- Frontend Book
- ES6 Cheatsheet
- ES6 Arrow Functions
- Drag & Drop With Vanilla JS
- Dark theme in a day
- prefers-color-scheme media query
- Dark Mode in CSS - prefers-color-scheme
- YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds
- window.location cheatsheet
- 40 Free HTML landing page templates
- Easing funtions
- Browser Default Styles
- Spread Syntax Three-dots - Tricks You Can Use Now
- When to use SVG and when to use Canvas
- Colorinspo - all in one resource to find everything about colors with extreme ease
- Color Hunt - Dark Color Palettes
- CSS Gradient
- Make a smooth shadow
- Flat UI Colors
- Material Flat UI Colors
- Social Media Colors 2020
- ColorSpace
- 0to255
- colors.lol
- ColorMind - color scheme generator
- Gradient Magic - Free Gallery of Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients
- SVG Backgrounds
- freepik Background Collection
- Hero Patterns - collection of repeatable SVG background patterns
- flaticon - design background of icons
- Loading Patterns
- khroma - design with colors you love
- coolors - super fast color schemes generator
- Get Waves - create SVG waves
- Gradient Hunt - platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-made color gradients
- Brad Traversy - curated list of design and UI resources
- error404
- Blush
- Smash Illustrations
- Control
- DrawKit
- Open Doodles
- Free Illustrations
- Mixkit
- Delesign
- unDraw
- Pexels
- Unsplash
- picjumbo
- pixabay
- AllTheFreeStock - links to multiple resources
- Lorem Picsum - Example photos - unsplash.it
- Material Design Icons By Community
- Font Awesome
- iconogram - all icons as separate .svg files
- IcoMoon
- Genericons
- Social Logos
- Linea Icon
- Free SVG icons for popular brands
- SVGBox - copy and paste icons
- SVG Silh - free SVG images & icons
- Streamline Icons
- [Tabler Icons](Algorithms for Decision Making)
- heroicons - beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons by the makers of Tailwind CSS
- Google Fonts
- Overpass
- Overpass Cyrillic
- glyphhanger - subsets web fonts
- Font style matcher
- FontSpark allows you to discover your next favorite font
- Web Safe Fonts
- Nunito
- GDPR Compliant Replacement for Google Fonts
https://fonts.googleapis.com/css -> https://fonts.bunny.net/css
wget https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css
cat font-awesome.min.css | openssl dgst -sha384 -binary | openssl enc -base64
- Editor.js
- Rendering
- CKEDitor 5
- tiptap
- Quill - powerful rich text editor
- Slate - completely customizable framework for building rich text editors
- 20 Days of HTML
and - Creates a disclosure widget in which information is visible only when the widget is toggled into an "open" state
- Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph (Facebook)
- Facebook and Twitter Cards Validator
- Twitter Card
- Twitter Card Validator
- iframely - Meta Validator
- Stream Webcam to Java Server with Websocket
- MediaDevices
- Screen Capture API
- Introduction to getUserMedia
- SVGOMG - GUI for optimizing SVG files
- ShrinkMe
- Squoosh - Compress your images will almost unnoticeable quality loss
- Lighthouse - analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights
- Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator
- Favicon Generator - All browsers, all platforms
- Optimizilla - Online image optimizer
- W3C Markup Validation Service
- W3C CSS Validation Service
- Test mobile site
- Majestic - Zero config GUI for Jest
- carbon - Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- Wappalyzer - Find out stack of your favorite website
- Shape Divider - Generate sleek dividers for your website
- Ucraft Logo Maker
- AppMockUp - Generate mock-ups for Android and iPhones
- Webframe - Thousands of design inspiration based on real websites
- Remove BG - Delete the background from your images
- Unscreen - remove.bg for gifs and videos
- Muffet - performant website link checker