diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ca793ee..9fcfee7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# TAILMON v1.0.8
+# TAILMON v1.0.10
Asus-Merlin Tailscale Installer, Configurator and Monitor
diff --git a/tailmon-1.0.8.sh b/archive/tailmon-1.0.8.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from tailmon-1.0.8.sh
rename to archive/tailmon-1.0.8.sh
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index 2e732a8..a39caff 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+v1.0.10 - (May 12, 2024)
+ - PATCH: Made some wording changes based on feedback from @jksmurf in the Operation Mode screen,
+ which now explicitly states that changes are made upon exit, and that if the 'Custom' mode is
+ selected, that you will be able to make changes to custom settings after TAILMON completes
+ making changes.
+ - PATCH: Reduced the number of sleep timeouts based on feedback from @snz. This will reduce the
+ amount of time you have to receive feedback on what the application is currently doing, but will
+ give you the perception that its running faster now. Certain things I do not have control over:
+ ie. the time it takes for Tailscale services/connection to stop and start.
v1.0.8 - (May 3, 2024)
- PATCH: Increased the timer by a few seconds after the Tailscale service is started to hopefully
reduce any possible error messages you would see when issuing a "tailscale up" command. It's a
diff --git a/enhancements.txt b/enhancements.txt
index 0b0ae64..d85daa1 100644
--- a/enhancements.txt
+++ b/enhancements.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+* Add an option for a "tailscale up --reset" for those needing a reset
diff --git a/tailmon-1.0.10.sh b/tailmon-1.0.10.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fef330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tailmon-1.0.10.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2607 @@
+# TAILMON (TAILMON.SH) is an all-in-one script that is optimized to install, maintain and monitor a Tailscale service and
+# connection from your Asus-Merlin FW router. It provides the basic steps needed to install and implement a successful
+# connection to your tailnet. It allows for 2 different modes of operation: Kernel and Userspace modes. Depending on your
+# needs, you can also enable exit node and subnet route advertisements. Separately, TAILMON functions as a Tailscale
+# monitor application that will sit in the background (using the -screen utility), and will restart the Tailscale service
+# should it happen to go down. Many thanks to: @jksmurf, @ColinTaylor, @Aiadi, and @kuki68ster for all their help, input
+# and testing of this script!
+#Preferred standard router binaries path
+export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
+#Static Variables - please do not change
+apppath="/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh" # Static path to the app
+config="/jffs/addons/tailmon.d/tailmon.cfg" # Static path to the config file
+dlverpath="/jffs/addons/tailmon.d/version.txt" # Static path to the version file
+logfile="/jffs/addons/tailmon.d/tailmon.log" # Static path to the log
+args="--tun=userspace-networking --state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+routes="$(nvram get lan_ipaddr | cut -d"." -f1-3).0/24"
+#AMTM Email Notification Variables
+readonly scriptFileName="${0##*/}"
+readonly scriptFileNTag="${scriptFileName%.*}"
+readonly CEM_LIB_TAG="master"
+readonly CEM_LIB_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Martinski4GitHub/CustomMiscUtils/${CEM_LIB_TAG}/EMail"
+readonly CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBDir="/jffs/addons/shared-libs"
+readonly CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBName="CustomEMailFunctions.lib.sh"
+# Color variables
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LogoNM is a function that displays the BACKUPMON script name in a cool ASCII font without menu options
+logoNM () {
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CDkGray} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ INITIALIZING ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CYellow} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen}[ INITIALIZING ... DONE ]${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ LOADING... ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+logoNMexit () {
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CYellow} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ SHUTTING DOWN ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CDkGray} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ SHUTTING DOWN ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\r ${CDkGray} [ GOODBYE... ] ${CClear}\n\n"
+ sleep 1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Promptyn is a simple function that accepts y/n input
+{ # No defaults, just y or n
+ while true; do
+ read -p "$1" -n 1 -r yn
+ case "${yn}" in
+ [Yy]* ) return 0 ;;
+ [Nn]* ) return 1 ;;
+ * ) echo -e "\nPlease answer y or n.";;
+ esac
+ done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Spinner is a script that provides a small indicator on the screen to show script activity
+ spins=$1
+ spin=0
+ totalspins=$((spins / 4))
+ while [ $spin -le $totalspins ]; do
+ for spinchar in / - \\ \|; do
+ printf "\r$spinchar"
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ spin=$((spin+1))
+ done
+ printf "\r"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preparebar and Progressbar is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity
+ barlen=$1
+ barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1")
+ barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")
+ insertspc=" "
+ bypasswancheck=0
+ if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
+ printf "\r $barspaces\r"
+ else
+ if [ ! -z $7 ] && [ $1 -ge $7 ]; then
+ barch=$(($7*barlen/$2))
+ barsp=$((barlen-barch))
+ progr=$((100*$1/$2))
+ else
+ barch=$(($1*barlen/$2))
+ barsp=$((barlen-barch))
+ progr=$((100*$1/$2))
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi
+ if [ "$5" == "Standard" ]; then
+ printf " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} [${CGreen}e${CClear}=Exit] [Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :)
+ key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)"
+ if [ $key_press ]; then
+ case $key_press in
+ [Aa]) vconfig;;
+ [Cc]) vsetup;;
+ [Dd]) tsdown;;
+ [Ee]) logoNMexit; echo -e "${CClear}\n"; exit 0;;
+ [Kk]) vconfig;;
+ [Ll]) vlogs;;
+ [Mm]) timerloopconfig;;
+ [Oo]) if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then customconfig; fi;;
+ [Ss]) startts;;
+ [Tt]) stopts;;
+ [Uu]) tsup;;
+ *) timer=$timerloop;;
+ esac
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Initial setup menu
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} TAILMON Initial Setup ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} TAILMON has not been configured yet, and Tailscale will need to be installed and${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} configured. You can choose between 'Express Install' and 'Advanced Install'.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 1) Express Install will automatically download and install Tailscale, choosing the${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 'Userspace' mode of operation and configures it to advertise routes of your local${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} subnet by default. A URL prompt will appear which will require you to copy this link"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} into your browser to connect this device to your tailnet."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 2) Advanced Install will launch the TAILMON Setup/Configuration Menu, and allows${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} you to manually choose your preferred settings, such as 'Kernel' vs. 'Userspace'${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} mode, and letting you pick the exit node option along with additional subnets."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Before starting, please familiarize yourself with how Tailscale works. Please use${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} @ColinTaylor's Wiki available here:${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} https://github.com/RMerl/asuswrt-merlin.ng/wiki/Installing-Tailscale-through-Entware${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} It is also advised to have an account set and ready to go on https://tailscale.com${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please select? (1=Express Install, 2=Advanced Install, e=Exit): " SelectSetup
+ case $SelectSetup in
+ 1)
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON Express Install initiated." >> $logfile
+ expressinstall;;
+ 2)
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON Advanced Install initiated." >> $logfile
+ exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -setup;;
+ [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}"; echo ""; exit 0;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Expressinstall script
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Ready to Express Install Tailscale?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Tailscale Package(s)...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg install tailscale
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Entware package installed." >> $logfile
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Entware was not found installed on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Applying settings for Userspace mode of operation...${CClear}"
+ tsoperatingmode="Userspace"
+ precmd=""
+ args="--tun=userspace-networking --state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+ preargs="nohup"
+ saveconfig
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Applying settings to Tailscale service and connection...${CClear}"
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Userspace mode
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Userspace" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/^ARGS=.*/ARGS=\"--tun=userspace-networking\ --state=\/opt\/var\/tailscaled.state\ --statedir=\/opt\/var\/lib\/tailscale\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i "s/^PREARGS=.*/PREARGS=\"nohup\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i -e '/^PRECMD=/d' "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Userspace Mode settings have been applied." >> $logfile
+ #remove firewall-start entry if found
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ sed -i -e '/tailscale down/d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Tailscale binary was not found. Please check Entware and router/drive for errors.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale binaries not found on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Starting Tailscale service...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service started." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Starting Tailscale connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Please be prepared to copy and paste the link below into your browser, and connect this device"
+ echo -e "to your tailnet (Tailscale Network)${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ advroutescmd="--advertise-routes=$routes"
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Executing: tailscale up $advroutescmd${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tailscale up $advroutescmd
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection started." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Express Install Completed Successfully!${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -noswitch
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Install script
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Install Tailscale ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This installer will download and install Tailscale from the Entware respository."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} It will also check for any prerequisites before install commences."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Install Tailscale?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Tailscale Package(s)...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg install tailscale
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Entware package installed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Entware was not found on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Uninstall script
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Uninstall Tailscale ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This uninstaller utility will remove Tailscale Entware packages from your router"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} along with all files and modifications made to Tailscale."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Uninstall Tailscale?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ if [ -f /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Shutting down Tailscale...${CClear}"
