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Node Object

The Node is an interface from which various types of DOM API objects inherit, allowing us to treat these different types of objects in a similar manner.


  • Node.prototype.baseURI: Read-only, returns a DOMString representing the base URL. The concept of base URL varies in different languages, in HTML it represents the protocol and domain, and also the file directory up to the last /.
  • Node.prototype.baseURIObject: Read-only nsIURI object representing the element's base URI (not applicable to web content).
  • Node.prototype.childNodes: Read-only, returns a live NodeList containing all child nodes of the node. The NodeList is dynamically updated, if the node's child nodes change, the NodeList object will automatically update.
  • Node.prototype.firstChild: Read-only, returns the first child Node of the node, returns null if the node has no child nodes.
  • Node.prototype.isConnected: Read-only, returns a boolean value to check if the node is connected (directly or indirectly) to a context object, such as the Document object in usual DOM scenarios, or the ShadowRoot object in shadow DOM scenarios.
  • Node.prototype.lastChild: Read-only, returns the last child Node of the node, returns null if the node has no child nodes.
  • Node.prototype.nextSibling: Read-only, returns the next sibling Node of the node at the same level, returns null if none exists.
  • Node.prototype.nodeName: Read-only, returns a DOMString containing the name of the node. The structure of the node's name varies with the node type. The name of an HTMLElement corresponds to the associated tag, for example, HTMLAudioElement is audio, Text node corresponds to #text, and the Document node corresponds to #document.
  • Node.prototype.nodeType: Read-only, returns an unsigned short integer value corresponding to the node type.
  • Node.prototype.nodeValue: Returns or sets the value of the current node.
  • Node.prototype.ownerDocument: Read-only, returns the Document object to which the element belongs. If there is no associated Document object, it returns null.
  • Node.prototype.parentNode: Read-only, returns the parent Node of the current node. If there is no such node, for example if the node is the top of a tree structure or not inserted into a tree, this property returns null.
  • Node.prototype.parentElement: Read-only, returns the parent Element of the current node. If the current node has no parent node or the parent node is not an Element, this property returns null.
  • Node.prototype.previousSibling: Read-only, returns the previous sibling Node of the current node, returns null if no such node exists.
  • Node.prototype.textContent: Returns or sets the text content of all child nodes and their descendants within an element.


  • Node.prototype.appendChild(): Appends the specified childNode as the last child to the current node. If the parameter references an existing node in the DOM tree, the node will be detached from its current position and appended to the new position.
  • Node.prototype.cloneNode(): Clones a Node, and the option to choose whether to clone all the content under this node is available. By default, the content under the node will be cloned.
  • Node.prototype.compareDocumentPosition(): Compares the position of the current node with another node in the document.
  • Node.prototype.contains(): Returns a Boolean value to indicate whether the passed-in node is a descendant of the node.
  • Node.prototype.getRootNode(): Returns the root node of the context object. If a shadow root node exists, it can also be included in the returned node.
  • Node.prototype.hasChildNodes(): Returns a Boolean value to indicate whether the element has child nodes.
  • Node.prototype.insertBefore(): Adds a child node Node under the current node and positions it in front of the reference node.
  • Node.prototype.isDefaultNamespace(): Returns a Boolean value, accepting a namespace URI as a parameter. It returns true when the namespace referred to by the parameter is the default namespace, otherwise, it returns false.
  • Node.prototype.isEqualNode(): Returns a Boolean value. It returns true when two node nodes are of the same type and their defined data points match (i.e., same attributes and attribute values, same node values), otherwise, it returns false.
  • Node.prototype.isSameNode(): Returns a Boolean value, providing the result of comparing the references of these two nodes.
  • Node.prototype.lookupPrefix(): Returns a DOMString containing the namespace prefix corresponding to the parameter URI, or null if it doesn't exist. If multiple matching prefixes exist, the result returned depends on the specific browser implementation.
  • Node.prototype.lookupNamespaceURI(): Accepts a prefix and returns the node namespace URI corresponding to the prefix. Returns null if the URI does not exist. Passing in null as the prefix parameter will return the default namespace.
  • Node.prototype.normalize(): Organizes all text child nodes under this element, merges adjacent text nodes, and removes empty text nodes.
  • Node.prototype.removeChild(): Removes a child node of the current node. This child node must exist under the current node.
  • Node.prototype.replaceChild(): Replaces one child node Node with another node for the selected node.

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