Programs for COP 3514 Lectures are in their own folder.
- pointer_exercise_5_1_1
- pointer_exercise_5_1_2
- max_pointers_6.1.c
- find_largest_return_pointer_6_1.c (video: 53:54)
- find_middle_6_1.c
- find_two_largest_6_2.c (video: 1:00)
- ternary.c (video: 10:00) - Demo of the ternary operator in C and pointers.
- pointer_arithmetic_6_2.c (Video 12:09-58:56) - This one has extensive notes and extra examples.
- compare_array_6_2.c (video: 59:00)
- find_elements_6_2.c (Video 105:30)
- class_7_1.c (draft version) (video: near beginning of video)
- store_zeros_7_1.c (video: 47:14)
command_line_arguments_8_2.c - Demo of basics of processing command line arguments.
p2_20.c - Problem 20 with notes.
Please note that the notes for the first lecture are not complete but the notes for Lecture 2 are. The notes for Lecture 2 are more useful for Project 6 so I finished them.
- canopen.c - checks is a file can be opened (video: 14:00)
- fcopy.c - copies the content of one file, file1, to another, file2. Usage: ./a.exe file1 file2
- my_cat - prints contents of a file to stdout
- dumbbells.c - uses the file dumbbells.txt to demonstrate opening a file to access and process information on that file. (18:32)
- read_animals_csv.c - demonstrates reading a file line by line using conversion specifiers to skip commas. (45:45)
- grades.c - demonstrates writing to a file. (59:30)
- selection_sort.c - opens a file, numbers.txt, reads the numbers in the file to an array, sorts the array, and writes the sorted numbers to a another file. (1:01:38)
- structures - all of the introductory structure concepts in one program! (9:00 - 38:00)
- colors.c - an application that uses a structure to store and change color information (38:00 - 49:00)
- My Notes
- link_list.c - a complete example based on the lectures. Includes append, add_sorted, and delete_from_list with examples.
Located in misc_programs/practice_test_2
- p2_1.c - Problem 1 and Problem 2 with notes.
- p2_3.c - Problem 3 with notes.
- p2_4.c - Problem 4 with notes.
- p2_5.c - Problem 5 with notes.
- p2_6.c - Problem 6 with notes.
- p2_7.c - Problem 7 with notes.
- p2_8.c - Problem 8 with notes.
- p2_9.c - Problem 9 with notes.
- p2_10.c - Problem 10 with notes.
- p2_11.c - Problem 11 with notes.
- p2_12.c - Problem 12 with notes.
- p2_13.c - Problem 13 with notes.
- p2_14.c - Problem 14 with notes.
- p2_15.c - Problem 15 with notes.
- p2_16.c - Problem 16 with notes.
- p2_17.c - Problem 17 with notes.
- p2_18.c - Problem 18 with notes.
- p2_19.c - Problem 19 with notes.
- chapter_22.c - Notes and programs from Chapter 22 on Input/Output