goja 是一个 Go 实现的 ECMAScript 5.1(+)。
它不是 V8 或 SpiderMonkey 或任何其他通用 JavaScript 引擎的替代品,因为它更慢。它可以作为一种嵌入式脚本语言使用,或者可以作为避免非 Go 相关性的一种方式。
灵感来源于 otto 。完全支持 ECMAScript 5.1,通过几乎所有用 es5id 标记的 tc39 测试,平均比 otto 快6-7倍,同时使用相当少的内存。
**Call ID映射。**我们怎么告诉远程机器我们要调用Multiply,而不是Add或者FooBar呢?在本地调用中,函数体是直接通过函数指针来指定的,我们调用Multiply,编译器就自动帮我们调用它相应的函数指针。但是在远程调用中,函数指针是不行的,因为两个进程的地址空间是完全不一样的。所以,在RPC中,所有的函数都必须有自己的一个ID。这个ID在所有进程中都是唯一确定的。客户端在做远程过程调用时,必须附上这个ID。然后我们还需要在客户端和服务端分别维护一个 {函数 <--> Call ID} 的对应表。两者的表不一定需要完全相同,但相同的函数对应的Call ID必须相同。当客户端需要进行远程调用时,它就查一下这个表,找出相应的Call ID,然后把它传给服务端,服务端也通过查表,来确定客户端需要调用的函数,然后执行相应函数的代码。
**网络传输。**远程调用往往用在网络上,客户端和服务端是通过网络连接的。所有的数据都需要通过网络传输,因此就需要有一个网络传输层。网络传输层需要把Call ID和序列化后的参数字节流传给服务端,然后再把序列化后的调用结果传回客户端。只要能完成这两者的,都可以作为传输层使用。因此,它所使用的协议其实是不限的,能完成传输就行。尽管大部分RPC框架都使用TCP协议,但其实UDP也可以,而gRPC干脆就用了HTTP2。Java的Netty也属于这层的东西。
func init() {
// Initialize the CLI app and start Geth
app.Action = geth
app.HideVersion = true // we have a command to print the version
app.Copyright = "Copyright 2013-2020 The go-ethereum Authors"
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
// See chaincmd.go:
consoleCommand = cli.Command{
Action: utils.MigrateFlags(localConsole),
Name: "console",
Usage: "Start an interactive JavaScript environment",
Flags: append(append(append(nodeFlags, rpcFlags...), consoleFlags...), whisperFlags...),
Description: `
The Geth console is an interactive shell for the JavaScript runtime environment
which exposes a node admin interface as well as the Ðapp JavaScript API.
See https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/JavaScript-Console.`,
// localConsole starts a new geth node, attaching a JavaScript console to it at the
// same time.
func localConsole(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Create and start the node based on the CLI flags
// 和geth命令有些相似,只不过没有node.wait(),就是启动一个节点
node := makeFullNode(ctx)
startNode(ctx, node)
defer node.Close()
// Attach to the newly started node and start the JavaScript console
client, err := node.Attach()
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to attach to the inproc geth: %v", err)
config := console.Config{
DataDir: utils.MakeDataDir(ctx),
DocRoot: ctx.GlobalString(utils.JSpathFlag.Name),
Client: client,
Preload: utils.MakeConsolePreloads(ctx),
console, err := console.New(config)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Failed to start the JavaScript console: %v", err)
defer console.Stop(false)
// If only a short execution was requested, evaluate and return
if script := ctx.GlobalString(utils.ExecFlag.Name); script != "" {
return nil
// Otherwise print the welcome screen and enter interactive mode
// 说欢迎,开启交互模式
return nil
// bridge is a collection of JavaScript utility methods to bride the .js runtime
// environment and the Go RPC connection backing the remote method calls.
type bridge struct {
client *rpc.Client // RPC client to execute Ethereum requests through
prompter UserPrompter // Input prompter to allow interactive user feedback输入提示,允许交互式用户反馈
printer io.Writer // Output writer to serialize any display strings序列化
// newBridge creates a new JavaScript wrapper around an RPC client.
func newBridge(client *rpc.Client, prompter UserPrompter, printer io.Writer) *bridge {
return &bridge{
client: client,
prompter: prompter,
printer: printer,
// init retrieves the available APIs from the remote RPC provider and initializes
// the console's JavaScript namespaces based on the exposed modules.
func (c *Console) init(preload []string) error {
// Initialize the JavaScript <-> Go RPC bridge.
bridge := newBridge(c.client, c.prompter, c.printer)
if err := c.initWeb3(bridge); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.initExtensions(); err != nil {
return err
// Add bridge overrides for web3.js functionality.
c.jsre.Do(func(vm *goja.Runtime) {
c.initAdmin(vm, bridge)
c.initPersonal(vm, bridge)
// Preload JavaScript files.
for _, path := range preload {
if err := c.jsre.Exec(path); err != nil {
failure := err.Error()
if gojaErr, ok := err.(*goja.Exception); ok {
failure = gojaErr.String()
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, failure)
// Configure the input prompter for history and tab completion.
