Releases: VirtualBrainLab/Pinpoint
Hotfix (v0.8.0alpha)
The browser build of Pinpoint v0.7.0 is still available but is having some issues due to an upgrade we made on the server. If you are running into problems please download the alpha release of v0.8 below (Windows only).
Important information
In v0.7.x and onwards you will find that the control system for probes has changed. You are no longer in direct control of the probe depth, instead you now control the target brain coordinate and the probe angles. The depth and surface coordinate required to reach your target are calculated for you. The advantage of this is that we can now do fancy things like snap to brain regions (coming in v0.7.1) and proper setting of positions using the manual coordinate entry. The disadvantage of this is that you learned a different system in previous versions. Sorry about that! Email Dan if you have any questions or run into any bugs.
v0.7.0 of Pinpoint is now available at this link
v0.6.0 is now deprecated
There are some missing features in this build that will arrive soon, including: manual entry based on brain surface coordinates, snapping to brain areas, reducing text clutter in the probe interpolation views
- UI refactor
- Rig refactor(also added IBL headbars
- Fixed craniotomy coordinates
- Coordinate transformation refactor
- Added phi/theta control with dragging
- Refactored insertions to use ProbeInsertion class, easier to pass around and convert
- Modified how coordinates work so that probe positions are defined by their target coordinate (ap,ml,dv) and angles (phi,theta,spin) in CCF space.
- Fixed manual coordinate entry system to work in all scenarios
- Changed defaults so that Bregma is stored inside the CoordinateTransform
- Changed defaults so probe depth is always calculated from the brain surface (and never reported as the DV value, which is confusing)
- Fixed a bug where the craniotomy was visible before the setting was enabled
- Fixed a bug where collisions didn't cause other objects to show up as colliders
- Fixed a bug preventing users from switching back and forth between CCF and IBL Needles space
The latest WebGL build is v0.6.2.
The windows desktop client is no longer functional for v0.6.2, please use the web client.
This is a partial version release, not all features I intended to include in 0.6 are currently available. There are two really important things to be aware of:
coordinate systems: right now you must keep the (0,0,0) at IBL bregma setting turned ON (it is on by default)
exporting probes: because of the ^ issue, you still can't export and import probes, sorry!
in vivo offset angle: the CCF atlas is known to be angled off from in vivo brains by about 5 degrees, you may miss small targets that are in deep structures if you don't account for this offset
- Changed movement functionality to increment in discrete steps when clicking buttons. Holding buttons down continues to move at a rate / second. Pressing [ctrl] and [shift] makes smaller and larger increments, respectively.
- Added an in-vivo stereotaxic transform setting, which outputs in vivo coordinates rather than ccf coordinates
- Added the ability to click on a probe and then press an axis key ([W/S] or [A/D] or [Z/X]), you can then drag the probe along that axis for faster position control
- Replaced the coronal and sagittal slice renderers with shaders to improve performance, this has a substantial cost at startup as textures are transferred to the GPU in exchange for a huge gain at runtime
- Replaced the probe panel slice renderer with a shader to improve performance
- Replaced the in-plane panel slice renderer with a shader to improve performance
- Changed how collision detection works so that it doesn't prevent probe movement, just warns you that probes are colliding
- Change recording region to white
- Added a mini axis-control gizmo thing, you can double click the arms to rotate the brain automatically
- Press [CTRL+Backspace] or [C+Backspace] to recover a probe you deleted
- Added an IBL coverage map showing the current state of the second pass map (as of 4/19/22)
- Added zoom functions to the in-plane slice
- Refactored 3D datasets into the generic VolumetricDataset class, all datasets now use row-order
- Azimuth and Spin angles now wrap around
- Removed unintentional shadows from main directional light source
- Fixed a bug where the acronym flag didn't caused the search window to update
- Fixed a bug where area boundaries were being poorly defined in the in-plane slice when the probe was slicing off the coronal plane
- Fixed a bug where moving the camera past a clipping change when the sagittal/coronal slices were visible would cause the camera to "jump"
- Probe panels now re-order to prioritize keeping NP2.4 probe panels grouped on the same row
v0.6.1 fixed mouse skull issues and added a craniotomy option
v0.6.1 added ibl coverage data
v0.6.2 fixed a bug where probe colors could be duplicated
v0.6.2 fixed bugs with craniotomy feature
- Changed CCF assets to be downloaded and cached locally, reducing the size of builds substantially
- Added probe saving and loading
- Added alpha clipping when the sagittal and coronal slice views are enabled from the camera direction
- Fixed a bug that caused key presses while searching to activate their regular functions
- Search window now shows acronyms when in acronym mode
- Fixed an unknown bug causing files not to load
- Fixed a variety of issues with materials and 3D models, and incorporated improved CCF model loading functions
I changed the azimuth and elevation angles to match those used by the IBL in this release. If you want alternate angles for your recordings please open an issue on github with a request that defines the angle orientations you prefer to use.
- Added a search window, clicking an area in the window rotates the graphics between opaque and transparent shaders
- Added a mouse skull to the rig options
- Added preferences which save+load settings across sessions
- Changed phi/theta angles to match the IBL defaults, see
- Changed units to um instead of mm
- Prevent [Backspace] from deleting probes when manual entry window open
- Fixed a bug where AP axis was flipped in the manual coordinate entry window
- Fixed a post-release issue where depth from brain was failing and in-plane slices were not rendering correctly
- Probes leaving the brain no longer fail to update their recording region
- Depth from brain setting works again
- Sagittal/coronal slices spawn at the tip position
- Update area text/acronyms properly when adding probes that change the probe panel heights
- Probes can be deleted with [Backspace]
- Black outlines around annotation regions in the in-plane slice
- Reduce size of recording regions on probes
Added features for in-plane slicing
In-plane slice is enabled by default
Hovering displays area names and clicking highlights the region by changing the visible shader
Fixed minor bugs related to probe positioning and viewport
Added a linux build