This project is a vision based pick and place operation of 2D objects using aubo-i5 robot with intel realsense D435 depth camera.
- Ubuntu 16.04.2
- ROS Kinetic
- aubo_robot
- realsense-ros
- find_object_2d
Step 1: Install the dependencies
Install the mentioned ROS packages.
Clone the aubo_robot and realsense-ros packages to your catkin/src folder.
Install the realsense wrappers as described here
Step 2: Configure your robot
Edit the ip address your aubo robot in the aubo_gripper_moveit_config/launch/moveit.launch launch file
Step 3: Save the images of the objects
save the images of the objects needs to be picked in the train folder
Step 4: Run the launch file
launch the find_2d.launch to start the picking operation.
roslaunch pick_and_place pick_2d.launch