This is a Django Web App that is meant to help Nightingale (my female bestie) to hunt the passcode of a certain combination lock with 3 digits put on the box that contains her birthday gift. (Her birthday is on September 13th! I have only about 15 days to complete this project (deadline would be August 30th, then) so that I can wrap up the gift and send it to her in time! We live in different states - I would have to speedpost it to her.)
The link to this web app (most probably, hosted on Azure) would be converted into a QR code for her to scan, pasted on the gift box, I would be sending her. She would then be able to access this web app on her phone or PC, and start hunting for the passcode. It would have 3 interactive puzzles for her to solve, and solving each puzzle successfully would reveal to her one digit of the three. Of course, with some fun messages from my side.
This is a picture puzzle, where the picture is sliced into 9 pieces, and the pieces are shuffled. She would have to slide the pieces around to put the picture back together. The picture would be a picture of her in red saree (the very first saree pic she had shared with me and I had completely gone "Flipped and Fallen" which also happens to be the title of the poem I wrote on seeing that picture of her).
This is a crossword puzzle, where the clues are riddles. She would have to solve the riddles to get the words that would fit into the crossword. The riddles would be related and based on some significant events in our friendship.
This is a puzzle that I have not yet decided on. I would be adding it later. For now, I have thought about a Hangman Game where she would have to guess the letters of a word, related to her in some way or to our friendship. If that doesn't work, I have decided to simply make a form for her to fill up about herself and her interests (also telling her that would be a test of how well she knows herself and that I have the answers so, she should answer honestly). This would be a dummy puzzle that would reveal the third digit of the passcode and tell her that this data was being taken so I could know her better for a gifting next year. ;)
The home page of the Web App would simply wish her happy birthday and welcome her to the app. It would also contain introduction about what the web app is and starting instructions.
This page would contain the slider picture puzzle. It would have the picture sliced into 9 pieces, shuffled. It would also have a timer that would start as soon as she opens the page. The timer would be stopped as soon as she solves the puzzle. It would also have a button to reveal the first digit of the passcode, once she solves the puzzle. It would also have a button to go to the next puzzle as well as a back button to go to the previous page. However, this previous button would be disabled as it is the first puzzle she's solving. This page would also contain specific instructions for her to solve the puzzle.
This page would contain the crossword puzzle. It would have the crossword and the clues along with the instructions for the puzzle. It would also have a timer that would start as soon as she opens the page. The timer would be stopped as soon as she solves the puzzle. It would also have a button to reveal the second digit of the passcode, once she solves the puzzle. It would also have a button to go to the next puzzle as well as a back button to go to the previous page.
This page would contain the third puzzle. It would have the puzzle and the instructions for the puzzle. Here, next button would be disabled.
The said timer in each puzzle is only for fun and doesn't have any significance yet. I might add some significance to it later.
This page would solely be for her to enter the passcode in the same order she found them and verify the passcode. After verification, she would be led to the next letter page. If the passcode is wrong, she would be given two more chances to enter the correct passcode. If she fails to enter the correct passcode in the third attempt, she would be shown a message telling her that the passcode is wrong and the right passcode would be shown to her.
This page would contain a letter from my side, wishing her happy birthday and telling her how much she means to me. It would be the same letter I would have handwritten and kept along with the earrings and anklet, all of which would be kept inside the locker box.
A simple thank you page.
We need to make sure the the app is mobile-responsive since there's a good chance she might access it via a smartphone after scanning the QR code.