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Element Reordering

David Grochocki edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

####Reorder Visual State Manager#### Defines whether to reorder the visual state manager. When set to first or last, the visual state manager will be moved to the first or last child element in its parent, respectively, otherwise it will not be moved. Options: None (leave as is), First, Last.

Default Value: Last

Reorder Visual State Manager Example

####Reorder Grid Panel Children#### Defines whether to reorder the children of a Grid by row/column. When true, children will be reordered in an ascending fashion by looking first at Grid.Row, then by Grid.Column.

Default Value: false

Reorder Grid Panel Children Example

####Reorder Canvas Panel Children#### Defines whether to reorder the children of a Canvas by left/top/right/bottom. When true, children will be reordered in an ascending fashion by first at Canvas.Left, then by Canvas.Top, Canvas.Right, and finally, Canvas.Bottom.

Default Value: false

Reorder Canvas Panel Children Example

####Reorder Setters#### Defines whether to reorder 'Setter' elements in style/trigger elements. When this is set, children will be reordered in an ascending fashion by looking at their Property and/or TargetName properties. Options: None (leave as is), Property, TargetName, TargetNameThenProperty.

Default Value: None