diff --git a/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Aardvark.Base.FSharp.fsproj b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Aardvark.Base.FSharp.fsproj
index c20eedf1..e7509294 100644
--- a/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Aardvark.Base.FSharp.fsproj
+++ b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Aardvark.Base.FSharp.fsproj
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Interop/FSLibExtensions.fs b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Interop/FSLibExtensions.fs
index ae5b3897..0086c027 100644
--- a/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Interop/FSLibExtensions.fs
+++ b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Interop/FSLibExtensions.fs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
namespace Aardvark.Base
#nowarn "9"
-#nowarn "51"
open System
open FSharp.NativeInterop
@@ -391,229 +390,6 @@ module NiceUtilities =
| (true, v) -> Some v
| _ -> None
-module NativeUtilities =
- open System.Runtime.InteropServices
- open Microsoft.FSharp.NativeInterop
- let private os = System.Environment.OSVersion
- let private notimp() = raise <| NotImplementedException()
- ///
- /// MSVCRT wraps memory-functions provided by msvcrt.dll on windows systems.
- ///
- module internal MSVCRT =
- open System
- open System.Runtime.InteropServices
- []
- extern nativeint private memcpy_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern int private memcmp_internal(nativeint ptr1, nativeint ptr2, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern nativeint private memset_internal(nativeint ptr, int value, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern nativeint private memmove_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
- let memcpy(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memcpy_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
- let memcmp(ptr1 : nativeint, ptr2 : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memcmp_internal(ptr1, ptr2, size)
- let memset(ptr : nativeint, value : int, size : unativeint) =
- memset_internal(ptr, value, size) |> ignore
- let memmove(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memmove_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
- ///
- /// LibC wraps memory-functions provided by libc on linux systems.
- ///
- module internal LibC =
- open System
- open System.Runtime.InteropServices
- []
- extern nativeint private memcpy_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern int private memcmp_internal(nativeint ptr1, nativeint ptr2, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern nativeint private memset_internal(nativeint ptr, int value, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern nativeint private memmove_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
- []
- extern int private uname_intern(nativeint buf);
- let mutable osname = null
- let uname() =
- if isNull osname then
- let ptr : nativeptr = NativePtr.stackalloc 8192
- if uname_intern(NativePtr.toNativeInt ptr) = 0 then
- osname <- Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NativePtr.toNativeInt ptr)
- else
- failwith "could not get os-name"
- osname
- let memcpy(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memcpy_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
- let memcmp(ptr1 : nativeint, ptr2 : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memcmp_internal(ptr1, ptr2, size)
- let memset(ptr : nativeint, value : int, size : unativeint) =
- memset_internal(ptr, value, size) |> ignore
- let memmove(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
- memmove_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
- []
- module PlatformStuff =
- let (|Windows|Linux|Mac|) (p : System.OperatingSystem) =
- match p.Platform with
- | System.PlatformID.Unix ->
- if LibC.uname() = "Darwin" then Mac
- else Linux
- | System.PlatformID.MacOSX -> Mac
- | _ -> Windows
- []
- module NativeInt =
- let memcpy (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcpy(dst, src, unativeint size)
- | _ -> LibC.memcpy(dst, src, unativeint size)
- let memmove (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memmove(dst, src, unativeint size)
- | _ -> LibC.memmove(dst, src, unativeint size)
- let memset (dst : nativeint) (value : int) (size : int) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memset(dst, value, unativeint size)
- | _ -> LibC.memset(dst, value, unativeint size)
- let memcmp (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcmp(dst, src, unativeint size)
- | _ -> LibC.memcmp(dst, src, unativeint size)
- let inline read<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) =
- NativePtr.read (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr)
- let inline write<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (value : 'a) =
- NativePtr.write (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) value
- let inline get<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (index : int) =
- NativePtr.get (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) index
- let inline set<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (index : int) (value : 'a)=
- NativePtr.set (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) index value
- type Marshal with
- static member Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcpy(destination, source, length)
- | _ -> LibC.memcpy(destination, source, length)
- static member Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memmove(destination, source, length)
- | _ -> LibC.memmove(destination, source, length)
- static member Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : unativeint) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memset(memory, value, length)
- | _ -> LibC.memset(memory, value, length)
- static member Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
- match os with
- | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcmp(destination, source, length)
- | _ -> LibC.memcmp(destination, source, length)
- static member Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
- Marshal.Copy(source, destination, unativeint length)
- static member Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
- Marshal.Move(source, destination, unativeint length)
- static member Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : int) =
- Marshal.Set(memory, value, unativeint length)
- static member Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
- Marshal.Compare(source, destination, unativeint length)
- static member inline Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
- Marshal.Copy(source, destination, unativeint length)
- static member inline Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
- Marshal.Move(source, destination, unativeint length)
- static member inline Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : 'a) =
- Marshal.Set(memory, value, unativeint length)
- static member inline Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
- Marshal.Compare(source, destination, unativeint length)
- let pinned (a : obj) f =
- let gc = GCHandle.Alloc(a, GCHandleType.Pinned)
- try
- f ( gc.AddrOfPinnedObject() )
- finally
- gc.Free()
-module MarshalDelegateExtensions =
- open System.Runtime.InteropServices
- open System.Collections.Concurrent
- let private pinnedDelegates = ConcurrentDictionary()
- type PinnedDelegate internal(d : Delegate, ptr : nativeint) =
- member x.Pointer = ptr
- member x.Dispose() = pinnedDelegates.TryRemove d |> ignore
- interface IDisposable with
- member x.Dispose() = x.Dispose()
- type Marshal with
- static member PinDelegate(d : Delegate) =
- let ptr = pinnedDelegates.GetOrAdd(d, fun _ -> Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate d)
- new PinnedDelegate(d, ptr)
- static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b) =
- Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b>(f))
- static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) =
- Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b, 'c>(f))
- static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) =
- Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(f))
module ConversionHelpers =
diff --git a/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Native.fs b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Native.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30a225e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Utilities/Native.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+namespace Aardvark.Base
+#nowarn "9"
+open System
+open System.Runtime.InteropServices
+open FSharp.NativeInterop
+module NativeUtilities =
+ let private os = System.Environment.OSVersion
+ ///
+ /// MSVCRT wraps memory-functions provided by msvcrt.dll on windows systems.
