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The Window Object

The window acts as a global variable, representing the window in which the script is running, and exposes properties and methods to JavaScript.

Properties of the Window Object

  • closed: Indicates whether the referenced window is closed.
  • console: Provides methods to output log information to the browser console.
  • crypto: This object allows web pages to access certain encryption-related services.
  • customElements: Can be used to register new custom elements or retrieve information about previously defined custom elements.
  • devicePixelRatio: Returns the ratio of the physical pixel resolution of the current display device to the CSS pixel resolution.
  • document: Returns a reference to the document object.
  • frameElement: Returns the element embedded in the current window object, such as <iframe> or <object>, and returns null if the current window object is already the top-level window.
  • frames: Returns an array-like object that lists all the direct child windows of the current window.
  • fullScreen: Indicates whether the window is in full-screen mode.
  • history: Provides an interface for manipulating the browser session history.
  • indexedDB: Integrates mechanisms to provide asynchronous access to indexed databases for applications.
  • innerHeight: Returns the height of the document display area of the window.
  • innerWidth: Returns the width of the document display area of the window.
  • length: Sets or returns the number of <iframe> frames in the window.
  • localStorage: Provides a long-term local storage interface.
  • location: Contains information about the current document location.
  • locationbar: Returns a locationbar object with a visibility property that can be checked.
  • name: Sets or returns the name of the window.
  • navigator: Provides information related to the application running the current code.
  • opener: Returns a reference to the window that opened this window.
  • outerHeight: Returns the outer height of the window, including the toolbar and scrollbar.
  • outerWidth: Returns the outer width of the window, including the toolbar and scrollbar.
  • pageXOffset: Sets or returns the X position of the current page relative to the upper left corner of the window display area.
  • pageYOffset: Sets or returns the Y position of the current page relative to the upper left corner of the window display area.
  • parent: Returns the parent window object of the current window, or returns a self-reference if there is no parent window.
  • performance: Allows web pages to access certain functions to measure the performance of web pages and web applications.
  • screen: Returns properties related to the current rendering window and screen.
  • screenLeft: Returns the X coordinate relative to the screen window.
  • screenTop: Returns the Y coordinate relative to the screen window.
  • screenX: Returns the X coordinate relative to the screen window.
  • screenY: Returns the Y coordinate relative to the screen window.
  • sessionStorage: Provides a local storage interface with current session validity.
  • self: Returns a reference to the current window.
  • status: Sets the text of the window status bar.
  • top: Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy.

Methods of the Window Object

  • alert(): Displays an alert dialog with specified text content and an OK button.
  • atob(): Decodes a string encoded with Base64.
  • btoa(): Creates a Base64 encoded string.
  • blur(): Moves the keyboard focus away from the top-level window.
  • clearInterval(): Cancels the interval set by setInterval().
  • clearTimeout(): Cancels the timeout set by the setTimeout() method.
  • close(): Closes the current window or a specified window.
  • confirm(): Displays a dialog with a message, an OK button, and a Cancel button.
  • focus(): Gives focus to a window.
  • getComputedStyle(): Gets the CSS styles of a specified element.
  • matchMedia(): Returns the result object of a specified media query string parsing.
  • moveBy(): Moves the window created by open by a specified amount.
  • moveTo(): Moves the top-left corner of the window created by open to a specified coordinate.
  • open(): Opens a new browser window or finds a named window.
  • postMessage(): Safely implements cross-origin communication.
  • print(): Prints the content of the current window.
  • prompt(): Displays a dialog prompting the user for input.
  • requestAnimationFrame(): Provides a method for drawing animation frames to match the screen refresh rate.
  • queueMicrotask(): Provides a callback interface for adding to the microtask queue.
  • resizeBy(): Adjusts the size of the window created by open by a specified number of pixels.
  • resizeTo(): Adjusts the size of the window created by open to a specified width and height.
  • scroll(): Scrolls the window to a specific position in the document.
  • scrollBy(): Scrolls the document within the window by a specified offset.
  • scrollTo(): Scrolls the content to the specified coordinates.
  • setInterval(): Calls a function or evaluates an expression at specified intervals.
  • setTimeout(): Calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds.
  • stop(): Stops the loading of the page, equivalent to clicking the stop button in the browser.

Events of the Window Object


  • onbeforeunload: Occurs just before the document is about to be unloaded (refreshed or closed).
  • onload: Occurs when the document has finished loading.
  • onunload: Occurs when the window unloads its resources and content.
  • onerror: Occurs when a JavaScript runtime error or resource loading failure happens.
  • onabort: Event handler for the abort event sent to the window, not applicable to Firefox 2 or Safari.


  • onblur: Occurs when the window loses focus.
  • onfocus: Occurs when the window gains focus.
  • onresize: Occurs when the window size changes.
  • onscroll: Occurs when the window scrolls.
  • onmessage: Occurs when the window object receives a message.
  • onchange: Occurs when the content of a form element in the window changes.
  • oninput: Occurs when a form element in the window gets user input.
  • onreset: Occurs when a form in the window is reset.
  • onselect: Occurs when text in a form element in the window is selected.
  • onsubmit: Occurs when the submit button in a form in the window is pressed.
  • onhashchange: Occurs when the anchor/hash value of the window changes.

Mouse Related

  • onclick: Triggered when the page is clicked.
  • onmouseup: Triggered when the mouse button is released.
  • ondblclick: Called when the page is double-clicked.
  • oncontextmenu: Triggered when the right mouse button is clicked to open the context menu.
  • onmousedown: Triggered when the mouse button is pressed.
  • onmousemove: Triggered when the mouse is moved.
  • onmouseout: Triggered when the mouse moves out of the window.
  • onmouseover: Triggered when the mouse moves over the window.
  • onauxclick: Indicates that a non-primary button is pressed on an input device, such as the middle button of a mouse.

Keyboard Related

  • onkeydown: Triggered when a keyboard key is pressed.
  • onkeyup: Triggered when a keyboard key is released.
  • onkeypress: Triggered when a keyboard key is pressed and then released.

Animation Related

  • onanimationcancel: Sent when a CSS animation is unexpectedly terminated, i.e., at any time it stops running without sending an animationend event, for example, when animation-name is changed or the animation is deleted.
  • onanimationend: Sent when a CSS animation reaches the end of its active period, calculated as (animation-duration*animation-iteration-count) + animation-delay.
  • onanimationiteration: Triggered when a CSS animation completes one iteration of the sequence of animation instructions by executing the last step of the animation.

Device Related

  • ondevicemotion: Triggered when the device's state changes.
  • ondeviceorientation: Triggered when the device's relative orientation changes.
  • ondeviceproximity: Triggered when the device's sensor detects an object getting closer to or further away from the device.

Print Related

  • onbeforeprint: Triggered when the page is about to start printing.
  • onafterprint: Triggered when the page has started printing or the print window has been closed.

Application Related

  • onappinstalled: Dispatched once a Web application is successfully installed as a progressive Web application.
  • onbeforeinstallprompt: Scheduled on the device when the user is about to be prompted to install a web application, and its associated events can be saved for later use in prompting the user at a more opportune time.

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