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spladug edited this page Oct 11, 2012 · 10 revisions

Here at reddit, we use the slightly batty and entirely made up Beauty Salon Code Review Method™. This consists of a few beauty-related emoji that we use to indicate states of the review process. Those emoji are, in roughly the order they'd be seen in review:

  • 💅 -- by a reviewer: "I've finished my review pass and am awaiting your responses."
  • 💇 -- by the author: "I've responded or made appropriate changes and am ready for further review."
  • 🐟 -- by a reviewer: "I think this pull request is ready for merging."

The bot that runs in the #reddit-dev IRC channel will announce to the channel any time these symbols are used during review of a pull request. This helps remind us that there's stuff to do. You'll probably see us use these symbols during review of your pull requests, please feel free to use the appropriate ones in response.

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