+ tailscale logout
+ tailscale down
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection shut down and logged out." >> $logfile
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled stop
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service shut down." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Removing firewall-start entries...${CClear}"
+ #remove firewall-start entry if found
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ sed -i -e '/tailscale down/d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: firewall-start entries removed." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Uninstalling Entware Tailscale Package(s)...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg remove tailscale
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Entware package removed." >> $logfile
+ # Removed the various folders tailscale could hide
+ rm -f /opt/var/tailscaled.state >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /opt/var/lib/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /opt/var/run/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /var/run/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /var/lib/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale files and folders removed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Entware not found on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Tailscale was not found installed on this router.${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ fi
+ fi
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# start service script
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Starting Tailscale Service]"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:"
+ echo ""
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service started." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ #sleep 5
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# stop service script
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Stopping Tailscale Service]"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:"
+ echo ""
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled stop
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service stopped." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ #sleep 3
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tailscale connection up
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Activating Tailscale Connection]"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodecmd="--advertise-exit-node "; else exitnodecmd=""; fi
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutescmd="--advertise-routes=$routes"; else advroutescmd=""; fi
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo "Executing: tailscale up $customcmdline"
+ echo ""
+ tailscale up $customcmdline
+ else
+ echo "Executing: tailscale up $exitnodecmd$advroutescmd"
+ echo ""
+ tailscale up $exitnodecmd$advroutescmd
+ fi
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection started." >> $logfile
+ #sleep 3
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tailscale connection down
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Bringing Tailscale Connection Down]"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Executing: tailscale down"
+ echo ""
+ tailscale down
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection stopped." >> $logfile
+ #sleep 3
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Force Tailscale Binary update
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Updating Tailscale Binary]"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Executing: tailscale update"
+ echo ""
+ tailscale update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Restart Tailscale?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo -e "\n"
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Restarting Tailscale Service/Connection]${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Userspace mode
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Userspace" ]; then
+ applyuserspacemode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Kernel mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Kernel" ]; then
+ applykernelmode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Custom mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ applycustommode
+ fi
+ startts
+ tsup
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service/Connection Successfully Restarted]${CClear}"
+ echo -e "\n"
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ fi
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale binary updated to latest available version." >> $logfile
+ resettimer=1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# autostart lets you enable the ability for tailmon to autostart after a router reboot
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Reboot Protection ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate below if you would like to enable TAILMON to autostart after a"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} router reboot. This will ensure continued, uninterrupted Tailscale monitoring."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = Disabled)"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ if [ "$autostart" == "0" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CRed}Disabled${CClear}"
+ elif [ "$autostart" == "1" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}Enabled${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ read -p 'Enable Reboot Protection? (0=No, 1=Yes, e=Exit): ' autostart1
+ if [ "$autostart1" == "" ] || [ -z "$autostart1" ]; then autostart=0; else autostart="$autostart1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+ if [ "$autostart" == "0" ]; then
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/tailmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ autostart=0
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Disabled" >> $logfile
+ saveconfig
+ sleep 1
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ fi
+ elif [ "$autostart" == "1" ]; then
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then
+ if ! grep -q -F "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -screen) & # Added by tailmon" /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then
+ echo "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -screen) & # Added by tailmon" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ autostart=1
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Enabled" >> $logfile
+ saveconfig
+ sleep 1
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ else
+ autostart=1
+ saveconfig
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ echo "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -screen) & # Added by tailmon" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/post-mount
+ autostart=1
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Enabled" >> $logfile
+ saveconfig
+ sleep 1
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ fi
+ elif [ "$autostart" == "e" ]; then
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ else
+ autostart=0
+ saveconfig
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# timerloopconfig lets you configure how long you want the timer cycle to last between tailscale checks
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Timer Loop Configuration ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate how long the timer cycle should take between Tailscale Service and.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Connection checks."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = 60 seconds)${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}$timerloop sec${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please enter value (1-999)? (e=Exit): " EnterTimerLoop
+ case $EnterTimerLoop in
+ [1-9])
+ timerloop=$EnterTimerLoop
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ [1-9][0-9])
+ timerloop=$EnterTimerLoop
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ [1-9][0-9][0-9])
+ timerloop=$EnterTimerLoop
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}[Exiting]"
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# customconfig lets you edit the args and settings for tailscale
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Custom Tailscale Configuration ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This functionality allows you to choose your own Tailscale ARGS, PREARGS and PRECMD${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} entries, and allows you to modify the Tailscale connection commandline options.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CYellow}Proceed at your own risk!${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current Operating Mode: ${CGreen}$tsoperatingmode${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current values in Tailscale Service (/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled):${CClear}"
+ s06args=$(cat /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled | grep ^ARGS= | cut -d '=' -f 2-) 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -z "$s06args" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} ${CGreen}ARGS=\"\"${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} ${CGreen}ARGS=$s06args${CClear}"
+ fi
+ s06preargs=$(cat /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled | grep ^PREARGS= | cut -d '=' -f 2-) 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -z "$s06preargs" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} ${CGreen}PREARGS=\"\"${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} ${CGreen}PREARGS=$s06preargs${CClear}"
+ fi
+ s06precmd=$(cat /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled | grep ^PRECMD= | cut -d '=' -f 2-) 2>/dev/null
+ if [ -z "$s06precmd" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} ${CGreen}PRECMD=\"\"${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} ${CGreen}PRECMD=$s06precmd${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current custom values being used for Tailscale Connection commandline:${CClear}"
+ if [ -z "$customcmdline" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} ${CGreen}CMD=\"\"${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} ${CGreen}CMD=\"$customcmdline\"${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please enter item to modify (1-4)? (e=Exit): " EnterTimerLoop
+ case $EnterTimerLoop in
+ 1)
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}When entering a custom statement, please do not use quotes or other abnormal characters."
+ echo -e "${CClear}Example: --tun=userspace-networking --state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Enter new ARGS= " EnterNewArgs
+ tsoperatingmode="Custom"
+ args=$EnterNewArgs
+ args_regexp="$(printf '%s' "$args" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\n,\\n,g')"
+ sed -i "s/^ARGS=.*/ARGS=\"$args_regexp\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ restartts=1
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}When entering a custom statement, please do not use quotes or other abnormal characters."
+ echo -e "${CClear}Example: nohup"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Enter new PREARGS= " EnterNewPreArgs
+ tsoperatingmode="Custom"
+ preargs=$EnterNewPreArgs
+ preargs_regexp="$(printf '%s' "$preargs" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\n,\\n,g')"
+ sed -i "s/^PREARGS=.*/PREARGS=\"$preargs_regexp\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ restartts=1
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}When entering a custom statement, please do not use quotes or other abnormal characters."
+ echo -e "${CClear}Example: modprobe tun"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Enter new PRECMD= " EnterNewPreCmd
+ tsoperatingmode="Custom"
+ precmd=$EnterNewPreCmd
+ precmd_regexp="$(printf '%s' "$precmd" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\n,\\n,g')"
+ if ! grep -q -F "PRECMD=" /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled; then
+ sed '5 i PRECMD=\"'"$precmd_regexp"'\"' /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled > /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2
+ rm -f /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ mv /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ chmod 755 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ else
+ sed -i "s/^PRECMD=.*/PRECMD=\"$precmd_regexp\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ fi
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ restartts=1
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}When entering a custom statement, please do not use quotes or other abnormal characters."
