diff --git a/_projects/en/board-heroes-battle.md b/_projects/en/board-heroes-battle.md
index c3fb1d4..198dd6a 100644
--- a/_projects/en/board-heroes-battle.md
+++ b/_projects/en/board-heroes-battle.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: page
title: Board Heroes Battle
description: Augmented reality turn based board game for the Android platform
img: assets/img/projects/BoardHeroesBattle_unreal_castle.jpg
-importance: 3
+importance: 4
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/connect-the-pops-clone.md b/_projects/en/connect-the-pops-clone.md
index cecba49..d27c718 100644
--- a/_projects/en/connect-the-pops-clone.md
+++ b/_projects/en/connect-the-pops-clone.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Connect The Pops Clone
description: Clone of popular android game Connect The Pops from Popcorn
img: assets/img/projects/connects_the_pops.jpg
-importance: 4
+importance: 5
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/crafter.md b/_projects/en/crafter.md
index d9f36b9..135ce75 100644
--- a/_projects/en/crafter.md
+++ b/_projects/en/crafter.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Crafter
description: Project of a game in which a basic item crafting system has been implemented in Unity
img: assets/img/projects/crafter_equipment.png
-importance: 4
+importance: 6
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/garage-flipper.md b/_projects/en/garage-flipper.md
index 65e19a5..0ec0827 100644
--- a/_projects/en/garage-flipper.md
+++ b/_projects/en/garage-flipper.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Garage Flipper
description: Simulator game where you can become builder and renovator of garages and car repair shops.
img: assets/img/projects/garage-flipper.jpg
-importance: 1
+importance: 2
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/ludo-just-chill-out.md b/_projects/en/ludo-just-chill-out.md
index db0ae23..7cda6c0 100644
--- a/_projects/en/ludo-just-chill-out.md
+++ b/_projects/en/ludo-just-chill-out.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Ludo - Just Chill Out
description: Ludo board game made in Unity
img: assets/img/projects/ludo_screen1.jpg
-importance: 1
+importance: 2
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/night-catcher.md b/_projects/en/night-catcher.md
index a42ca33..9b82211 100644
--- a/_projects/en/night-catcher.md
+++ b/_projects/en/night-catcher.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Night Catcher
description: Skill based mobile game for Android made in Unity
img: assets/img/projects/night_catcher.png
-importance: 3
+importance: 4
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/polygangs.md b/_projects/en/polygangs.md
index 8d75b69..58aa72b 100644
--- a/_projects/en/polygangs.md
+++ b/_projects/en/polygangs.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Polygangs
description: Gangster simulator in a Polish city from the 90s.
img: assets/img/projects/polygangs.jpg
-importance: 2
+importance: 3
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/en/steve-the-hamster.md b/_projects/en/steve-the-hamster.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12f20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_projects/en/steve-the-hamster.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+page_id: steve-the-hamster
+layout: page
+title: Steve The Hamster
+description: It is a heartwarming, action-packed game filled with fun challenges and a delightful sense of humor, all brought to life with Unreal Engine 5.
+img: assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_logo.png
+importance: 1
+category: game-dev
+## Project Description
+Steve the Hamster is a 3D arcade-puzzle game where players take control of a hamster navigating through a transparent ball. The goal is to complete a series of levels filled with puzzles, obstacles, and enemies to escape the house. The game combines dynamic action with logical elements, offering unique challenges in each location.
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_1.png" title="Example board" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
Test scene where implemented mechanics were evaluated.
+The project was developed as part of the final assignment for the Unreal Engine Game Development Course and was completed by a four-person team in a game jam style. My primary roles in the project included:
+- Implementing animations for the main character (the hamster).
+- Developing NPC behavior systems.
+- Programming game logic using Blueprints in Unreal Engine.
+- Managing the project, coordinating team efforts, and ensuring the schedule was met.
+Steve the Hamster is available on the itch.io platform, where everyone can experience this exciting and adventurous game. The project not only provided an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with Unreal Engine but also fostered teamwork and effective project management, guiding the game from concept to completion.
+## Technologies and Mechanics
+During the development of the project, I used a variety of tools and technologies available in Unreal Engine, which allowed me to create advanced mechanics and a cohesive game environment. Here are the key elements I implemented:
+- **Behavior Trees**
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_3.png" title="Behavior trees for NPCs" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
Using the Behavior Tree system, I implemented the intelligence of NPC enemies. This allowed enemies to react to the player's actions in real-time, such as tracking the player, avoiding obstacles, or patrolling designated areas.
