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Image cascade network (ICNet) incorporates multi-resolution branches under proper label guidance to address the challenge of real-time segmentation task. The model yields realtime inference on a single GPU card with decent quality results evaluated on challenging Cityscapes dataset.



‘CFF’ stands for cascade feature fusion. Numbers in parentheses are feature map size ratios to the full-resolution input. Operations are highlighted in brackets. The final ×4 upsampling in the bottom branch is only used during testing.


Results on Cityscapes test set with image resolution 1024×2048.

Train configuration

General train configuration available in model presets.

Also you can read common training configurations documentation.

  • lr - initial learning rate.
  • epochs - the count of training epochs.
  • batch_size - batch sizes for training (train) stage.
  • input_size - input images dimension width and height in pixels.
  • gpu_devices - list of selected GPU devices indexes.
  • data_workers - how many subprocesses to use for data loading.
  • dataset_tags - mapping for split data to train (train) and validation (val) parts by images tags. Images must be tagged by train or val tags.
  • special_classes - objects with specified classes will be interpreted in a specific way.Default class name for neutral is neutral. All pixels from neutral objects will be ignored in loss function.
  • weights_init_type - can be in one of 2 modes. In transfer_learning mode all possible weights will be transfered except last classification layers. In continue_training mode all weights will be transfered and validation for classes number and classes names order will be performed.
  • val_every - how often perform validation. Measured in number(float) of epochs.
  • allow_corrupted_samples - number of corrupted samples ерфе can be skipped during train(train) or validation(val)
  • lr_descreasing - determines the learning rate policy. patience - the number of epochs after which learning rate will be decreased, lr_divisor - the number learning rate will be divided by.
  • use_batchnorm - there are two ways to train ICNet model: using BatchNormalization layers after convolutions or not. If you want to use them select trueor false otherwise.

Full training configuration example:

  "dataset_tags": {
    "train": "train",
    "val": "val"
  "batch_size": {
    "train": 8,
    "val": 4
  "data_workers": {
    "train": 4,
    "val": 2
  "input_size": {
    "width": 2049,
    "height": 1025
  "allow_corrupted_samples": {
    "train": 3,
    "val": 0
  "special_classes": {
    "neutral": "neutral"
  "epochs": 10,
  "val_every": 1,
  "lr": 0.001,
  "lr_decreasing": {
    "patience": 5,
    "lr_divisor": 10
  "weights_init_type": "transfer_learning",
  "use_batchnorm": true

Inference configuration

For full explanation see documentation.

model - group contains unique settings for each model:

  • gpu_device - device to use for inference. Right now we support only single GPU.

mode - group contains all mode settings:

  • name - mode name defines how to apply NN to image (e.g. full_image - apply NN to full image)

  • model_classes - which classes will be used, e.g. NN produces 80 classes and you are going to use only few and ignore other. In that case you should set save_classes field with the list of interested class names. add_suffix string will be added to new class to prevent similar class names with exisiting classes in project. If you are going to use all model classes just set "save_classes": "__all__".

Full image inference configuration example:

  "model": {
    "gpu_device": 0
  "mode": {
    "name": "full_image",
    "model_classes": {
      "save_classes": "__all__",
      "add_suffix": "_icnet"