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Georg Haaser edited this page Jul 16, 2014 · 11 revisions


Aardvark is a rendering / visualization system developed at the VRVis Research Center. Since parts of our framework might be helpful for other visualization projects we decided to make them open-source. We would of course also be very happy to see other people contributing to the libraries. The Repository currently only holds our base-library (Aardvark.Base) and will be extended with other libraries in the future.


This project contains datatypes and algorithms commonly used in computer graphics. A short list of included features:

  • basic vector/matrix/color/range types
  • transformation utilities (quaternions, ...)
  • geometric primitives (e.g. triangle, polygon, line, etc.)
  • efficient tensor library (Vector, Matrix, Volume, Tensor4)
  • sorting algorithms (dual-pivot quick sort, timsort, etc.)
  • minimum spanning tree / shortest path / etc.
  • polynomial solver / LU-Factorization / QR-Factorization
  • and many more
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