The Code: BAR game code is released under the GPL v2 licence, though individual files can have their own license (specified in wupget:GetInfo). The Recoil Engine (which this game runs on) requires that all the code the games use be compatible with GPL v2 or later. (
Models, textures, animation: Models by Cremuss are released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. All other models and textures are under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (c) Beherith ([email protected]) (These are all the models made by: FireStorm, Beherith, Mr Bob, KaiserJ, PtaQ, Flaka, Floris, you can lookup who made each unit in the units/ folders having customparam: 'author') This license does not permit any derivative work, which includes, but is not limited to: mods, mutators, repackaging, and taking any artwork and including it or its derivative in any other game, or distribution outside of BAR. All animations are under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (c) Beherith ([email protected]). Please see the respective folders for more information.
Other Artwork: See the respective folders and other licence files: license_bitmaps.txt, license_unitpics.txt, license_icons.txt Otherwise: all rights reserved.