Module for business analytics and payment processing.
Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file
dependencies :
xapptor_business : ^0.0.3
Install packages from the command line
3 - Learn it like a charm
AdminAnalytics (
text_color: Colors .black,
icon_color: Colors .blue,
DispenserDetails (
product: product,
dispenser: dispenser,
dispenser_id: dispenser_id,
allow_edit: true ,
update_enabled_in_dispenser: update_enabled_in_dispenser_function,
PaymentWebview (
url_base: url,
ProductCatalog (
topbar_color: Colors .blue,
language_picker_items_text_color: Colors .cyan,
products: products,
linear_gradients: linear_gradients,
texts: text_list_product_catalog,
background_color: Colors .blue,
title_color: Colors .white,
subtitle_color: Colors .white,
text_color: Colors .white,
button_color: Colors .cyan,
success_url: "" ,
cancel_url: "" ,
ProductDetails (
product: product,
is_editing: true ,
text_color: Colors .black,
title_color: Colors .blue,
ProductList (
vending_machine_id: vending_machine_id,
allow_edit: false ,
has_topbar: false ,
for_dispensers: true ,
text_color: Colors .blue,
topbar_color: Colors .cyan,
title_color: Color .green,
VendingMachineDetails (
vending_machine: vending_machine,
text_color: Colors .black,
topbar_color: Colors .blue,
textfield_color: Colors .black,
4 - Check Abeinstitute Repo for more examples
Abeinstitute Repo