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⚡️ serverless plugin for microservice code management and deployment.


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Serverless M


Serverless M (or Serverless Modular) is a plugin for the serverless framework. This plugins helps you in managing multiple serverless projects with a single serverless.yml file. This plugin gives you a super charged CLI options that you can use to create new features, build them in a single file and deploy them all in parallel

Currently this plugin is tested for the below stack only

  • AWS
  • NodeJS λ
  • Rest API (You can use other events as well)


Make sure you have the serverless CLI installed

# Install serverless globally
$ npm install serverless -g

Getting Started

To start the serverless modular project locally you can either start with es5 or es6 templates or add it as a plugin

ES6 Template install

# Step 1. Download the template
$ sls create --template-url --path myModularService

# Step 2. Change directory
$ cd myModularService

# Step 3. Create a package.json file
$ npm init

# Step 3. Install dependencies
$ npm i serverless-modular serverless-webpack webpack --save-dev

ES5 Template install

# Step 1. Download the template
$ sls create --template-url --path myModularService

# Step 2. Change directory
$ cd myModularService

# Step 3. Create a package.json file
$ npm init

# Step 3. Install dependencies
$ npm i serverless-modular --save-dev

If you dont want to use the templates above you can just add in your existing project

Adding it as plugin

  - serverless-modular

Now you are all done to start building your serverless modular functions

API Reference

The serverless CLI can be accessed by

# Serverless Modular CLI
$ serverless modular

# shorthand
$ sls m

Serverless Modular CLI is based on 4 main commands

  • sls m init
  • sls m feature
  • sls m function
  • sls m build
  • sls m deploy

init command

sls m init

The serverless init command helps in creating a basic .gitignore that is useful for serverless modular.

The basic .gitignore for serverless modular looks like this


#sm main functions

#serverless file generated by build

#main serverless directories generated for sls deploy

#feature serverless directories generated sls deploy

#serverless logs file generated for main sls deploy

#serverless logs file generated for feature sls deploy

#Webpack config copied in each feature

feature command

The feature command helps in building new features for your project

options (feature Command)

This command comes with three options

--name: Specify the name you want for your feature

--remove: set value to true if you want to remove the feature

--basePath: Specify the basepath you want for your feature, this base path should be unique for all features. helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

options shortcut required values default value
--name -n string N/A
--remove -r true, false false
--basePath -p string same as name

Examples (feature Command)

Creating a basic feature
# Creating a jedi feature
$ sls m feature -n jedi
Creating a feature with different base path
# A feature with different base path
$ sls m feature -n jedi -p tatooine
Deleting a feature
# Anakin is going to delete the jedi feature
$ sls m feature -n jedi -r true

function command

The function command helps in adding new function to a feature

options (function Command)

This command comes with four options

--name: Specify the name you want for your function

--feature: Specify the name of the existing feature

--path: Specify the path for HTTP endpoint helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

--method: Specify the path for HTTP method helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

options shortcut required values default value
--name -n string N/A
--feature -f string N/A
--path -p string same as name
--method -m string 'GET'

Examples (function Command)

Creating a basic function
# Creating a cloak function for jedi feature
$ sls m function -n cloak -f jedi
Creating a basic function with different path and method
# Creating a cloak function for jedi feature with custom path and HTTP method
$ sls m function -n cloak -f jedi -p powers -m POST

build command

The build command helps in building the project for local or global scope

options (build Command)

This command comes with four options

--scope: Specify the scope of the build, use this with "--feature" tag

--feature: Specify the name of the existing feature you want to build

options shortcut required values default value
--scope -s string local
--feature -f string N/A
Saving build Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

      scope: local

Examples (build Command)

all feature build (local scope)
# Building all local features
$ sls m build
Single feature build (local scope)
# Building a single feature
$ sls m build -f jedi -s local
All features build global scope
# Building all features with global scope
$ sls m build -s global

deploy command

The deploy command helps in deploying serverless projects to AWS (it uses sls deploy command)

options (deploy Command)

This command comes with four options

--sm-parallel: Specify if you want to deploy parallel (will only run in parallel when doing multiple deployments)

--sm-scope: Specify if you want to deploy local features or global

--sm-features: Specify the local features you want to deploy (comma separated if multiple)

options shortcut required values default value
--sm-parallel true, false true
--sm-scope local, global local
--sm-features string N/A
--sm-ignore-build string false
Saving deploy Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

      scope: local
      parallel: true
      ignoreBuild: true

Examples (deploy Command)

Deploy all features locally
# deploy all local features
$ sls m deploy
Deploy all features globally
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-scope global
Deploy single feature
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-features jedi
Deploy Multiple features
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side
Deploy Multiple features in sequence
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy  --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side --sm-parallel false

remove command

The remove command helps in removing serverless projects from AWS (it uses sls remove command)

options (remove Command)

This command comes with four options

--sm-parallel: Specify if you want to remove parallel (will only run in parallel when doing multiple removals)

--sm-scope: Specify if you want to remove local features or global

--sm-features: Specify the local features you want to remove (comma separated if multiple)

options shortcut required values default value
--sm-parallel true, false true
--sm-scope local, global local
--sm-features string N/A
Saving remove Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

      scope: local
      parallel: true

Examples (remove Command)

Remove all features locally
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove
Remove all features globally
# remove all global features
$ sls m remove --sm-scope global
Remove single feature
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove --sm-features jedi
Remove Multiple features
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side
Remove Multiple features in sequence
# remove all local features in sequence
$ sls m remove  --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side --sm-parallel false


  • Amin Ahmed Khan - Project Creator - aa2kb


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