- BNB V3 - proposal payloads
🤝 permission granting or revoking
This proposal registers the Aave Chan Initiative wallet as Emission Manager for fdUSD on BNB Chain Aave V3 in order to promote growth and expand the user base of Aave on the BNB Chain.
- proposalId: 29
- creator: 0x57ab7ee15ce5ecacb1ab84ee42d5a9d0d8112922
- accessLevel: 1
- ipfsHash: 0x9312b025853064cf395dbf32add123bdd419b0216457d59fd3941db89890c814
createProposal() parameters
"payloads": [
"chain": "56",
"accessLevel": 1,
"payloadsController": "0xE5EF2Dd06755A97e975f7E282f828224F2C3e627",
"payloadId": "4"
"votingPortal": "0x9b24C168d6A76b5459B1d47071a54962a4df36c3",
"ipfsHash": "0x9312b025853064cf395dbf32add123bdd419b0216457d59fd3941db89890c814"
Proposal report
Payload reports
We have verified that the payload registers the Aave Chan Initiative wallet as Emission Manager for fdUSD on BNB Chain Aave V3.
The proposal is consistent with the description on both Snapshot and the governance forum.
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ BGD reviewed the payload before the proposal was submitted.
✅ Certora reviewed the procedure followed to submit the proposal.