–css option for specifying additional stylesheets
copy related CSS attributes to HTML (inspired by github.com/peterbe/premailer/commit/c4f2634a99fc5005011ffde54ae0336ea1497ef5)
ignore spaces around links in HREFs
new bin/premailer script
added missing htmlentities depenency to gemspec (thanks to github.com/usefulthink )
fixed handling of unspecified <link> media types
* improved plaintext conversion
* released to GitHub * fixed handling of mailto links * various minor updates
* bugfix (http://code.google.com/p/premailer/issues/detail?id=1 and http://code.google.com/p/premailer/issues/detail?id=2) thanks to Russell Norris * bugfix (http://code.google.com/p/premailer/issues/detail?id=4) thanks to Dave Holmes
* preview release of Ruby gem
* incremental parsing improvements * respect <tt>@media</tt> rule (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html#at-media-rule) * better quote escaping
* separate CSS parser into its own library * handle <tt>background: red url(%2F58BAAT%2FAf9jgNErAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC);</tt> * preserve <tt>:hover</tt> etc... in head styles
* respect <tt>LINK</tt> media types * better style folding * incremental parsing improvements
* proper calculation of selector specificity per CSS 2.1 spec * support for <tt>@import</tt> * preliminary support for shorthand CSS properties (<tt>margin</tt>, <tt>padding</tt>) * preliminary separation of CSS parser
* ported web interface to eRuby * incremental parsing improvements
* initial proof-of-concept * PHP web version
* complete shorthand properties support (<tt>border-width</tt>, <tt>font</tt>, <tt>background</tt>) * UTF-8 and other charsets (test page: http://kianga.kcore.de/2004/09/21/utf8_test) * make warnings for <tt>border</tt> match <tt>border-left</tt>, etc... * Integrate CSS validator * Remove unused classes and IDs