You can support this project in various ways.
- Issues: You can open issues to this project for a feature request or a bug fix
- Get in touch
You can get in touch with us via Twitch, YouTube, E-Mail or just in Gitlab - Follow / Subscribe
You can follow us on Twitter, YouTube or Twitch - Supporter
You can be a supporter on Patreon
You can apply for participating in this project or just fork this repository to
make your own Bot you just need to take care of the original Licening conditions
If you're participating in this project you can work on issues which are:
- Approved and assigned to you
Issues are onyl approved and assigned by authorized personel only
Isssues can be colosed by anyone if the issues is successfully tested.
Updates are only merged via merge requests and only by authorized members only.
Before a Merge request is merged all related issues needs to be successfuly
tested and marked as such.
Afterwards they will be emrged in to the current master branch.
For testing purpose Hurby can be launched in a dev mode via python3 ./ dev
This will enabled various loggings and also make the bot silence eg. it will not
responde in any way by an enduser accesible. Such as IRC Chats, Telegram Channels,
Twitter eg.
Further more a devmode Hurby will used it own configurations files located in:
which is an one to one copy of the original files.