For each image you want to decensor, using image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP to color the areas you want to decensor the green color (0,255,0), which is a very bright green color and be sure that the picture you use has RGB color Mode not Indexed Color Mode.
I strongly recommend you use the pencil tool and NOT the brush tool.
If you aren't using the pencil tool, BE SURE TO TURN OFF ANTI-ALIASING on the tool you are using.
I personally use the wand selection tool with anti-aliasing turned off to select the censored regions. I then expand the selections slightly to completely cover the censored areas, pick the color (0,255,0), and use the paint bucket tool on the selected regions.
To expand selections in Photoshop, do Selection > Modify > Expand or Contract.
To expand selections in GIMP, do Select > Grow.
Save these images in the PNG format to the "decensor_input" folder. They MUST be in PNG format.
Decensor the images by double-clicking on the decensor file.
Decensor the images by running
$ python
Decensored images will be saved to the "decensor_output" folder. Decensoring takes a few minutes per image.
As with decensoring bar censors, perform the same steps of coloring the censored regions green and putting the colored image into the "decensor_input" folder.
In addition, move the original, uncolored images into the "decensor_input_original" folder. Ensure each original image has the same names as their corresponding colored version in the "decensor_input" folder.
For example, if the original image is called "mermaid.jpg," then you want to put this image in the "decensor_input_original" folder and, after you colored the censored regions, name the colored image "mermaid.png" and move it to the "decensor_input" folder.
Decensor the images by double-clicking on the decensor_mosaic file.
Decensor the images by running
$ python
Decensored images will be saved to the "decensor_output" folder. Decensoring takes a few minutes per image.
To be implemented.
If you have difficulties getting DeepCreamPy to decensor, go here.