🛡️ safety-module
💳 funds-allowance
This proposal aims to extend the allowance of AAVE for safety incentives on the Aave Safety Module for two years at the current emission.
- id: 82
- creator: 0xf71fc92e2949ccf6a5fd369a0b402ba80bc61e02
- executor: 0xee56e2b3d491590b5b31738cc34d5232f378a8d5
- targets: [0x83fba23163662149b33dbc05cf1312df6dcba72b]
- values: [0]
- signatures: [execute()]
- calldatas: [0x]
- withDelegatecalls: [true]
- startBlock: 14955661
- endBlock: 14974861
- strategy: 0xb7e383ef9b1e9189fc0f71fb30af8aa14377429e
- ipfsHash: 0x495a8adb28587f0b208aaa0fcb19686c15cd344e5d360480220b0d2f1ff86694
BGD has submitted this proposal, and the proposal's payload HERE does the following:
- Through the controller smart contract of the AAVE ecosystem's reserve, resets the allowance of AAVE to 0 for both stkAAVE and stkABPT.
- Via the same controller, sets the allowance of AAVE to 401'500 (emission per second * 2 years) for both stkAAVE and stkABPT. 2 years was chosen for a good equilibrium of not-so-frequent update, and still keeping some funds' isolation.
The technical implementation of the proposal and tests can be found here
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ Only one payload used via delegatecall
✅ BGD wrote the payload.
✅ With BGD writing the payload, at least another party reviewed it.