This repository contains all of the assignments and lab exercises and exams and slides for all of the computer electives I completed at UNSW.
I hope that it will serve as a reference for future students who may find it inspiring.
Please make sure to never copy my code directly, it will only result in you being punished by the university and then failing the course!
COMP1511 Programming Fundamentals
COMP1521 Computer Systems Fundamentals
COMP1531 Software Engineering Fundamentals
COMP2041 Software Construction: Techniques and Tools
COMP2511 Object-Oriented Design & Programming
COMP2521 Data Structures and Algorithms
COMP3121 Algorithms and Programming Techniques
COMP3141 Software Sys Des&Implementat'n
COMP3231 Operating Systems
COMP3311 Database Systems
COMP3331 Computer Networks and Applications
COMP3411 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3900 Computer Science Project
COMP4920 Management and Ethics
COMP6080 Web Front-End Programming
COMP6447 System and Software Security Assessment
COMP6733 Internet of Things Experimental Design Studio
COMP6771 Advanced C++ Programming
COMP6841 Extended Security Engineering and Cyber Security
COMP6991 Solving Modern Programming Problems with Rust