diff --git a/content/en/docs/08.0/82_kafka.md b/content/en/docs/08.0/82_kafka.md index 7b60627b..0b52b75b 100644 --- a/content/en/docs/08.0/82_kafka.md +++ b/content/en/docs/08.0/82_kafka.md @@ -88,6 +88,17 @@ mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:{{% param "quarkusVersion" %}}:create \ -DprojectVersion=1.0.0 ``` +{{% alert color="warning" title="Quarkus DEV-UI in producer" %}} +As we do not include resteasy in your producer the producer does not have a ui at all and is not able to serve the dev-ui. If you want to use the quarkus dev-ui in your producer you have to add the following dependency to your `pom.xml`: +``` + + io.quarkus + quarkus-vertx-http + +``` +{{% /alert %}} + + Next, create the SensorMeasurement in both project. ```java @@ -152,16 +163,11 @@ mp.messaging.outgoing.data.value.serializer=io.quarkus.kafka.client.serializatio We define the connector which we are going to use to communicate, the topic in which the data will be sent to and the serializer for the value. -To check if your producer is producing data correctly, you can use the kafka container with its console utilities! Inside the kafka container you can use the script `bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh` with the parameters `--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic data --from-beginning` to read the messages inside the `data` topic. - -{{% details title="Hint" %}} - +To check if your producer is producing data correctly, you can use basic tooling available in your kafka container or use the quarkus dev-ui (remember to add the `quarkus-vertx-http` dependency in your producer). You need to find the name of your kafka container using `docker ps`. Be aware that this will only work if you are using the kafka stack and not the dev-services. ```s docker exec -it docker_kafka_1 bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic data --from-beginning ``` -{{% /details %}} - ### {{% param sectionnumber %}}.4: Consuming messages diff --git a/content/en/slides/slides.pdf b/content/en/slides/slides.pdf index f2afe62e..282ba004 100644 Binary files a/content/en/slides/slides.pdf and b/content/en/slides/slides.pdf differ