diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b7aea15..d5f3ce9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-# BACKUPMON v1.8.19
+# BACKUPMON v1.8.20
+## Updated on 2024-Sep-17
 **First off** -- HUGE thanks to @Jeffrey Young for sharing his original backup script. His script is the main engine of BACKUPMON, and all credit goes to him! BACKUPMON is simply a wrapper around Jeff's backup script functionality, adding easy-to-use menus, more status feedback, and the ability to launch a restore based on your previous backups. Also, big thanks to @Martinski for his many contributions as well as his extremely helpful AMTM email library script, and huge props to @visortgw for contributing to the backup methodologies thread with his scripts and wisdom!
diff --git a/backupmon-1.8.18.sh b/archive/backupmon-1.8.18.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from backupmon-1.8.18.sh
rename to archive/backupmon-1.8.18.sh
diff --git a/archive/backupmon-1.8.19.sh b/archive/backupmon-1.8.19.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd8b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/backupmon-1.8.19.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6196 @@
+# Original functional backup script by: @Jeffrey Young, August 9, 2023
+# BACKUPMON heavily modified and restore functionality added by @Viktor Jaep, 2023-2024
+# BACKUPMON is a shell script that provides backup and restore capabilities for your Asus-Merlin firmware router's JFFS,
+# NVRAM and external USB drive environment. By creating a network share off a NAS, server, or other device, BACKUPMON can
+# point to your location of choice, and perform a daily backup to this mounted drive. To perform daily, unattended backups,
+# simply schedule a daily job through BACKUPMON, which will automatically get added to your CRON schedule. During a
+# situation of need, where a backup would need to be restored  after a catastrophic event with either your router or
+# attached USB storage, simply copy the backupmon.sh + backupmon.cfg files over to a newly formatted /jffs/scripts folder,
+# ensuring that your external USB storage was formatted with the same exact name (how-to's are all retrievable from the
+# instructions.txt in your backup folder), and perform the restore by running the "backupmon.sh -restore" command,
+# selecting the backup you want to use, and going through the prompts to complete the restoration of both your /jffs, NVRAM
+# and external USB drive environments.
+# Please use the 'backupmon.sh -setup' command to configure the necessary parameters that match your environment the best!
+# Variable list -- please do not change any of these
+Version="1.8.19"                                                # Current version
+Beta=0                                                          # Beta release Y/N
+CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg"                # Path to the backupmon config file
+DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/version.txt"                # Path to the backupmon version file
+LOGFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.log"                # Path to the local logfile
+ERRORLOGFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmonerrors.log"     # Path to the local errors logfile
+ERRORFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/errors.txt"                 # Path to the local error flag file
+PFEXCLUSION="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/pfexclusion.txt"          # Path to pagefile exclusion file
+WDAY="$(date +%a)"                                              # Current day # of the week
+MDAY="$(date +%d)"                                              # Current day # of the month
+YDAY="$(date +%j)"                                              # Current day # of the year
+EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"            # Grabbing the default External USB Drive path
+EXTLABEL="$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"                     # Grabbing the default External USB Label name
+UNCUPDATED="False"                                              # Tracking if the UNC was updated or not
+SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"                                     # Tracking if the Secondary UNC was updated or not
+UpdateNotify=0                                                  # Tracking whether a new update is available
+BSWITCH="False"                                                 # Tracking -backup switch to eliminate timer
+USBSOURCE="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+USBTARGET="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+SMBTARGET="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+SECONDARYUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                      # Tracking switch
+TESTUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                           # Tracking switch
+SECONDARYSWITCH="False"                                         # Tracking switch
+# Default Config variables
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-09] ##
+# Custom Email Library Script Variables #
+readonly scriptFileName="${0##*/}"
+readonly scriptFileNTag="${scriptFileName%.*}"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH="master"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL1="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MartinSkyW/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL2="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Martinski4GitHub/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL3="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/BACKUPMON/main/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR="/jffs/addons/shared-libs"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME="CustomEMailFunctions.lib.sh"
+# Color variables
+#Preferred standard router binaries path
+export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Functions
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LogoNM is a function that displays the BACKUPMON script name in a cool ASCII font without menu options
+logoNM () {
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CDkGray}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ INITIALIZING ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}[ INITIALIZING ... DONE ]${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}      [ LOADING... ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+logoNMexit () {
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ SHUTTING DOWN ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CDkGray}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ SHUTTING DOWN ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  printf "\r                            ${CDkGray}      [ GOODBYE... ]     ${CClear}\n\n"
+  sleep 1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Promptyn is a simple function that accepts y/n input
+promptyn () {   # No defaults, just y or n
+  while true; do
+    read -p '[y/n]? ' YESNO
+      case "$YESNO" in
+        [Yy]* ) return 0 ;;
+        [Nn]* ) return 1 ;;
+        * ) echo -e "\nPlease answer y or n.";;
+      esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# blackwhite is a simple function that removes all color attributes
+blackwhite () {
+# Color variables
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# teelogger provides an easy way to append logging info to an existing log entry
+teelogger() {
+  log=$1
+  while read line ; do
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - $line" | tee -a $log
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# errorcheck looks for the existence of an error file and provides an on-screen warning about it
+errorcheck() {
+if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+  echo ""
+  errordate=$(cat $ERRORFILE | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+  errordate=$(date -d @${errordate})
+  echo -e "${InvRed}${CWhite} WARNING: Errors were detected during last backup on $errordate.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvRed}${CWhite} Please review error logs from the setup/configuration menu.${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preparebar and Progressbaroverride is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity
+preparebar () {
+  # $1 - bar length
+  # $2 - bar char
+  barlen=$1
+  barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1")
+  barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")
+progressbaroverride () {
+  insertspc=" "
+  if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
+    printf "\r  $barspaces\r"
+  else
+      barch=$(($1*barlen/$2))
+      barsp=$((barlen-barch))
+      progr=$((100*$1/$2))
+  fi
+    if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi
+      printf "  ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} ${CGreen}[ e=Exit / Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
+    # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :)
+    key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)"
+    if [ $key_press ]; then
+        case $key_press in
+            [Xx]) echo ""; echo ""; sleep 1; restore;;
+            [Ss]) (vsetup); source $CFGPATH; echo ""; sleep 1; exit 0;;
+            [Ee])  # Exit gracefully
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  exit 0
+                  ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed
+updatecheck () {
+  # Download the latest version file from the source repository
+  curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/version.txt"
+  if [ -f $DLVERPATH ]
+    then
+      # Read in its contents for the current version file
+      DLVersion=$(cat $DLVERPATH)
+      # Compare the new version with the old version and log it
+      if [ "$Beta" == "1" ]; then   # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message
+        UpdateNotify=0
+      elif [ "$DLVersion" != "$Version" ]; then
+        UpdateNotify=1
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: A new update (v$DLVersion) is available to download" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        UpdateNotify=0
+      fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the BACKUPMON log file
+vlogs () {
+export TERM=linux
+nano +999999 --linenumbers $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# velogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the BACKUPMON error log file
+velogs () {
+export TERM=linux
+nano +999999 --linenumbers $ERRORLOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Trimlogs is a function that forces the logs down to a certain number of rows to give you some history
+trimlogs () {
+      #trim regular logs
+      CURRLOGSIZE=$(wc -l $LOGFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log
+      if [ $CURRLOGSIZE -gt 5000 ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it!
+        then
+          echo "$(tail -5000 $LOGFILE)" > $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #trim error logs
+      CURRERRLOGSIZE=$(wc -l $ERRORLOGFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log
+      if [ $CURRERRLOGSIZE -gt 5000 ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it!
+        then
+          echo "$(tail -5000 $ERRORLOGFILE)" > $ERRORLOGFILE
+      fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vconfig is a function that guides you through the various configuration options for backupmon
+vconfig () {
+  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+    source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+    cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+  fi
+  if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+    source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -z $SECONDARYPURGE ]; then SECONDARYPURGE=0; fi
+    # Determine router model
+    if [ -z "$ROUTERMODEL" ]; then
+      [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+    fi
+    # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+    if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+      excludeswap
+    fi
+    CHANGES=0 #track notification to save your changes
+    while true; do
+      clear
+      DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+      LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Primary Backup Configuration Menu                                           ${CClear}"
+      if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to modify certain${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} customizable parameters that affect the operation of the primary backup.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : BACKUPMON Version                            : ${CGreen}$Version"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : Source Router Model                          : ${CGreen}$ROUTERMODEL"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : Source Router Firmware/Build                 : ${CGreen}$FWBUILD"
+      if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CGreen}$EXTDRIVE"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Backup Target Media Type                     : ${CGreen}$BACKUPMEDIA"
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+          echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; printf '%s' $UNC; printf "%s\n"
+        else
+          echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+        fi
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CGreen}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ -z "$UNC" ]; then
+          echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+        else
+          if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+            echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $UNC; printf "%s\n"
+          else
+            echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+          fi
+        fi
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ -z "$UNC" ]; then
+          echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+        else
+          if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}$UNC"
+          else
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}$UNC"
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : N/A"
+      fi
+      if [ "$UNCDRIVE" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Backup Target Directory Path                 : ${CGreen}$BKDIR"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Backup Exclusion File Name                   : ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Backup Swap File                             : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
+          printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n";fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CGreen}$SMBVER"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CDkGray}$SMBVER"
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(11)${CClear} : Backup Retention                             : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+        printf "Weekly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+        printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+        printf "Yearly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+        printf "Perpetual"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Backups                               : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$PURGE" == "1" ]; then
+          printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n";fi
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge older than (days)                     : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$PURGELIMIT" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "N/A"; printf "%s\n";
+        else
+          printf $PURGELIMIT; printf "%s\n";
+        fi
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Backups                               : ${CDkGray}No"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge older than (days)                     : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(12)${CClear} : Backup/Restore Mode                          : ${CGreen}$MODE"
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(13)${CClear} : Schedule Backups                             : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "1" ]; then
+        MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Time:                                       : ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Scheduled Backup Mode                       : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+          printf "Backup Only"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+          printf "Backup + Autopurge"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      else
+        MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Time:                                       : ${CDkGray}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Scheduled Backup Mode                       : ${CDkGray}"
+        if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+          printf "Backup Only"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+          printf "Backup + Autopurge"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(14)${CClear} : AMTM Email Notifications                     : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  On Success                                  : ${CGreen}Yes"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  On Success                                  : ${CDkGray}No"
+      fi
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  On Failure                                  : ${CGreen}Yes"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}${CDkGray}--  On Failure                                  : ${CDkGray}No"
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(15)${CClear} : Secondary Backup Config Options              : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "1" ]; then SECONDARYSTATUS=0; fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "Disabled"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Enabled"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}"
+      if [ $CHANGES -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s) ${CClear} : Save Config & Exit"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s) ${CClear} : Save Config & Exit               ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Save your changes! ${CClear}"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e) ${CClear} : Exit & Discard Changes"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      CHANGES=1
+      printf "Selection: "
+      read -r ConfigSelection
+      # Execute chosen selections
+          case "$ConfigSelection" in
+            1) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - SOURCE Mount Point                                                        ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose the SOURCE Mount Point of your attached external USB Drive that contains${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} data that you want to have backed up. In most cases, whatever is attached to your sda1${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} partition should be selected. Should there be only one mount point available, it will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} be automatically selected.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              printf "${CClear}Recommended Mount Point: ${CGreen}"
+              _GetDefaultMountPoint_ USBmp
+              USBSOURCE="TRUE"
+              echo -e "${CClear}"
+              _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select an EXT USB Drive Mount Point: "
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+              checkusbexclusion
+            ;;
+            2) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Media Type                                                  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup Media Type? This is the type of device that you want your${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups copied to. Please indicate whether the media is a network device (accessible${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} via UNC path using the common CIFS/SMB network protocol) a local attached USB device${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (connected to router), or a network device (accessible via an NFS share). PLEASE NOTE:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} If the USB or Network-NFS option is chosen, there will be no need to complete further${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} information for the Target username or password, and will be grayed out.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Network=1, USB=2, Network-NFS=3) (Default = 1)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Media Type: ${CGreen}$BACKUPMEDIA"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              while true; do
+                read -p 'Media Type (1/2/3)?: ' BACKUPMEDIA
+                  case $BACKUPMEDIA in
+                    [1] ) BACKUPMEDIA="Network"; break ;;
+                    [2] ) BACKUPMEDIA="USB"; break ;;
+                    [3] ) BACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"; break ;;
+                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2 or 3\n";;
+                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2 or 3\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+              UNC=""
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" != "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+            ;;
+            3) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Username                                            ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Username?${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Username: ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Username: ' BTUSERNAME1
+                if [ "$BTUSERNAME1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BTUSERNAME1" ]; then BTUSERNAME="admin"; else BTUSERNAME="$BTUSERNAME1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            4) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Password                                            ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Password?${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if [ $BTPASSWORD == "admin" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Old Password (Unencoded): ${CGreen}admin"
+                else
+                  echo -en "${CClear}Old Password (Unencoded): ${CGreen}"; echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -rp 'New Password: ' BTPASSWORD1
+                if [ "$BTPASSWORD1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BTPASSWORD1" ]; then BTPASSWORD=`echo "admin" | openssl enc -base64 -A`; else BTPASSWORD=`echo $BTPASSWORD1 | openssl enc -base64 -A`; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            5) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup UNC Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup UNC Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has a share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use proper${CClear}"
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} notation for the network path by starting with 4 backslashes${CClear}"; printf "%s" "(\\\\\\\\)"; echo -e " and using two${CClear}"
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backslashes "; printf "%s" " (\\\\)"; echo -e " between any additional folders. Example below:"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"; printf "%s" " (Default = \\\\\\\\\\\\Backups)"; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -en "${CClear}Current UNC Path: ${CGreen}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -rp 'Target Backup UNC Path: ' UNC1
+                if [ "$UNC1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNC1" ]; then UNC="\\\\\\\\\\\\Backups"; else UNC="$UNC1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                UNCUPDATED="True"
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup NFS Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has an NFS share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} proper notation for the NFS network path by using the example below:${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default ="
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Path: ${CGreen}$UNC"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -rp 'Target Backup NFS Path: ' UNC1
+                if [ "$UNC1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNC1" ]; then UNC=""; else UNC="$UNC1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                UNCUPDATED="True"
+                echo ""; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Mount Options                                           ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What optional NFS Mount Options would you like to use (if any)? These options are${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} custom settings that may be needed to establish a successful connection to your NFS${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Please follow format of example below:${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Mount Options: ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' NFSMOUNTOPT1
+                if [ "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" ]; then NFSMOUNTOPT=""; else NFSMOUNTOPT="$NFSMOUNTOPT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            6) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Drive Mount Point                                           ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What would you like to name the TARGET Network Backup Drive Mount Point? This mount${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} path will be created for you, and is the local path on your router typically located${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under /tmp/mnt which provides a physical directory that is mounted to the network${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backup location. Please note: Use proper notation for the path by using single${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} forward slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /tmp/mnt/backups)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Mount Point: ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Target Network Backup Drive Mount Point: ' UNCDRIVE1
+                if [ "$UNCDRIVE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE1" ]; then UNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/backups"; else UNCDRIVE="$UNCDRIVE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                #SMBTARGET="TRUE"
+                #_GetMountPoint_ SMBmp "Select an existing Target CIFS/SMB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                #read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                  UNCDRIVE=""
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Your TARGET Network Backup Drive Mount Point cannot be named the same as your"
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}SOURCE External USB Drive Mount. Please choose a mount point name that is unique for"
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}this network target.${CClear}\n"
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup USB Drive Mount Point                                       ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose the TARGET USB Backup Drive Mount Point assigned to your external USB${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Drive where you want backups to be stored. Should there be only one drive available,${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} it will be automatically selected. PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended not to use${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the same USB drive to both be a SOURCE and TARGET for backups.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                USBTARGET="TRUE"
+                _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                checkusbexclusion
+              fi
+            ;;
+            7) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Directory Path                                              ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup Directory Path? This is the path that is created on your${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} network backup location in order to store and order the backups by day. Please note:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Use proper notation for the path by using single forward slashes between directories.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Example below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /router/GT-AX6000-Backup)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Directory Path: ${CGreen}$BKDIR"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Target Backup Directory Path: ' BKDIR1
+              if [ "$BKDIR1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BKDIR1" ]; then BKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"; else BKDIR="$BKDIR1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              checkusbexclusion
+            ;;
+            8) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Exclusion Path + File Name                                         ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to use a Backup Exclusion File Name? This file contains a list of${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} certain files that you want to exclude from the backup, such as your swap file.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CRed}WARNING:${CClear} If you do not use an Exclusion file with the necessary entries to exlude${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} your swap file (or others), your backup size and time it takes to complete the backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will increase greatly. Examples of what to include in the exlusions.txt file below${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} entered in a simple list format:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} myswap.swp${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} entware/var/log/*${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} skynet/skynet.log${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please note: Use proper notation for the path to this file by using single forward ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions.txt)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Exclusion File Path: ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Backup Exclusion Path + File Name: ' EXCLUSION1
+              if [ "$EXCLUSION1" == "" ] || [ -z "$EXCLUSION1" ]; then EXCLUSION=""; else EXCLUSION="$EXCLUSION1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ] && [ "$EXCLUSION" == "" ]; then EXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"; fi
+            ;;
+            9) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Your Swap File?                                                    ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to back up your Swap File? This file usually ranges in the 1GB, 2GB or${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 4GB range. It is not a file that is required to be backed up, and may cause issues${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} when restoring backups. Due to the size, it will also substantially increase backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} target size and time it takes to run backups.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: It is highly recommended to leave this setting DISABLED.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == 0 ]; then BACKUPSWAPFB="No"; else BACKUPSWAPFB="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Currently backing up Swap File?: ${CGreen}$BACKUPSWAPFB"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Backup Swap? (0/1): ' SWAP1
+              if [ "$SWAP1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SWAP1" ]; then BACKUPSWAP=0; else BACKUPSWAP="$SWAP1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
+                swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' $EXCLUSION >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' $SECONDARYEXCLUSION >/dev/null 2>&1
+              fi
+            ;;
+            10) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - CIFS/SMB Protocol Version                                                 ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What version of the CIFS/SMB protocol would you like to use? This protocol is used by${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} BACKUPMON to connect to other network devices in order to transfer files and backups${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} from source to target. While BACKUPMON supports the latest SMB protocol available${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v3.02), you can choose older versions for backwards compatibility purposes, for${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} example, if the target hardware is not able to support a more recent version.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v2.1=1, v2.0=2, v1.0=3, v3.0=4, v3.02=5) (Default = 1)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current CIFS/SMB Protocol Version: ${CGreen}$SMBVER"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                while true; do
+                  read -p 'CIFS/SMB Version (1/2/3/4/5)?: ' SMBVER
+                    case $SMBVER in
+                      [1] ) SMBVER="2.1"; break ;;
+                      [2] ) SMBVER="2.0"; break ;;
+                      [3] ) SMBVER="1.0"; break ;;
+                      [4] ) SMBVER="3.0"; break ;;
+                      [5] ) SMBVER="3.02"; break ;;
+                       "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5\n";;
+                        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5\n";;
+                    esac
+                done
+             fi
+           ;;
+            11) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Retention                                                          ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What backup retention would you like BACKUPMON to use for daily backup jobs each day?${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} There are 4 different choices -- Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Perpetual. Backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} folders based on the week, month, year, or perpetual are created under your network${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Explained below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}WEEKLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 7 different folders for each day of the week are created (ex: Mon, Tue... Sun)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}MONTHLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 31 different folders for each day are created (ex: 01, 02, 03... 30, 31)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}YEARLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 365 different folders are created for each day (ex: 001, 002, 003... 364, 365)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}PERPETUAL:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} A unique backup folder is created each time it runs based on the date-time"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: 20230909-084322). NOTE: When using the Perpetual backup retention option, you"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} may only use BASIC mode."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (Default = M)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Weekly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Monthly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Yearly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Perpetual"
+              fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$FREQUENCYDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              while true; do
+                read -p 'Retention (W/M/Y/P)?: ' FREQUENCY
+                  case $FREQUENCY in
+                    [Ww] ) FREQUENCY="W"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Mm] ) FREQUENCY="M"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Yy] ) FREQUENCY="Y"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Pp] ) FREQUENCY="P"; MODE="Basic" break ;;
+                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either M, W, Y or P\n";;
+                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either M, W, Y or P\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+              if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo ""; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Purging Perpetual Backups                                                 ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to purge perpetual backups after a certain age? This can help trim your${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups and reclaim disk space, but also gives you more flexibility on the length of${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} time you can keep your backups. Purging backups can be run manually from the setup${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} menu, and gives you the ability to see which backups will be purged before they are${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} deleted permanently. It will also run automatically when calling BACKUPMON with the${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} '-backup' switch. If you run 'sh backupmon.sh -backup', it will complete a backup,${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} and then run an auto purge based on your criteria. Running 'sh backupmon.sh' without${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the '-backup' switch will run a normal backup without an auto purge, even if purge is${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} enabled below.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move these"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with."
