The CBL-Mariner SPEC files originated from a variety of sources with varying licenses. The changelog for each SPEC file declares provenance for CBL-Mariner. Some of the SPEC files that originated from other distributions might already have been derived from alternate sources. Their licenses can be found in files in this folder.
Origin | License | Specs |
Fedora | Fedora MIT License Declaration | abseil-cpp aide archivemount at attr autoconf213 babeltrace2 bmake brotli busybox byacc calamares catch checkpolicy checksec chrony cmocka collectd colm conntrack-tools cpprest cryptsetup CUnit dbus-python dnf docbook5-schemas dos2unix dpdk dwarves ebtables extra-cmake-modules fipscheck fuse-zip gcovr gnu-efi graphviz hardening-check heimdal hyperscan hyperv-daemons ipmitool ipv6calc jemalloc kde-settings kexec-tools kf5 kf5-kconfig kf5-kcoreaddons kf5-ki18n kf5-kwidgetsaddons kpmcore leveldb libatasmart libburn libcgroup libcomps libdnf libisoburn libisofs libkcapi libpwquality libsemanage libssh libstoragemgmt libxcrypt libzip mailcap mcstrans mokutil mozjs60 nss_wrapper oath-toolkit open-vm-tools opensc openssl p11-kit p7zip pam_wrapper pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-ccid perl-App-cpanminus perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo perl-CPAN-Meta-Check perl-Fedora-VSP perl-File-pushd perl-generators perl-JSON perl-local-lib perl-Module-CPANfile perl-Parse-PMFile perl-String-ShellQuote policycoreutils pugixml pwgen pyelftools python-google-auth python-jwt python-kubernetes python-pexpect python-ptyprocess python-pywbem qt5-qtbase qt5-qtdeclarative qt5-qtsvg qt5-qttools qt5-rpm-macros ragel rdma-core re2 secilc selinux-policy setools sgml-common socket_wrapper softhsm sos squashfs-tools tini uclibc-ng uid_wrapper uuid websocketpp words xmlstarlet yajl yaml-cpp yasm zipper |
Microsoft | Microsoft MIT License | auoms azure-iot-sdk-c azure-storage-cpp bazel blobfuse bmon bond bpftrace cassandra-cpp-driver ccache check-restart clamav cloud-hypervisor cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo cockpit coredns-1.8.0 coredns-1.8.4 coredns-1.8.6 distroless-packages doxygen dtc espeak-ng espeakup flannel fluent-bit freefont gflags go-md2man grpc GSL helm installkernel ivykis jsonbuilder kubernetes-1.18.14 kubernetes-1.18.17 kubernetes-1.19.7 kubernetes-1.19.9 kubernetes-1.20.2 kubernetes-1.20.5 libacvp libconfini libconfuse libdivsufsort libmaxminddb libuv libxml++ lld lsb-release lttng-consume mariner-release mariner-repos mariner-rpm-macros mm-common moby-buildx moby-cli moby-containerd moby-engine moby-runc msgpack nlohmann-json nmap node-problem-detector ntopng pcaudiolib pcre2 perl-Test-Warnings perl-Text-Template pigz prebuilt-ca-certificates prebuilt-ca-certificates-base python-cachetools python-cherrypy python-execnet python-logutils python-nocasedict python-pecan python-remoto python-repoze-lru python-routes python-rsa python-sphinxcontrib-websupport python-yamlloader qemu-kvm rocksdb rubygem-addressable rubygem-async rubygem-async-http rubygem-async-io rubygem-async-pool rubygem-aws-eventstream rubygem-aws-partitions rubygem-aws-sdk-core rubygem-aws-sdk-kms rubygem-aws-sdk-s3 rubygem-aws-sdk-sqs rubygem-aws-sigv4 rubygem-concurrent-ruby rubygem-console rubygem-digest-crc rubygem-elasticsearch rubygem-elasticsearch-api rubygem-elasticsearch-transport rubygem-excon rubygem-faraday rubygem-ffi rubygem-fiber-local rubygem-fluent-config-regexp-type rubygem-fluent-logger rubygem-fluent-plugin-elasticsearch rubygem-fluent-plugin-kafka