+- **Basic Input-Driven Animations**
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_animations.png" title="Animation control - Blueprint" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
I implemented character animations by animating transformations (e.g., position and rotation) of objects combined with user input. This made the hamster’s movement smooth and responsive, greatly enhancing the gameplay experience.
+- **Dialogue System**
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue.png" title="In-game dialogue" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
{% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue2.png" title="Dialogue implementation - Blueprint" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
I created a system to display the hamster’s dialogues in the game. This feature allows players to better understand the story and interact with the environment in a fun and accessible way.
+- **User Interface (UI) Design**
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_menu.png" title="User interface - Graphics settings" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
I developed the game interface using Unreal Engine widgets. It includes intuitive menus and a notification system. Additionally, I created a custom graphical settings system, enabling players to adjust the visual quality to their preferences.
+- **Level Design and Development**
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_kitchen.png" title="Kitchen level" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
I designed the game levels with my colegues by combining Blueprint functionality with custom C++ code. This enabled the creation of interactive environmental elements, such as traps, movable objects, and mechanisms that respond to player actions.
+Each of these elements presented a significant challenge and simultaneously offered an opportunity to gain practical experience and deepen my knowledge of game design. I am proud of creating mechanics that enriched the gameplay and made it more engaging.
diff --git a/_projects/pl/board-heroes-battle.md b/_projects/pl/board-heroes-battle.md
index d4b21fc..799959e 100644
--- a/_projects/pl/board-heroes-battle.md
+++ b/_projects/pl/board-heroes-battle.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: page
title: Board Heroes Battle
description: Gra w rozszerzonej rzeczywistości na platformę Android
img: assets/img/projects/BoardHeroesBattle_unreal_castle.jpg
-importance: 3
+importance: 4
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/pl/connect-the-pops-clone.md b/_projects/pl/connect-the-pops-clone.md
index fe9507e..34ac159 100644
--- a/_projects/pl/connect-the-pops-clone.md
+++ b/_projects/pl/connect-the-pops-clone.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Klon gry Connect the pops!
description: Klon gry na platformę android o nazwie Connect The Pops!
img: assets/img/projects/connects_the_pops.jpg
-importance: 4
+importance: 5
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/pl/crafter.md b/_projects/pl/crafter.md
index 37cdaba..654a191 100644
--- a/_projects/pl/crafter.md
+++ b/_projects/pl/crafter.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Crafter
description: Projekt gry, w której został zaimplementowany podstawowy system tworzenia przedmiotów w Unity
img: assets/img/projects/crafter_equipment.png
-importance: 4
+importance: 6
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/pl/ludo-just-chill-out.md b/_projects/pl/ludo-just-chill-out.md
index 6b5ff36..74be245 100644
--- a/_projects/pl/ludo-just-chill-out.md
+++ b/_projects/pl/ludo-just-chill-out.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Ludo - Just Chill Out
description: Implmentacja słynnej gry w Chińczyka zrobiona w Unity
img: assets/img/projects/ludo_screen1.jpg
-importance: 1
+importance: 2
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/pl/night-catcher.md b/_projects/pl/night-catcher.md
index 7ed2af9..7c412f8 100644
--- a/_projects/pl/night-catcher.md
+++ b/_projects/pl/night-catcher.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: page
title: Night Catcher
description: Zręcznościowa gra mobilna zrobiona w Unity
img: assets/img/projects/night_catcher.png
-importance: 3
+importance: 4
category: game-dev
diff --git a/_projects/pl/steve-the-hamster.md b/_projects/pl/steve-the-hamster.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e165d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_projects/pl/steve-the-hamster.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+page_id: steve-the-hamster
+layout: page
+title: Steve The Hamster
+description: Jest to ciepła, pełna akcji gra wypełniona zabawnymi wyzwaniami i zachwycającym poczuciem humoru, a wszystko to ożywione dzięki silnikowi Unreal Engine.
+img: assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_logo.png
+importance: 1
+category: game-dev
+## Opis Projektu
+Steve the Hamster to zręcznościowo-logiczna gra 3D, w której gracze wcielają się w chomika poruszającego się w przezroczystej kuli. Celem gry jest pokonanie serii poziomów pełnych zagadek, przeszkód i wrogów, aby wydostać się z domu. Gra łączy dynamiczną akcję z elementami logicznymi, oferując unikalne wyzwania w każdej lokacji.