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then PURGEDP="No"; else PURGEDP="Yes"; fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Purge Perpetual Backups Option?: ${CGreen}$PURGEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Purge Perpetual Backups? (0/1): ' PURGE1
+                if [ "$PURGE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$PURGE1" ]; then PURGE=0; else PURGE="$PURGE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  PURGELIMIT=0
+                elif [ "$PURGE" == "1" ]; then
+                  echo ""; echo ""
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Keeping Perpetual Backups                                                 ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} How many days would you like to keep your perpetual backups? Example (in days): 90${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This would cause all perpetual backups older than 90 days would be permanently${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} deleted.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} these to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = 90)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Current Perpetual Backups Age?: ${CGreen}$PURGELIMIT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  read -p 'Backup Age? (in days): ' PURGELIMIT1
+                  if [ "$PURGELIMIT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$PURGELIMIT1" ]; then PURGELIMIT=0; else PURGELIMIT="$PURGELIMIT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                else
+                  PURGE=0
+                  PURGELIMIT=0
+                fi
+              fi
+            ;;
+            12) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Basic vs. Advanced Operations                                             ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What mode of operation would you like BACKUPMON to run in? You have 2 different${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} choices -- Basic or Advanced. Choose wisely! These are the differences:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}BASIC:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Only backs up one backup set per daily folder"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backup file names have standard names based on jffs and USB drive label names"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Self-prunes the daily backup folders by deleting contents before backing up new set"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Will overwrite daily backups, even if multiple are made on the same day"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Restore more automated, and only required to pick which day to restore from"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}ADVANCED:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backs up multiple daily backup sets per daily folder"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backup file names contain extra unique date and time identifiers"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Keeps all daily backups forever, and no longer self-prunes"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Will not overwrite daily backups, even if multiple are made on the same day"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Restore more tedious, and required to type exact backup file names before restore"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: When choosing BASIC mode while using 'Perpetual Retention', your daily backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} folders will not self-prune or overwrite, even if multiple backups are made on the${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} same day.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Basic-0, Advanced=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Operational Mode?: ${CGreen}$MODE"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              while true; do
+                read -p 'Mode (0/1)?: ' MODE1
+                  case $MODE1 in
+                    [0] ) MODE="Basic"; break ;;
+                    [1] ) if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then MODE="Basic"; else MODE="Advanced"; fi; break ;;
+                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 0 or 1\n";;
+                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 0 or 1\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+            ;;
+            13) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Scheduled Backups                                                         ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like BACKUPMON to automatically run at a scheduled time each day? Please${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} note: This will place a cru command into your 'services-start' file that is located${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under your /jffs/scripts folder. Each time your router reboots, this command will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} automatically be added as a CRON job to run your backup.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then SCHEDULEDP="No"; else SCHEDULEDP="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Scheduler Option: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Schedule BACKUPMON (0/1)?: ' SCHEDULE1
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULE1" ]; then SCHEDULE=0; else SCHEDULE="$SCHEDULE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then
+                if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                  sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                  cru d RunBackupMon
+                fi
+              elif [ "$SCHEDULE" == "1" ]; then
+                echo ""; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Selecting a Scheduled Time                                                ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What time would you like BACKUPMON to automatically run each day? Please note: You${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will be asked for the hours and minutes in separate prompts. Use 24hr format for the${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} hours. (Ex: 17 hrs / 15 min = 17:15 or 5:15pm)${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = 2 hrs / 30 min = 02:30 or 2:30am)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Scheduled Time: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Schedule HOURS (0-24)?: ' SCHEDULEHRS1
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEHRS1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULEHRS1" ]; then SCHEDULEHRS=2; else SCHEDULEHRS="$SCHEDULEHRS1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                read -p 'Schedule MINUTES (0-59)?: ' SCHEDULEMIN1
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEMIN1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULEMIN1" ]; then SCHEDULEMIN=30; else SCHEDULEMIN="$SCHEDULEMIN1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                  echo ""; echo ""
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup/Purge Functionality                                                ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} When running a scheduled job each day, would you like BACKUPMON to only run backups,${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} or would you like it to run backups and have it automatically purge old backups${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} outside your specified age range immediately following? If you don't want to run${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups with autopurge, you will be responsible for manually running backup purges${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} using the config menu, or manually from the file system itself. Please note: This ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} option is only available when having the Perpetual Backup Retention selected.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Backup Only=1, Backup + Autopurge=2) (Default = 1)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                  echo ""
+                  if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup Only"; else SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup + Autopurge"; fi
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Current Backup/Purge Option: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEMODEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  while true; do
+                    read -p 'Backup/Purge Functionality (1/2)?: ' SCHEDULEMODE
+                      case $SCHEDULEMODE in
+                        [1] ) SCHEDULEMODE="BackupOnly"; break ;;
+                        [2] ) SCHEDULEMODE="BackupAutoPurge"; break ;;
+                        "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1 or 2\n";;
+                        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1 or 2\n";;
+                      esac
+                  done
+                fi
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+                  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                    if ! grep -q -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/scripts/services-start; then
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                    else
+                      #delete and re-add if it already exists in case there's a time change
+                      sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru d RunBackupMon
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                    fi
+                  else
+                    echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                  fi
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifiying SERVICES-START file]..."
+                sleep 2
+                echo -e "[Modifying CRON jobs]..."
+                sleep 2
+                elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+                  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                    if ! grep -q -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/scripts/services-start; then
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                    else
+                      #delete and re-add if it already exists in case there's a time change
+                      sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru d RunBackupMon
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                    fi
+                  else
+                    echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                  fi
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifiying SERVICES-START file]..."
+                sleep 2
+                echo -e "[Modifying CRON jobs]..."
+                sleep 2
+                fi
+              else
+                SCHEDULE=0
+                SCHEDULEHRS=2
+                SCHEDULEMIN=30
+              fi
+            ;;
+            14) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - AMTM Email Notifications                                                  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like BACKUPMON to send you email notifications on backup success or failure,${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} or both? Please note: This does require that AMTM email has been set up successfully${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under AMTM -> em (email settings). Once you are able to send and receive test emails,${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} you may utilize this functionality in BACKUPMON. Additionally, this functionality will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} download an AMTM email interface library courtesy of @Martinski, and will be located${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under a new common library folder called: /jffs/addons/shared-libs.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then AMTMEMAILDP="No"; else AMTMEMAILDP="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Email Notification Option: ${CGreen}$AMTMEMAILDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Enable BACKUPMON Email Notifications (0/1)?: ' AMTMEMAIL1
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAIL1" ]; then AMTMEMAIL=0; else AMTMEMAIL="$AMTMEMAIL1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "1" ]
+              then
+                echo ""
+                read -p 'Email on Successful Backups? (No=0, Yes=1): ' AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1" ]; then AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0; else AMTMEMAILSUCCESS="$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                echo ""
+                read -p 'Email on Backup Failures? (No=0, Yes=1): ' AMTMEMAILFAILURE1
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1" ]; then AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0; else AMTMEMAILFAILURE="$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                echo ""
+                #Install @Martinski's shared email library
+                echo -e "${CClear}Installing Shared Email Library Components..."
+                cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+                cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+                if [ ! -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+                then
+                    cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+                    cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+                fi
+                _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ "$cemailCheckArg" "$cemailQuietArg"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "Would you like to send a TEST email from BACKUPMON?"
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  cemIsFormatHTML=true
+                  cemIsVerboseMode=true  ## true OR false ##
+                  emailBodyTitle="Testing Email Notification"
+                  emailSubject="TEST: BACKUPMON Email Notification"
+                  tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+                  {
+                  printf "This is a <b>TEST</b> to check & verify if sending email notifications is working well from <b>BACKUPMON</b>.\n"
+                  } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+                  _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+                  echo ""
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                #If notifications are off, turn off AMTM Email functionality
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "0" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "0" ]; then
+                  AMTMEMAIL=0
+                fi
+               else
+                AMTMEMAIL=0
+                AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0
+                AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0
+              fi
+            ;;
+            15) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            while true; do
+              clear
+              DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+              LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Secondary Backup Configuration Options Menu                                 ${CClear}"
+              if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+              fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to modify certain${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} customizable parameters that affect the operation of the secondary backup.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Enabled/Disabled                             : ${CGreen}"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "1" ]; then SECONDARYSTATUS=0; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "0" ]; then
+                printf "Disabled"; printf "%s\n";
+              else printf "Enabled"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Media Type                  : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Path                        : N/A"
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+                else
+                  if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+                    echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $SECONDARYUNC; printf "%s\n"
+                  else
+                    echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; echo $SECONDARYUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+                  fi
+                fi
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then SECONDARYUNC=""; fi
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNC"
+              fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT"
+              else
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+              fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" == "" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+              fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYBKDIR" ]; then SECONDARYBKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Directory Path              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBKDIR"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Exclusion File Name                          : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Backup Retention                             : ${CGreen}"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+                printf "Weekly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+                printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+                printf "Yearly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                printf "Perpetual"; printf "%s\n";
+              else SECONDARYFREQUENCY="M";
+                printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Secondary Backups                     : ${CGreen}"
+                if [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+                else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              else
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Secondary Backups                     : ${CDkGray}"
+                if [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+                else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              fi
+              if [ -z $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT ]; then SECONDARYPURGELIMIT=0; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ] && [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "1" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Older Than (days)                     : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT"
+              else
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Older Than (days)                     : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT"
+              fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYMODE" ]; then SECONDARYMODE="Basic"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup/Restore Mode                          : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e) ${CClear} : Exit Back to Primary Backup Config"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              printf "Selection: ${CClear}"
+              read -r SECONDARYINPUT
+                  case $SECONDARYINPUT in
+                    1) echo ""
+                        read -p 'Secondary Backup Enabled=1, Disabled=0 (0/1?): ' SECONDARYSTATUS
+                    ;;
+                    2) echo ""; read -p 'Secondary Target Backup Media (Network=1, USB=2, Network-NFS=3): ' SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA
+                        if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "1" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                          SECONDARYUNC=""
+                        elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "2" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
+                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                        elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "3" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                          SECONDARYUNC="${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+                        else SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                        fi
+                    ;;
+                    3) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Username: ' SECONDARYUSER
+                    ;;
+                    4) echo ""
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYPWD" == "admin" ]; then
+                         echo -e "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): admin"
+                       else
+                         echo -en "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): "
+                         echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
+                       fi
+                       echo ""
+                       read -rp 'New Secondary Password: ' SECONDARYPWD1
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYPWD1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD1" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYPWD=`echo "admin" | openssl enc -base64 -A`
+                       else
+                         SECONDARYPWD=`echo $SECONDARYPWD1 | openssl enc -base64 -A`
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    5) echo ""
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                         read -rp 'Secondary Target UNC Path (ex: \\\\\\Backups ): ' SECONDARYUNC1
+                         SECONDARYUNC="$SECONDARYUNC1"
+                         SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                         read -rp 'Secondary Target NFS Path (ex: ): ' SECONDARYUNC1
+                         SECONDARYUNC="$SECONDARYUNC1"
+                         echo ""
+                         echo "Secondary NFS Mount Options (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                         read -rp '(Optional): ' SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT1
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    6) echo ""
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                         read -p 'Secondary Target Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/backups ): ' SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+                         _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Secondary Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                         read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                       fi
+                       checkusbexclusion
+                    ;;
+                    7) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Target Dir Path (ex: /router/GT-AX6000-Backup ): ' SECONDARYBKDIR
+                       checkusbexclusion
+                    ;;
+                    8) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Exclusion File Name (ex: /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions2.txt ): ' SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+                       if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYEXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    9) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Retention (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (W/M/Y/P?): ' SECONDARYFREQUENCY
+                       SECONDARYFREQUENCY=$(echo "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
+                       SECONDARYPURGE=0
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                         echo ""
+                         read -p 'Purge Secondary Backups? (Yes=1/No=0) ' SECONDARYPURGE
+                         echo ""
+                         read -p 'Secondary Backup Purge Age? (Days/Disabled=0) ' SECONDARYPURGELIMIT
+                       else
+                         SECONDARYPURGELIMIT=0
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    10) echo ""
+                        read -p 'Secondary Backup Mode (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (0/1?): ' SECONDARYMODE
+                        if [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "0" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        elif [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "1" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Advanced"
+                        else
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        fi
+                        if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        fi
+                    ;;
+                    [Ee] ) break ;;
+                    "") echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 10 or e=Exit\n";;
+                    *) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 10 or e=Exit\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+            ;;
+            [Ss]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "False" ]; then
+                UNC=$(echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g')
+              fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "False" ]; then
+                SECONDARYUNC=$(echo $SECONDARYUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g')
+              fi
+                { echo 'BTUSERNAME="'"$BTUSERNAME"'"'
+                  echo 'BTPASSWORD="'"$BTPASSWORD"'"'
+                  echo 'UNC="'"$UNC"'"'
+                  echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT="'"$NFSMOUNTOPT"'"'
+                  echo 'UNCDRIVE="'"$UNCDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'EXTDRIVE="'"$EXTDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'EXTLABEL="'"$EXTLABEL"'"'
+                  echo 'BKDIR="'"$BKDIR"'"'
+                  echo 'BACKUPMEDIA="'"$BACKUPMEDIA"'"'
+                  echo 'EXCLUSION="'"$EXCLUSION"'"'
+                  echo 'BACKUPSWAP='$BACKUPSWAP
+                  echo 'SMBVER="'"$SMBVER"'"'
+                  echo 'SCHEDULE='$SCHEDULE
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEHRS='$SCHEDULEHRS
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEMIN='$SCHEDULEMIN
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEMODE="'"$SCHEDULEMODE"'"'
+                  echo 'FREQUENCY="'"$FREQUENCY"'"'
+                  echo 'MODE="'"$MODE"'"'
+                  echo 'PURGE='$PURGE
+                  echo 'PURGELIMIT='$PURGELIMIT
+                  echo 'AMTMEMAIL='$AMTMEMAIL
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUSER="'"$SECONDARYUSER"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYPWD="'"$SECONDARYPWD"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUNC="'"$SECONDARYUNC"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="'"$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="'"$SECONDARYBKDIR"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYMODE="'"$SECONDARYMODE"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYPURGE='$SECONDARYPURGE
+                } > $CFGPATH
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Applying config changes to BACKUPMON..."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE
+              sleep 2
+              UNCUPDATED="False"
+              SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              UNC=$(echo -e "$UNC")
+              SECONDARYUNC=$(echo -e "$SECONDARYUNC")
+              return
+            ;;
+            [Ee]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              UNCUPDATED="False"
+              SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              return
+            ;;
+          esac
+    done
+  else
+      # Determine router model