rubygem-fluent-plugin-prometheus rubygem-fluent-plugin-prometheus_pushgateway rubygem-fluent-plugin-record-modifier rubygem-fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter rubygem-fluent-plugin-s3 rubygem-fluent-plugin-systemd rubygem-fluent-plugin-td rubygem-fluent-plugin-webhdfs rubygem-fluentd rubygem-hirb rubygem-http_parser.rb rubygem-httpclient rubygem-jmespath rubygem-ltsv rubygem-mini_portile2 rubygem-msgpack rubygem-multi_json rubygem-multipart-post rubygem-nio4r rubygem-nokogiri rubygem-oj rubygem-parallel rubygem-prometheus-client rubygem-protocol-hpack rubygem-protocol-http rubygem-protocol-http1 rubygem-protocol-http2 rubygem-public_suffix rubygem-quantile rubygem-rake rubygem-rdkafka rubygem-ruby-kafka rubygem-ruby-progressbar rubygem-ruby2_keywords rubygem-rubyzip rubygem-serverengine rubygem-sigdump rubygem-strptime rubygem-systemd-journal rubygem-td rubygem-td-client rubygem-td-logger rubygem-timers rubygem-tzinfo rubygem-tzinfo-data rubygem-webhdfs rubygem-yajl-ruby rubygem-zip-zip shim shim-unsigned shim-unsigned-aarch64 shim-unsigned-x64 span-lite swupdate tinyxml2 toml11 tracelogging vala verity-read-only-root vnstat zstd |
Photon | Photon License and Photon Notice. Also see LICENSE-EXCEPTIONS.PHOTON. |
acl alsa-lib alsa-utils ansible ant ant-contrib apparmor apr apr-util asciidoc atftp audit autoconf autoconf-archive autofs autogen automake babel bash bc bcc bind binutils bison blktrace boost bridge-utils btrfs-progs bubblewrap build-essential bzip2 c-ares ca-certificates cairo cdrkit check chkconfig chrpath cifs-utils clang cloud-init cloud-utils-growpart cmake cni core-packages coreutils cpio cppunit cracklib crash crash-gcore-command createrepo_c cri-tools cronie ctags curl cyrus-sasl Cython dbus dbus-glib dejagnu device-mapper-multipath dhcp dialog diffutils dkms dmidecode dnsmasq docbook-dtd-xml docbook-style-xsl dosfstools dracut dstat e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr efivar elfutils erlang etcd-3.4.13 etcd-3.5.0 etcd-3.5.1 ethtool expat expect fcgi file filesystem findutils finger flex fontconfig fping freetype fuse gawk gc gcc gdb gdbm gettext git glib glib-networking glibc glibmm24 glide gmp gnome-common gnupg2 gnuplot gnutls gobject-introspection golang golang-1.17 gperf gperftools gpgme gptfdisk grep groff grub2 grub2-efi-binary-signed gtest gtk-doc guile gzip haproxy harfbuzz haveged hdparm http-parser httpd i2c-tools iana-etc icu initramfs initscripts inotify-tools intltool iotop iperf3 ipmitool iproute ipset iptables iputils ipvsadm ipxe irqbalance itstool jansson jna jq json-c json-glib kbd keepalived kernel kernel-headers kernel-hyperv kernel-signed kexec-tools keyutils kmod krb5 lapack less libaio libarchive libassuan libatomic_ops libcap libcap-ng libconfig libdb libdnet libedit libestr libev libevent libfastjson libffi libgcrypt libgpg-error libgssglue libgsystem libgudev libjpeg-turbo libksba liblogging libmbim libmnl libmodulemd libmpc libmspack libndp libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_cthelper libnetfilter_cttimeout libnetfilter_queue libnfnetlink libnftnl libnl3 libnsl2 libpcap libpipeline libpng libpsl libqmi librelp librepo librsync libseccomp libselinux libsepol libserf libsigc++20 libsolv libsoup libssh2 libtalloc libtar libtasn1 libtiff libtirpc libtool libunistring libunwind libusb libvirt libwebp libxml2 libxslt libyaml linux-firmware lldb lldpad llvm lm-sensors lmdb log4cpp logrotate lshw lsof lsscsi ltrace lttng-tools lttng-ust lua lvm2 lz4 lzo m2crypto m4 make man-db man-pages mariadb maven mc