- Start modifying the base dwa_local_planner package.
- Merge pull request #672 from ros-planning/email_update_kinetic update maintainer email (kinetic)
- Merge pull request #648 from aaronhoy/kinetic_add_ahoy Add myself as a maintainer.
- Contributors: Aaron Hoy, Michael Ferguson
- Fix CMakeLists + package.xmls (#548)
- Add cost function to prevent unnecessary spinning
- remove GCC warnings
- Contributors: Martin Günther, Morgan Quigley, Vincent Rabaud
- link only libraries found with find_package
- Contributors: Lukas Bulwahn
- update maintainer email
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- Add ARCHIVE_DESTINATION for static builds
- Contributors: Gary Servin
- update build to find eigen using cmake_modules
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- Fix for #5
- Parameter to sum scores in DWA Planner
- Keep consistent allignment_cost scale Use the configured alignment cost instead of resetting to 1.0. This condition (farther from goal than forward_point_distance) is probably met at the start of navigation, it seems this cost should be obeyed until the robot gets close, then ignored completely.
- Cheat factor for end of DWA Plans
- Change maintainer from Hersh to Lu
- Package URL Updates
- Changed new Odom-Helper::initialize() function to setOdomTopic().
- some more corrections for the pointcloud object bug