- By Using Annotations @AnnotationSettings & @RootDirectoryPath
- By Using Gradle Plugin
- Mindustry
- @Component
- @EntityDef
- @Import
- @MethodPriority
- @Replace
- @SyncField
- @SyncLocal
- @ReadOnly
internal annotation@BaseComponent
internal annotation@EntityInterface
internal annotation@Final
unused- @GroupDef
- MindustryModCore
- Mindustry
Indicates multiple inheritance on a component type.
Example with generating base class for this component:
@Component(base = true)
abstract class BuildingComp /*implements <...>*/{
Example without generating base class for this compoent:
abstract class PosComp implements Position{
Indicates an entity definition.
Available params:
Class[] value
- list of component interfaces -
boolean isFinal
- Whether the class is final -
boolean pooled
- If true, entities are recycled. -
boolean serialize
- Whether to serialize (makes the serialize method return this value).If
, this entity is automatically put into save files. Iffalse
, no serialization code is generated at all. -
boolean genio
- Whether to generate IO code. This is for advanced usage only. -
boolean legacy
- Whether I made a massive mistake by merging two different class branches
@EntityDef(value = {Buildingc.class}, isFinal = false, genio = false, serialize = false)
@Component(base = true)
abstract class BuildingComp /*implements <...>*/{
Indicates that a component field is imported from other components. This means it doesn't actually exist.
Example(importing x
and y
from PosComp):
abstract class VelComp implements Posc{
float x, y;
Indicates priority of a method in an entity. Methods with higher priority are done last.
abstract class BuildingComp /*implements <...>*/{
public void heal(){
Indicates that a method overrides other methods. Example:
public abstract class WorldLabelComp implements Posc, Drawc, Syncc{
public float clipSize(){
return text.length() * 10f * fontSize;
Indicates that a field will be interpolated when synced.
Example where x
will be linearly interpolated:
@SyncField(true) float x
Example where angle
will be interpolated as angle:
@SyncField(false) float angle
Example where x
will be clammed after interpolation:
@SyncField(value=___,clamped=true) float x
Indicates that a field will not be read from the server when syncing the local player state. Example:
abstract class PosComp implements Position{
float x, y;
Indicates that a component field is read-only. Example:
abstract class PlayerComp implements UnitController, Entityc, Syncc, Timerc, Drawc{
Unit unit = Nulls.unit;
Creates a group that only examines entities that have all the components listed.
package mindustry.entities;
import mindustry.annotations.Annotations.*;
import mindustry.gen.*;
class GroupDefs<G>{
@GroupDef(value = Entityc.class)
G all;
@GroupDef(value = Playerc.class, mapping = true)
G player;
@GroupDef(value = Bulletc.class, spatial = true, collide = true)
G bullet;
@GroupDef(value = Unitc.class, spatial = true, mapping = true)
G unit;
@GroupDef(value = Buildingc.class)
G build;
@GroupDef(value = Syncc.class, mapping = true)
G sync;
@GroupDef(value = Drawc.class)
G draw;
@GroupDef(value = Firec.class)
G fire;
@GroupDef(value = Puddlec.class)
G puddle;
@GroupDef(value = WeatherStatec.class)
G weather;
@GroupDef(value = WorldLabelc.class, mapping = true)
G label;
@GroupDef(value = PowerGraphUpdaterc.class)
G powerGraph;
The return statement of a method with this annotation will not be replaced.
Example component:
abstract class ExampleComp implements Entitic{
int id;
void update(){
if(id % 2 == 0){
Generated class
public class Example implements Examplec, Entityc{
public void update(){
/*code before*/
if(id % 2 == 0){
/*code after*/
Generated class without @GlobalReturn
public class Example implements Examplec, Entityc{
public void update(){
/*code before*/
if(id % 2 == 0){
break examplec;
/*code after*/
Ignores implementations from selected components for current method
Example component:
abstract class ExampleComp implements Velc, Entityc{
void update(){
/*come code*/
Generated class
public class Example implements Examplec, Velc, Entityc{/*<...>*/
public void update(){
/*come code*/
Generated class without @IgnoreImplementation
public class Example implements Examplec, Velc, Entityc{
public void update(){
if(!net.client() || isLocal()){
float px = x;
float py = y;
move(vel.x * Time.delta, vel.y * Time.delta);
if(Mathf.equal(px, x)) vel.x = 0;
if(Mathf.equal(py, y)) vel.y = 0;
vel.scl(Math.max(1.0F - drag * Time.delta, 0));
Selects implementations for current method
Example component:
abstract class ExampleComp implements Velc, Healthc, Entityc{
void update(){
/*come code*/
Generated class
public class Example implements Examplec, Velc, Healthc, Entityc{/*<...>*/
public void update(){
if(!net.client() || isLocal()){
float px = x;
float py = y;
move(vel.x * Time.delta, vel.y * Time.delta);
if(Mathf.equal(px, x)) vel.x = 0;
if(Mathf.equal(py, y)) vel.y = 0;
vel.scl(Math.max(1.0F - drag * Time.delta, 0));
/*come code*/
Generated class without @UseOnlyImplementation
public class Example implements Examplec, Velc, Healthc, Entityc{
public void update(){
if(!net.client() || isLocal()){
float px = x;
float py = y;
move(vel.x * Time.delta, vel.y * Time.delta);
if(Mathf.equal(px, x)) vel.x = 0;
if(Mathf.equal(py, y)) vel.y = 0;
vel.scl(Math.max(1.0F - drag * Time.delta, 0));
hitTime -= Time.delta / hitDuration;
/*come code*/
Marks the component method that should have an implementation of another method
Example component:
abstract class ExampleComp implements Velc, Entityc{
int id;
@SuperMethod(parentName = "update")
abstract void globalUpdate();
void update(){
if(id % 3 == 0){
id += 4;
Generated class
public class Example implements Examplec, Velc, Entityc{
public void globalUpdate(){
if(!net.client() || isLocal()){
float px = x;
float py = y;
move(vel.x * Time.delta, vel.y * Time.delta);
if(Mathf.equal(px, x)) vel.x = 0;
if(Mathf.equal(py, y)) vel.y = 0;
vel.scl(Math.max(1.0F - drag * Time.delta, 0));
public void update(){
if(id % 3 == 0){
id += 4;
Replaces internal implementation for InternalImpl methods such as write, read, add, etc.