+      [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+      #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state
+      { echo 'BTUSERNAME="admin"'
+        echo 'BTPASSWORD="YWRtaW4K"'
+        echo 'UNC="\\\\\\Backups"'
+        echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT=""'
+        echo 'UNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/backups"'
+        echo 'EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>"'
+        echo 'EXTLABEL="usbdrive"'
+        echo 'BKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"'
+        echo 'BACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
+        echo 'EXCLUSION=""'
+        echo 'BACKUPSWAP=0'
+        echo 'SMBVER="2.1"'
+        echo 'SCHEDULE=0'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEHRS=2'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEMIN=30'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEMODE="BackupOnly"'
+        echo 'FREQUENCY="M"'
+        echo 'MODE="Basic"'
+        echo 'PURGE=0'
+        echo 'PURGELIMIT=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAIL=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0'
+        echo 'SECONDARYSTATUS=0'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUSER="admin"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNC="\\\\\\SecondaryBackups"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/secondarybackups"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-2ndBackup"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYEXCLUSION=""'
+        echo 'SECONDARYFREQUENCY="M"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYMODE="Basic"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYPURGE=0'
+      } > $CFGPATH
+      #Re-run backupmon -config to restart setup process
+      vconfig
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# testtarget is a function that allows you to play with settings to ensure your configuration works
+testtarget () {
+while true; do
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Backup Target Network Connection Tester                                     ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Backup Target Network Connection Tester allows you to play with your connection${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} variables, such as your username/password, network UNC path, target directories and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} local backup drive mount paths. If your network target is configured correctly, this${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} utility will write a test folder out there, and copy a test file into the test folder${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} in order to validate that read/write permissions are correct.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} : Test Target Media Type                       : ${CGreen}$TESTBACKUPMEDIA"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} : Test Target Username                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUSER"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} : Test Target Password                         : ${CGreen}$TESTPWD"
+    if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${InvRed}${CWhite}<-- Attention Needed${CClear}"
+    else
+      if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $TESTUNC; printf "%s\n"
+      else
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; echo $TESTUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+      fi
+    fi
+  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target NFS Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUNC"
+  fi
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CGreen}$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+  else
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear} : Test Target Backup Mount Point               : ${CGreen}$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6)${CClear} : Test Target Dir Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTBKDIR"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : ${CGreen}$TESTSMBVER"
+  else
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : N/A"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(t)${CClear} : Test your Network Backup Connection"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(p)${CClear} : Import your Primary Backup Settings"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s)${CClear} : Import your Secondary Backup Settings"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e)${CClear} : Exit Back to Setup + Operations Menu"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  printf "Selection: ${CClear}"
+  read -r TESTINPUT
+      case $TESTINPUT in
+        1) echo ""
+           read -p 'Test Target Media Type (ex: Network=1 / USB=2 / Network-NFS=3) (Choose 1, 2 or 3): ' TESTBACKUPMEDIA
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "1" ]; then
+             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+             TESTUNC=""
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "2" ]; then
+             TESTUNC=""
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "3" ]; then
+             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+             TESTUNC="${InvRed}${CWhite}<-- Attention Needed${CClear}"
+           else
+             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+           fi
+        ;;
+        2) echo ""
+           read -p 'Test Username: ' TESTUSER
+        ;;
+        3) echo ""
+           read -rp 'Test Password: ' TESTPWD
+        ;;
+        4) echo ""
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+             read -rp 'Test Target UNC Path (ex: \\\\\\Backups ): ' TESTUNC1
+             if [ -z $TESTUNC1 ]; then
+               TESTUNC="\\\\\\\\\\\\Backups"
+             else
+               TESTUNC="$TESTUNC1"
+             fi
+             TESTUNCUPDATED="True"
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+             read -rp 'Test Target NFS Path (ex: ): ' TESTUNC1
+             if [ -z $TESTUNC1 ]; then
+               TESTUNC=""
+             else
+               TESTUNC="$TESTUNC1"
+             fi
+             echo ""
+             echo "Optional NFS Mount Options? (Example: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+             read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' TESTNFSMOUNTOPT
+           fi
+        ;;
+        5) echo ""
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+             read -p 'Test Target Backup Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/testbackups ): ' TESTUNCDRIVE
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+             TESTUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+             _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Test Target USB Backup Mount Point: "
+             read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+           fi
+        ;;
+        6) echo ""
+           read -p 'Test Target Dir Path (ex: /router/test-backup ): ' TESTBKDIR
+        ;;
+        7) echo ""
+           echo "Test CIFS/SMB Version (ex: v2.1=1 / v2.0=2 / v1.0=3 / v3.0=4 / v3.02=5)"
+           read -p '(Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): ' TESTSMBVER
+           if [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "1" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="2.1"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "2" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="2.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "3" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="1.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "4" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="3.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "5" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="3.02"
+           else
+             TESTSMBVER="2.1"
+           fi
+        ;;
+        [Ee]) break ;;
+              TESTPWD=$(echo $BTPASSWORD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
+              TESTUNC=$UNC
+              TESTBKDIR=$BKDIR
+              TESTSMBVER=$SMBVER
+        ;;
+              TESTPWD=$(echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
+              TESTSMBVER=$SMBVER
+        ;;
+        [Tt])   # Connection test script
+                if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then TESTUNC=$(echo -e "$TESTUNC"); fi
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+                # Ping target to see if it's reachable
+                FAILURE="FALSE"
+                CNT=0
+                TRIES=3
+                TARGETIP=$(echo $TESTUNC | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}')
+                if [ ! -z $TARGETIP ]; then
+                  while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                    ping -q -c 1 -W 2 $TARGETIP > /dev/null 2>&1
+                    RC=$?
+                    if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then  # If ping come back successful, then proceed
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: Backup Target ($TARGETIP) reachable via PING.${CClear}"
+                      break
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to PING Backup Target ($TARGETIP). Retrying...${CClear}"
+                      sleep 3
+                      CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                      if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to PING backup target ($TARGETIP). Please check your configuration/permissions.${CClear}"
+                        break
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                  done
+                fi
+                # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+                if ! [ -d $TESTUNCDRIVE ]; then
+                    mkdir -p $TESTUNCDRIVE
+                    chmod 777 $TESTUNCDRIVE
+                    echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External test drive mount point not set. Created under: $TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+                else
+                  echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: External test drive mount point exists. Found under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+                fi
+                # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+                if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
+                  if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ] || [ -z "$TESTUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                    break
+                  fi
+                fi
+                # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+                if ! mount | grep $TESTUNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                    # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+                    if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+                      modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+                    fi
+                    # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+                    if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+                      modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+                    fi
+                      CNT=0
+                      TRIES=3
+                        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                          mount -t cifs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE -o "vers=${TESTSMBVER},username=${TESTUSER},password=${TESTPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+                          MRC=$?
+                          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+                            break
+                          else
+                            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+                            sleep 5
+                            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive ($TESTUNCDRIVE). Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              FAILURE="TRUE"
+                              break
+                            fi
+                          fi
+                        done
+                  fi
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                    # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+                    modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+                      CNT=0
+                      TRIES=3
+                        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                          if [ -z "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+                            mount -t nfs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE
+                          else
+                            mount -t nfs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE -o "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+                          fi
+                          MRC=$?
+                          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+                            break
+                          else
+                            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+                            sleep 5
+                            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive ($TESTUNCDRIVE). Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              FAILURE="TRUE"
+                              break
+                            fi
+                          fi
+                        done
+                  fi
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+                  echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+                  fi
+                fi
+                if [ "$FAILURE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+                if [ -n "`mount | grep $TESTUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+                    echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+                    # Create the backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+                    if ! [ -d "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}" ]; then
+                      mkdir -p "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}"
+                      MKD=$?
+                      if [ $MKD -eq 0 ]; then
+                        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Test Backup Directory successfully created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR${CClear}"
+                      else
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Test Backup Directory unable to be created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR${CClear}"
+                        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                    if ! [ -d "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test" ]; then
+                      mkdir -p "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test"
+                      MKD=$?
+                      if [ $MKD -eq 0 ]; then
+                        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Test Backup Subdirectory successfully created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR/test${CClear}"
+                      else
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Daily Test Backup Subdirectory unable to be created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR/test${CClear}"
+                        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                    #include restore instructions in the backup location
+                    { echo 'TEST FILE'
+                      echo ''
+                      echo 'This is a test file created to ensure you have proper read/write access to your backup directory.'
+                      echo ''
+                      echo 'Please delete this file and associated test directories at your convenience'
+                    } > ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/testfile.txt
+                    TST=$?
+                    if [ $TST -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}testfile.txt${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to copy ${CYellow}testfile.txt${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    # Test tar creation
+                    tar -zvcf ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz -C / jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
+                    TAT=$?
+                    if [ $TAT -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished creating ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to create ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    # Test tar validation
+                    tar -tzf ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz
+                    TVT=$?
+                    if [ $TVT -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished validating integrity of ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} in ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to validate integrity of ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} in ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+                    sleep 10
+                    # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+                    unmounttestdrv
+                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                else
+                    # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+                    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Network Backup Test Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                TESTUNCUPDATED="False"
+        ;;
+        "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 9 or Exit = e\n";;
+        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 9 or Exit = e\n";;
+      esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of backupmon from your router...
+vuninstall () {
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Uninstall Utility                                                           ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Uninstall Utility allows you to completely remove BACKUPMON from your router.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}You are about to uninstall BACKUPMON!  This action is irreversible."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CClear}Are you sure? Please type 'y' to validate you want to proceed.${CClear}"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        clear
+        rm -f -r /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+        rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
+        sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+        cru d RunBackupMon
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}BACKUPMON has been uninstalled...${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        exit 0
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 1
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version...
+vupdate () {
+  updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Update Utility                                                              ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Update Utility allows you to check for the latest version available, and allows${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} you to download and update the script on your router. Should an update not be${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} available, this tool allows you to download and overwrite the current version present${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} on your router.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Current Version: ${CGreen}$Version${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${CClear}Updated Version: ${CGreen}$DLVersion${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  if [ "$Version" == "$DLVersion" ]
+    then
+      echo -e "${CClear}You are on the latest version! Would you like to download anyways?"
+      echo -e "${CClear}This will overwrite your local copy of BACKUPMON with the latest build."
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading BACKUPMON ${CGreen}v$DLVersion${CClear}"
+        curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/backupmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+        DLsuccess=$?
+        if [ "$DLsuccess" -eq 0 ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}Download successful!${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully downloaded and installed BACKUPMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to restart BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          exec /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -setup
+        else
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}Download unsuccessful! Please exit to investigate issues.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+          flagerror
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to exit BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          echo -e "${CClear}"
+          exit 0
+        fi
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      echo -e "${CClear}Score! There is a new version out there! Would you like to update BACKUPMON?"
+      if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading BACKUPMON ${CGreen}v$DLVersion${CClear}"
+        curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/backupmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+        DLsuccess=$?
+        if [ "$DLsuccess" -eq 0 ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}Download successful!${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully downloaded and installed BACKUPMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to restart BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          exec /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -setup
+        else
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}Download unsuccessful! Please exit to investigate issues.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+          flagerror
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to exit BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          echo -e "${CClear}"
+          exit 0
+        fi
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checkusbexclusion checks to see if the source and target are the same, that it throws up a warning to add the backup folder
+# to the exclusion file
+checkusbexclusion () {
+if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+  BKDIREXCL=$(echo $BKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+  if grep -q $BKDIREXCL $EXCLUSION; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+    sleep 2
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: Primary USB Backup Folder not found in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
+    echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
+    echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
+    echo -e "exluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+    echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
+    echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
+    echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
+    if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+      echo -e "$BKDIREXCL/*" >> $EXCLUSION
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+      sleep 2
+    else
+      echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Primary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CCyan}You are assuming the risk and responsibility of your USB drive possibly running out"
+      echo -e "of space due to exponential backup file growth, as well as the ever-increasing time"
+      echo -e "it will take to run backups. Please consider the risk of loss of all backups if your"
+      echo -e "USB drive fails. Consider adding your USB backup folder as an exclusion in your TAR"
+      echo -e "exclusion file to mitigate some of these risks.${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge you are taking ownership of this risk...\n' -n1 key
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL=$(echo $SECONDARYBKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+      sleep 2
+    else
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: Secondary USB Backup Folder not found in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
+      echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
+      echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
+      echo -e "exluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+      echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
+      echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
+      echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
+      if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+        sleep 2
+      else
+        echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Secondary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CCyan}You are assuming the risk and responsibility of your USB drive possibly running out"
+        echo -e "of space due to exponential backup file growth, as well as the ever-increasing time"
+        echo -e "it will take to run backups. Please consider the risk of loss of all backups if your"
+        echo -e "USB drive fails. Consider adding your USB backup folder as an exclusion in your TAR"
+        echo -e "exclusion file to mitigate some of these risks.${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge you are taking ownership of this risk...\n' -n1 key
+      fi
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This amazing function was borrowed from none other than @Martinski... a genius approach to filtering and deleting files/folders
+# $1 = path, $2 = age, $3 = show/delete
+_DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ ()
+   local retCode=1  minNumOfDays=1
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || \
+      { [ ! -f "$1" ] && [ ! -d "$1" ] ; }
+   then
+      printf "\nFile or Directory [$1] is *NOT* FOUND.\n"
+      return 1
+   fi
+   if ! echo "$2" | grep -qE "^[1-9][0-9]*$" || [ "$2" -lt "$minNumOfDays" ]
+   then
+      printf "\nNumber of days [$2] is *NOT* VALID.\n"
+      return 1
+   fi
+   if [ "$(($(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r "$1")))" -gt "$(($2 * 86400))" ]
+   then
+       count=$((count+1))
+       if [ "$3" == "show" ]; then
+         printf "$1\n"
+       elif [ "$3" == "delete" ]; then
+         if [ -f "$1" ]
+         then rmOpts="-f"
+         else rmOpts="-fr"
+         fi
+         printf "${CRed}Deleting $1..."
+         rm $rmOpts "$1" ; retCode="$?"
+         printf "${CGreen}OK\n"
+         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Purging backup older than $2 days -> $1" >> $LOGFILE
+       fi
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Also coming to you from @Martinski! The following functions provide a mount point picker, slightly modified for my purposes
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+   local theAllStr="${GRNct}all${NOct}"
+   local numRegExp="([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])"
+   local theExitStr="${GRNct}e${NOct}=Exit"
+   local selectStr  promptStr  indexNum  indexList  multiIndexListOK
+   if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]
+   then selectStr="${GRNct}1${NOct}"
+   else selectStr="${GRNct}1${NOct}-${GRNct}${1}${NOct}"
+   fi
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ "$2" != "-MULTIOK" ]
+   then
+       multiIndexListOK=false
+       promptStr="Enter selection:[${selectStr}] [${theExitStr}]?"
+   else
+       multiIndexListOK=true
+       promptStr="Enter selection:[${selectStr} | ${theAllStr}] [${theExitStr}]?"