+ echo -e "${CClear}Example: --advertise-exit-node --advertise-routes=,"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Enter new Commandline Options: " EnterNewCmdOptions
+ tsoperatingmode="Custom"
+ customcmdline=$EnterNewCmdOptions
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ restartts=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then
+ if [ $restartts -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Changing custom configuration options will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ startts
+ tsup
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}[Exiting]"
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# operating mode lets the user choose between userspace and kernel modes of operation
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Operating Mode Configuration ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale has 2 main modes of operation: 'Userspace' and 'Kernel' mode. By default,${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the installer will configure Tailscale to operate in 'Userspace' mode, but in the${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} end, should not make much difference performance-wise based on the hardware available${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} in our routers. More info below:${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} In general, kernel mode (and thus only Linux, for now) should be used for heavily${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} used subnet routers, where 'heavy' is some combination of number of users, number${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} of flows, bandwidth. The userspace mode should be more than sufficient for smaller${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} numbers of users or low bandwidth. Even though Tailscale's userspace subnet routing${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} is not as optimized as the Linux kernel, it makes up for it slightly in being able${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} to avoid some context switches to the kernel.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} A 3rd option (Custom) is also available, that allows you to enter your own custom${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} settings for the ARGS, PREARGS, PRECMD and Tailscale Commandline. ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} NOTE: TAILMON will apply changes to modes after hitting the (e)xit key. If 'Custom'${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} operating mode is chosen, you will be presented with the option to edit custom${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} Tailscale settings after changes have been applied.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = Userspace Mode)${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}$tsoperatingmode${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please enter value (1=Userspace, 2=Kernel, 3=Custom)? (e=Exit/Apply Changes): " EnterOperatingMode
+ case $EnterOperatingMode in
+ 1)
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Userspace" ]; then restartts=1; fi
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Userspace Operating Mode Selected]"
+ sleep 1
+ tsoperatingmode="Userspace"
+ precmd=""
+ args="--tun=userspace-networking --state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+ preargs="nohup"
+ customcmdline=""
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Kernel" ]; then restartts=1; fi
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Kernel Operating Mode Selected]"
+ sleep 1
+ tsoperatingmode="Kernel"
+ precmd="modprobe tun"
+ args="--state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+ preargs="nohup"
+ customcmdline=""
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Custom" ]; then restartts=1; fi
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Custom Operating Mode Selected]"
+ sleep 1
+ tsoperatingmode="Custom"
+ precmd="modprobe tun"
+ args="--state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
+ preargs="nohup"
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodecmd="--advertise-exit-node "; else exitnodecmd=""; fi
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutescmd="--advertise-routes=$routes"; else advroutescmd=""; fi
+ customcmdline="$exitnodecmd$advroutescmd"
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then
+ if [ $restartts -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Changing operating modes will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Userspace mode
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Userspace" ]; then
+ applyuserspacemode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Kernel mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Kernel" ]; then
+ applykernelmode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Custom mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ applycustommode
+ fi
+ startts
+ tsup
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Would you like to customize your Tailscale settings now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ customconfig
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}[Exiting]"
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}[Exiting]"
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# applyuserspacemode applies the standard settings for the Userspace operating mode
+ sed -i "s/^ARGS=.*/ARGS=\"--tun=userspace-networking\ --state=\/opt\/var\/tailscaled.state\ --statedir=\/opt\/var\/lib\/tailscale\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i "s/^PREARGS=.*/PREARGS=\"nohup\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i -e '/^PRECMD=/d' "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ #remove firewall-start entry if found
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ sed -i -e '/tailscale down/d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: firewall-start entries removed." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Userspace Mode settings have been applied." >> $logfile
+ sendmessage 0 "Tailscale Operating Mode Userspace"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# applykernelmode applies the standard settings for the Kernel operating mode
+ if ! grep -q -F "PRECMD=" /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled; then
+ sed '5 i PRECMD=\"modprobe tun\"' /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled > /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2
+ rm -f /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ mv /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ chmod 755 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ else
+ sed -i "s/^PRECMD=.*/PRECMD=\"modprobe tun\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ fi
+ sed -i "s/^ARGS=.*/ARGS=\"--state=\/opt\/var\/tailscaled.state\ --statedir=\/opt\/var\/lib\/tailscale\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i "s/^PREARGS=.*/PREARGS=\"nohup\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ #modify/create firewall-start
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if ! grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ echo "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi # Added by TAILMON" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: firewall-start entries created." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi # Added by TAILMON" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ chmod 0755 /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ fi
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Kernel Mode settings have been applied." >> $logfile
+ sendmessage 0 "Tailscale Operating Mode Kernel"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# applycustommode applies the standard settings for the Custom operating mode which initially mimics Kernel mode
+ if ! grep -q -F "PRECMD=" /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled; then
+ sed '5 i PRECMD=\"modprobe tun\"' /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled > /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2
+ rm -f /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ mv /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled2 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ chmod 755 /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled
+ else
+ sed -i "s/^PRECMD=.*/PRECMD=\"modprobe tun\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ fi
+ sed -i "s/^ARGS=.*/ARGS=\"--state=\/opt\/var\/tailscaled.state\ --statedir=\/opt\/var\/lib\/tailscale\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ sed -i "s/^PREARGS=.*/PREARGS=\"nohup\"/" "/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled"
+ #modify/create firewall-start
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if ! grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ echo "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi # Added by TAILMON" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: firewall-start entries created." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ echo "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi # Added by TAILMON" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ chmod 0755 /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ fi
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodecmd="--advertise-exit-node "; else exitnodecmd=""; fi
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutescmd="--advertise-routes=$routes"; else advroutescmd=""; fi
+ customcmdline="$exitnodecmd$advroutescmd"
+ saveconfig
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Custom Mode settings have been applied." >> $logfile
+ sendmessage 0 "Tailscale Operating Mode Custom"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# exitnodets provide a menu interface to allow for selection of router becoming an exitnode
+ clear
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 0 ]; then exitnodedisp="No"; elif [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodedisp="Yes"; fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Configure Router as Exit Node ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} A Tailscale Exit Node is a feature that lets you route all non-Tailscale internet"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} traffic through a specific device on your Tailscale network (known as a tailnet)."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The device routing your traffic (this router) is called an 'exit node'. Please"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} indicate below if you want to enable this feature"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = No)"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}$exitnodedisp${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Configure Router as Exit Node?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ exitnode=1
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Device has been configured as Exit Node." >> $logfile
+ else
+ exitnode=0
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Exit Node configuration has been disabled." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ saveconfig
+ timer=$timerloop
+ if [ "$exitnodedisp" == "No" ] && [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nChanging exit node configuration options will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ startts
+ tsup
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$exitnodedisp" == "Yes" ] && [ $exitnode -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nChanging exit node configuration options will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ startts
+ tsup
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advroutests provide a menu interface to allow for entry of advertised routes
+ clear
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 0 ]; then advroutesdisp="No"; elif [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutesdisp="Yes"; fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Advertise Routes on this Router ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale can act as a 'subnet router' that allow you to access multiple devices"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} located on your particular subnet through Tailscale. Subnet routers act as a"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} gateway, relaying traffic from your Tailscale network onto your physical subnet."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} If you need access to other devices, such as NAS, routers, computers, printers,"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} etc. without the need to install Tailscale software on them, it would be"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} recommended to enable this feature. Please indicate your choice below."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = Yes)"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}$advroutesdisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ROUTE(S): ${CGreen}$routes${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Advertise Routes?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Advertise Routes on this Router ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate what subnet you want to advertise to your Tailscale network."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Typically, you would enter the current subnet of what your router is currently"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} configured for, ex: Should you want to advertise multiple"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} subnets that are accessible by your router, comma-delimit them in this way:"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear},,"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = "; echo -e "$(nvram get lan_ipaddr | cut -d"." -f1-3).0/24)"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please enter valid IP4 subnet range? (e=Exit): " routeinput