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_1.png" title="example board" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+ Scena testowa, na której były testowane zaimplementowane mechaniki.
+Projekt powstał jako część końcowego zadania w ramach kursu Unreal Engine Game Development i został zrealizowany w czteroosobowym zespole w stylu game jamu. Moje główne role w projekcie obejmowały:
+- Implementację animacji postaci głównej (chomika).
+- Tworzenie systemów zachowań przeciwników.
+- Programowanie logiki gry z wykorzystaniem Blueprints w Unreal Engine.
+- Zarządzanie projektem, koordynowanie prac zespołu i dbanie o realizację harmonogramu.
+Steve the Hamster jest dostępny na platformie itch.io, gdzie każdy może spróbować swoich sił w tej pełnej przygód grze. Projekt był nie tylko okazją do zdobycia praktycznego doświadczenia w zakresie Unreal Engine, ale także do współpracy zespołowej i skutecznego zarządzania procesem tworzenia gry od pomysłu aż po ukończenie.
+## Wykorzystane technologie i mechaniki
+Podczas pracy nad projektem wykorzystałem różnorodne narzędzia i technologie dostępne w Unreal Engine, które pozwoliły mi stworzyć zaawansowane mechaniki oraz spójne środowisko gry. Oto kluczowe elementy, które zrealizowałem:
+- **Drzewa zachowań**:
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_3.png" title="drzewa zachowań dla npc" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+Korzystając z systemu Behavior Trees, zaimplementowałem inteligencję przeciwników NPC. Dzięki temu wrogowie reagują na działania gracza w czasie rzeczywistym, np. śledzą go, omijają przeszkody lub patrolują określone obszary.
+- **Podstawowe animacje sterowane inputem**:
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_animations.png" title="sterowanie anmiacją - obraz blueprintu" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+Zaimplementowałem animacje postaci poprzez animowanie transformacji (np. pozycji i obrotów) obiektów w połączeniu z wejściem użytkownika. Dzięki temu ruch chomika stał się płynny i responsywny, co znacznie poprawiło wrażenia z gry.
+- **System dialogów**:
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue.png" title="dialog w grze" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue2.png" title="implementacja dialogu - blueprint" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+Stworzyłem mechanizm umożliwiający wyświetlanie dialogów chomika w grze. Ten element pozwala graczom lepiej zrozumieć fabułę i wchodzić w interakcje z otoczeniem w sposób zabawny i przystępny.
+- **Tworzenie interfejsu użytkownika (UI)**:
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_menu.png" title="interfejs użytkownika-ustawienia graficzne" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+Wdrożyłem interfejs gry przy użyciu widgetów Unreal Engine. Zawiera on intuicyjne menu oraz system powiadomień. Dodatkowo opracowałem niestandardowy system ustawień graficznych, który umożliwia graczom dostosowanie jakości obrazu do ich preferencji.
+- **Projektowanie i budowa poziomów**:
+ {% include figure.liquid path="assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_kitchen.png" title="poziom kuchni" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" zoomable=true %}
+Opracowałem poziomy gry razem z kolegami, łącząc możliwości Blueprintów z pisaniem własnego kodu w C++. Dzięki temu stworzyłem interaktywne elementy środowiska, takie jak pułapki, przesuwane obiekty czy mechanizmy reagujące na działania gracza.
+Każdy z tych elementów był dla mnie istotnym wyzwaniem, a jednocześnie okazją do zdobycia praktycznego doświadczenia i pogłębienia mojej wiedzy w zakresie projektowania gier. Jestem dumny, że udało mi się stworzyć mechaniki, które wzbogaciły rozgrywkę i uczyniły ją bardziej angażującą.
diff --git a/_sass/_projects.scss b/_sass/_projects.scss
index 13e079d..cd73c4d 100644
--- a/_sass/_projects.scss
+++ b/_sass/_projects.scss
@@ -3,3 +3,9 @@
color: var(--global-theme-color);
+.post {
+ .links {
+ padding-bottom: 30px;
+ }
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_1.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d920d
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_1.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_2.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6f5f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_2.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_3.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe32d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_3.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_animations.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_animations.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cfd8f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_animations.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cacce63
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f3b47
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_dialogue2.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_kitchen.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_kitchen.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b553b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_kitchen.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_logo.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bef76c
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_logo.png differ
diff --git a/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_menu.png b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_menu.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b8cb0
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/projects/steve_the_hamster_menu.png differ