroll position of the list view.
Added support to Aphid.UI.View for initializing views with options specified as HTML5 data-* attributes (i.e.
... will set the isEnabled property on the SomeView instance). -
Added String#attributize, a method that takes a camelized string (i.e. multipleSelectionEnabled) and returns the string in a format suitable for use with an HTML5 data-* attribute (i.e. "multiple-selection-enabled").
Fixed an issue with initializing outlets on elements that do not have child elements (such as an INPUT element).
Added support for Data Sources to Aphid.UI.ListView.
Added Aphid.UI.AlertView for displaying modal alert messages (errors, notices, etc).
Made Aphid.UI.Window a subclass of Aphid.UI.View so that it functions as part of the full view stack as the root view.
Moved overlay display responsibilities to Aphid.UI.Window, which can now be managed by using the Aphid.UI.Window#displayOverlay(), Aphid.UI.Window#displayOverlayAnimated(), Aphid.UI.Window#dismissOverlay() and Aphid.UI.Window#dismissOverlayAnimated() methods.
Added support for removing list view items with Aphid.UI.ListView#removeItem(item).
Added support for displaying placeholder messages on block elements that specify the custom data-placeholder attribute.
Added listViewShouldClearSelection (delegate method) and shouldClearSelection (callback) to Aphid.UI.ListView.
Aphid.UI.ListView now requires all list items to be instances of Aphid.UI.ListViewItem (a new subclass of Aphid.UI.View) so that the standard view hierarchy is observed. Any static list items that are present in the list when initializing from an element or template will automatically be initialized as instances of Aphid.UI.ListViewItem.
Element#setData() now returns the element so that you can use it with method chaining.
Added support for clearing the selection when you click in the empty space of an Aphid.UI.ListView instance.
Fixed an issue where selecting items in a ListView would call the listViewSelectionDidChange delegate method twice.
Added Aphid.UI.ListView#addItem(item) for adding items to a list view and fixed some issues with registering event observers and managing list sorting.
Fixed an issue where the previous selection would not have been cleared when setting new items on Aphid.UI.ListView.
Fixed model initialization so that it sets the configured attributes to null on the object when the model is not initialized with initial data so that calls to attributes do not result in "undefined".
Added default styles for items in a toolbar with the "status" CSS class.
Fixed an issue on Aphid.UI.ListView that was causing deselections to happen even when multipleSelectionEnabled was false.
Added getData and setData to Element for making the accessing and setting of HTML5 data attributes easier.
Added getMinimumWidth(), getMinimumHeight(), getMaximumWidth(), getMaximumHeight(), getBorderHeight(), getBorderWidth(), getInnerHeight(), getInnerWidth(), getOuterHeight() and getOuterWidth() to Element.
Fixed an issue where Aphid.UI.SplitViewController wasn't taking border widths/heights into account when resizing.
Allow Aphid.UI.SplitViewController to be initialized and used with a horizontal constraint.
Added support for placeholder items in ListViews. ListViews that are initialized with a list item that has the CSS class of "placeholder" will be ignored by the ListView, as if the list contained no items.
Added support for URL templates in Aphid.Model class definitions so that the record identifier can be placed anywhere in the URL, not just at the end.
Added support for proxies on attributes that contain an array of objects that should be instantiated with the configured proxy class.
Added a new abstract class for models, Aphid.Model.
Added multiple selection support to Aphid.UI.ListView. This includes the following changes:
- Added multipleSelectionEnabled property with a default value of false.
- Renamed isSortable property to sortingEnabled, for consistency.
- Added selectedItems property, which is used in place of selectedItem, when multiple selection is enabled.
- Added deselectItem(item) method for deselecting individual items when multiple selection is enabled.
- Added support for calling listViewShouldDeselectItem and listViewShouldOpenItem on delegates of Aphid.UI.ListView.
- Added support for calling shouldDeselectItem and shouldOpenItem on subclasses of Aphid.UI.ListView.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and documentation tweaks.
- Initial release.