Router Module for Web and Mobile Navigation.
Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file
dependencies :
xapptor_router : ^0.0.2
Install packages from the command line
3 - Learn it like a charm
Call your start_screens_config function in your main.dart
Future <void > main () async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding .ensureInitialized ();
await Firebase .initializeApp ();
Paint .enableDithering = true ;
SystemChrome .setPreferredOrientations ([DeviceOrientation .portraitUp]);
start_screens_config ();
Create start_screens_config function
* Add new app screens with add_new_app_screen function
* Final step is call runApp function using the default Xapptor App class, setting your app_name and theme
start_screens_config () {
current_build_mode = BuildMode .release;
landing_screen = Landing ();
unknown_screen = UnknownScreen (
logo_path: logo_image_path,
add_new_app_screen (
AppScreen (
name: "login" ,
child: UserInfoView (
text_list: [
"Email" ,
"Password" ,
"Remember me" ,
"Log In" ,
"Recover password" ,
"Register" ,
tc_and_pp_text: RichText (text: TextSpan ()),
gender_values: [],
country_values: [],
text_color: Colors .blue,
first_button_color: Colors .white,
second_button_color: Colors .white,
third_button_color: Colors .white,
logo_image_path: "your_image_path" ,
has_language_picker: false ,
topbar_color: Colors .blue,
custom_background: null ,
user_info_form_type: UserInfoFormType .login,
outline_border: true ,
first_button_action: null ,
second_button_action: open_forgot_password,
third_button_action: open_register,
has_back_button: true ,
text_field_background_color: null ,
add_new_app_screen (
AppScreen (
name: "privacy_policy" ,
child: PrivacyPolicy (
base_url: "" ,
use_topbar: false ,
topbar_color: Colors .blue,
add_new_app_screen (
AppScreen (
name: "home" ,
child: Home (),
runApp (
App (
app_name: "MyAppName" ,
theme: ThemeData (
primarySwatch: your_material_color,
fontFamily: 'VarelaRound' ,
textButtonTheme: TextButtonThemeData (
style: TextButton .styleFrom (
padding: EdgeInsets .only (
left: 20 ,
right: 20 ,
You can open a screen calling the function open_screen and passing the name of the screen:
open_screen ("home/courses" );
4 - Check Abeinstitute Repo for more examples
Abeinstitute Repo