+   fi
+   selectionIndex=0  multiIndex=false
+   while true
+   do
+       printf "${promptStr}  " ; read -r userInput
+       if [ -z "$userInput" ] || \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^(e|exit|Exit)$"
+       then selectionIndex="NONE" ; break ; fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^(all|All)$"
+       then selectionIndex="ALL" ; break ; fi
+       if echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}$" && \
+          [ "$userInput" -gt 0 ] && [ "$userInput" -le "$1" ]
+       then selectionIndex="$userInput" ; break ; fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}\-${numRegExp}[ ]*$"
+       then
+           index1st="$(echo "$userInput" | awk -F '-' '{print $1}')"
+           indexMax="$(echo "$userInput" | awk -F '-' '{print $2}')"
+           if [ "$index1st" -lt "$indexMax" ]  && \
+              [ "$index1st" -gt 0 ] && [ "$index1st" -le "$1" ] && \
+              [ "$indexMax" -gt 0 ] && [ "$indexMax" -le "$1" ]
+           then
+               indexNum="$index1st"
+               indexList="$indexNum"
+               while [ "$indexNum" -lt "$indexMax" ]
+               do
+                   indexNum="$((indexNum+1))"
+                   indexList="${indexList},${indexNum}"
+               done
+               userInput="$indexList"
+           fi
+       fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}(,[ ]*${numRegExp}[ ]*)+$"
+       then
+           indecesOK=true
+           indexList="$(echo "$userInput" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/,/ /g')"
+           for theIndex in $indexList
+           do
+              if [ "$theIndex" -eq 0 ] || [ "$theIndex" -gt "$1" ]
+              then indecesOK=false ; break ; fi
+           done
+           "$indecesOK" && selectionIndex="$indexList" && multiIndex=true && break
+       fi
+       printf "${REDct}INVALID selection.${NOct}\n"
+   done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-20] ##
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || \
+      ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^(USBmp|NFSmp|SMBmp)[+]?"
+   then printf "\n${REDct}**ERROR**${NOct}: No Parameters.\n" ; return 1 ; fi
+   local mountPointRegExp  mounPointCnt  mounPointVar=""  mounPointTmp=""
+   local IPv4RegEx="([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}([0-9]{1,3})"
+   local USBmpPrefix="/dev/sd.*"
+   local NFSmpPrefix="${IPv4RegEx}:/.*"
+   local SMBmpPrefix="[\][\]${IPv4RegEx}[\].*"
+   mounPointPath=""
+   case "$1" in
+       USBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$USBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       NFSmp) mountPointRegExp="^$NFSmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       SMBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$SMBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mounPointCnt="$(mount | grep -Ec "$mountPointRegExp")"
+   if [ "$mounPointCnt" -eq 0 ]
+   then
+       printf "\n${REDct}**ERROR**${NOct}: Mount Points for USB-attached drives are *NOT* found.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   if [ "$mounPointCnt" -eq 1 ]
+   then
+       mounPointPath="$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+       return 0
+   fi
+   local retCode=0  indexType  multiIndex=false  selectionIndex=0
+   if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ "$3" != "-MULTIOK" ]
+   then indexType="" ; else indexType="$3" ; fi
+   printf "\n${2}\n"
+   mounPointCnt=0
+   while IFS="$(printf '\n')" read -r mounPointInfo
+   do
+       mounPointCnt="$((mounPointCnt + 1))"
+       mounPointVar="MP_${mounPointCnt}_INFO"
+       eval "MP_${mounPointCnt}_INFO=$(echo "$mounPointInfo" | sed 's/[(<; >)]/\\&/g')"
+       printf "${GRNct}%3d${NOct}. " "$mounPointCnt"
+       eval echo "\$${mounPointVar}"
+   done <<EOT
+$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' | sort -dt ' ' -k 1)
+   echo
+   _GetMountPointSelectionIndex_ "$mounPointCnt" "$indexType"
+   if [ "$selectionIndex" = "NONE" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+   while true
+   do
+       if [ "$indexType" = "-MULTIOK" ]
+       then
+           if [ "$selectionIndex" = "ALL" ]
+           then
+               mounPointTmp="$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1,$3}' | sort -dt ' ' -k 1)"
+               mounPointPath="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+               break
+           fi
+           if "$multiIndex"
+           then
+               for index in $selectionIndex
+               do
+                   mounPointVar="MP_${index}_INFO"
+                   eval mounPointTmp="\$${mounPointVar}"
+                   mounPointTmp="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+                   if [ -z "$mounPointPath" ]
+                   then mounPointPath="$mounPointTmp"
+                   else mounPointPath="${mounPointPath}\n${mounPointTmp}"
+                   fi
+               done
+               break
+           fi
+       fi
+       mounPointVar="MP_${selectionIndex}_INFO"
+       eval mounPointTmp="\$${mounPointVar}"
+       mounPointPath="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+       if [ ! -d "$mounPointPath" ] ; then mounPointPath="" ; fi
+       break
+   done
+   if [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] ; then retCode=1 ; fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-19] ##
+   local NOct="\033[0m"  REDct="\033[0;31m\033[1m"  GRNct="\033[1;32m\033[1m"
+   local mounPointPath=""  mpType
+   _GetMountPointSelection_ "$@"
+   if [ $? -gt 0 ] || [ -z "$mounPointPath" ]
+   then
+       case "$1" in
+           NFSmp) mpType="NFS share" ;;
+           SMBmp) mpType="CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           USBmp) mpType="USB-attached drive" ;;
+           "USBmp+NFSmp") mpType="USB-attached drive or NFS share" ;;
+           "USBmp+SMBmp") mpType="USB-attached drive or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           "NFSmp+SMBmp") mpType="NFS share or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mpType="USB-attached drive, NFS share, or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           *) mpType="UNKNOWN Parameter [$1]" ;;
+       esac
+       printf "\nNo Mount Point for $mpType was selected.\n\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   printf "\nMount Point Selected:\n${GRNct}${mounPointPath}${NOct}\n\n"
+   ## Do whatever you need to do with value of "$mounPointPath" ##
+   if [ "$USBSOURCE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+     EXTDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+     EXTLABEL=$(echo "${mounPointPath##*/}")
+   elif [ "$USBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+     UNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+   elif [ "$SECONDARYUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+     SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+   elif [ "$TESTUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+     TESTUNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+   fi
+   if [ "$SMBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+     UNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+   fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   local mounPointPath  retCode=0
+   local mountPointRegExp="^/dev/sd.* /tmp/mnt/.*"
+   mounPointPath="$(grep -m1 "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] && retCode=1
+   echo "$mounPointPath" ; return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-20] ##
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || \
+      ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^(USBmp|NFSmp|SMBmp)[+]?"
+   then echo "" ; return 1 ; fi
+   local mountPointRegExp  mounPointPath  retCode=0
+   local IPv4RegEx="([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}([0-9]{1,3})"
+   local USBmpPrefix="/dev/sd.*"
+   local NFSmpPrefix="${IPv4RegEx}:/.*"
+   local SMBmpPrefix="[\][\]${IPv4RegEx}[\].*"
+   case "$1" in
+       USBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$USBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       NFSmp) mountPointRegExp="^$NFSmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       SMBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$SMBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       *) echo "" ; return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mounPointPath="$(grep -Em1 "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] && retCode=1
+   echo "$mounPointPath" ; return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-03] ##
+# The USB-attached drives may have multiple partitions
+# with different file systems (NTFS, ext3, ext4, etc.),
+# which means that multiple mount points can be found.
+# Here we check if a mounted USB-attached drive exists;
+# if not, we return a null string. If it exists, then
+# we search for the Volume Labels; if found, we return
+# the first label; otherwise, we return a null string.
+   local theLabel  foundLabelOK=false
+   local mounPointDevSD  mounPointPaths  nvramLabels  blkidLabels
+   local mountPointRegExp="^/dev/sd.* /tmp/mnt/.*"
+   mounPointDevSD="$(grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')"
+   mounPointPaths="$(grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPaths" ] && echo "" && return 1
+   nvramLabels="$(nvram show 2>/dev/null | grep -E "^usb_path_sd[a-z][0-9]_label=" | sort -dt '_' -k 3 | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')"
+   blkidLabels="$(blkid $mounPointDevSD | grep "^/dev/sd.*: LABEL=" | sort -dt ':' -k 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')" #'Fix
+   { [ -z "$blkidLabels" ] && [ -z "$nvramLabels" ] ; } && echo "" && return 1
+   theLabel=""
+   for theLabel in $nvramLabels $blkidLabels
+   do
+       if echo "${mounPointPaths}" | grep -qE "/${theLabel}$"
+       then foundLabelOK=true ; break ; fi
+   done
+   "$foundLabelOK" && echo "$theLabel" && return 0
+   echo "" ; return 1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# AMTM Email Notification Functionality generously donated by @Martinski!
+# Creation Date: 2020-Jun-11 [Martinski W.]
+# Last Modified: 2024-Feb-07 [Martinski W.]
+# Modified for BACKUPMON Purposes [Viktor Jaep]
+# This function is NO longer called #
+   local msgStr  retCode
+   case "$1" in
+        update) msgStr="Updating" ;;
+       install) msgStr="Installing" ;;
+             *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: ${msgStr} the shared library script file to support email notifications...${CClear}"
+   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: ${msgStr} the shared library script file to support email notifications..." >> $LOGFILE
+   mkdir -m 755 -p "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR"
+   curl -kLSs --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused \
+   curlCode="$?"
+   if [ "$curlCode" -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+   then
+       retCode=0
+       chmod 755 "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+       #printf "\nDone.\n"
+   else
+       retCode=1
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME].${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# New code that enables checking multiple website URLs to download
+# the Custom Email Library Script, just in case the first URL is
+# not available for any reason.
+# Creation Date: 2024-Jul-09 [Martinski W.]
+# Last Modified: 2024-Jul-17 [Martinski W.]
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]
+   then
+       printf "\n**ERROR**: NO parameters were provided to download library file.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   _DownloadLibScriptFile_()
+   {
+      if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+      curl -LSs --retry 4 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused \
+           "${1}/$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME" -o "$libScriptFileDL"
+      if [ ! -s "$libScriptFileDL" ] || \
+         grep -Eiq "^404: Not Found" "$libScriptFileDL"
+      then
+          if [ "$2" -eq "$urlDLMax" ] || "$cemIsVerboseMode" || "$doDL_ShowErrorMsgs"
+          then
+              [ -s "$libScriptFileDL" ] && { echo ; cat "$libScriptFileDL" ; }
+              printf "\n**ERROR**: Unable to download the library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]\n"
+              [ "$2" -lt "$urlDLMax" ] && printf "Trying again with a different URL...\n"
+          fi
+          rm -f "$libScriptFileDL"
+          return 1
+      else
+          mv -f "$libScriptFileDL" "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          chmod 755 "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          . "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          if "$cemIsVerboseMode" || { [ "$2" -gt 1 ] && "$doDL_ShowErrorMsgs" ; }
+          then
+              [ "$2" -gt 1 ] && echo
+              printf "The email library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME] was ${msgStr2}.\n"
+          fi
+          return 0
+      fi
+   }
+   local msgStr1  msgStr2  retCode  urlDLCount  urlDLMax
+   local libScriptFileDL="${CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH}.DL"
+   case "$2" in
+        update) msgStr1="Updating" ; msgStr2="updated" ;;
+       install) msgStr1="Installing" ; msgStr2="installed" ;;
+             *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mkdir -m 755 -p "$1"
+   if [ ! -d "$1" ]
+   then
+       printf "\n**ERROR**: Directory Path [$1] *NOT* FOUND.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   "$cemIsVerboseMode" && \
+   printf "\n${msgStr1} the shared library script file to support email notifications...\n"
+   retCode=1 ; urlDLCount=0 ; urlDLMax=3
+   for cemLibScriptURL in "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL1" "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL2" "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL3"
+   do
+       urlDLCount="$((urlDLCount + 1))"
+       if _DownloadLibScriptFile_ "$cemLibScriptURL" "$urlDLCount"
+       then retCode=0 ; break ; fi
+   done
+   return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+   local doDL_LibScriptMsge=""
+   local doDL_LibScriptFlag=false
+   local doDL_ShowErrorMsgs=true
+   local retCode=0  quietArg=""  doUpdateCheck=false
+   for PARAM in "$@"
+   do
+      case $PARAM in
+          "-quiet")
+              quietArg="$PARAM"
+              cemIsVerboseMode=false
+              ;;
+          "-veryquiet")
+              quietArg="$PARAM"
+              cemIsVerboseMode=false
+              doDL_ShowErrorMsgs=false
+              ;;
+          "-verbose")
+              cemIsVerboseMode=true
+              ;;
+          "-versionCheck")
+              doUpdateCheck=true
+              ;;
+          *) ;; #IGNORED#
+      esac
+   done
+   if [ -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+   then
+       if [ -z "${CEM_LIB_VERSION:+xSETx}" ] || \
+          { "$doUpdateCheck" && \
+            _CheckLibraryUpdates_CEM_ "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR" "$quietArg" ; }
+       then
+           retCode=1
+           doDL_LibScriptFlag=true
+           doDL_LibScriptMsge=update
+       fi
+   else
+       retCode=1
+       doDL_LibScriptFlag=true
+       doDL_LibScriptMsge=install
+   fi
+   if "$doDL_LibScriptFlag"
+   then
+       _DownloadCEMLibraryScript_ "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR" "$doDL_LibScriptMsge"
+       retCode="$?"
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# ARG1: The email name/alias to be used as "FROM_NAME"
+# ARG2: The email Subject string.
+# ARG3: Full path of file containing the email Body text.
+# ARG4: The email Body Title string [OPTIONAL].
+   if [ -z "${amtmIsEMailConfigFileEnabled:+xSETx}" ]
+   then
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND.${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+       return 1
+   fi
+   if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]
+   then
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: INSUFFICIENT email parameters${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: INSUFFICIENT email parameters." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: INSUFFICIENT email parameters." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+       return 1
+   fi
+   local retCode  emailBodyTitleStr=""
+   [ $# -gt 3 ] && [ -n "$4" ] && emailBodyTitleStr="$4"
+   FROM_NAME="$1"
+   _SendEMailNotification_CEM_ "$2" "-F=$3" "$emailBodyTitleStr"
+   retCode="$?"
+   if [ "$retCode" -eq 0 ]
+   then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Email notification was sent successfully [$2].${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Email notification was sent successfully [$2]." >> $LOGFILE
+   else
+     echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failure to send email notification [Error Code: $retCode][$2].${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failure to send email notification [$2]." >> $LOGFILE
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failure to send email notification [$2]." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+     flagerror
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# sendmessage is a function that sends an AMTM email based on success/failure during the backup process
+# $1 = Success/Failure 0/1
+# $2 = Component
+sendmessage () {
+  #If AMTM email functionality is disabled, return back to the function call
+  if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then
+     return
+  fi
+  cemIsFormatHTML=true
+  cemIsVerboseMode=false
+  tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+  #Pick the scenario and send email
+  if [ "$1" == "1" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "1" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive - UNC/DRIVE values missing" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Your UNC or UNCDRIVE values appear to be missing.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC/DRIVE values missing" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Your secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values appear to be missing.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount secondary network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to unmount network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to unmount network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to unmount network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to unmount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to unmount secondary network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to unmount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Error creating JFFS tar file" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Error creating JFFS tar file"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Error creating JFFS tar file"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to create/write the JFFS tar file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "JFFS tar file integrity failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> experienced a JFFS tar file integrity issue.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "NVRAM config export failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: NVRAM config export failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: NVRAM config export failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to export NVRAM config file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Error creating EXT USB tar file" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to create/write the EXT USB tar file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "EXT USB tar file integrity failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> experienced a EXT USB tar file integrity issue.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    fi
+    _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+  fi
+  if [ "$1" == "0" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "1" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" == "Primary Backup completed successfully" ]; then
+      emailSubject="SUCCESS: Primary Backup completed successfully"
+      emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Primary Backup completed successfully"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>SUCCESS: BACKUPMON</b> completed a successful primary backup to destination: <b>${BACKUPMEDIA}</b>\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Secondary Backup completed successfully" ]; then
+      emailSubject="SUCCESS: Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+      emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>SUCCESS: BACKUPMON</b> completed a successful secondary backup to destination: <b>${SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA}</b>\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    fi
+    _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# flagerror is a function that writes out an error flag file with a date/time when an error is encountered.
+flagerror () {
+  { echo 'ERROR'
+    echo $(date +%s)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# mountprimary is a function that checks for a mounted primary drive, if not, mounts it...