// 为历史记录和制表符完成配置输入提示。
if c.prompter != nil {
if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.histPath); err != nil {
} else {
c.history = strings.Split(string(content), "\n")
return nil
func New(config Config) (*Console, error) {
// Handle unset config values gracefully
if config.Prompter == nil {
config.Prompter = Stdin
if config.Prompt == "" {
config.Prompt = DefaultPrompt
if config.Printer == nil {
config.Printer = colorable.NewColorableStdout()
// Initialize the console and return
console := &Console{
client: config.Client,
jsre: jsre.New(config.DocRoot, config.Printer),
prompt: config.Prompt,
prompter: config.Prompter,
printer: config.Printer,
histPath: filepath.Join(config.DataDir, HistoryFile),
if err := os.MkdirAll(config.DataDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := console.init(config.Preload); err != nil {
return nil, err
return console, nil
// Welcome show summary of current Geth instance and some metadata about the
// console's available modules.
func (c *Console) Welcome() {
message := "Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!\n\n"
// Print some generic Geth metadata
if res, err := c.jsre.Run(`
var message = "instance: " + web3.version.node + "\n";
try {
message += "coinbase: " + eth.coinbase + "\n";
} catch (err) {}
message += "at block: " + eth.blockNumber + " (" + new Date(1000 * eth.getBlock(eth.blockNumber).timestamp) + ")\n";
try {
message += " datadir: " + admin.datadir + "\n";
} catch (err) {}
fmt.Fprintln(c.printer, message)
// Interactive starts an interactive user session, where input is propted from
// the configured user prompter.
func (c *Console) Interactive() {
func (c *Console) initWeb3(bridge *bridge) error {
bnJS := string(deps.MustAsset("bignumber.js"))
web3JS := string(deps.MustAsset("web3.js"))
if err := c.jsre.Compile("bignumber.js", bnJS); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bignumber.js: %v", err)
if err := c.jsre.Compile("web3.js", web3JS); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("web3.js: %v", err)
if _, err := c.jsre.Run("var Web3 = require('web3');"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("web3 require: %v", err)
var err error
c.jsre.Do(func(vm *goja.Runtime) {
transport := vm.NewObject()
transport.Set("send", jsre.MakeCallback(vm, bridge.Send))
transport.Set("sendAsync", jsre.MakeCallback(vm, bridge.Send))
vm.Set("_consoleWeb3Transport", transport)
_, err = vm.RunString("var web3 = new Web3(_consoleWeb3Transport)")
return err
// Send implements the web3 provider "send" method.
func (b *bridge) Send(call jsre.Call) (goja.Value, error) {
// Remarshal the request into a Go value.
reqVal, err := call.Argument(0).ToObject(call.VM).MarshalJSON()
var (
rawReq = string(reqVal)
dec = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(rawReq))
reqs []jsonrpcCall
batch bool
dec.UseNumber() // avoid float64s
if rawReq[0] == '[' {
batch = true
} else {
batch = false
reqs = make([]jsonrpcCall, 1)
// Execute the requests.
var resps []*goja.Object
for _, req := range reqs {
resp := call.VM.NewObject()
resp.Set("jsonrpc", "2.0")
resp.Set("id", req.ID)
var result json.RawMessage
err = b.client.Call(&result, req.Method, req.Params...)
switch err := err.(type) {
case nil:
if result == nil {
// Special case null because it is decoded as an empty
// raw message for some reason.
resp.Set("result", goja.Null())
} else {
JSON := call.VM.Get("JSON").ToObject(call.VM)
parse, callable := goja.AssertFunction(JSON.Get("parse"))
if !callable {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("JSON.parse is not a function")
resultVal, err := parse(goja.Null(), call.VM.ToValue(string(result)))
if err != nil {
setError(resp, -32603, err.Error())
} else {
resp.Set("result", resultVal)
case rpc.Error:
setError(resp, err.ErrorCode(), err.Error())
setError(resp, -32603, err.Error())
resps = append(resps, resp)
// Return the responses either to the callback (if supplied)
// or directly as the return value.
var result goja.Value
if batch {
result = call.VM.ToValue(resps)
} else {
result = resps[0]
if fn, isFunc := goja.AssertFunction(call.Argument(1)); isFunc {
fn(goja.Null(), goja.Null(), result)
return goja.Undefined(), nil
return result, nil