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Practical Js Tips

This is a set of practical Js tips, it could also be considered a list of Js little tricks. Although the following series of operations can make the code more concise to some extent, it will reduce readability in the absence of comments. Therefore, these black magic tricks should be used with caution.

Bitwise Operation

Integer Round

console.log(~~(11.11));     // 11
console.log(11.11 >> 0);    // 11
console.log(11.11 << 0);    // 11
console.log(11.11 | 0);     // 11
console.log(11.11 >>> 0);   // 11 // Be aware that >>> cannot be used for rounding negative numbers

Odd or Even Judgment

console.log(7 & 1);    // 1
console.log(8 & 1) ;   // 0

Boolean Conversion

console.log(!!7);               // true
console.log(!!0);               // false
console.log(!!-1);              // true
console.log(!!0.71);            // true
console.log(!!"");              // false
console.log(!![]);              // true
console.log(!!{});              // true
console.log(!!null);            // false
console.log(!!undefined);       // false

Bitwise Shift Operation

console.log(16 >> 1);      // 8
console.log(16 << 2);      // 64
console.log(1 >>> 1);      // 2

Value Exchange

let a = 7;
let b = 1;
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;
console.log(a);   // 1
console.log(b);   // 7

// It can also be done with arrays
b = [a, a = b][0];

// Of course, destructuring assignment is simpler
[a, b] = [b, a];

Determine if the Signs are the Same

let a = 1;
let b = 1;
console.log((a ^ b) >= 0);    // true
console.log((a ^ -b) >= 0);   // false

Check if Numbers are Not Equal

let a = 111;
if(a ^ 111) console.log("Not equal");
if(a !== 111) console.log("Not equal");
if(a ^ 11111) console.log("Not equal"); // Not equal

Determine if it's a Power of 2

const check = n => !(n & (n - 1));
console.log(check(7)); // false
console.log(check(8)); // true

Conditional Statements

let bool = true;
if(bool) console.log(1); // 1
console.log(bool && console.log(1)); // 1

Integer Round to Nearest

const round = n => n + 0.5 * (n > 0 ? 1 : -1) | 0;
console.log(round(0));     // 0
console.log(round(1.1));   // 1
console.log(round(1.6));   // 2
console.log(round(-1.1));  // -1
console.log(round(-1.6));  // -2


Generate Random Strings

console.log(Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)); // c21f331e6ce2b

Repeat Strings

const repeat = (n, str) => Array(n+1).join(str);
console.log(repeat(5, "ab")); // ababababab
console.log("ab".repeat(5));  // ababababab // ES6

Create Links

console.log("Google".link("")); // <a href="">Google</a>


Properly Handle Exceptions

try {
    // something
} catch (e) {
    window.location.href = "[js]+" +  e.message;

Elegant Way to Prove Your Excellence


Operations that can substitute undefined

console.log(void 0);   // undefined
console.log(""._);     // undefined
console.log(1.._);     // undefined
console.log(0[0]);     // undefined

Substitute for Infinity

console.log([-1/0, 1/0]); // [-Infinity, Infinity]

Clear an Array

let arr = [1];
arr.length = 0;
console.log(arr); // []

Quickly Determine if it's a browser below IE8

var isIE8 = !+"1";
console.log(isIE8); // false // Chrome 87

Daily Question