+mountprimary () {
+    # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+    if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
+      if [ -z "$UNC" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+        logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+        flagerror
+        sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive - UNC/DRIVE values missing"
+        errorcheck
+        echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+    if ! mount | grep $UNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+        # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+        if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+        fi
+        # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+        if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+        fi
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            UNENCPWD=$(echo $BTPASSWORD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
+            mount -t cifs $UNC $UNCDRIVE -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${BTUSERNAME},password=${UNENCPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+        modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+              mount -t nfs $UNC $UNCDRIVE
+            else
+              mount -t nfs $UNC $UNCDRIVE -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+            fi
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+    fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# mountsecondary is a function checks for a mounted secondary drive, if not, mounts it...
+mountsecondary () {
+    # Check to see if SECONDARYUNC or SECONDARYUNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+    if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
+      if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+        logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+        flagerror
+        sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC/DRIVE values missing"
+        errorcheck
+        echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+    if ! mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+        # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+        if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+        fi
+        # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+        if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+        fi
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            UNENCSECPWD=$(echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
+            mount -t cifs $SECONDARYUNC $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${SECONDARYUSER},password=${UNENCSECPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+        modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+          if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+            mount -t nfs $SECONDARYUNC $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+          else
+          fi
+          MRC=$?
+          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+            break
+          else
+            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+            sleep 10
+            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+              logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondaryexternal NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+    fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# purgebackups is a function that allows you to see which backups will be purged before deleting them...
+purgebackups () {
+  if [ "$PURGE" -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Purge Perpetual Backups Utility                                             ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} You are about to purge ${CGreen}primary${CClear} backups! FUN! This action is irreversible and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} permanent. But no worries! BACKUPMON will first show you which backups are affected${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} by the ${CGreen}$PURGELIMIT day${CClear} limit you have configured.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
+        mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
+        chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountprimary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      count=0
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders identified below are older than $PURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
+      for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+      do
+        _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT show
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual backup folders were identified older than $PURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to permanently purge these backups?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo -e "\n${CRed}"
+        for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+        do
+          _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
+        done
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 2
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# autopurge is a function that allows you to purge backups throught a commandline switch... if you're daring!
+autopurge () {
+  if [ "$FREQUENCY" != "P" ]; then
+    echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping primary backups." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping primary backups." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    sleep 3
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ "$PURGE" -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Auto Purge Primary Backups Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+  if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
+      mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
+      chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  mountprimary
+  # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+  if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      count=0
+      for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+      do
+        _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual backup folders were identified older than $PURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        return
+      else
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+    sleep 10
+    unmountdrv
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# purgebackups is a function that allows you to see which backups will be purged before deleting them...
+purgesecondaries () {
+  if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Purge Secondary Perpetual Backups Utility                                   ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} You are about to purge ${CGreen}secondary${CClear} backups! FUN! This action is irreversible and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} permanent. But no worries! BACKUPMON will first show you which backups are affected${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} by the ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT day${CClear} limit you have configured.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
+        mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+        chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountsecondary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      count=0
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders identified below are older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
+      do
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders were identified older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to permanently purge these secondary backups?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo -e "\n${CRed}"
+        do
+        done
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 2
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# autopurgesecondaries is a function that allows you to purge secondary backups throught a commandline switch... if you're daring!
+autopurgesecondaries () {
+  if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" != "P" ]; then
+    echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    sleep 3
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Auto Purge Secondary Backups Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+  if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
+      mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+      chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  mountsecondary
+  # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+  if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      count=0
+      do
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders were identified older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        return
+      else
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+    sleep 10
+    unmountsecondarydrv
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vsetup is a function that sets up, confiures and allows you to launch backupmon on your router...
+vsetup () {
+  # Check for and add an alias for backupmon
+  if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+    echo "alias backupmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh\" # backupmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
+  fi
+  #Initialize logsfiles
+  if [ ! -f $ERRORLOGFILE ]; then
+    {
+     echo 'BEGIN ERRORLOG ->'
+  fi
+  if [ ! -f $LOGFILE ]; then
+    {
+     echo 'BEGIN LOG ->'
+    } > $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  tzone=$(date +%Z)
+  tzonechars=$(echo ${#tzone})
+  if [ $tzonechars = 1 ]; then tzspaces="      ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 2 ]; then tzspaces="     ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 3 ]; then tzspaces="    ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 4 ]; then tzspaces="   ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 5 ]; then tzspaces="  "; fi
+  while true; do
+    clear
+    DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+    LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF -- Main Setup and Operations Menu                                 ${CClear}"
+    if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to perform high level${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} actions in the management of the BACKUPMON script.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+      errordate=$(cat $ERRORFILE | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+      errordate=$(date -d @${errordate})
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Backup Errors and Warnings]                                                          ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvRed}${CWhite} WARNING: Errors were detected during last runtime on $errordate.$tzspaces"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvRed}${CWhite}          Please review error logs (ve) at your earliest convenience.                  "
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Backup Operations]                                                                   ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(bk)${CClear} : Run a Manual Backup"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(rs)${CClear} : Run a Manual Restore"
+    if [ $PURGE == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(pg)${CClear} : Purge Perpetual Primary Backups"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(pg)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Purge Perpetual Primary Backups"
+    fi
+    if [ $SECONDARYPURGE == "1" ] && [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ps)${CClear} : Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ps)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ep)${CClear} : Edit your Primary TAR Exclusion File"
+    if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(es)${CClear} : Edit your Secondary TAR Exclusion File"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(es)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Edit your Secondary TAR Exclusion File"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Testing + Diagnostics Operations]                                                    ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ts)${CClear} : Test your Network Backup Target"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(te)${CClear} : Test AMTM Email Communications"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Setup + Configuration]                                                               ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(sc)${CClear} : Setup and Configure BACKUPMON"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(vl)${CClear} : View logs"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ve)${CClear} : View error logs"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(up)${CClear} : Check for latest updates"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(un)${CClear} : Uninstall"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} (e)${CClear} : Exit"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    printf "Selection (e=Exit): "
+    read -r InstallSelection
+    # Execute chosen selections
+        case "$InstallSelection" in
+          bk)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Commencing]...          "
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+            backup
+            sendmessage 0 "Primary Backup completed successfully"
+            secondary               #Run secondary backups
+            if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+              sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+            fi
+            if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+              errorcheck
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            fi
+          ;;
+          rs)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            restore
+          ;;
+          pg)
+            clear
+            if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+              purgebackups
+            fi
+          ;;
+          ps)
+            clear
+            if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+              purgesecondaries
+            fi
+          ;;
+          sc)
+            clear
+            vconfig
+          ;;
+          ts)
+            clear
+            testtarget
+          ;;
+          te)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON AMTM Email Communications Testing Utility                                   ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This test assumes that you have AMTM Email set up correctly. If you still need to${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} configure this feature, open up AMTM -> (em) to add your email server info, ports,${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} credentials, protocols, and other pertinent info.${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "Would you like to send a TEST email from BACKUPMON?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              cemIsFormatHTML=true
+              cemIsVerboseMode=true
+              emailBodyTitle="Testing Email Notification"
+              emailSubject="TEST: BACKUPMON Email Notification"
+              tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+              {
+              printf "This is a <b>TEST</b> to check & verify if sending email notifications is working well from <b>BACKUPMON</b>.\n"
+              } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+              _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+              echo ""
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            fi
+          ;;
+          ep)
+            export TERM=linux
+            nano +999999 --linenumbers $EXCLUSION
+          ;;
+          es)
+            if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+              export TERM=linux
+              nano +999999 --linenumbers $SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+            fi
+          ;;
+          vl)
+            echo ""
+            vlogs
+          ;;
+          ve)
+            echo ""
+            velogs
+          ;;
+          up)
+            echo ""
+            vupdate
+          ;;
+          un)
+            echo ""
+            vuninstall
+          ;;
+          [Ee])
+            logoNMexit
+            echo -e "${CClear}"
+            exit 0
+          ;;
+          *)
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}"
+            echo ""
+            sleep 2
+          ;;
+        esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicjffsnvram routine backs up JFFS and NVRAM in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicextdrv routine backs up ExT Drive in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advjffsnvram routine backs up JFFS and NVRAM in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advextdrv routine backs up EXT Drive in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicsecjffsnvram routine does a secondary backup JFFS and NVRAM in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicsecjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicsecextdrv routine does a secondary backup of the EXT Drive in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicsecextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advsecjffsnvram routine does a secondary backup of your JFFS and NVRAM in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advsecjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advsecextdrv routine does a secondary backup of your EXT Drive in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advsecextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Based off original backup routine by @Jeffrey Young showing a great way to connect to an external network location to
+# dump backups to
+backup () {
+  # Delete last error file
+  rm -f $ERRORFILE
+  # Check to see if a leftover copy of backupmon.cfg is still sitting in /jffs/scripts and delete it
+  rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+  # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+  if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
+      mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
+      chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+  if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+    excludeswap
+  fi
+  mountprimary
+  # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    BKDIREXCL=$(echo $BKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+    if grep -q $BKDIREXCL $EXCLUSION; then
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+  fi
+  # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+  if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External network drive ("; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External network drive ( ${UNC} ) mounted successfully under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create the backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+      if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backup Directory successfully created."
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create frequency folders by week, month, year or perpetual
+      if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+        PDAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}" ]; then
+          mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders
+        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/jffs.tar*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/nvram.cfg*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/jffs.tar*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/nvram.cfg*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/jffs.tar*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/nvram.cfg*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/jffs.tar*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/nvram.cfg*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "PDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "YDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "PDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+        datelabel=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            advextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            advextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            advextdrv "YDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.sh
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.sh script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      cp $CFGPATH ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.cfg
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.cfg file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
+        EXCLFILE=$(echo $EXCLUSION | sed 's:.*/::')
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying $EXCLFILE file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/nvram.txt
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying reference ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying reference nvram.txt extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      #include restore instructions in the backup location
+        echo ''
+        echo 'IMPORTANT:'
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' ${ROUTERMODEL}
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' ${FWBUILD}
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' ${EXTLABEL}
+        echo ''
+        echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
+        echo ''
+        echo 'Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:'
+        echo '1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY).'
+        echo '2.) Run "AMTM" and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before (see above)! Reboot.'
+        echo '3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS.'
+        echo '4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot.'
+        echo '5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder.'
+        echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
+        echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
+        echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
+      } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/instructions.txt
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying restoration instructions.txt file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+      unmountdrv
+  else
+      # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+      logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      flagerror
+      sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+      errorcheck
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# secodary backup routine to provide an alternate backup using optional different methods and target device
+secondary () {
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    if [ "$SECONDARYSWITCH" == "False" ]; then
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$SECONDARYSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+      # Delete last error file
+      rm -f $ERRORFILE
+  fi
+  # Set Error flag to false
+  ERRORFLAG="False"
+  # Run a secondary backup
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Secondary Backup Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+  if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
+      mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+      chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+  if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+    excludeswap
+  fi
+  mountsecondary
+  # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL=$(echo $SECONDARYBKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+  fi
+  # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+  if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external network drive ("; printf "%s" "${SECONDARYUNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external network drive ( ${SECONDARYUNC} ) mounted successfully under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create the secondary backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+      if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" ]; then
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary Backup Directory successfully created."
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create frequency folders by week, month, year or perpetual
+      if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+        PDAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders
+        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "PDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting secondary backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "YDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "PDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+        datelabel=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting secondary backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "YDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/backupmon.sh
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.sh script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.cfg file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
+        EXCLFILE=$(echo $SECONDARYEXCLUSION | sed 's:.*/::')
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of $EXCLFILE file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/nvram.txt
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary reference copy of ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary reference copy of nvram.txt extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      #include restore instructions in the backup location
+        echo ''
+        echo 'IMPORTANT:'
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' ${ROUTERMODEL}
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' ${FWBUILD}
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' ${EXTLABEL}
+        echo ''
+        echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
+        echo ''
+        echo 'Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:'
+        echo '1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY).'
+        echo '2.) Run "AMTM" and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before (see above)! Reboot.'
+        echo '3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS.'
+        echo '4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot.'
+        echo '5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder.'
+        echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
+        echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
+        echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
+      } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/instructions.txt
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of restoration instructions.txt file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+      unmountsecondarydrv
+  else
+      # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+      logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      flagerror
+      sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+      errorcheck
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# restore function is a routine that allows you to pick a backup to be restored
+restore () {
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Restore Backup Utility                                                      ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} [Restore Backup Commencing]..."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY)."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 2.) Run 'AMTM' and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before! Reboot."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}     (please refer to your restore instruction.txt file to find your original EXT USB drive label)"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 6.) Run 'sh backupmon.sh -setup' and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 7.) Run 'sh backupmon.sh -restore', pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  # Display instructions
+  echo ""
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CClear}Please choose whether you would like to restore from primary or secondary backups?"
+    while true; do
+      read -p 'Restoration Source (P=Primary, S=Secondary, e=Exit)?: ' RESTOREFROM
+        case $RESTOREFROM in
+          [Pp] ) SOURCE="Primary"; echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Source Selected]"; echo ""; break ;;
+          [Ss] ) SOURCE="Secondary"; echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}[Secondary Backup Source Selected]"; echo ""; break ;;
+          [Ee] ) echo ""; echo -e "${CClear}"; return;;
+          "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either P or S.\n";;
+          * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either P or S.\n";;
+        esac
+    done
+  else
+    SOURCE="Primary"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  if [ "$SOURCE" == "Primary" ]; then
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
+        mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
+        chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountprimary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-13] ##
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Sort by modification time ##
+      latestTimeFromTop=false   #true OR false#
+      if "$latestTimeFromTop"
+      then lsFlags="-letd"
+      else lsFlags="-lertd"
+      fi
+      #ls $lsFlags ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/*/ | \
+      #awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'
+      ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
+      ls $lsFlags ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/*/ | \
+      awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        while true; do
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}"
+            ok=0
+            while [ $ok = 0 ]
+            do
+              if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: Mon or Fri) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 02 or 27) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 2 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 2 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 2 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 002 or 270) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the exact folder name of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 20230909-083422) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 15 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 15 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 15 characters for the folder name format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              fi
+            done
+            if [ -z "$BACKUPDATE1" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script...${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            else
+            fi
+            if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+              if [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt ]; then
+                source ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt
+              fi
+              break
+            elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Files under:${CClear}"
+              ls -lR /${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this backup set?"
+              if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                echo ""
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the JFFS backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVJFFS
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the EXT USB backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                  read ADVUSB
+                  echo ""
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the NVRAM backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVNVRAM
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
+                read ADVRTRFW
+                if [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW} ]; then
+                  source ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}
+                fi
+                break
+              fi
+            fi
+        done
+        # Determine router model
+        [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREMODEL ]; then
+          if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same source/target router model or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain source/target routers are the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved from a different source router model.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Determine mismatched firmware
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREBUILD ]; then
+          if [ "$FWBUILD" != "$RESTOREBUILD" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same router firmware/build or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain router firmware/build is the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved with older router firmware/build.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this backup location:"
+          echo -e "${CBlue}${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE/"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this backup location:"
+          echo -e "${CBlue}${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE/"
+          echo -e "JFFS filename: $ADVJFFS"
+          if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+            echo -e "EXT USB filename: $ADVUSB"
+          fi
+          echo -e "NVRAM filename: $ADVNVRAM"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Unmount the backup drive
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      else
+        # Exit gracefully
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      # Exit gracefully
+      echo ""
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      unmountdrv
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      return
+    fi
+  elif [ "$SOURCE" == "Secondary" ]; then
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
+        mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+        chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountsecondary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-13] ##
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Sort by modification time ##
+      latestTimeFromTop=false   #true OR false#
+      if "$latestTimeFromTop"
+      then lsFlags="-letd"
+      else lsFlags="-lertd"
+      fi
+      ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
+      awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        while true; do
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}"
+            ok=0
+            while [ $ok = 0 ]
+            do
+              if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: Mon or Fri) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 02 or 27) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 2 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 2 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 2 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 002 or 270) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the exact folder name of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 20230909-083422) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 15 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 15 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 15 characters for the folder name format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              fi
+            done
+            if [ -z "$BACKUPDATE1" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script...${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            else
+            fi
+            if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+              if [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt ]; then
+                source ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt
+              fi
+              break
+            elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Available Secondary Backup Files under:${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this secondary backup set?"
