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MAP Pipeline Architecture

This document describes the schemas, tables and their dependencies that make up of the MAP electrophysiology pipeline.

Note that, in DataJoint, a schema is a namespace for grouping of related tables, and tables from all schema can and often do reference one another.

The MAP pipeline consists of 6 core schemas:

  • lab - tables related to the lab management activity - e.g. animal, rig, probe, etc.
  • experiment - tables describing the experiment - e.g. sessions, trials, photostim, etc.
  • tracking - tables for tracking data - e.g. jaw, paw, tounge, whisker movements
  • ephys - tables related to extracellular ephys recording and spike sorting - e.g. probe insertion, clustering, units, spike-times, etc.
  • histology - tables for the histology data - e.g. probe tracks, electrode CCF location, etc.
  • psth - tables for analysis on the sorted spikes - e.g. PSTH, unit selectivity, etc.

Other non-core schemas:

  • ingestion-related schemas
  • ccf - tables with look-up values for CCF
  • report - tables for generated result figures
  • publication - tables to facilitate tracking and transfering of data to/from Petrel, using Globus

The following sections dive into the detail design of each of the core schemas and their dependencies. We want to emphasize again the fact that tables from all schemas are inter-dependent on each other, separation into multiple schemas is merely for logical grouping and ogranizational purpose, in a sense, all schemas merge together to form this MAP pipeline.

lab schema


lab Animal


lab Probe

In the above Probe design, lab.ProbeType represents a type of probe: Tetrode, Neuropixels 1.0, 2.0, multi-shank, single-shank, Accompanying lab.ProbeType is a part-table lab.ProbeType.Electrode, describing full electrode geometry (e.g. site location) and organization (e.g. shank, shank column/row) for all the electrode sites of this probe (e.g. 960 sites for Neuropixels 1.0)

Whereas lab.Probe represents one physical probe, identified by a unique ID (e.g. serial number).

lab.ElectrodeConfig specifies one Electrode Configuration used for the recording, particularly which subset of the electrode sites used for recording (e.g. which 384 electrodes from Neuropixels 1.0 probe)

experiment schema


experiment session

The hierarchical organization of session and trial, depicted above, is as followed:

  • experiment.Session stores the session(s) per subject
  • experiment.SessionTrial represents the many trials per session
  • experiment.BehaviorTrial and experiment.PhotostimTrial provides further categorization and description per trial
    • Under experiment.BehaviorTrial are the labelings for that behavior trial
      • experiment.TaskProtocol: which experimental paradigm used
      • experiment.EarlyLick: 'early' | 'no early'
      • experiment.TrialInstruction: 'left' | 'right'
      • experiment.Outcome: 'hit' | 'miss' | 'ignore'
    • experiment.PhotostimTrial indicates the trial to have optogenetic stimulation, with details of each stimulation event (e.g. timing, power, etc.) specified in experiment.PhotostimEvent
    • experiment.TrialEvent records the details and timing of per-trial experiment event (e.g. onsets of 'sample', 'delay', 'response' period)
    • experiment.ActionEvent records the actions the animal took during the trial (e.g. lick left, lick right, etc.)

tracking schema

tracking trialtracking

The tracking.Tracking stores the tracking data on a per-trial basis, referencing the experiment.BehaviorTrial as the parent table. Each of the part-table contains time-series data of the tracked (using DeepLabCut) feature (e.g. paw, toungue, jaw, whisker, etc.) from the behavior video recording.

ephys schema


ephys probe_insertion

The ephys.ProbeInsertion represents both the surgical insertion of the probe into the animal for a particular session, as well as the extracellular electrophysiology recording performed on that probe for that session.

Beside session (experiment.Session), the "parents" of ephys.ProbeInsertion also includes lab.Probe and lab.ElectrodeConfig. These two tables provide full description about the probe type and probe, as well as the electrode configuration used for this recording.

The ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation records the surgical details of the intended insertion location, with precise targeted coordinate information: AP, ML, depth, theta, phi, beta and skull reference (e.g. lambda, bregma)

The ephys.ProbeInsertion.RecordableBrainRegion records the one or multiple brain regions (e.g. left ALM, right Medulla, etc.) that this probe insertion may potentially record from. This information is specified by the experimenter, thus carries his/her subjective assessment. The exact insertion location is determined using histology data, stored in the histology schema.


ephys unit

The set of units for each ephys.ProbeInsertion represents the results of a spike-sorting analysis routine, with the specific method (e.g. Kilosort, JRClust, etc.) specified in the ephys.ClusteringMethod.

Each unit in the ephys.Unit includes:

  • Quality type: 'good' | 'noise' | 'mua'
  • Meta information of the clustering in ephys.ClusteringLabel:
    • timestamp of the clustering
    • is manual curation perform
    • is quality control performed
  • Reference to the electrode site this unit is associated with - lab.ElectrodeConfig.Electrode
  • Statistics:
    • Amplitude, SNR - in ephys.Unit
    • Firing Rate, ISI-violation - computed and stored in ephys.Stat
    • Cell-type - computed based on waveform shape and stored in ephys.UnitCellType
    • Quality Control metrics: ephys.ClusterMetric and ephys.WaveformMetric
  • Spike times - unit's spike times for the entire recording duration
  • Mean waveform - average waveform over spikes extracted at the peak channel
  • Trial's spike times - ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes - unit's spike times per trial, time-locked to the go-cue onset

histology schema

ephys histology_probe_unit

The histology data in the MAP pipeline consists of 2 types:

  • Electrode CCF location, in histology.ElectrodeCCFPosition.ElectrodePosition
  • provides the x, y, z of the electrode site in CCF coordinate
  • Probe tracks, the manually annotated points of the probe tracks, stored in histology.LabeledProbeTrack

A unit's CCF location can be indirectly determined by cross checking the electrode site associated with that unit and the CCF location of the electrode site.

psth schema


For each ephys.Unit, unit PSTHs are computed from the trial spike times (ephys.Unit.TrialSpikes), for different trial conditions. Hence, a psth.TrialCondition table is defined to store different condition criteria:

Some example trial-condition includes:

  • "good_noearlylick_hit": no early-lick with correct response trials
  • "good_noearlylick_left_hit": no early-lick with correct response left-lick instructed trials
  • "good_noearlylick_right_miss": no early-lick with incorrect response right-lick instructed trials
  • "all_noearlylick_nostim": no early-lick with no photostim trials
  • "all_noearlylick_left_alm_stim": no early-lick with left-ALM photostim trials

The psth.PeriodSelectivity table perform the selectivity computation and store the results for each unit at each period as defined in the experiment.Period table. There are 3 periods defined:

  • Sample
  • Delay
  • Response

The psth.UnitSelectivity table aggregates the 3 period-selectivity for each unit, computed in psth.PeriodSelectivity, and computes the overall selectivity for that unit.

report schema


Tables in the report schema are at the leaf level of this pipeline, computing and storing the figures used for visualization and reporting (via the MAP Web GUI)

As shown in the diagram, report figures are categorized into 4 levels.





report.SessionLevelProbeTrack report.SessionLevelReport report.SessionLevelCDReport
session_tracks_plot session_behav_perf session_CD



clustering_quality unit_characteristic group_psth
probe_clustering_quality probe_unit_characteristic probe_group_psth






report.UnitLevelEphysReport report.UnitLevelTrackingReport
unit_unit_psth unit_unit_behavior