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Releases: VisionEval/VisionEval-Dev

Pre-release of v2.0 with patch applied for LocateEmployment

12 May 19:28
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Two changes applied to the VELandUse module:

  1. Change to AssignLocTypes for assignment of dwelling units to location types, after discovering some inputs can result in a non-integer being used as the size parameter in a sampling step.
  2. Change to LocateEmployment to handle situations where a Bzone has no employment at all (0 for total, retail, and service employment).

Installers built for Windows, R versions 4.0.2 and 4.0.5 attached.

Fixed Development Release

31 Mar 19:58
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This release includes a few small bug fixes and should be used for new development. The associated binaries are available for R version 4.0.2, 4.0.4 and 4.0.5.

Travel Time Reliability Test

29 Dec 21:18
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The binary installer attached here (and optional package sources) provides the Release 2.0 Release Candidate development version of VisionEval compiled for R Version 4.0.3 (NOTE: not 4.0.2 that we had been using). It includes the new TravelTimeReliabiilty module in VETravelPerformance, as well as a sample model ("VERSPM-TTR") which will run the module. Download it, unzip it, and you should be good to go.

Notwithstanding the tag for this release, if you would like to access the code used to make this installer, check out the "develop-ttr" branch.

Contact Jeremy Raw (@jrawbits, [email protected]) with questions or probblems.

VisionEval 2.0 - Pre-Release Version

21 Oct 15:07
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This release (current as of 2021-10-21) provides a VisonEval pre-release installer for the Version 2.0 version. The final Version 2.0, when it is released to the "master" branch and to the main VisionEval repository, will probably be identical to this pre-release.

You can download the binary installer plus the optional source packages from the assets below.

Remaining work prior to finalizing the 2.0 release includes getting all the Website and Wiki documentation consistent with the code as released.

If you have questions about using VisionEval in general and this release in particular, please reach out to Jeremy Raw ([email protected]) or Dan Flynn ([email protected]).

Download an installation instructions for this release can be found at

Release Candidate, 2020-09-18

18 Sep 13:21
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This release includes an additional important bug-fix for zero-car households in VE-State that would sometimes lead to erasing the Household Daily VMT estimate (yielding all zeroes). It also rolls back the scenario management mechanism to what existed in VisionEval 1.0, pending bug-fixes to the new setup that pre-creates directories and sets up input files needing modification, based on a user configuration file. The machinery still exists in VEScenario, but we're not putting it in the installer until it is working.

Everything else, including earlier updates to VEHouseholdVehicles and VEPowertrainsAndFuels should still be here. To install, unzip into an empty directory, then see the Getting-Started-v2.pdf file for instructions on how to get started.

Release Candidate, 2020-08-21

18 Aug 20:09
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[Installer binaries updated on Thusday, August 27, 2020, to incorporate better support for metric computation queries and very minor bug fixes (including updates to the Getting-Started-v2 document.]

This version, available initially just for R 4.0.2, makes extensive changes to the data management within the packages, so the installer is much smaller than it was (under 550Mb now, where before it was close to 700).
I fixed a number of bugs along the way in the end user API and elsewhere (missing modules for RPAT, package data not getting reliably updated). All the test models run all the way through (there's still a message about "group_by_" being deprecated by dplyr in the MultiModal module, but it's harmless for now).

There's a binary installer, the package source zip file, plus I have uploaded a tiny script that runs all the test models using the end-user API. Put it in the runtime directory, and then source it from RStudio, or you can run it straight as an RScript.

I'll update the installer promptly if any problems show up.

Final Release Candidate, 2020-08-08

08 Aug 22:13
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The latest version has the proposed final "Getting-Started" guide, VEPowertrainsAndFuelsxAP (as VEPowertrainsAndFuels) with the interpolated "all years" factors, VEHouseholdVehicles with the new adjustments, and the new helper functions (renamed "tools/models.R"). The helper functions are documented in the GettingStarted guide, and will be useful to beginners and advanced users alike. The "tools/Query" directory has some documentation and sample scripts for how to extract summary performance measures in VisionEval. Most people will just want the $extract function from the helpers, which exportes tables as .csv files, or a list of data.frames for those wishing to use R for processing (see GettingStarted.pdf).

It's still failing Travis (despite taking out the Safety Module tests) and I'll clean up that before the final release. We'll discuss at the 8/11 weekly.

Release Candidate, 2020-08-03

03 Aug 20:03
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This binary release auxiliary source packages contains all the code we're planning to push in VisionEval 2.0. The GettingStarted document still needs work.

Release Candidate, 2020-07-16

16 Jul 20:51
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Updated documentation, build working (better) with Mac OSX, but we still need a contributed binary. Some restructuring of report stuff (not yet ready for primetime probably - see the "tools" folder). Added VEHouseholdVehiclesWithAdj. Fixed bug with RequiredVEPackages (parameter in run_parameters is now no longer needed at all). Included a "staged" version of VE-State (which may solve our Travis-CI problems, though I still need to reconfigure .travis.yml): the model runs prior steps and then uses them in a subsequent run - we can expand this approach eventually to make the scenario evaluation much more efficient

Still "to do": clean up the reporting further. Fix document build for .Rmd files (one of the documents in the packages are missing data sets; I got a replacement from Brian Gregor). The "Training" from March 2019 appears in two places - still need to decide if we keep it and where.

Release Candidate, 2020-07-01

01 Jul 12:41
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Updated installers, including VEScenario updates and fixes to minor issues observed in RC.1.

I'm just including built versions for R 3.6.1, R 3.6.3 and R 4.0.1 (not the source packages). Check out the tag in git, launch VisionEval-dev.Rproj in RStudio and run"installer") if you would like a full package for some other R version (or need the built package sources). You'll need to have installed RTools40 (and have it on your Windows or equivalents on your Mac PATH), and it requires about 7Gb of hard drive space per version built. It would be nice for someone to attempt a Mac build (and of course, run the final product to ensure that works).

Please check that it all installs and runs for you, and spend some time probing the "docs" folder to make sure we have the right stuff in the right places (those are all PDF files built from various markdown files).

Documentation: Currently, the build process rebuilds the framework documentation using tools that Brian invented originally (and it builds the "Training" document from the March 2019 training), assembles the module overviews from the "module_docs" folder in the final packages, bundles up any .md files it finds in the "tools" folder, and also any .md files it finds in the model script folders. Finally, it also reaches into the Wiki for the Concepts Primer and the Getting Started Guide. It is a small issue to include other file types if we like (e.g. the spreadsheet for RSPM describing the input files) or to look in other folders. Which documents (and which locations to search) are all highly configurable. I'd need to change the code if we want it to look for anything other than .md files, but that's not hard.

Speaking of the tools, I still have some work to do on the export tool interfaces, package and documentation.