+              if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                echo ""
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the JFFS backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVJFFS
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the EXT USB backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                  read ADVUSB
+                  echo ""
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the NVRAM backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVNVRAM
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
+                read ADVRTRFW
+                fi
+                break
+              fi
+            fi
+        done
+        # Determine router model
+        [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREMODEL ]; then
+          if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same source/target router model or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain source/target routers are the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved from a different source router model.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Determine mismatched firmware
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREBUILD ]; then
+          if [ "$FWBUILD" != "$RESTOREBUILD" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same router firmware/build or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain router firmware/build is the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved with older router firmware/build.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a secondary backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this secondary backup location:"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a secondary backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this secondary backup location:"
+          echo -e "JFFS filename: $ADVJFFS"
+          if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+            echo -e "EXT USB filename: $ADVUSB"
+          fi
+          echo -e "NVRAM filename: $ADVNVRAM"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Unmount the backup drive
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      else
+        # Exit gracefully
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      # Exit gracefully
+      echo ""
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      unmountsecondarydrv
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountdrv is a function to gracefully unmount the drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmountdrv () {
+  if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: External USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External USB drive continues to stay mounted." >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l $UNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External network drive ("; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External network drive ( ${UNC} ) unmounted successfully." >> $LOGFILE
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+          sleep 10
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            sendmessage 1 "Unable to unmount network drive"
+            errorcheck
+            echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountsecondarydrv is a function to gracefully unmount the secondary drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmountsecondarydrv () {
+  if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external USB drive continues to stay mounted." >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the Secondary UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external network drive ("; printf "%s" "${SECONDARYUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external network drive ( ${SECONDARYUNC} ) unmounted successfully." >> $LOGFILE
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+          sleep 10
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            sendmessage 1 "Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+            errorcheck
+            echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountdrv is a function to gracefully unmount the drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmounttestdrv () {
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Test external USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l $TESTUNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test tetwork drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from external test network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+          sleep 5
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external test network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            break
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checkplaintxtpwds is a function to check if old plaintext pwds are still in use due to change to new base64 pwd storage change
+checkplaintxtpwds () {
+  #echo $PASSWORD | base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1
+  echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A | grep -vqE '[^[:graph:]]'
+  PRI="$?"
+  #echo $SECONDARYPWD | base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1
+  echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A | grep -vqE '[^[:graph:]]'
+  SEC="$?"
+  if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    if [ "$PRI" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Plaintext passwords are still being used in the config file. Please go under the BACKUPMON setup menu"
+      echo -e "to reconfigure your primary and/or secondary target backup passwords, and save your config. New changes to the"
+      echo -e "way passwords are encoded and saved requires your immediate attention!${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to enter setup menu...\n' -n1 key
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      flagerror
+      vsetup
+      exit 0
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    if [ "$SEC" == "1" ] && [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Plaintext passwords are still being used in the config file. Please go under the BACKUPMON setup menu"
+      echo -e "to reconfigure your primary and/or secondary target backup passwords, and save your config. New changes to the"
+      echo -e "way passwords are encoded and saved requires your immediate attention!${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to enter setup menu...\n' -n1 key
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      flagerror
+      vsetup
+      exit 0
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# excludeswap is a function to write a swap file exlusion file, or to add to an existing exlusions file
+excludeswap () {
+# First check to see if the swap file exlusion file exists, if not, create it. Thanks to @ScottW for the ideas!
+swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ ! -f $PFEXCLUSION ]; then
+  if [ ! -z $swapname ] || [ $swapname != "" ]; then
+    { echo $swapname
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Page File Backup Exclusion File created" >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Page File does not exist" >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Page File does not exist" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+  fi
+# Check to see if the exclusion file/path has been defined, if not, use the pagefile exclusion file in its place
+if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+  if [ -z "$EXCLUSION" ] || [ "$EXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+  fi
+    if [ -z "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ] || [ "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+  fi
+  # Check to see if an exlusion file is in place, and make sure the swap has been added to it.
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" $EXCLUSION; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> $EXCLUSION
+  fi
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" $SECONDARYEXCLUSION; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> $SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checklibupdate is a function to check for updates to the shared email library hosted by @Martinski
+checklibupdate () {
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+## Mofified by ViktorJp [2024-Jul-20]     ##
+# Check, install or update the shared Custom Email Library Script #
+# OPTIONAL Parameters:
+# To indicate verbosity mode: "-verbose" | "-quiet" | "-veryquiet"
+# To do version update check: "-versionCheck" | "-noVersCheck"
+# NOTE:
+# When calling the script with the "-checkupdate" parameter [or
+# perhaps "-forceupdate"?], a "version check" is performed to
+# update the script if/when needed.
+if [ $AMTMEMAIL -eq 1 ]; then
+  cemailQuietArg="-veryquiet"
+  cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+  if [ ! -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+  then
+      cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+      cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+  fi
+  _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ "$cemailCheckArg" "$cemailQuietArg"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Begin Main Program
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+#{              # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+# Create the necessary folder/file structure for BACKUPMON under /jffs/addons
+if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d" ]; then
+  mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d"
+# Check for and add an alias for BACKUPMON
+if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+  echo "alias backupmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh\" # backupmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
+# Determine router model
+[ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
+#Get FW Version for inclusion in instructions.txt and to check before a restore
+FWVER=$(nvram get firmver | tr -d '.')
+BUILDNO=$(nvram get buildno)
+EXTENDNO=$(nvram get extendno)
+if [ -z $EXTENDNO ]; then EXTENDNO=0; fi
+# Check to see if EXT drive exists
+USBPRODUCT="$(nvram get usb_path1_product)"
+LABELSIZE=$(echo $EXTLABEL | sed 's/ //g' | wc -m)
+# If there's no label or product, there's probably no EXT USB Drive, else the label might be blank
+if [ -z "$EXTLABEL" ] && [ -z "$USBPRODUCT" ]; then
+elif [ $LABELSIZE -le 1 ]; then
+  clear
+  echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label."
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}Should your drive be without a label, please give it a value, other than blank. Omit any spaces."
+  echo -e "Example: EXTUSB, or SAMSUNG-SSD... etc.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label. Please investigate." >> $LOGFILE
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label. Please investigate." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+  flagerror
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Continuing in 10 seconds]..."
+  sleep 10
+# Check and see if any commandline option is being used
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+  then
+    clear
+    sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -noswitch
+    exit 0
+# Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || \
+   [ "$1" == "-backup" ] || [ "$1" == "-restore" ] || [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ] || \
+   [ "$1" == "-purge" ] || [ "$1" == "-secondary" ] || [ "$1" = "-checkupdate" ]
+    clear
+    clear
+    echo ""
+    echo " BACKUPMON v$Version"
+    echo ""
+    echo " Exiting due to invalid commandline options!"
+    echo " (run 'backupmon -h' for help)"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if the help option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ]
+  then
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo " BACKUPMON v$Version Commandline Option Usage:"
+  echo ""
+  echo " backupmon -h | -help"
+  echo " backupmon -setup"
+  echo " backupmon -backup"
+  echo " backupmon -restore"
+  echo " backupmon -purge"
+  echo " backupmon -secondary"
+  echo ""
+  echo "  -h | -help (this output)"
+  echo "  -setup (displays the setup menu)"
+  echo "  -backup (runs the normal backup procedures)"
+  echo "  -restore (initiates the restore procedures)"
+  echo "  -purge (auto purges perpetual backup folders)"
+  echo "  -secondary (runs only the secondary backup)"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}"
+  exit 0
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-10] ##
+if [ "$1" = "-checkupdate" ]
+    _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ -versionCheck -verbose
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if a second command is being passed to remove color
+if [ "$2" == "-bw" ]
+  then
+    blackwhite
+# Check to see if the restore option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-restore" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds    #Check for plaintext passwords
+    restore              #Run the restore routine
+    trimlogs             #Trim the logs
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if the setup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-setup" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: BACKUPMON is not configured. Proceding with 1st time setup!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: BACKUPMON is not configured. Proceding with 1st time setup!" >> $LOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      vconfig
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    updatecheck
+    logoNM
+    vsetup
+# Check to see if the purge option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-purge" ]
+  then
+    DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+    LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+    if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds     #Check for plaintext passwords
+    autopurge             #Purge primary backups
+    autopurgesecondaries  #Purge secondary backups
+    trimlogs              #Trim the logs
+    echo ""
+  exit 0
+# Check to see if the backup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-backup" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    BSWITCH="True"
+# Check to see if the backup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    BSWITCH="False"
+# Check to see if the secondary-only backup is supposed to run
+if [ "$1" == "-secondary" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source $CFGPATH
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+# Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+  excludeswap
+# Check for updates
+DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+  echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Normal Backup starting in 10 seconds. Press ${CGreen}[S]${CWhite}etup or ${CRed}[X]${CWhite} to override and enter ${CRed}RESTORE${CWhite} mode"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Asus Router Model: ${CGreen}${ROUTERMODEL}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Firmware/Build Number: ${CGreen}${FWBUILD}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} External USB Drive Mount Path: ${CGreen}${EXTDRIVE}"
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Weekly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Monthly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Yearly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Perpetual"; fi
+if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backing up to ${CGreen}USB${CWhite} mounted to ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}"
+  echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backing up to ${CGreen}"; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -e "${CWhite} mounted to ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backup directory location: ${CGreen}${BKDIR}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Primary Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$FREQEXPANDED"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Primary Backup Mode: ${CGreen}$MODE"
+if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "1" ]; then
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Weekly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Monthly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Yearly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Perpetual"; fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Secondary Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$SECFREQEXPANDED"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Secondary Backup Mode: ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CClear}${CDkGray}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+echo ""
+# Check to see if the secondary-only backup is supposed to run
+if [ "$1" == "-secondary" ]
+  then
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    secondary               #Run secondary backups
+    sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+    trimlogs #Trim the logs
+    errorcheck #See if an error file exists and display it
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# If the -backup switch is used then bypass the counter for immediate backup
+if [ "$BSWITCH" == "False" ]; then
+  # Run a 10sec timer
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -ne 10 ]
+  do
+      preparebar 51 "|"
+      progressbaroverride $i 10 "" "s" "Standard"
+      i=$(($i+1))
+  done
+# Run a normal backup
+echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Commencing]...          "
+echo ""
+echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+checkplaintxtpwds       #Check for plaintext passwords
+backup                  #Run primary backups
+sendmessage 0 "Primary Backup completed successfully"
+secondary               #Run secondary backups
+if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+  sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+if [ $PURGE -eq 1 ] && [ "$BSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+  autopurge             #Run autopurge on primary backups
+if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 1 ] && [ "$BSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+  autopurgesecondaries  #Run autopurge on secondary backups
+trimlogs #Trim the logs
+errorcheck #See if an error file exists and display it
+echo -e "${CClear}"
+exit 0
+#} #2> tee $LOG | logger -t $(basename $0)[$$]  # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
diff --git a/backupmon-1.8.20.sh b/backupmon-1.8.20.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b29b287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backupmon-1.8.20.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6338 @@
+# Original functional backup script by: @Jeffrey Young, August 9, 2023
+# BACKUPMON heavily modified and restore functionality added by @Viktor Jaep, 2023-2024
+# BACKUPMON is a shell script that provides backup and restore capabilities for your Asus-Merlin firmware router's JFFS,
+# NVRAM and external USB drive environment. By creating a network share off a NAS, server, or other device, BACKUPMON can
+# point to your location of choice, and perform a daily backup to this mounted drive. To perform daily, unattended backups,
+# simply schedule a daily job through BACKUPMON, which will automatically get added to your CRON schedule. During a
+# situation of need, where a backup would need to be restored  after a catastrophic event with either your router or
+# attached USB storage, simply copy the backupmon.sh + backupmon.cfg files over to a newly formatted /jffs/scripts folder,
+# ensuring that your external USB storage was formatted with the same exact name (how-to's are all retrievable from the
+# instructions.txt in your backup folder), and perform the restore by running the "backupmon.sh -restore" command,
+# selecting the backup you want to use, and going through the prompts to complete the restoration of both your /jffs, NVRAM
+# and external USB drive environments.
+# Please use the 'backupmon.sh -setup' command to configure the necessary parameters that match your environment the best!
+# Last Modified: 2024-Sep-17
+# Variable list -- please do not change any of these
+Version="1.8.20"                                                # Current version
+Beta=0                                                          # Beta release Y/N
+CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg"                # Path to the backupmon config file
+DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/version.txt"                # Path to the backupmon version file
+LOGFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.log"                # Path to the local logfile
+ERRORLOGFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmonerrors.log"     # Path to the local errors logfile
+ERRORFILE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/errors.txt"                 # Path to the local error flag file
+PFEXCLUSION="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/pfexclusion.txt"          # Path to pagefile exclusion file
+WDAY="$(date +%a)"                                              # Current day # of the week
+MDAY="$(date +%d)"                                              # Current day # of the month
+YDAY="$(date +%j)"                                              # Current day # of the year
+EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"            # Grabbing the default External USB Drive path
+EXTLABEL="$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"                     # Grabbing the default External USB Label name
+PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"                                       # Tracking if the Primary UNC was updated or not
+SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"                                     # Tracking if the Secondary UNC was updated or not
+UpdateNotify=0                                                  # Tracking whether a new update is available
+BSWITCH="False"                                                 # Tracking -backup switch to eliminate timer
+USBSOURCE="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+USBTARGET="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+SMBTARGET="FALSE"                                               # Tracking switch
+SECONDARYUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                      # Tracking switch
+TESTUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                           # Tracking switch
+SECONDARYSWITCH="False"                                         # Tracking switch
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Aug-10] ##
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "" ; return 1 ; fi
+    if echo "$1" | grep -qE "^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.*"
+    then echo "$1"
+    else echo "$1" | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+    fi
+    return 0
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Aug-11] ##
+readonly mainLAN_IPaddr="$(nvram get lan_ipaddr)"
+readonly mainLAN_IP_Def="${mainLAN_IPaddr%.*}.25"
+ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)"
+[ -z "$ROUTERMODEL" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)"
+readonly BKUP_Dir_Def1="/router/${ROUTERMODEL}_Backups"
+readonly BKUP_Dir_Def2="/router/${ROUTERMODEL}_2ndBackups"
+readonly UNC_Drive_Def1="/tmp/mnt/backups"
+readonly UNC_Drive_Def2="/tmp/mnt/secondarybackups"
+readonly UNC_NFS_Path_Def1="${mainLAN_IP_Def}:/Backups"
+readonly UNC_NFS_Path_Def2="${mainLAN_IP_Def}:/SecondaryBackups"
+readonly UNC_NET_Path_Def1="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "\\\\${mainLAN_IP_Def}\\Backups")"
+readonly UNC_NET_Path_Def2="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "\\\\${mainLAN_IP_Def}\\SecondaryBackups")"
+readonly ActionNeededStr="<-- Action Needed!"
+# Default Config variables #
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-09] ##
+# Custom Email Library Script Variables #
+readonly scriptFileName="${0##*/}"
+readonly scriptFileNTag="${scriptFileName%.*}"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH="master"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL1="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MartinSkyW/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL2="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Martinski4GitHub/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_URL3="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/BACKUPMON/main/CustomMiscUtils/${CEMAIL_LIB_BRANCH}/EMail"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR="/jffs/addons/shared-libs"
+readonly CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME="CustomEMailFunctions.lib.sh"
+# Color variables
+#Preferred standard router binaries path
+export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Functions
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LogoNM is a function that displays the BACKUPMON script name in a cool ASCII font without menu options
+logoNM () {
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CDkGray}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ INITIALIZING ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}[ INITIALIZING ... DONE ]${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}      [ LOADING... ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+logoNMexit () {
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ SHUTTING DOWN ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CDkGray}               ____  ___   ________ ____  ______  __  _______  _   __"
+  echo -e "              / __ )/   | / ____/ //_/ / / / __ \/  |/  / __ \/ | / /"
+  echo -e "             / __  / /| |/ /   / ,< / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / /  |/ /"
+  echo -e "            / /_/ / ___ / /___/ /| / /_/ / ____/ /  / / /_/ / /|  /"
+  echo -e "           /_____/_/  |_\____/_/ |_\____/_/   /_/  /_/\____/_/ |_/ v$Version"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  printf "\r                            ${CGreen}    [ SHUTTING DOWN ]     ${CClear}"
+  sleep 1
+  printf "\r                            ${CDkGray}      [ GOODBYE... ]     ${CClear}\n\n"
+  sleep 1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Promptyn is a simple function that accepts y/n input
+promptyn () {   # No defaults, just y or n
+  while true; do
+    read -p '[y/n]? ' YESNO
+      case "$YESNO" in
+        [Yy]* ) return 0 ;;
+        [Nn]* ) return 1 ;;
+        * ) echo -e "\nPlease answer y or n.";;
+      esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# blackwhite is a simple function that removes all color attributes
+blackwhite () {
+# Color variables
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# teelogger provides an easy way to append logging info to an existing log entry
+teelogger() {
+  log=$1
+  while read line ; do
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - $line" | tee -a $log
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# errorcheck looks for the existence of an error file and provides an on-screen warning about it
+errorcheck() {
+if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+  echo ""
+  errordate=$(cat $ERRORFILE | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+  errordate=$(date -d @${errordate})
+  echo -e "${InvRed}${CWhite} WARNING: Errors were detected during last backup on $errordate.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvRed}${CWhite} Please review error logs from the setup/configuration menu.${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preparebar and Progressbaroverride is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity
+  # $1 - bar length
+  # $2 - bar char
+  barlen="$1"
+  barspaces="$(printf "%*s" "$1")"
+  barchars="$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")"
+   insertspc=" "
+   if [ "$1" -eq -1 ]; then
+      printf "\r  $barspaces\r"
+   else
+      barch="$(($1*barlen/$2))"
+      barsp="$((barlen-barch))"
+      progr="$((100*$1/$2))"
+   fi
+   if [ $# -gt 5 ] && [ -n "$6" ]; then AltNum="$6" ; else AltNum="$1" ; fi
+   printf "  ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} ${CGreen}[ e=Exit / Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
+   # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :)
+   key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)"
+   if [ $key_press ]; then
+        case $key_press in
+            [Xx]) echo ""; echo ""; sleep 1; restore;;
+            [Ss]) (vsetup); source "$CFGPATH" ; echo ""; sleep 1; exit 0;;
+            [Ee])  # Exit gracefully
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  exit 0
+                  ;;
+        esac
+   fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed
+updatecheck () {
+  # Download the latest version file from the source repository
+  curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/version.txt"
+  if [ -f $DLVERPATH ]
+    then
+      # Read in its contents for the current version file
+      DLVersion=$(cat $DLVERPATH)
+      # Compare the new version with the old version and log it
+      if [ "$Beta" == "1" ]; then   # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message
+        UpdateNotify=0
+      elif [ "$DLVersion" != "$Version" ]; then
+        UpdateNotify=1
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: A new update (v$DLVersion) is available to download" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        UpdateNotify=0
+      fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the BACKUPMON log file
+vlogs () {
+export TERM=linux
+nano +999999 --linenumbers $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# velogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the BACKUPMON error log file
+velogs () {
+export TERM=linux
+nano +999999 --linenumbers $ERRORLOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Trimlogs is a function that forces the logs down to a certain number of rows to give you some history
+trimlogs () {
+      #trim regular logs
+      CURRLOGSIZE=$(wc -l $LOGFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log
+      if [ $CURRLOGSIZE -gt 5000 ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it!
