Predict Global Active Power at the time (t) given the Global Active Power measurement and other features at the prior time step(t-1)
Preprocessing steps:
• I have deleted all rows having NaN values.
• I have also deleted ‘Date’ and ‘Time’ column as the data is sorted by date-time.
• And lastly, I have shifted the ‘Global_active_power’ column to form the output label as y.
Model architecture and parameters used for training the model:
• Model is LSTM network with 100 neurons input layer and 15% dropout and 1 Dense output layer.
• Input shape for our network is = [sample_size, time_step = 1, number_of_features = 7]
• I have used ‘Adam’ optimizer with ‘mean squared error’ loss function.
• Epochs = 5
• Batch_size=128
Visualization of the comparison between the predicted and the actual values of our test dataset (300 sample from test dataset):
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