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Use the 'Haptic Pancake Bridge' app

Z4urce edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

1. Download the app

Find the newest version on the Releases page. Download the .exe file from there.

2. Run the app

You can either execute the downloaded .exe file or run the BridgeApp/ using Python.

⚠️ A false positive virus alert may happen when executing the .exe file. (I don't really know why, but I'm investigating the case) Please use Python to run BridgeApp/ in this case.

3. Setting up your trackers

⚠️ The app requires SteamVR running in the background to be able to communicate with the trackers.

Match the trackers with the declared parameters. You can press the 'Test' button to send them a short vibration.


  • Vibration Intensity: Defines the pulse length sent to trackers in ms.
  • Vibration Pattern: Introduces variety into the vibration and prevents drifting. You can chose from several proximity and velocity based patterns.
  • OSC Address: Should be /avatar/parameters + the parameter you added to your avatar
  • Intensity Multiplier: Allows you to set different vibration intensity to different trackers
  • Test button: Sends a half second long pulse to the tracker

Everything should work now as intended. Enjoy!

4. Troubleshooting

  • Does the Test button work?
    • No - Try increasing the multiplier. If nothing changes, the motor does not seem to be connected to the tracker. Check contacts once again.
    • Yes - If the Test button works, but you don't feel anything, try different patterns with different intensities. If this yields no result, check the OSC Listener's address and port. VRChat's default is at 9001 so unless you are using an OSC Bridge, this should definitely work. The only thing that can be faulty after this is your avatar's parameters. Please double check them in the json file found in your AppData foler.