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ARIAC simulation setup with TB3 as a testbench for PCL modules with LiDAR and Intel Realsense d435 Depth Camera

Module Reference:


The simulation environment of TurtleBot3 in Gazebo using the ARIAC factory floor world can be used via the ariac_tb3 package.


Realsense D435 camera plugins Two packages realsense_gazebo_plugin and realsense2_description are used for the D435 camera plugin. To setup individually,

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-camera
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-description

To run a unit test on whether the camera is working fine standalone, source your workspace and then,

roslaunch realsense2_description view_d435_model_rviz_gazebo.launch


To spawn tb3 in ariac standalone:

roslaunch ariac_tb3 turtlebot_ariac.launch

I have modified URDF xacros for the TurtleBot BURGER model, not WAFFLE_PI. Ensure that the TURTLEBOT3 model is set to BURGER.

To launch TB3(Burger) with the Intel Realsense D435 depth camera mounted on it,

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger;roslaunch ariac_tb3 turtlebot3_D435_ariac.launch

Ground Plane Segmentation

The package groundplane_segmentation is used to segment the ground plane from the point cloud obtained from the D435 depth camera on the TurtleBot3. Configure the parameters in groundplane_segmentation/config/params.yaml:

ROS Topics:

LIDAR_TOPIC_SUBSCRIBE: Topic to subscribe the Point Cloud from.

SEG_PUB: Topic on which to publish the segmented Point Cloud.

Modes: To publish the point cloud without the ground, toggle the param bool_display_groundplane in params.yaml Set false to remove the inliers AKA ground points, and keep the rest of the points.

bool_display_groundplane = true bool_display_groundplane = false
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Segmentation Parameters for tuning:

MAX_HEIGHT: # Max height upto which points above the ground plane are considered part of the ground plane.


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FLOOR_MAX_ANGLE: # Angle between the XY plane at the cameras height and it's optical plane. 
(Angle at which the camera pitches down)
bool_filter_ground: Toggle to enable groundplane segmentation.


While the simulation is up and running,

roslaunch groundplane_segmentation groundplane_seg.launch

PointCloud Clustering