+        then
+          echo "$(tail -5000 $LOGFILE)" > $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #trim error logs
+      CURRERRLOGSIZE=$(wc -l $ERRORLOGFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log
+      if [ $CURRERRLOGSIZE -gt 5000 ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it!
+        then
+          echo "$(tail -5000 $ERRORLOGFILE)" > $ERRORLOGFILE
+      fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vconfig is a function that guides you through the various configuration options for backupmon
+vconfig () {
+  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+     source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+     cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+  fi
+  if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+    source "$CFGPATH"
+    if [ -z "$SECONDARYPURGE" ]; then SECONDARYPURGE=0; fi
+    # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+    if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+      excludeswap
+    fi
+    CHANGES=0 #track notification to save your changes
+    while true; do
+      clear
+      DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+      LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Primary Backup Configuration Menu                                           ${CClear}"
+      if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to modify certain${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} customizable parameters that affect the operation of the primary backup.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : BACKUPMON Version                            : ${CGreen}$Version"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : Source Router Model                          : ${CGreen}$ROUTERMODEL"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : Source Router Firmware/Build                 : ${CGreen}$FWBUILD"
+      if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CGreen}$EXTDRIVE"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Backup Target Media Type                     : ${CGreen}$BACKUPMEDIA"
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+      then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+           echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+        else
+           echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+        fi
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+      then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CGreen}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ -z "${UNC}" ]
+        then
+           echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+        else
+           if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+           else
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+           fi
+        fi
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
+        if [ -z "${UNC}" ]
+        then
+           echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+        else
+           if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}${UNC}"
+           else
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}${UNC}"
+           fi
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]; then
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+      else
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : N/A"
+      fi
+      if [ "$UNCDRIVE" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+      else
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Backup Target Directory Path                 : ${CGreen}$BKDIR"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Backup Exclusion File                        : ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Backup Swap File                             : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
+          printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n";fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]; then
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CGreen}$SMBVER"
+      else
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CDkGray}$SMBVER"
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(11)${CClear} : Backup Retention                             : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+        printf "Weekly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+        printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+        printf "Yearly"; printf "%s\n";
+      elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+        printf "Perpetual"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Backups                               : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$PURGE" == "1" ]; then
+          printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n";fi
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge older than (days)                     : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$PURGELIMIT" == "0" ]; then
+          printf "N/A"; printf "%s\n";
+        else
+          printf $PURGELIMIT; printf "%s\n";
+        fi
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Backups                               : ${CDkGray}No"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge older than (days)                     : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(12)${CClear} : Backup/Restore Mode                          : ${CGreen}$MODE"
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(13)${CClear} : Schedule Backups                             : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "1" ]; then
+        MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Time:                                       : ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Scheduled Backup Mode                       : ${CGreen}"
+        if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+          printf "Backup Only"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+          printf "Backup + Autopurge"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      else
+        MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Time:                                       : ${CDkGray}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"
+        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Scheduled Backup Mode                       : ${CDkGray}"
+        if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+          printf "Backup Only"; printf "%s\n";
+        elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+          printf "Backup + Autopurge"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(14)${CClear} : AMTM Email Notifications                     : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  On Success                                  : ${CGreen}Yes"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  On Success                                  : ${CDkGray}No"
+      fi
+      if [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "1" ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  On Failure                                  : ${CGreen}Yes"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}${CDkGray}--  On Failure                                  : ${CDkGray}No"
+      fi
+      echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(15)${CClear} : Secondary Backup Config Options              : ${CGreen}"
+      if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "1" ]; then SECONDARYSTATUS=0; fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "0" ]; then
+        printf "Disabled"; printf "%s\n";
+      else printf "Enabled"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}"
+      if [ $CHANGES -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s) ${CClear} : Save Config & Exit"
+      else
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s) ${CClear} : Save Config & Exit               ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Save your changes! ${CClear}"
+      fi
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e) ${CClear} : Exit & Discard Changes"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      CHANGES=1
+      printf "Selection: "
+      read -r ConfigSelection
+      # Execute chosen selections
+          case "$ConfigSelection" in
+            1) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - SOURCE Mount Point                                                        ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose the SOURCE Mount Point of your attached external USB Drive that contains${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} data that you want to have backed up. In most cases, whatever is attached to your sda1${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} partition should be selected. Should there be only one mount point available, it will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} be automatically selected.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              printf "${CClear}Recommended Mount Point: ${CGreen}"
+              _GetDefaultMountPoint_ USBmp
+              USBSOURCE="TRUE"
+              echo -e "${CClear}"
+              _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select an EXT USB Drive Mount Point: "
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+              checkusbexclusion
+            ;;
+            2) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Media Type                                                  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup Media Type? This is the type of device that you want your${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups copied to. Please indicate whether the media is a network device (accessible${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} via UNC path using the common CIFS/SMB network protocol) a local attached USB device${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (connected to router), or a network device (accessible via an NFS share). PLEASE NOTE:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} If the USB or Network-NFS option is chosen, there will be no need to complete further${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} information for the Target username or password, and will be grayed out.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear}) (Default: 1)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo
+              printf "Current Target Media Type: ${CGreen}${BACKUPMEDIA}${CClear}\n"
+              while true
+              do
+                  printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: " ; read -r BKUPMEDIA1st
+                  case $BKUPMEDIA1st in
+                     1) BACKUPMEDIA="Network"; break ;;
+                     2) BACKUPMEDIA="USB"; break ;;
+                     3) BACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"; break ;;
+                    "") printf "\nPlease enter 1, 2 or 3.\n" ;;
+                     *) printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIA1st]."
+                        printf "\nPlease enter 1, 2 or 3.\n" ;;
+                  esac
+              done
+              UNC=""
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
+              fi
+            ;;
+            3) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Username                                            ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Username?${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Username: ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Username: ' BTUSERNAME1
+                if [ "$BTUSERNAME1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BTUSERNAME1" ]; then BTUSERNAME="admin"; else BTUSERNAME="$BTUSERNAME1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            4) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Password                                            ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Password?${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if [ $BTPASSWORD == "admin" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Old Password (Unencoded): ${CGreen}admin"
+                else
+                  echo -en "${CClear}Old Password (Unencoded): ${CGreen}"; echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -rp 'New Password: ' BTPASSWORD1
+                if [ "$BTPASSWORD1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BTPASSWORD1" ]; then BTPASSWORD=`echo "admin" | openssl enc -base64 -A`; else BTPASSWORD=`echo $BTPASSWORD1 | openssl enc -base64 -A`; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            5) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
+                 clear
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup UNC Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup UNC Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has a share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use proper${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} notation for the network path by starting with 4 backslashes "; printf "%s" "(\\\\\\\\)"; echo -e " and using two${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backslashes "; printf "%s" "(\\\\)"; echo -e " between any additional folders. Example below:"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}" ; printf "%s" "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def1")" ; echo -e "${CClear})"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo
+                 echo -en "Current UNC Path: ${CGreen}" ; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}" ; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                 read -rp 'Target Backup UNC Path: ' UNC_NET_PATH1st
+                 if [ -n "$UNC_NET_PATH1st" ]
+                 then UNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_PATH1st")"
+                 elif [ -z "$UNC" ]
+                 then UNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"
+                 fi
+                 PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
+                 clear
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup NFS Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has an NFS share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} proper notation for the NFS network path by using the example below:${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}${CClear})"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo
+                 echo -e "Current NFS Path: ${CGreen}${UNC}${CClear}" ; echo
+                 read -rp 'Target Backup NFS Path: ' UNC_NFS_PATH1st
+                 if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_PATH1st" ]
+                 then UNC="$UNC_NFS_PATH1st"
+                 else UNC="${UNC:=$UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}"
+                 fi
+                 PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+                 echo ""; echo ""
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Mount Options                                           ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What optional NFS Mount Options would you like to use (if any)? These options are${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} custom settings that may be needed to establish a successful connection to your NFS${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Please follow format of example below:${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo ""
+                 echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Mount Options: ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                 read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' NFSMOUNTOPT1
+                 if [ "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" ]; then NFSMOUNTOPT=""; else NFSMOUNTOPT="$NFSMOUNTOPT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              fi
+            ;;
+            6) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Drive Mount Point                                           ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What would you like to name the TARGET Network Backup Drive Mount Point? This mount${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} path will be created for you, and is the local path on your router typically located${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under /tmp/mnt which provides a physical directory that is mounted to the network${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backup location. Please note: Use proper notation for the path by using single${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} forward slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${UNC_Drive_Def1}${CClear})"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ; echo -e "Current Backup Drive Mount Point: ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}${CClear}" ; echo
+                read -p 'Target Network Backup Drive Mount Point: ' UNC_DRIVE1st
+                if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE1st" ]
+                then UNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE1st"
+                else UNCDRIVE="${UNCDRIVE:=$UNC_Drive_Def1}"
+                fi
+                ##OFF##SMBTARGET="TRUE"
+                ##OFF##_GetMountPoint_ SMBmp "Select an existing Target CIFS/SMB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                ##OFF##read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                  UNCDRIVE=""
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Your TARGET Network Backup Drive Mount Point cannot be named the same as your"
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}SOURCE External USB Drive Mount. Please choose a mount point name that is unique for"
+                  echo -e "${CYellow}this network target.${CClear}\n"
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+              then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup USB Drive Mount Point                                       ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose the TARGET USB Backup Drive Mount Point assigned to your external USB${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Drive where you want backups to be stored. Should there be only one drive available,${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} it will be automatically selected. PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended not to use${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the same USB drive to both be a SOURCE and TARGET for backups.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                USBTARGET="TRUE"
+                _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                checkusbexclusion
+              fi
+            ;;
+            7) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Directory Path                                              ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup Directory Path? This is the path that is created on your${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} network backup location in order to store and order the backups by day. Please note:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Use proper notation for the path by using single forward slashes between directories.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Example below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${BKUP_Dir_Def1}${CClear})"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ; echo -e "Current Backup Directory Path: ${CGreen}${BKDIR}${CClear}" ; echo
+              read -p 'Enter Target Backup Directory Path: ' BKUP_DIR1st
+              if [ -n "$BKUP_DIR1st" ]
+              then BKDIR="$BKUP_DIR1st"
+              else BKDIR="${BKDIR:=$BKUP_Dir_Def1}"
+              fi
+              checkusbexclusion
+            ;;
+            8) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Exclusion Path + File Name                                         ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to use a Backup Exclusion File Name? This file contains a list of${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} certain files that you want to exclude from the backup, such as your swap file.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CRed}WARNING:${CClear} If you do not use an Exclusion file with the necessary entries to exlude${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} your swap file (or others), your backup size and time it takes to complete the backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will increase greatly. Examples of what to include in the exlusions.txt file below${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} entered in a simple list format:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} myswap.swp${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} entware/var/log/*${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CBlue} skynet/skynet.log${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please note: Use proper notation for the path to this file by using single forward ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: ${CGreen}/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions.txt${CClear})"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Exclusion File Path: ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Backup Exclusion Path + File Name: ' EXCLUSION1
+              if [ "$EXCLUSION1" == "" ] || [ -z "$EXCLUSION1" ]; then EXCLUSION=""; else EXCLUSION="$EXCLUSION1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ] && [ "$EXCLUSION" == "" ]; then EXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"; fi
+            ;;
+            9) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Your Swap File?                                                    ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to back up your Swap File? This file usually ranges in the 1GB, 2GB or${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 4GB range. It is not a file that is required to be backed up, and may cause issues${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} when restoring backups. Due to the size, it will also substantially increase backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} target size and time it takes to run backups.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: It is highly recommended to leave this setting DISABLED.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == 0 ]; then BACKUPSWAPFB="No"; else BACKUPSWAPFB="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Currently backing up Swap File?: ${CGreen}$BACKUPSWAPFB"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Backup Swap? (0/1): ' SWAP1
+              if [ "$SWAP1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SWAP1" ]; then BACKUPSWAP=0; else BACKUPSWAP="$SWAP1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
+                swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' "$EXCLUSION" >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" >/dev/null 2>&1
+              fi
+            ;;
+            10) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
+                clear
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - CIFS/SMB Protocol Version                                                 ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What version of the CIFS/SMB protocol would you like to use? This protocol is used by${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} BACKUPMON to connect to other network devices in order to transfer files and backups${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} from source to target. While BACKUPMON supports the latest SMB protocol available${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v3.02), you can choose older versions for backwards compatibility purposes, for${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} example, if the target hardware is not able to support a more recent version.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v2.1=1, v2.0=2, v1.0=3, v3.0=4, v3.02=5) (Default: 1)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current CIFS/SMB Protocol Version: ${CGreen}$SMBVER"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                while true; do
+                  read -p 'CIFS/SMB Version (1/2/3/4/5)?: ' SMBVER
+                    case $SMBVER in
+                      [1] ) SMBVER="2.1"; break ;;
+                      [2] ) SMBVER="2.0"; break ;;
+                      [3] ) SMBVER="1.0"; break ;;
+                      [4] ) SMBVER="3.0"; break ;;
+                      [5] ) SMBVER="3.02"; break ;;
+                       "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5\n";;
+                        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5\n";;
+                    esac
+                done
+             fi
+           ;;
+            11) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup Retention                                                          ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What backup retention would you like BACKUPMON to use for daily backup jobs each day?${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} There are 4 different choices -- Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Perpetual. Backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} folders based on the week, month, year, or perpetual are created under your network${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Explained below:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}WEEKLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 7 different folders for each day of the week are created (ex: Mon, Tue... Sun)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}MONTHLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 31 different folders for each day are created (ex: 01, 02, 03... 30, 31)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}YEARLY:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 365 different folders are created for each day (ex: 001, 002, 003... 364, 365)."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}PERPETUAL:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} A unique backup folder is created each time it runs based on the date-time"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: 20230909-084322). NOTE: When using the Perpetual backup retention option, you"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} may only use BASIC mode."
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (Default: M)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Weekly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Monthly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Yearly"
+              elif [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                FREQUENCYDP="Perpetual"
+              fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$FREQUENCYDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              while true; do
+                read -p 'Retention (W/M/Y/P)?: ' FREQUENCY
+                  case $FREQUENCY in
+                    [Ww] ) FREQUENCY="W"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Mm] ) FREQUENCY="M"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Yy] ) FREQUENCY="Y"; PURGE=0; PURGELIMIT=0; break ;;
+                    [Pp] ) FREQUENCY="P"; MODE="Basic" break ;;
+                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either M, W, Y or P\n";;
+                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either M, W, Y or P\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+              if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo ""; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Purging Perpetual Backups                                                 ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like to purge perpetual backups after a certain age? This can help trim your${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups and reclaim disk space, but also gives you more flexibility on the length of${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} time you can keep your backups. Purging backups can be run manually from the setup${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} menu, and gives you the ability to see which backups will be purged before they are${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} deleted permanently. It will also run automatically when calling BACKUPMON with the${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} '-backup' switch. If you run 'sh backupmon.sh -backup', it will complete a backup,${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} and then run an auto purge based on your criteria. Running 'sh backupmon.sh' without${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} the '-backup' switch will run a normal backup without an auto purge, even if purge is${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} enabled below.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move these"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with."
