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VoidLeech edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

To create Boats using Oblivion, follow these steps.
Your dependency on Oblivion should be BEFORE.

  1. Create an Enum containing your wood types. This enum should implement OblivionBoatType AND call initOBT():
public enum ExampleBoatType implements OblivionBoatType {

  EXAMPLE_1(YourBlocks.EXAMPLE_1_PLANKS.get(), "example_1", YourItems.EXAMPLE_1_RAFT, YourItems.EXAMPLE_1_CHEST_RAFT, true),
  EXAMPLE_2(YourBlocks.EXAMPLE_2_PLANKS.get(), "example_2", YourItems.EXAMPLE_2_BOAT, YourItems.EXAMPLE_2_CHEST_BOAT, false);

  private final String name;
  private final Supplier<? extends OblivionBoatItem> boat;
  private final Supplier<? extends OblivionBoatItem> chestBoat;
  private final boolean usesRaftModel;
  private final Block planks;

  ExampleBoatType(Block planks, String name, Supplier<? extends OblivionBoatItem> boat, Supplier<? extends OblivionBoatItem> chestBoat, boolean usesRaftModel) { = name;
      this.boat = boat;
      this.chestBoat = chestBoat;
      this.planks = planks;
      this.usesRaftModel = usesRaftModel;

  public String getName() {
      return name;

  public String getNamespace() {
      return MOD_ID;

  public Item getBoat() {
      return boat.get();

  public Item getChestBoat() {
      return chestBoat.get();

  public boolean usesRaftModel() {
      return usesRaftModel;

  public Block getPlanks() {
      return planks;
  1. Register your boat items as normal (DeferredRegister+RegistryObject), using the provided OblivionBoatItem, passing one of your enum's values.

  2. In your ClientModEvents (or similar), register your enum:

public static void onClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event)
    OblivionBoatRenderer.registerBoatResources(ExampleBoatType.class, MOD_ID);
  1. Create ModelLayers for your wood types (Dist.Client only):
public class ExampleModelLayers {
  public static final ModelLayerLocation EXAMPLE_1_RAFT_LAYER = new ModelLayerLocation(
              new ResourceLocation(MOD_ID, "boat/example_1"), "main");
  public static final ModelLayerLocation EXAMPLE_1_CHEST_RAFT_LAYER = new ModelLayerLocation(
              new ResourceLocation(MOD_ID, "chest_boat/example_1"), "main");
  public static final ModelLayerLocation EXAMPLE_2_BOAT_LAYER = new ModelLayerLocation(
              new ResourceLocation(MOD_ID, "boat/example_2"), "main");
  public static final ModelLayerLocation EXAMPLE_2_CHEST_BOAT_LAYER = new ModelLayerLocation(
              new ResourceLocation(MOD_ID, "chest_boat/example_2"), "main");
  1. In your ClientModEvents (or similar), register the models, using Raft(Chest)Model for any wood types you've declared to use the Raft model, and Boat(Chest)Model otherwise:
public static void registerModelLayers(EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterLayerDefinitions event){
  event.registerLayerDefinition(ExampleModelLayers.EXAMPLE_1_RAFT_LAYER, RaftModel::createBodyModel);
  event.registerLayerDefinition(ExampleModelLayers.EXAMPLE_1_CHEST_RAFT_LAYER, ChestRaftModel::createBodyModel);
  event.registerLayerDefinition(ExampleModelLayers.EXAMPLE_2_BOAT_LAYER, BoatModel::createBodyModel);
  event.registerLayerDefinition(ExampleModelLayers.EXAMPLE_2_CHEST_BOAT_LAYER, ChestBoatModel::createBodyModel);
  1. Add your textures to assets/mod_id/textures/entity/boat/ and assets/mod_id/textures/entity/chest_boat/, each just the name of your wood as defined in your enum, i.e. example_1.png.
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