+ if [ "$routeinput" == "e" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1
+ else
+ advroutes=1
+ routes=$routeinput
+ saveconfig
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Advertised routes enabled." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ else
+ advroutes=0
+ routes=""
+ saveconfig
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Advertised routes disabled." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ timer=$timerloop
+ if [ "$advroutesdisp" == "No" ] && [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nChanging exit node configuration options will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ startts
+ tsup
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$advroutesdisp" == "Yes" ] && [ $advroutes -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nChanging exit node configuration options will require a restart of Tailscale. Restart now?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Restarting Tailscale Service and Connection...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ startts
+ tsup
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# amtmevents lets you pick success or failure amtm email notification selections
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} AMTM Email Notifications ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate if you would like TAILMON to send you email notifications for${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale service/connection failures, or successes, or both? PLEASE NOTE: This${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} does require that AMTM email has been set up successfully under AMTM -> em (email${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} settings). Once you are able to send and receive test emails from AMTM, you may${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} use this functionality in TAILMON. Additionally, this functionality will download${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} an AMTM email interface library courtesey of @Martinsky, and will be located${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under a new common shared library folder called: /jffs/addons/shared-libs.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Use the corresponding ${CGreen}()${CClear} key to enable/disable email event notifications:${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ if [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ]; then amtmemailsuccessdisp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else amtmemailsuccess=0; amtmemailsuccessdisp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi
+ if [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then amtmemailfailuredisp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else amtmemailfailure=0; amtmemailfailuredisp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Success Event Notifications${CClear} ${CGreen}(1) -${CClear} $amtmemailsuccessdisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Failure Event Notifications${CClear} ${CGreen}(2) -${CClear} $amtmemailfailuredisp${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please select? (1-2, e=Exit, t=Test Email): " SelectSlot
+ case $SelectSlot in
+ 1) if [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ]; then amtmemailsuccess=1; amtmemailsuccessdisp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ]; then amtmemailsuccess=0; amtmemailsuccessdisp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;;
+ 2) if [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then amtmemailfailure=1; amtmemailfailuredisp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then amtmemailfailure=0; amtmemailfailuredisp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;;
+ [Tt])
+ if [ -f "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile" ]
+ then
+ if [ -z "${CEM_LIB_VERSION:+xSETx}" ] || \
+ _CheckLibraryUpdates_CEM_ "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBDir" quiet
+ then
+ _DownloadCEMLibraryFile_ "update"
+ fi
+ else
+ _DownloadCEMLibraryFile_ "install"
+ fi
+ cemIsFormatHTML=true
+ cemIsVerboseMode=true ## true OR false ##
+ emailBodyTitle="Testing Email Notification"
+ emailSubject="TEST: TAILMON Email Notification"
+ tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+ {
+ printf "This is a TEST to check & verify if sending email notifications is working well from TAILMON.\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ _SendEMailNotification_ "TAILMON v$version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+ ;;
+ [Ee])
+ saveconfig
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: AMTM Email notification configuration saved" >> $logfile
+ timer=$timerloop
+ break;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# AMTM Email Notification Functionality generously donated by @Martinski!
+# Creation Date: 2020-Jun-11 [Martinski W.]
+# Last Modified: 2024-Feb-07 [Martinski W.]
+# Modified for TAILMON Purposes [Viktor Jaep]
+ local msgStr retCode
+ case "$1" in
+ update) msgStr="Updating" ;;
+ install) msgStr="Installing" ;;
+ *) return 1 ;;
+ esac
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[INFO: ${msgStr} the shared AMTM email library script file to support email notifications...]${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: ${msgStr} the shared AMTM email library script file to support email notifications..." >> $logfile
+ mkdir -m 755 -p "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBDir"
+ curl -kLSs --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused \
+ curlCode="$?"
+ if [ "$curlCode" -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile" ]
+ then
+ retCode=0
+ chmod 755 "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile"
+ #printf "\nDone.\n"
+ else
+ retCode=1
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CRed}\r[ERROR: Unable to download the shared library script file ($CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBName).]${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to download the shared AMTM email library script file [$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBName]." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ return "$retCode"
+# ARG1: The email name/alias to be used as "FROM_NAME"
+# ARG2: The email Subject string.
+# ARG3: Full path of file containing the email Body text.
+# ARG4: The email Body Title string [OPTIONAL].
+ if [ -z "${amtmIsEMailConfigFileEnabled:+xSETx}" ]
+ then
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CRed}\r[ERROR: Email library script ($CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile) *NOT* FOUND.]${CClear}"
+ sleep 5
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Email library script [$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile] *NOT* FOUND." >> $logfile
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]
+ then
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CRed}\r[ERROR: INSUFFICIENT email parameters]${CClear}"
+ sleep 5
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - **ERROR**: INSUFFICIENT email parameters." >> $logfile
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local retCode emailBodyTitleStr=""
+ [ $# -gt 3 ] && [ -n "$4" ] && emailBodyTitleStr="$4"
+ FROM_NAME="$1"
+ _SendEMailNotification_CEM_ "$2" "-F=$3" "$emailBodyTitleStr"
+ retCode="$?"
+ if [ "$retCode" -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Email notification was sent successfully ($2)]${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Email notification was sent successfully [$2]" >> $logfile
+ sleep 5
+ else
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CRed}\r[ERROR: Failure to send email notification (Error Code: $retCode - $2).]${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failure to send email notification [$2]" >> $logfile
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# sendmessage is a function that sends an AMTM email based on activity within VPNMON-R3
+# $1 = Success/Failure 0/1
+# $2 = Component
+# $3 = VPN Slot
+sendmessage () {
+#If AMTM email functionality is disabled, return back to the function call
+if [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then
+ return
+ #Load, install or update the shared AMTM Email integration library
+ if [ -f "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBFile" ]
+ then
+ if [ -z "${CEM_LIB_VERSION:+xSETx}" ] || \
+ _CheckLibraryUpdates_CEM_ "$CUSTOM_EMAIL_LIBDir" quiet
+ then
+ _DownloadCEMLibraryFile_ "update"
+ fi
+ else
+ _DownloadCEMLibraryFile_ "install"
+ fi
+ cemIsFormatHTML=true
+ cemIsVerboseMode=false
+ tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+ #Pick the scenario and send email
+ if [ "$1" == "1" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then
+ if [ "$2" == "Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync" ]; then
+ emailSubject="ALERT: Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync"
+ emailBodyTitle="ALERT: Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync"
+ {
+ printf "Date/Time: $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "ALERT: TAILMON is currently recovering from out-of-sync settings issues! TAILMON has detected\n"
+ printf "that the Tailscale service settings are not in sync with the TAILMON config. This could be due to a\n"
+ printf "Tailscale update. TAILMON has fixed the settings and restarted the Tailscale service/connection.\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ elif [ "$2" == "Tailscale Service Restarted" ]; then
+ emailSubject="FAILURE: Tailscale Service Restarted"
+ emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Tailscale Service Restarted"
+ {
+ printf "Date/Time: $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "FAILURE: TAILMON has detected that the Tailscale service was dead and not connected. TAILMON.\n"
+ printf "has reset the service, and reestablished a connection to your Tailnet. Please investigate if this\n"
+ printf "behavior continues to persist.\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ fi
+ _SendEMailNotification_ "TAILMON v$version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ]; then
+ if [ "$2" == "Tailscale Operating Mode Userspace" ]; then
+ emailSubject="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Userspace Mode"
+ emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Userspace Mode"
+ {
+ printf "Date/Time: $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "SUCCESS: TAILMON has changed Tailscale Operating Mode to Userspace mode.\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ elif [ "$2" == "Tailscale Operating Mode Kernel" ]; then
+ emailSubject="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Kernel Mode"
+ emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Kernel Mode"
+ {
+ printf "Date/Time: $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "SUCCESS: TAILMON has changed Tailscale Operating Mode to Kernel mode\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ elif [ "$2" == "Tailscale Operating Mode Custom" ]; then
+ emailSubject="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Custom Mode"
+ emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Tailscale Operating Mode changed to Custom Mode"
+ {
+ printf "Date/Time: $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "SUCCESS: TAILMON has changed Tailscale Operating Mode to Custom mode\n"
+ printf "\n"
+ } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+ fi
+ _SendEMailNotification_ "TAILMON v$version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# installdependencies checks for existence of entware, and if so proceed and install the packages, then run tailmon -config
+ clear
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ]; then
+ vconfig
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Install Dependencies ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Missing dependencies required by TAILMON will be installed during this process."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "TAILMON has some dependencies in order to function correctly, namely, CoreUtils-Timeout"
+ echo -e "and the Screen utility. These utilities require you to have Entware already installed"
+ echo -e "using the AMTM tool. If Entware is present, the Timeout and Screen utilities will"
+ echo -e "automatically be downloaded and installed during this process."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CClear} is a utility that provides more stability for certain routers (like"
+ echo -e "the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly hang scripts running on this router model."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CClear} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone environment"
+ echo -e "directly on the router itself, instead of running your commands or a script from a network-"
+ echo -e "attached SSH client. This can provide greater stability due to it running on the router"
+ echo -e "itself."