+ ///
+ module internal MSVCRT =
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memcpy_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern int private memcmp_internal(nativeint ptr1, nativeint ptr2, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memset_internal(nativeint ptr, int value, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memmove_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
+ let memcpy(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memcpy_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
+ let memcmp(ptr1 : nativeint, ptr2 : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memcmp_internal(ptr1, ptr2, size)
+ let memset(ptr : nativeint, value : int, size : unativeint) =
+ memset_internal(ptr, value, size) |> ignore
+ let memmove(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memmove_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
+ ///
+ /// LibC wraps memory-functions provided by libc on linux systems.
+ ///
+ module internal LibC =
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memcpy_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern int private memcmp_internal(nativeint ptr1, nativeint ptr2, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memset_internal(nativeint ptr, int value, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern nativeint private memmove_internal(nativeint dest, nativeint src, UIntPtr size);
+ []
+ extern int private uname_intern(nativeint buf);
+ let mutable osname = null
+ let uname() =
+ if isNull osname then
+ let ptr : nativeptr = NativePtr.stackalloc 8192
+ if uname_intern(NativePtr.toNativeInt ptr) = 0 then
+ osname <- Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NativePtr.toNativeInt ptr)
+ else
+ failwith "could not get os-name"
+ osname
+ let memcpy(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memcpy_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
+ let memcmp(ptr1 : nativeint, ptr2 : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memcmp_internal(ptr1, ptr2, size)
+ let memset(ptr : nativeint, value : int, size : unativeint) =
+ memset_internal(ptr, value, size) |> ignore
+ let memmove(target : nativeint, source : nativeint, size : unativeint) =
+ memmove_internal(target, source, size) |> ignore
+ []
+ module PlatformStuff =
+ let (|Windows|Linux|Mac|) (p : System.OperatingSystem) =
+ match p.Platform with
+ | System.PlatformID.Unix ->
+ if LibC.uname() = "Darwin" then Mac
+ else Linux
+ | System.PlatformID.MacOSX -> Mac
+ | _ -> Windows
+ []
+ module NativeInt =
+ let memcpy (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcpy(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ | _ -> LibC.memcpy(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ let memmove (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memmove(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ | _ -> LibC.memmove(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ let memset (dst : nativeint) (value : int) (size : int) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memset(dst, value, unativeint size)
+ | _ -> LibC.memset(dst, value, unativeint size)
+ let memcmp (src : nativeint) (dst : nativeint) (size : int) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcmp(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ | _ -> LibC.memcmp(dst, src, unativeint size)
+ let inline read<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) =
+ NativePtr.read (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr)
+ let inline write<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (value : 'a) =
+ NativePtr.write (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) value
+ let inline get<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (index : int) =
+ NativePtr.get (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) index
+ let inline set<'a when 'a : unmanaged> (ptr : nativeint) (index : int) (value : 'a)=
+ NativePtr.set (NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'a> ptr) index value
+ type Marshal with
+ static member Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcpy(destination, source, length)
+ | _ -> LibC.memcpy(destination, source, length)
+ static member Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memmove(destination, source, length)
+ | _ -> LibC.memmove(destination, source, length)
+ static member Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : unativeint) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memset(memory, value, length)
+ | _ -> LibC.memset(memory, value, length)
+ static member Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : unativeint) =
+ match os with
+ | Windows -> MSVCRT.memcmp(destination, source, length)
+ | _ -> LibC.memcmp(destination, source, length)
+ static member Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
+ Marshal.Copy(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ static member Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
+ Marshal.Move(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ static member Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : int) =
+ Marshal.Set(memory, value, unativeint length)
+ static member Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : int) =
+ Marshal.Compare(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ static member inline Copy(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
+ Marshal.Copy(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ static member inline Move(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
+ Marshal.Move(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ static member inline Set(memory : nativeint, value : int, length : 'a) =
+ Marshal.Set(memory, value, unativeint length)
+ static member inline Compare(source : nativeint, destination : nativeint, length : 'a) =
+ Marshal.Compare(source, destination, unativeint length)
+ let pinned (a : obj) f =
+ let gc = GCHandle.Alloc(a, GCHandleType.Pinned)
+ try
+ f ( gc.AddrOfPinnedObject() )
+ finally
+ gc.Free()
+module MarshalDelegateExtensions =
+ open System.Collections.Concurrent
+ let private pinnedDelegates = ConcurrentDictionary()
+ type PinnedDelegate internal(d : Delegate, ptr : nativeint) =
+ member x.Pointer = ptr
+ member x.Dispose() = pinnedDelegates.TryRemove d |> ignore
+ interface IDisposable with
+ member x.Dispose() = x.Dispose()
+ type Marshal with
+ static member PinDelegate(d : Delegate) =
+ let ptr = pinnedDelegates.GetOrAdd(d, fun _ -> Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate d)
+ new PinnedDelegate(d, ptr)
+ static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b) =
+ Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b>(f))
+ static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) =
+ Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b, 'c>(f))
+ static member PinFunction(f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) =
+ Marshal.PinDelegate(Func<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(f))
\ No newline at end of file