This JavaScript handbook offers a comprehensive introduction of various concepts in JavaScript. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this handbook will guide you through the world of JavaScript using clear explanations and well-commented code examples
- Array.
- Async Javascript.
- Class.
- Closure.
- Deep & Shallow.
- Design patterns.
- Double and Triple Equal.
- Equality Comparison.
- Event Listener.
- Event loop.
- High order function.
- Hoisting.
- Local and Session Storage.
- Promise.
- Property flags and descriptors.
- Prototype.
- Try & Catch.
- var & let & const.
- Variable Scoping.
- JavaScript Callback.
- JavaScript Debounced Search.
- JavaScript Interview Questions.
This project is participating in Hacktoberfest 2024!
We welcome contributions from the open-source community, by adding of new javascript topics or enhancements to the documentation. Every contribution counts toward your Hacktoberfest goal.
- Fork this repository and create a new branch.
- Find an issue to work on, or propose a new feature by opening an issue.
- Submit your pull request before October 31st to make it count for Hacktoberfest!
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Many thanks to these amazing people :
Happy Contributing! 🚀