+ echo ""
+ [ -z "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+ echo -e "Your router model is: ${CGreen}$RouterModel${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Ready to install?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CClear}Updating Entware Packages..."
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Installing Entware ${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CClear} Package...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg install coreutils-timeout
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Installing Entware ${CGreen}Screen${CClear} Package...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg install screen
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Install completed..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Entware dependencies installed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Executing Configuration Utility..."
+ sleep 1
+ vconfig
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Entware was not found installed on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CClear}[Exiting]"
+ echo ""
+ sleep 1
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# reinstalldependencies force re-installs the entware packages
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Re-install Dependencies ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Missing dependencies required by TAILMON will be re-installed during this process."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Would you like to re-install the CoreUtils-Timeout and the Screen utility? These"
+ echo -e "utilities require you to have Entware already installed using the AMTM tool. If Entware"
+ echo -e "is present, the Timeout and Screen utilities will be uninstalled, downloaded and re-"
+ echo -e "installed during this setup process..."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CClear} is a utility that provides more stability for certain routers (like"
+ echo -e "the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly hang scripts running on this router"
+ echo -e "model."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CClear} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone environment"
+ echo -e "directly on the router itself, instead of running your commands or a script from a"
+ echo -e "network-attached SSH client. This can provide greater stability due to it running on"
+ echo -e "the router itself."
+ echo ""
+ [ -z "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+ echo -e "Your router model is: ${CGreen}$RouterModel${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Force Re-install?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nUpdating Entware Packages..."
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Force Re-installing Entware ${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CClear} Package..."
+ echo ""
+ opkg install --force-reinstall coreutils-timeout
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Force Re-installing Entware ${CGreen}Screen${CClear} Package..."
+ echo ""
+ opkg install --force-reinstall screen
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Re-install completed..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Entware dependencies re-installed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Entware was not found installed on router. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vsetup provide a menu interface to allow for initial component installs, uninstall, etc.
+if [ ! -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] || [ ! -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ]; then
+ installdependencies
+while true; do
+ clear # Initial Setup
+ if [ -f $config ]; then
+ source $config
+ else
+ saveconfig
+ fi
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then tsinstalleddisp="Installed"; else tsinstalleddisp="Not Installed"; fi
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 0 ]; then exitnodedisp="No"; elif [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodedisp="Yes"; fi
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 0 ]; then advroutesdisp="No"; elif [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutesdisp="Yes ($routes)"; fi
+ tsver=$(tailscale version | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ -z "$tsver" ]; then tsver="0.00"; fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} TAILMON Main Setup and Configuration Menu ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to perform high level${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} actions in the management of the TAILMON script.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} : Install Tailscale Entware Package(s) : ${CGreen}$tsinstalleddisp${CClear}"
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Checking Services...Stand By]"
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled check >/dev/null 2>&1
+ tsservice=$?
+ if [ $tsservice -ne 0 ]; then tsservicedisp="Stopped"; else tsservicedisp="Started"; fi
+ tailscale status >/dev/null 2>&1
+ tsconn=$?
+ if [ $tsconn -ne 0 ]; then tsconndisp="Disconnected"; else tsconndisp="Connected"; fi
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ if [ "$tsinstalleddisp" == "Installed" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}-- ${InvGreen}${CWhite}(S)${CClear}tart / S${InvGreen}${CWhite}(T)${CClear}op Tailscale Service${CClear} |--- ${CGreen}$tsservicedisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}-- ${InvGreen}${CWhite}(U)${CClear}p / ${InvGreen}${CWhite}(D)${CClear}own Tailscale Connection${CClear} |--- ${CGreen}$tsconndisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}-- U${InvGreen}${CWhite}(P)${CClear}date Tailscale Binary to latest version |--- ${CGreen}v$tsver${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} : Uninstall Tailscale Entware Package(s)${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} : Set Tailscale Operating Mode : ${CGreen}$tsoperatingmode${CClear}"
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}-- Edit Custom ${InvGreen}${CWhite}(O)${CClear}peration Mode Settings${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Configure this Router as Exit Node : $exitnodedisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Advertise Routes on this router : $advroutesdisp${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Configure this Router as Exit Node : ${CGreen}$exitnodedisp${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear} : Advertise Routes on this router : ${CGreen}$advroutesdisp${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6)${CClear} : Custom configuration options for TAILMON${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear} : Force reinstall Entware dependencies${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8)${CClear} : Check for latest updates${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9)${CClear} : Uninstall TAILMON${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(L)${CClear} : Launch TAILMON in Monitoring Mode${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(M)${CClear} : Launch TAILMON in Monitoring Mode using SCREEN${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e)${CClear} : Exit${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$tsinstalleddisp" == "Installed" ]; then
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ read -p "Please select? (1-9, S/T/U/D/P/O/L/M, e=Exit): " SelectSlot
+ else
+ read -p "Please select? (1-9, S/T/U/D/P/L/M, e=Exit): " SelectSlot
+ fi
+ else
+ read -p "Please select? (1-9, L/M, e=Exit): " SelectSlot
+ fi
+ case $SelectSlot in
+ [Ss]) echo ""; startts;;
+ [Tt]) echo ""; stopts;;
+ [Uu]) echo ""; tsup;;
+ [Dd]) echo ""; tsdown;;
+ [Ll]) exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -noswitch;;
+ [Mm]) exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -screen -now;;
+ [Oo]) if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ customconfig
+ fi ;;
+ [Pp]) echo ""; tsupdate;;
+ 1) installts;;
+ 2) uninstallts;;
+ 3) if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then operatingmode; fi;;
+ 4) if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Custom" ]; then
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then exitnodets; fi
+ fi ;;
+ 5) if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Custom" ]; then
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then advroutests; fi
+ fi ;;
+ 6) installdependencies;;
+ 7) reinstalldependencies;;
+ 8) vupdate;;
+ 9) vuninstall;;
+ [Ee]) echo ""; timer=$timerloop; break;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vconfig is a function that provides a UI to choose various options for tailmon
+# Grab the TAILMON config file and read it in
+if [ -f $config ]; then
+ source $config
+ initialsetup
+while true; do
+ if [ $keepalive -eq 0 ]; then
+ keepalivedisp="No"
+ else
+ keepalivedisp="Yes"
+ fi
+ if [ $persistentsettings -eq 0 ]; then
+ persistentsettingsdisp="No"
+ else
+ persistentsettingsdisp="Yes"
+ fi
+ if [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then
+ amtmemailsuccfaildisp="Disabled"
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then
+ amtmemailsuccfaildisp="Success"
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then
+ amtmemailsuccfaildisp="Failure"
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then
+ amtmemailsuccfaildisp="Success, Failure"
+ else
+ amtmemailsuccfaildisp="Disabled"
+ fi
+ if [ $autostart -eq 0 ]; then
+ autostartdisp="Disabled"
+ elif [ $autostart -eq 1 ]; then
+ autostartdisp="Enabled"
+ fi
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} TAILMON Configuration Option ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to modify certain${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} customizable parameters that affect the operation of this script.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} : Keep Tailscale Service Alive : ${CGreen}$keepalivedisp"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} : Timer Check Loop Interval : ${CGreen}${timerloop}sec"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} : Custom Event Log size (rows) : ${CGreen}$logsize"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : AMTM Email Notifications on Success/Failure : ${CGreen}$amtmemailsuccfaildisp"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear} : Keep settings on Tailscale Entware updates : ${CGreen}$persistentsettingsdisp"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6)${CClear} : Autostart TAILMON on Reboot : ${CGreen}$autostartdisp"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e)${CClear} : Exit${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please select? (1-6, e=Exit): " SelectSlot
+ case $SelectSlot in
+ 1)
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Keep Tailscale Service Alive ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate if you want TAILMON to check the status of the Tailscale Service${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} and restart it if necessary? While Tailscale overall is fairly stable, there are${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} instances where the service with terminate."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = Yes)${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}Current: ${CGreen}$keepalivedisp${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Keep Alive?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ keepalive=1
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON keepalive enabled." >> $logfile
+ else
+ keepalive=0
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON keepalive disabled." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ saveconfig
+ ;;
+ 2) timerloopconfig
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Custom Event Log Size ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate below how large you would like your Event Log to grow. I'm a poet${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} and didn't even know it. By default, with 2000 rows, you will have many months of${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Event Log data."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Use 0 to Disable, max number of rows is 9999. (Default = 2000)"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}Current: ${CGreen}$logsize${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Please enter Log Size (in rows)? (0-9999, e=Exit): " NEWLOGSIZE
+ if [ "$NEWLOGSIZE" == "e" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1
+ elif [ $NEWLOGSIZE -ge 0 ] && [ $NEWLOGSIZE -le 9999 ]; then
+ logsize=$NEWLOGSIZE
+ saveconfig
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Event log size configured for $logsize rows." >> $logfile
+ else
+ logsize=2000
+ saveconfig
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ amtmevents
+ source $config
+ ;;
+ 5)
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Keep Settings Persistent on Tailscale Entware Updates ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please indicate if you want TAILMON to check the Tailscale Service settings on${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} a regular basis to determine if settings are out-of-sync due to a possible${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale Entware upgrade? A common side-effect after updating the Tailscale${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Entware package is that it will remove your previously configured settings,${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} which could cause your router to no longer participate on your tailnet.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = No)${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}Current: ${CGreen}$persistentsettingsdisp${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Keep Settings Persistent?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "
+ then
+ persistentsettings=1
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON Keep Settings Persistent enabled." >> $logfile
+ else
+ persistentsettings=0
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON Keep Settings Persistent disabled." >> $logfile
+ fi
+ saveconfig
+ ;;
+ 6) autostart;;
+ [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1; resettimer=1; break ;;
+ esac
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version...
+updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update Utility ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This utility allows you to check, download and install updates"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Current Version: ${CGreen}$version${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Updated Version: ${CGreen}$DLversion${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$version" == "$DLversion" ]
+ then
+ echo -e "You are on the latest version! Would you like to download anyways? This will overwrite${CClear}"
+ echo -e "your local copy with the current build.${CClear}"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nDownloading TAILMON ${CGreen}v$DLversion${CClear}"
+ curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/TAILMON/main/tailmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Download successful!${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON update successfully downloaded and installed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to restart TAILMON...\n' -n1 key
+ exec /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -setup
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ return
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "Score! There is a new version out there! Would you like to update?${CClear}"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nDownloading TAILMON ${CGreen}v$DLversion${CClear}"
+ curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/TAILMON/main/tailmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Download successful!${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON update successfully downloaded and installed." >> $logfile
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to restart TAILMON...\n' -n1 key
+ exec /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -setup
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed
+ # Download the latest version file from the source repository
+ curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/TAILMON/main/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d/version.txt"
+ if [ -f $dlverpath ]
+ then
+ # Read in its contents for the current version file
+ DLversion=$(cat $dlverpath)
+ # Compare the new version with the old version and log it
+ if [ "$beta" == "1" ]; then # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message
+ UpdateNotify=0
+ elif [ "$DLversion" != "$version" ]; then
+ DLversionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLversion)
+ versionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $version)
+ UpdateNotify="${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$versionPF -> v$DLversionPF ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: New TAILMON v$DLversion available for download/install." >> $logfile
+ else
+ UpdateNotify=0
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of tailmon/tailscale from your router...
+while true; do
+ clear
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Uninstall Utility ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} You are about to uninstall TAILMON and optionally, Tailscale from your router! This"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} action is irreversible."
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "; then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nAre you sure? Please type 'y' to validate you wish to proceed.${CClear}"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "; then
+ #Remove and uninstall files/directories
+ rm -f -r /jffs/addons/tailmon.d >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -f /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
+ sed -i -e '/tailmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}TAILMON has been uninstalled...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then
+ echo -e "Would you also like to uninstall Tailscale from your router?"
+ if promptyn "[y/n]: "; then
+ if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out.
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Shutting down Tailscale...${CClear}"
+ tailscale logout
+ tailscale down
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled stop
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Removing firewall-start entries...${CClear}"
+ #remove firewall-start entry if found
+ if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
+ if grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
+ sed -i -e '/tailscale down/d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg update
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CGreen}Uninstalling Entware Tailscale Package(s)...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ opkg remove tailscale
+ rm -f /opt/var/tailscaled.state >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /opt/var/lib/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /opt/var/run/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /var/run/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -r /var/lib/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+ break
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding..."
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nExiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\nExiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the TAILMON log file
+export TERM=linux
+nano +999999 --linenumbers $logfile
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# trimlogs will cut down log size (in rows) based on custom value
+ if [ $logsize -gt 0 ]; then
+ currlogsize=$(wc -l $logfile | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log
+ if [ $currlogsize -gt $logsize ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it!
+ then
+ echo "$(tail -$logsize $logfile)" > $logfile
+ fi
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# saveconfig saves the tailmon.cfg file after every major change, and applies that to the script on the fly
+ { echo 'keepalive='$keepalive
+ echo 'timerloop='$timerloop
+ echo 'logsize='$logsize
+ echo 'autostart='$autostart
+ echo 'amtmemailsuccess='$amtmemailsuccess
+ echo 'amtmemailfailure='$amtmemailfailure
+ echo 'tsoperatingmode="'"$tsoperatingmode"'"'
+ echo 'persistentsettings='$persistentsettings
+ echo 'exitnode='$exitnode
+ echo 'advroutes='$advroutes
+ echo 'precmd="'"$precmd"'"'
+ echo 'args="'"$args"'"'
+ echo 'preargs="'"$preargs"'"'
+ echo 'routes="'"$routes"'"'
+ echo 'customcmdline="'"$customcmdline"'"'
+ } > $config
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: TAILMON config has been updated." >> $logfile
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Check for updates
+# Check and see if any commandline option is being used
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ clear
+ exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -noswitch
+ exit 0
+# Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || [ "$1" == "-bw" ] || [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ] || [ "$1" == "-screen" ] || [ "$1" == "-now" ]
+ then
+ clear
+ else
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo "TAILMON v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Exiting due to invalid commandline options!"
