This example provides a minimal (<2k lines) and faithful implementation of the following papers:
- Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
- Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
- Mask R-CNN
with the support of:
- Multi-GPU / distributed training
- Cross-GPU BatchNorm
- Group Normalization
- Python 3; OpenCV.
- TensorFlow >= 1.6 (1.4 or 1.5 can run but may crash due to a TF bug);
- pycocotools:
pip install 'git+'
- Pre-trained ImageNet ResNet model from tensorpack model zoo.
- COCO data. It needs to have the following directory structure:
and valminusminival
are optional. You can download them
On a single machine:
./ --config \
BACKBONE.WEIGHTS=/path/to/ImageNet-R50-Pad.npz \
To run distributed training, set TRAINER=horovod
and refer to HorovodTrainer docs.
Options can be changed by either the command line or the
Recommended configurations are listed in the table below.
The code is only valid for training with 1, 2, 4 or >=8 GPUs. Not training with 8 GPUs may result in different performance from the table below.
To predict on an image (and show output in a window):
./ --predict input.jpg --load /path/to/model --config SAME-AS-TRAINING
Evaluate the performance of a model on COCO. (Several trained models can be downloaded in model zoo):
./ --evaluate output.json --load /path/to/COCO-R50C4-MaskRCNN-Standard.npz \
--config MODE_MASK=True DATA.BASEDIR=/path/to/COCO/DIR
Evaluation or prediction will need the same --config
used during training.
These models are trained with different configurations on trainval35k and evaluated on minival using mAP@IoU=0.50:0.95. Performance in Detectron can be roughly reproduced, some are better but some are worse. MaskRCNN results contain both box and mask mAP.
Backbone | mAP (box;mask) |
Detectron mAP 1 (box;mask) |
Time on 8 V100s | Configurations (click to expand) |
R50-C4 | 33.8 | 18h | super quickMODE_MASK=False FRCNN.BATCH_PER_IM=64 PREPROC.SHORT_EDGE_SIZE=600 PREPROC.MAX_SIZE=1024 TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULE=[150000,230000,280000] |
R50-C4 | 37.1 | 36.5 | 44h | standardMODE_MASK=False |
R50-FPN | 37.5 | 37.9 | 30h | standardMODE_MASK=False MODE_FPN=True |
R50-C4 | 38.5;33.7 ⬇️ | 37.8;32.8 | 49h | standardMODE_MASK=True |
R50-FPN | 38.8;35.4 ⬇️ | 38.6;34.5 | 32h | standardMODE_MASK=True MODE_FPN=True |
R50-FPN | 39.8;35.5 | 39.5;34.42 | 34h | standard+ConvGNHeadMODE_MASK=True MODE_FPN=True FPN.FRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=fastrcnn_4conv1fc_gn_head |
R50-FPN | 40.3;36.4 ⬇️ | 40.3;35.7 | 44h | standard+GNMODE_MASK=True MODE_FPN=True FPN.NORM=GN BACKBONE.NORM=GN FPN.FRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=fastrcnn_4conv1fc_gn_head FPN.MRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=maskrcnn_up4conv_gn_head |
R101-C4 | 41.7;35.5 ⬇️ | 63h | standardMODE_MASK=True BACKBONE.RESNET_NUM_BLOCK=[3,4,23,3] |
R101-FPN | 40.7;36.9 ⬇️ | 40.9;36.4 | 40h | standardMODE_MASK=True MODE_FPN=True BACKBONE.RESNET_NUM_BLOCK=[3,4,23,3] |
1: Here we comapre models that have identical training & inference cost between the two implementation. However their numbers are different due to many small implementation details.
2: Numbers taken from Group Normalization