In order to make requests to the Graph API, you need to create a Facebook app and obtain the app ID and the app secret. The Facebook\FacebookApp
entity represents the Facebook app that is making the requests to the Graph API.
Warning: It is quite uncommon to work with the
entity directly since theFacebook\Facebook
service handles injecting it into the required classes for you.
To instantiate a new Facebook\FacebookApp
entity, pass the app ID and app secret to the constructor.
$fbApp = new Facebook\FacebookApp('{app-id}', '{app-secret}');
Alternatively you can obtain the Facebook\FacebookApp
entity from the Facebook\Facebook
super service class.
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([/* . . . */]);
$fbApp = $fb->getApp();
You'll rarely be using the FacebookApp
entity directly unless you're doing some extreme customizations of the SDK for PHP. But this entity plays an important role in the internal workings of the SDK for PHP.
public Facebook\Authentication\AccessToken getAccessToken()
Returns an app access token in the form of an AccessToken
public string getId()
Returns the app id.
public string getSecret()
Returns the app secret.
The Facebook\FacebookApp
entity can be serialized and unserialized.
$fbApp = new Facebook\FacebookApp('foo-app-id', 'foo-app-secret');
$serializedFacebookApp = serialize($fbApp);
// C:29:"Facebook\\FacebookApp":54:{a:2:{i:0;s:10:"foo-app-id";i:1;s:14:"foo-app-secret";}}
$unserializedFacebookApp = unserialize($serializedFacebookApp);
echo $unserializedFacebookApp->getAccessToken();
// foo-app-id|foo-app-secret