+ echo "(run 'tailmon.sh -h' for help)"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+# Check to see if the help option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ]
+ then
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo "TAILMON v$version Commandline Option Usage:"
+ echo ""
+ echo "tailmon -h | -help"
+ echo "tailmon -setup"
+ echo "tailmon -bw"
+ echo "tailmon -screen"
+ echo "tailmon -screen -now"
+ echo ""
+ echo " -h | -help (this output)"
+ echo " -setup (displays the setup menu)"
+ echo " -bw (runs tailmon in monochrome mode)"
+ echo " -screen (runs tailmon in screen background)"
+ echo " -screen -now (runs tailmon in screen background immediately)"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ exit 0
+# Check to see if a second command is being passed to remove color
+if [ "$1" == "-bw" ] || [ "$2" == "-bw" ]
+ then
+ blackwhite
+# Check to see if the -now parameter is being called to bypass the screen timer
+if [ "$2" == "-now" ]
+ then
+ bypassscreentimer=1
+# Check to see if the setup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-setup" ]
+ then
+ # Create the necessary folder/file structure for tailmon under /jffs/addons
+ if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d"
+ fi
+ logoNM
+ vsetup
+ exit 0
+# Check to see if the screen option is being called and run operations normally using the screen utility
+if [ "$1" == "-screen" ]
+ then
+ screen -wipe >/dev/null 2>&1 # Kill any dead screen sessions
+ sleep 1
+ ScreenSess=$(screen -ls | grep "tailmon" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d . -f 1)
+ if [ -z $ScreenSess ]; then
+ if [ "$bypassscreentimer" == "1" ]; then
+ screen -dmS "tailmon" $apppath -noswitch
+ sleep 1
+ screen -r tailmon
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CClear}Executing ${CGreen}TAILMON v$version${CClear} using the SCREEN utility..."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}IMPORTANT:"
+ echo -e "${CClear}In order to keep TAILMON running in the background,"
+ echo -e "${CClear}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: ${CGreen}CTRL-A + D${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ screen -dmS "tailmon" $apppath -noswitch
+ sleep 5
+ screen -r tailmon
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$bypassscreentimer" == "1" ]; then
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ clear
+ echo -e "${CClear}Connecting to existing ${CGreen}TAILMON v$version${CClear} SCREEN session...${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}IMPORTANT:${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CClear}In order to keep TAILMON running in the background,${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CClear}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: ${CGreen}CTRL-A + D${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CClear}Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CClear}"
+ spinner 5
+ fi
+ fi
+ screen -dr $ScreenSess
+ exit 0
+# Check to see if the noswitch option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ]
+ then
+ clear #last switch before the main program starts
+ if [ ! -f $cfgpath ] && [ ! -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ ! -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ]; then
+ initialsetup
+ fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Begin TAILMON Main Loop
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+#{ # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+# Create the necessary folder/file structure for tailmon under /jffs/addons
+if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d"
+# Check for and add an alias for TAILMON
+if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "alias tailmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh\" # added by tailmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
+if [ ! -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] || [ ! -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ]; then
+ installdependencies
+if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] # If the timeout utility is available then use it and assign variables
+ then
+ timeoutcmd="timeout "
+ timeoutsec="10"
+ timeoutlng="60"
+ else
+ timeoutcmd=""
+ timeoutsec=""
+ timeoutlng=""
+while true; do
+ # Grab the TAILMON config file and read it in
+ if [ -f $config ]; then
+ source $config
+ else
+ initialsetup
+ fi
+ if [ -f "/opt/bin/tailscale" ]; then
+ tsinstalled=1
+ clear
+ if [ $keepalive -eq 1 ]; then
+ keepalivedisp="Yes"
+ else
+ keepalivedisp="No"
+ fi
+ if [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then
+ amtmdisp="${CDkGray}Disabled "
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "0" ]; then
+ amtmdisp="${CGreen}Success "
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "0" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then
+ amtmdisp="${CGreen}Failure "
+ elif [ "$amtmemailsuccess" == "1" ] && [ "$amtmemailfailure" == "1" ]; then
+ amtmdisp="${CGreen}Success, Failure"
+ else
+ amtmdisp="${CDkGray}Disabled "
+ fi
+ tzone=$(date +%Z)
+ tzonechars=$(echo ${#tzone})
+ if [ $tzonechars = 1 ]; then tzspaces=" ";
+ elif [ $tzonechars = 2 ]; then tzspaces=" ";
+ elif [ $tzonechars = 3 ]; then tzspaces=" ";
+ elif [ $tzonechars = 4 ]; then tzspaces=" ";
+ elif [ $tzonechars = 5 ]; then tzspaces=" "; fi
+ #Display tailmon Update Notifications
+ if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "$UpdateNotify"; fi
+ tsver=$(tailscale version | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ -z "$tsver" ]; then tsver="0.00"; fi
+ #Display tailmon client header
+ echo -en "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray} TAILMON - v"
+ printf "%-8s" $version
+ echo -e " ${CWhite}Operations Menu ${InvDkGray} $tzspaces$(date) ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(S)${CClear}tart / S${CGreen}(T)${CClear}op Tailscale Service ${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(C)${CClear}onfiguration Menu / Main Setup Menu${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale Connection ${CGreen}(U)${CClear}p / ${CGreen}(D)${CClear}own ${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(L)${CClear}og Viewer / Trim Log Size (rows): ${CGreen}$logsize${CClear}"
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Custom ${CGreen}(O)${CClear}peration Mode Settings ${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(K)${CClear}eep Tailscale Service Alive: ${CGreen}$keepalivedisp${CClear}"
+ else
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CDkGray}Custom (O)peration Mode Settings${CClear} ${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(K)${CClear}eep Tailscale Service Alive: ${CGreen}$keepalivedisp${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}(A)${CClear}MTM Email Notifications: $amtmdisp ${InvGreen} ${CClear} Ti${CGreen}(M)${CClear}er Check Loop Interval: ${CGreen}${timerloop}sec${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+ echo ""
+ echo -en "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Service v"
+ printf "%-8s" $tsver
+ echo -e " ${CClear}"
+ /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled check
+ tsservice=$?
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Connection Status: ${CClear}"
+ tailscale status
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Userspace" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Service Options (Userspace Mode) ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}ARGS: ${CGreen}$args"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}PREARGS: ${CGreen}$preargs"
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Kernel" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Service Options (Kernel Mode) ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}PRECMD: ${CGreen}$precmd"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}ARGS: ${CGreen}$args"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}PREARGS: ${CGreen}$preargs"
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Service Options (Custom Mode) ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}PRECMD: ${CGreen}$precmd"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}ARGS: ${CGreen}$args"
+ echo -e "${CWhite}PREARGS: ${CGreen}$preargs"
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite}Tailscale Connection Commandline ${CClear}"
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ echo -e "${CWhite}${CGreen}$customcmdline${CClear}"
+ else
+ if [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodecmd="--advertise-exit-node "; else exitnodecmd=""; fi
+ if [ $advroutes -eq 1 ]; then advroutescmd="--advertise-routes=$routes"; else advroutescmd=""; fi
+ echo -e "${CWhite}${CGreen}$exitnodecmd$advroutescmd${CClear}"
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ #read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
+ else
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale binaries not found. Please investigate." >> $logfile
+ tsinstalled=0
+ exec sh /jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh -setup
+ fi
+ #Determine if S06tailscaled service settings have changed
+ if [ $tsinstalled -eq 1 ] && [ $persistentsettings -eq 1 ]; then
+ s06args=$(cat /opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled | grep ^ARGS= | cut -d '=' -f 2-) 2>/dev/null
+ tailmonargs="\"$args\""
+ if [ "$s06args" != "$tailmonargs" ]; then
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync]"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service settings are out-of-sync." >> $logfile
+ sleep 1
+ tsdown
+ stopts
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Userspace mode
+ if [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Userspace" ]; then
+ applyuserspacemode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Kernel mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Kernel" ]; then
+ applykernelmode
+ #make mods to the S06tailscaled service for Custom mode
+ elif [ "$tsoperatingmode" == "Custom" ]; then
+ applycustommode
+ fi
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service settings synced]"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service settings synced." >> $logfile
+ sleep 1
+ startts
+ tsup
+ #sleep 3
+ echo ""
+ sendmessage 1 "Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync"
+ resettimer=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #Determine if Tailscale service is down
+ if [ $tsinstalled -eq 1 ] && [ $keepalive -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ $tsservice -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "\33[2K\r"
+ printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service appears dead]"
+ echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service appears dead." >> $logfile
+ sleep 1
+ startts
+ tsup
+ #sleep 3
+ resettimer=1
+ echo ""
+ sendmessage 1 "Tailscale Service Restarted"
+ fi
+ fi
+ #display a standard timer
+ if [ "$resettimer" == "0" ]; then
+ timer=0
+ while [ $timer -ne $timerloop ]
+ do
+ timer=$(($timer+1))
+ preparebar 46 "|"
+ progressbaroverride $timer $timerloop "" "s" "Standard"
+ if [ "$resettimer" == "1" ]; then timer=$timerloop; fi
+ done
+ fi
+ resettimer=0
+exit 0
diff --git a/tailmon.sh b/tailmon.sh
index 2a627f2..2fef330 100644
--- a/tailmon.sh
+++ b/tailmon.sh
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
#Static Variables - please do not change
apppath="/jffs/scripts/tailmon.sh" # Static path to the app
config="/jffs/addons/tailmon.d/tailmon.cfg" # Static path to the config file