Example usage:
abstract class ExampleComp implements Velc, Entityc{
void writeSync(Writes write){
void readSync(Reads read){
Automatically loads block regions annotated with this.
Available params:
String value
- The region name to load. Variables can be used:"@"
-> block name"@expression"
-> index number, for arrays
int length
- 1D Array length, if applicable.int[] lengths
- 2D array lengths.String fallback
-The fallback region name to load. Variables can be used:"@"
-> block name"@expression"
class Block{
public @Load("@-team") TextureRegion teamRegion;
Registers a logic statement for auto serialization.
Available params:
String value
- String name
Example (mindustry.logic.LStatements)
- Marks a class as a special value type struct. Class name must end in 'Struct'.
- Marks a field of a struct. Optional
Available params for @StructField
int value
- Size of a struct field in bits. Not valid on booleans or floating point numbers. ExampleStruct
static class DisplayCmdStruct{
public byte type;
public int x, y, color;
Generated class
public class DisplayCmdStruct{
public static final long bitMaskType = (long)(0b0000000000000000000000000000001111L);
public static final long bitMaskX = (long)(0b0000000000000000000011111111110000L);
public static final long bitMaskY = (long)(0b0000000000111111111100000000000000L);
public static final long bitMaskColor = (long)(0b1111111111000000000000000000000000L);
public static byte type(long displaycmd) {
return (byte)((displaycmd >>> 0) & (long)0b0000000000000000000000000000001111L);
public static long type(long displaycmd, byte value) {
return (long)((displaycmd & (~(long)0b0000000000000000000000000000001111L)) | ((long)value << 0L));
public static int x(long displaycmd) {
return (int)((displaycmd >>> 4) & (long)0b0000000000000000000000001111111111L);
public static long x(long displaycmd, int value) {
return (long)((displaycmd & (~(long)0b0000000000000000000011111111110000L)) | ((long)value << 4L));
public static int y(long displaycmd) {
return (int)((displaycmd >>> 14) & (long)0b0000000000000000000000001111111111L);
public static long y(long displaycmd, int value) {
return (long)((displaycmd & (~(long)0b0000000000111111111100000000000000L)) | ((long)value << 14L));
public static int color(long displaycmd) {
return (int)((displaycmd >>> 24) & (long)0b0000000000000000000000001111111111L);
public static long color(long displaycmd, int value) {
return (long)((displaycmd & (~(long)0b1111111111000000000000000000000000L)) | ((long)value << 24L));
public static long get(byte type, int x, int y, int color) {
return (long)((((long)type << 0L) & (long)0b0000000000000000000000000000001111L) | (((long)x << 4L) & (long)0b0000000000000000000011111111110000L) | (((long)y << 14L) & (long)0b0000000000111111111100000000000000L) | (((long)color << 24L) & (long)0b1111111111000000000000000000000000L));
Marks a method as invokable remotely across a server/client connection.
Available params:
Loc value
(where) - Specifies the locations from which this method can be invoked.IMPORTANT if you selected
yor first param must bemindustry.gen.Player player
Variant variants
(target) -Specifies which methods are generated. Only affects server-to-client methods. -
Loc called
(local) - The local locations where this method is called locally, when invoked. -
boolean forward
- Whether to forward this packet to all other clients upon receival. Client only. -
boolean unreliable
- Whether the packet for this method is sent with UDP instead of TCP. UDP is faster, but is prone to packet loss and duplication. -
PacketPriority priority
- Priority of this event.
public class ExampleClass{
public static void remoteExample(int id,long data){
//some code
public static void remoteExample(Player player,int id,long data){
//some code
Starts the generation for assets' classes such as Tex, Music, Sounds etc.
Generates YourPrefixDependencies class to verify the validity of dependencies Use YourPrefixDependencies.valid() for checking
Indicates the main class and writes it to mod.(h)json file
Sets rootDirectory path
Sets AnnotationSettings