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William edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 8 revisions

Commands do not function

Please check that the plugin is installed and enabled on both the proxy and bukkit server you are trying to execute the command from and that both plugins connected to Redis. (A connection handshake confirmation message is logged to console when communications are successfully established.)

Data not being synced on player join and SQL errors in proxy console

This issue frequently occurs in users running Cracked (illegal) servers. I do not support piracy and so will be limited in my ability to help you. If you are running an offline server for a legitimate reason, however, make sure that in the paper.yml of your Bukkit servers bungee-online-mode is set to the correct value - and that both your Proxy (BungeeCord, Waterfall, etc.) server and Bukkit (Spigot, paper, etc.) servers are set up correctly to work with offline mode.

Data sometimes not syncing between servers

There are two primary reasons this may happen:

  • On your proxy server, you are running FlameCord or a similar fork of Waterfall. Due to the nature of these forks changing security parameters, they can block or interfere with Redis packets being sent to and from your server. FlameCord, XCord and other forks are not compatible with HuskSync. For security-conscious users, I recommend Velocity.
  • Your backend servers/proxy and Redis server have noticeably different amounts of latency between each other. This is particularly relevant for users running across multiple machines, where some backend servers / the proxy are installed with Redis and other backend servers are on a different machine. The solution to this is to have your BungeeCord and Redis alone on one machine, and your backend servers across the others - or have a separate machine with equal latency to the others that has Redis on. In the future, I may have a look at automatically correcting and accounting for differences in latency.






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