mercurial meson mlocate ModemManager mpfr msr-tools mysql nano nasm ncurses ndctl net-snmp net-tools nettle newt nfs-utils nghttp2 nginx ninja-build nodejs npth nspr nss nss-altfiles ntp numactl numpy nvme-cli oniguruma OpenIPMI openjdk8 openldap openscap openssh openvswitch ostree pam pango parted patch pciutils pcre perl perl-Canary-Stability perl-CGI perl-common-sense perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-DBD-SQLite perl-DBI perl-DBIx-Simple perl-Exporter-Tiny perl-File-HomeDir perl-File-Which perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-JSON-Any perl-JSON-XS perl-libintl-perl perl-List-MoreUtils perl-Module-Build perl-Module-Install perl-Module-ScanDeps perl-Net-SSLeay perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Object-Accessor perl-Path-Class perl-Try-Tiny perl-Types-Serialiser perl-WWW-Curl perl-XML-Parser perl-YAML perl-YAML-Tiny pgbouncer pinentry pixman pkg-config polkit popt postgresql powershell procps-ng protobuf protobuf-c psmisc pth pyasn1-modules pygobject3 pyOpenSSL PyPAM pyparsing pytest python-appdirs python-asn1crypto python-atomicwrites python-attrs python-backports-ssl_match_hostname python-bcrypt python-boto3 python-botocore python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-configobj python-constantly python-coverage python-cryptography python-daemon python-dateutil python-defusedxml python-distro python-docopt python-docutils python-ecdsa python-enum34 python-futures python-gevent python-greenlet python-hyperlink python-hypothesis python-idna python-imagesize python-incremental python-iniparse python-ipaddr python-ipaddress python-jinja2 python-jmespath python-jsonpatch python-jsonpointer python-jsonschema python-lockfile python-lxml python-m2r python-mako python-markupsafe python-mistune python-msgpack python-netaddr python-netifaces python-ntplib python-oauthlib python-packaging python-pam python-pbr python-pip python-ply python-prettytable python-psutil python-psycopg2 python-py python-pyasn1 python-pycodestyle python-pycparser python-pycurl python-pygments python-pynacl python-pyvmomi python-requests python-setuptools python-setuptools_scm python-simplejson python-six python-snowballstemmer python-sphinx python-sphinx-theme-alabaster python-sqlalchemy python-twisted python-typing python-urllib3 python-vcversioner python-virtualenv python-wcwidth python-webob python-websocket-client python-werkzeug python-zope-interface python2 python3 python3-twisted pytz PyYAML rapidjson readline redis rng-tools rpcbind rpcsvc-proto rpm rpm-ostree rrdtool rsync rsyslog ruby rubygem-bundler rust scons sed sg3_utils shadow-utils slang snappy socat sqlite sshpass strace strongswan subversion sudo swig syslinux syslog-ng sysstat systemd systemd-bootstrap systemtap tar tboot tcl tcp_wrappers tcpdump tcsh tdnf telegraf texinfo tmux tpm2-abrmd tpm2-tools tpm2-tss traceroute tree trousers tzdata unbound unixODBC unzip usbutils userspace-rcu utf8proc util-linux valgrind vim vsftpd WALinuxAgent wget which wpa_supplicant xerces-c xfsprogs xinetd xmlsec1 xmlto xz zchunk zeromq zip zlib zsh |
OpenMamba | Openmamba GPLv2 License | bash-completion |
TreasureData | ASL 2.0 License | td-agent |
Nvidia | ASL 2.0 License | libnvidia-container nvidia-container-runtime nvidia-container-toolkit nvidia-docker2 |
Magnus Edenhill Open Source | Magnus Edenhill Open Source BSD License | librdkafka |
Ceph | LGPL2.1 | ceph |
netplan | GPLv3 | netplan |
rpm-software-management | GPLv2+ | dnf-plugins-core |
OpenSuse | Following openSUSE guidelines | gd |