Whenever you do a search in Zimbra Web Client, results also include plain/text attachments. Normally xml files are not shown in the result. This patch shows you how to enable Zimbra to include XML files in the search result.
Reference: https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Disable_Indexing_for_Specific_File_Types
Before doing this, make a backup from ldap, and try on a test server first. Use at your own risk, without warranty of any kind. Analyse and store the result of this command:
su - zimbra
source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars
ldapsearch -x -H $ldap_master_url -D $zimbra_ldap_userdn -w $zimbra_ldap_password -b "cn=config,cn=zimbra" (zimbraMimeHandlerClass=*)"
The result is around 6 mime types that are registered, and XML is not one of them. Create /tmp/xml.ldif with the following content:
dn: cn=application/xml,cn=mime,cn=config,cn=zimbra
cn: application/xml
objectclass: zimbraMimeEntry
zimbraMimeIndexingEnabled: TRUE
zimbraMimeType: application/xml
zimbraMimeFileExtension: xml
zimbraMimeHandlerClass: TextPlainHandler
description: Search in XML as if it was text
Then add this to Zimbra LDAP:
zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password
ldapadd -x -h `zmhostname` -D uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra -W -f /tmp/xml.ldiff
Verify the change with ldapsearch and then restart Zimbra with zmcontrol restart. You will probably need to re-do this on every upgrade of Zimbra (aka after you run the Zimbra installer).