@@ -65,6 +65,75 @@ CWhite="\e[1;37m"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LogoNM is a function that displays the BACKUPMON script name in a cool ASCII font without menu options
+logoNM () {
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CDkGray} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ INITIALIZING ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CYellow} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen}[ INITIALIZING ... DONE ]${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ LOADING... ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+logoNMexit () {
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CYellow} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ SHUTTING DOWN ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ clear
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${CDkGray} _________ ______ __ _______ _ __"
+ echo -e " /_ __/ | / _/ / / |/ / __ \/ | / /"
+ echo -e " / / / /| | / // / / /|_/ / / / / |/ /"
+ echo -e " / / / ___ |_/ // /___/ / / / /_/ / /| /"
+ echo -e " /_/ /_/ |_/___/_____/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$version"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ printf "\r ${CGreen} [ SHUTTING DOWN ] ${CClear}"
+ sleep 1
+ printf "\r ${CDkGray} [ GOODBYE... ] ${CClear}\n\n"
+ sleep 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Promptyn is a simple function that accepts y/n input
@@ -143,7 +212,7 @@ progressbaroverride()
[Aa]) vconfig;;
[Cc]) vsetup;;
[Dd]) tsdown;;
- [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}\n"; exit 0;;
+ [Ee]) logoNMexit; echo -e "${CClear}\n"; exit 0;;
[Kk]) vconfig;;
[Ll]) vlogs;;
[Mm]) timerloopconfig;;
@@ -286,7 +355,6 @@ expressinstall()
echo -e "${CGreen}Please be prepared to copy and paste the link below into your browser, and connect this device"
echo -e "to your tailnet (Tailscale Network)${CClear}"
echo ""
echo -e "${CGreen}Executing: tailscale up $advroutescmd${CClear}"
echo ""
@@ -376,8 +444,8 @@ uninstallts()
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service shut down." >> $logfile
echo ""
echo -e "\n${CGreen}Removing firewall-start entries...${CClear}"
- #remove firewall-start entry if found
+ #remove firewall-start entry if found
if [ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall-start ]; then
if grep -q -F "if [ -x /opt/bin/tailscale ]; then tailscale down; tailscale up; fi" /jffs/scripts/firewall-start; then
sed -i -e '/tailscale down/d' /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
@@ -399,6 +467,7 @@ uninstallts()
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Entware package removed." >> $logfile
+ # Removed the various folders tailscale could hide
rm -f /opt/var/tailscaled.state >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -r /opt/var/lib/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -r /opt/var/run/tailscale >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -435,14 +504,14 @@ startts()
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Starting Tailscale Service]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
printf "\33[2K\r"
echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:"
echo ""
/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled start
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service started." >> $logfile
echo ""
- sleep 5
+ #sleep 5
@@ -454,14 +523,14 @@ stopts()
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Stopping Tailscale Service]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
printf "\33[2K\r"
echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:"
echo ""
/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled stop
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Service stopped." >> $logfile
echo ""
- sleep 3
+ #sleep 3
@@ -473,7 +542,7 @@ tsup()
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Activating Tailscale Connection]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
printf "\33[2K\r"
if [ $exitnode -eq 1 ]; then exitnodecmd="--advertise-exit-node "; else exitnodecmd=""; fi
@@ -493,7 +562,7 @@ tsup()
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection started." >> $logfile
- sleep 3
+ #sleep 3
@@ -505,7 +574,7 @@ tsdown()
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Bringing Tailscale Connection Down]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
printf "\33[2K\r"
echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:${CClear}"
echo ""
@@ -513,7 +582,7 @@ tsdown()
echo ""
tailscale down
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Tailscale Connection stopped." >> $logfile
- sleep 3
+ #sleep 3
@@ -525,7 +594,7 @@ tsupdate()
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Updating Tailscale Binary]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
printf "\33[2K\r"
echo -e "${CGreen}Messages:${CClear}"
@@ -542,7 +611,7 @@ tsupdate()
echo -e "\n"
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Restarting Tailscale Service/Connection]${CClear}"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
@@ -607,7 +676,7 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Disabled" >> $logfile
- sleep 2
+ sleep 1
@@ -623,7 +692,7 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Enabled" >> $logfile
- sleep 2
+ sleep 1
@@ -642,7 +711,7 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifying POST-MOUNT file]..."
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - INFO: Reboot Protection Enabled" >> $logfile
- sleep 2
+ sleep 1
@@ -875,10 +944,10 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Operating Mode Configuration ${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
- echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale has 2 modes of operation: 'Userspace' and 'Kernel' mode. By default, the${CClear}"
- echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} installer will configure Tailscale to operate in 'Userspace' mode, but in the end,${CClear}"
- echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} should not make much difference performance-wise based on the hardware available in${CClear}"
- echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} our routers. More info below:${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Tailscale has 2 main modes of operation: 'Userspace' and 'Kernel' mode. By default,${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the installer will configure Tailscale to operate in 'Userspace' mode, but in the${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} end, should not make much difference performance-wise based on the hardware available${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} in our routers. More info below:${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} In general, kernel mode (and thus only Linux, for now) should be used for heavily${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} used subnet routers, where 'heavy' is some combination of number of users, number${CClear}"
@@ -889,17 +958,22 @@ while true; do
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} A 3rd option (Custom) is also available, that allows you to enter your own custom${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} settings for the ARGS, PREARGS, PRECMD and Tailscale Commandline. ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} NOTE: TAILMON will apply changes to modes after hitting the (e)xit key. If 'Custom'${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} operating mode is chosen, you will be presented with the option to edit custom${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CYellow} Tailscale settings after changes have been applied.${CClear}"
+ echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = Userspace Mode)${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Current: ${CGreen}$tsoperatingmode${CClear}"
echo ""
- read -p "Please enter value (1=Userspace, 2=Kernel, 3=Custom)? (e=Exit): " EnterOperatingMode
+ read -p "Please enter value (1=Userspace, 2=Kernel, 3=Custom)? (e=Exit/Apply Changes): " EnterOperatingMode
case $EnterOperatingMode in
if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Userspace" ]; then restartts=1; fi
echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Userspace Operating Mode Selected]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
args="--tun=userspace-networking --state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
@@ -912,7 +986,7 @@ while true; do
if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Kernel" ]; then restartts=1; fi
echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Kernel Operating Mode Selected]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
precmd="modprobe tun"
args="--state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
@@ -925,7 +999,7 @@ while true; do
if [ "$tsoperatingmode" != "Custom" ]; then restartts=1; fi
echo -e "\n${CGreen}[Custom Operating Mode Selected]"
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
precmd="modprobe tun"
args="--state=/opt/var/tailscaled.state --statedir=/opt/var/lib/tailscale"
@@ -1207,7 +1281,7 @@ advroutests()
echo ""
read -p "Please enter valid IP4 subnet range? (e=Exit): " routeinput
if [ "$routeinput" == "e" ]; then
- echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 2
+ echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1
@@ -1571,7 +1645,7 @@ installdependencies()
read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
echo ""
echo -e "Executing Configuration Utility..."
- sleep 2
+ sleep 1
@@ -1586,7 +1660,7 @@ installdependencies()
echo ""
echo -e "\n${CClear}[Exiting]"
echo ""
- sleep 2
+ sleep 1
exit 0
@@ -1898,7 +1972,7 @@ while true; do
read -p "Please enter Log Size (in rows)? (0-9999, e=Exit): " NEWLOGSIZE
if [ "$NEWLOGSIZE" == "e" ]; then
- echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 2
+ echo -e "\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1
elif [ $NEWLOGSIZE -ge 0 ] && [ $NEWLOGSIZE -le 9999 ]; then
@@ -1943,7 +2017,7 @@ while true; do
6) autostart;;
- [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}\n[Exiting]"; sleep 2; resettimer=1; break ;;
+ [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}\n[Exiting]"; sleep 1; resettimer=1; break ;;
@@ -2257,6 +2331,7 @@ if [ "$1" == "-setup" ]
if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d" ]; then
mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/tailmon.d"
+ logoNM
exit 0
@@ -2464,7 +2539,7 @@ while true; do
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync]"
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service settings are out-of-sync." >> $logfile
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
@@ -2483,12 +2558,12 @@ while true; do
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service settings synced]"
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service settings synced." >> $logfile
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
- sleep 3
+ #sleep 3
echo ""
sendmessage 1 "Tailscale Service settings out-of-sync"
@@ -2502,12 +2577,12 @@ while true; do
printf "\33[2K\r"
printf "${CGreen}\r[Tailscale Service appears dead]"
echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_hostname) TAILMON[$$] - ERROR: Tailscale Service appears dead." >> $logfile
- sleep 3
+ sleep 1
- sleep 3
+ #sleep 3
echo ""
sendmessage 1 "Tailscale Service Restarted"
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index b0f3d96..7ee7020 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@