Important: It should go without saying that anytime you are asked to create an account you should ALWAYS:
- Make sure to use a professional username/handle. We recommend the username incorporates your name.
- Be sure to add an appropriate avatar (picture or image) to your profile.
Consider a password manager like enpass or lastpass to manage all of your accounts. (This way you can keep track of your Admin password for MySQL, which I guarantee you will otherwise forget.)
The best bet for this course is to just use the built-in Mac password manager on the laptop.
get BlueJ from
- Visit Slack's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Sign in to the zcw workspace.
- Visit Discord's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Join the ZCW Active Cohort channel.
- Visit and create an account.
- make sure you choose a business friendly username.
Use your spiffy new business gmail account to create an iCloud account (if you don't already have one from your iPhone). Even if you're an andoid-head, use iCloud for certain things when you're using Apple products. You can always login later on iCloud to access stuff from windoze or android.
- Visit and signup for an account.
- Command (or Cmd) ⌘ - Space bar to open the Spotlight search field.
- Type "Terminal".
- Press Enter.
- Open Finder
- Navigate to /Applications/Utilities/
- Double click on
Using Terminal, issue the following command:
git --version
This should return the a line similar (or an even later version) to:
git version 2.21.1 (Apple Git-122.3)
You may need run the following in order to install git along with other various command line tools.
xcode-select --install
- Using terminal,
- Visit
- Follow the directions under "Install Homebrew".
- Visit Oracle's download page for the Oracle JDK.
- Download the dmg for Java JDK 1.8.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Visit JetBrains' download page for IntelliJ.
- Download the dmg for the Community version for Mac.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Visit Postgresapp's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Vist pgAdmin's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Visit MySQL's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Visit MySQL's download page.
- Download the dmg for the latest release.
- Use the downloaded dmg to install the application.
- Visit Postman's download page.
- Download the latest version (zip).
- Drag and drop the application to the /Applications folder.