Note: Remember to explain why it's for everyone: no sign-up, nothing to install. Just MD. Then git-commit.
download the template
unzip it (1/2)
unzip it (2/2)
move to your git folder
open github client and add local repo
click on "create repo"
click on "create repo"
click on publish your repo
click on publish your repo
your repo is now published
open the gitbook editor
in the menu select import
now you can edit the book using the editor
if you want to upload it on gitbook go to gitbook.com and click on +New
select Github from the Lists
Select your repo
now your book is published on gitbook
---?image=https://d1z75bzl1vljy2.cloudfront.net/kitchen-sink/127.jpg&size=auto 90%
@title[Piecemeal Lists]
- Java
- Groovy |
- Kotlin |
- Scala |
- The JVM rocks! |