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then PURGEDP="No"; else PURGEDP="Yes"; fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Purge Perpetual Backups Option?: ${CGreen}$PURGEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Purge Perpetual Backups? (0/1): ' PURGE1
+                if [ "$PURGE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$PURGE1" ]; then PURGE=0; else PURGE="$PURGE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  PURGELIMIT=0
+                elif [ "$PURGE" == "1" ]; then
+                  echo ""; echo ""
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Keeping Perpetual Backups                                                 ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} How many days would you like to keep your perpetual backups? Example (in days): 90${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This would cause all perpetual backups older than 90 days would be permanently${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} deleted.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} these to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: 90)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Current Perpetual Backups Age?: ${CGreen}$PURGELIMIT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  read -p 'Backup Age? (in days): ' PURGELIMIT1
+                  if [ "$PURGELIMIT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$PURGELIMIT1" ]; then PURGELIMIT=0; else PURGELIMIT="$PURGELIMIT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                else
+                  PURGE=0
+                  PURGELIMIT=0
+                fi
+              fi
+            ;;
+            12) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Basic vs. Advanced Operations                                             ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What mode of operation would you like BACKUPMON to run in? You have 2 different${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} choices -- Basic or Advanced. Choose wisely! These are the differences:${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}BASIC:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Only backs up one backup set per daily folder"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backup file names have standard names based on jffs and USB drive label names"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Self-prunes the daily backup folders by deleting contents before backing up new set"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Will overwrite daily backups, even if multiple are made on the same day"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Restore more automated, and only required to pick which day to restore from"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}ADVANCED:"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backs up multiple daily backup sets per daily folder"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Backup file names contain extra unique date and time identifiers"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Keeps all daily backups forever, and no longer self-prunes"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Will not overwrite daily backups, even if multiple are made on the same day"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} - Restore more tedious, and required to type exact backup file names before restore"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: When choosing BASIC mode while using 'Perpetual Retention', your daily backup${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} folders will not self-prune or overwrite, even if multiple backups are made on the${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} same day.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (Default: 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Operational Mode?: ${CGreen}$MODE"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              while true; do
+                read -p 'Mode (0/1)?: ' MODE1
+                  case $MODE1 in
+                    [0] ) MODE="Basic"; break ;;
+                    [1] ) if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then MODE="Basic"; else MODE="Advanced"; fi; break ;;
+                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 0 or 1\n";;
+                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 0 or 1\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+            ;;
+            13) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Scheduled Backups                                                         ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like BACKUPMON to automatically run at a scheduled time each day? Please${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} note: This will place a cru command into your 'services-start' file that is located${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under your /jffs/scripts folder. Each time your router reboots, this command will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} automatically be added as a CRON job to run your backup.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then SCHEDULEDP="No"; else SCHEDULEDP="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Scheduler Option: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Schedule BACKUPMON (0/1)?: ' SCHEDULE1
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULE1" ]; then SCHEDULE=0; else SCHEDULE="$SCHEDULE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then
+                if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                  sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                  cru d RunBackupMon
+                fi
+              elif [ "$SCHEDULE" == "1" ]; then
+                echo ""; echo ""
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Selecting a Scheduled Time                                                ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What time would you like BACKUPMON to automatically run each day? Please note: You${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will be asked for the hours and minutes in separate prompts. Use 24hr format for the${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} hours. (Ex: 17 hrs / 15 min = 17:15 or 5:15pm)${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: 2 hrs / 30 min = 02:30 or 2:30am)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
+                echo -e "${CClear}Current Scheduled Time: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEHRS:$MINS"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                read -p 'Schedule HOURS (0-24)?: ' SCHEDULEHRS1
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEHRS1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULEHRS1" ]; then SCHEDULEHRS=2; else SCHEDULEHRS="$SCHEDULEHRS1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                read -p 'Schedule MINUTES (0-59)?: ' SCHEDULEMIN1
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEMIN1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SCHEDULEMIN1" ]; then SCHEDULEMIN=30; else SCHEDULEMIN="$SCHEDULEMIN1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                  echo ""; echo ""
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - Backup/Purge Functionality                                                ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} When running a scheduled job each day, would you like BACKUPMON to only run backups,${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} or would you like it to run backups and have it automatically purge old backups${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} outside your specified age range immediately following? If you don't want to run${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backups with autopurge, you will be responsible for manually running backup purges${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} using the config menu, or manually from the file system itself. Please note: This ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} option is only available when having the Perpetual Backup Retention selected.${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Backup Only=1, Backup + Autopurge=2) (Default: 1)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                  echo ""
+                  if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup Only"; else SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup + Autopurge"; fi
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Current Backup/Purge Option: ${CGreen}$SCHEDULEMODEDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                  while true; do
+                    read -p 'Backup/Purge Functionality (1/2)?: ' SCHEDULEMODE
+                      case $SCHEDULEMODE in
+                        [1] ) SCHEDULEMODE="BackupOnly"; break ;;
+                        [2] ) SCHEDULEMODE="BackupAutoPurge"; break ;;
+                        "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1 or 2\n";;
+                        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1 or 2\n";;
+                      esac
+                  done
+                fi
+                if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then
+                  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                    if ! grep -q -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/scripts/services-start; then
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                    else
+                      #delete and re-add if it already exists in case there's a time change
+                      sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru d RunBackupMon
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                    fi
+                  else
+                    echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+                  fi
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifiying SERVICES-START file]..."
+                sleep 2
+                echo -e "[Modifying CRON jobs]..."
+                sleep 2
+                elif [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupAutoPurge" ]; then
+                  if [ -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ]; then
+                    if ! grep -q -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/scripts/services-start; then
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                    else
+                      #delete and re-add if it already exists in case there's a time change
+                      sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru d RunBackupMon
+                      echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                      cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                    fi
+                  else
+                    echo 'cru a RunBackupMon "'"$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"'"' >> /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/services-start
+                    cru a RunBackupMon "$SCHEDULEMIN $SCHEDULEHRS * * * sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -backup"
+                  fi
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CGreen}[Modifiying SERVICES-START file]..."
+                sleep 2
+                echo -e "[Modifying CRON jobs]..."
+                sleep 2
+                fi
+              else
+                SCHEDULE=0
+                SCHEDULEHRS=2
+                SCHEDULEMIN=30
+              fi
+            ;;
+            14) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              clear
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - AMTM Email Notifications                                                  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Would you like BACKUPMON to send you email notifications on backup success or failure,${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} or both? Please note: This does require that AMTM email has been set up successfully${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under AMTM -> em (email settings). Once you are able to send and receive test emails,${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} you may utilize this functionality in BACKUPMON. Additionally, this functionality will${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} download an AMTM email interface library courtesy of @Martinski, and will be located${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under a new common library folder called: /jffs/addons/shared-libs.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then AMTMEMAILDP="No"; else AMTMEMAILDP="Yes"; fi
+              echo -e "${CClear}Current Email Notification Option: ${CGreen}$AMTMEMAILDP"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+              read -p 'Enable BACKUPMON Email Notifications (0/1)?: ' AMTMEMAIL1
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAIL1" ]; then AMTMEMAIL=0; else AMTMEMAIL="$AMTMEMAIL1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "1" ]
+              then
+                echo ""
+                read -p 'Email on Successful Backups? (No=0, Yes=1): ' AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1" ]; then AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0; else AMTMEMAILSUCCESS="$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                echo ""
+                read -p 'Email on Backup Failures? (No=0, Yes=1): ' AMTMEMAILFAILURE1
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1" ]; then AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0; else AMTMEMAILFAILURE="$AMTMEMAILFAILURE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+                echo ""
+                #Install @Martinski's shared email library
+                echo -e "${CClear}Installing Shared Email Library Components..."
+                cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+                cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+                if [ ! -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+                then
+                    cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+                    cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+                fi
+                _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ "$cemailCheckArg" "$cemailQuietArg"
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "Would you like to send a TEST email from BACKUPMON?"
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  cemIsFormatHTML=true
+                  cemIsVerboseMode=true  ## true OR false ##
+                  emailBodyTitle="Testing Email Notification"
+                  emailSubject="TEST: BACKUPMON Email Notification"
+                  tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+                  {
+                  printf "This is a <b>TEST</b> to check & verify if sending email notifications is working well from <b>BACKUPMON</b>.\n"
+                  } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+                  _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+                  echo ""
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                #If notifications are off, turn off AMTM Email functionality
+                if [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "0" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "0" ]; then
+                  AMTMEMAIL=0
+                fi
+               else
+                AMTMEMAIL=0
+                AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0
+                AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0
+              fi
+            ;;
+            15) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            while true; do
+              clear
+              DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+              LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Secondary Backup Configuration Options Menu                                 ${CClear}"
+              if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+              fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to modify certain${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} customizable parameters that affect the operation of the secondary backup.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Enabled/Disabled                             : ${CGreen}"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" != "1" ]; then SECONDARYSTATUS=0; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "0" ]; then
+                printf "Disabled"; printf "%s\n";
+              else printf "Enabled"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Media Type                  : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Path                        : N/A"
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]
+                 then
+                    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+                 else
+                    if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+                       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC"
+                    else
+                       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC"
+                    fi
+                 fi
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_Def2"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNC"
+              fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT"
+              else
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+              fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]
+              then  ##$UNC_Drive_Def2##
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+              else
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+              fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYBKDIR" ]; then SECONDARYBKDIR="$BKUP_Dir_Def2"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Directory Path              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBKDIR"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Secondary Backup Exclusion File              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Secondary Backup Retention                   : ${CGreen}"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
+                printf "Weekly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
+                printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "Y" ]; then
+                printf "Yearly"; printf "%s\n";
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                printf "Perpetual"; printf "%s\n";
+              else SECONDARYFREQUENCY="M";
+                printf "Monthly"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Secondary Backups                     : ${CGreen}"
+                if [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+                else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              else
+                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Secondary Backups                     : ${CDkGray}"
+                if [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "0" ]; then
+                  printf "No"; printf "%s\n";
+                else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi
+              fi
+              if [ -z $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT ]; then SECONDARYPURGELIMIT=0; fi
+              if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ] && [ "$SECONDARYPURGE" == "1" ]; then
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Purge Older Than (days)                     : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT"
+              else
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Older Than (days)                     : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT"
+              fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYMODE" ]; then SECONDARYMODE="Basic"; fi
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Secondary Backup/Restore Mode                : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e) ${CClear} : Exit Back to Primary Backup Config"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              printf "Selection: ${CClear}"
+              read -r SECONDARYINPUT
+                  case $SECONDARYINPUT in
+                    1) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Enabled=1, Disabled=0 (0/1?): ' SECONDARYSTATUS
+                    ;;
+                    2) echo
+                       printf "Secondary Backup Target Media (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear})"
+                       printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: " ; read -r BKUPMEDIA2nd
+                       if [ -z "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" ]
+                       then
+                           printf "\nConfiguration parameter was not modified.\n"
+                           read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; echo
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "1" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                               SECONDARYUNC=""
+                           fi
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "2" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                           fi
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "3" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network-NFS" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                               SECONDARYUNC="${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+                           fi
+                       else
+                           printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIA2nd].\n"
+                           read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to acknowledge..." ; echo
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    3) echo ""
+                       read -p 'Secondary Username: ' SECONDARYUSER
+                    ;;
+                    4) echo
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYPWD" == "admin" ]; then
+                         echo -e "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): admin"
+                       else
+                         echo -en "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): "
+                         echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
+                       fi
+                       echo ""
+                       read -rp 'New Secondary Password: ' SECONDARYPWD1
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYPWD1" == "" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD1" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYPWD=`echo "admin" | openssl enc -base64 -A`
+                       else
+                         SECONDARYPWD=`echo $SECONDARYPWD1 | openssl enc -base64 -A`
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    5) echo
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Target UNC Path (ex: %s): " "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def2")"
+                          read -r UNC_NET_PATH2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_NET_PATH2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_PATH2nd")"
+                          elif [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def2"
+                          fi
+                          SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Target NFS Path (ex: ${UNC_NFS_Path_Def2}): "
+                          read -r UNC_NFS_PATH2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_PATH2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_PATH2nd"
+                          elif [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || echo "$SECONDARYUNC" | grep -q "$ActionNeededStr"
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_Def2"
+                          fi
+                          echo
+                          echo "Secondary NFS Mount Options (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                          read -rp '(Optional): ' SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT1
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    6) echo
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Backup Target Mount Point (ex: ${UNC_Drive_Def2}): "
+                          read -r UNC_DRIVE2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE2nd"
+                          else SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE:=$UNC_Drive_Def2}"
+                          fi
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+                          _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Secondary Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                          read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                       fi
+                       checkusbexclusion
+                    ;;
+                    7) echo
+                       printf "Secondary Backup Target Directory Path (ex: ${BKUP_Dir_Def2}): "
+                       read -r BKUP_DIR2nd
+                       if [ -n "$BKUP_DIR2nd" ]
+                       then SECONDARYBKDIR="$BKUP_DIR2nd"
+                       else SECONDARYBKDIR="${SECONDARYBKDIR:=$BKUP_Dir_Def2}"
+                       fi
+                       checkusbexclusion
+                    ;;
+                    8) echo
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Exclusion File (ex: /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions2.txt): ' SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+                       if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYEXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    9) echo
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Retention (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (W/M/Y/P?): ' SECONDARYFREQUENCY
+                       SECONDARYFREQUENCY=$(echo "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
+                       SECONDARYPURGE=0
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                         SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                         echo ""
+                         read -p 'Purge Secondary Backups? (Yes=1/No=0) ' SECONDARYPURGE
+                         echo ""
+                         read -p 'Secondary Backup Purge Age? (Days/Disabled=0) ' SECONDARYPURGELIMIT
+                       else
+                         SECONDARYPURGELIMIT=0
+                       fi
+                    ;;
+                    10) echo ""
+                        read -p 'Secondary Backup/Restore Mode (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (0/1?): ' SECONDARYMODE
+                        if [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "0" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        elif [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "1" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Advanced"
+                        else
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        fi
+                        if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "P" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYMODE="Basic"
+                        fi
+                    ;;
+                    [Ee] ) break ;;
+                    "") echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 10 or e=Exit\n";;
+                    *) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 10 or e=Exit\n";;
+                  esac
+              done
+            ;;
+            [Ss]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 echo
+                 UNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}")"
+                 SECONDARYUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC")"
+                { echo 'BTUSERNAME="'"$BTUSERNAME"'"'
+                  echo 'BTPASSWORD="'"$BTPASSWORD"'"'
+                  echo 'UNC="'"${UNC}"'"'
+                  echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT="'"$NFSMOUNTOPT"'"'
+                  echo 'UNCDRIVE="'"$UNCDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'EXTDRIVE="'"$EXTDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'EXTLABEL="'"$EXTLABEL"'"'
+                  echo 'BKDIR="'"$BKDIR"'"'
+                  echo 'BACKUPMEDIA="'"$BACKUPMEDIA"'"'
+                  echo 'EXCLUSION="'"$EXCLUSION"'"'
+                  echo 'BACKUPSWAP='$BACKUPSWAP
+                  echo 'SMBVER="'"$SMBVER"'"'
+                  echo 'SCHEDULE='$SCHEDULE
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEHRS='$SCHEDULEHRS
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEMIN='$SCHEDULEMIN
+                  echo 'SCHEDULEMODE="'"$SCHEDULEMODE"'"'
+                  echo 'FREQUENCY="'"$FREQUENCY"'"'
+                  echo 'MODE="'"$MODE"'"'
+                  echo 'PURGE='$PURGE
+                  echo 'PURGELIMIT='$PURGELIMIT
+                  echo 'AMTMEMAIL='$AMTMEMAIL
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUSER="'"$SECONDARYUSER"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYPWD="'"$SECONDARYPWD"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUNC="'"$SECONDARYUNC"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="'"$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="'"$SECONDARYBKDIR"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYMODE="'"$SECONDARYMODE"'"'
+                  echo 'SECONDARYPURGE='$SECONDARYPURGE
+                } > "$CFGPATH"
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Applying config changes to BACKUPMON..."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE
+              sleep 2
+              PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              UNC="$(echo -e "${UNC}")"
+              SECONDARYUNC="$(echo -e "$SECONDARYUNC")"
+              return
+            ;;
+            [Ee]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+              PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"
+              return
+            ;;
+          esac
+    done
+  else
+      #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state
+      { echo 'BTUSERNAME="admin"'
+        echo 'BTPASSWORD="YWRtaW4K"'
+        echo 'UNC="'"$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"'"'
+        echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT=""'
+        echo 'UNCDRIVE="'"$UNC_Drive_Def1"'"'
+        echo 'EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>"'
+        echo 'EXTLABEL="usbdrive"'
+        echo 'BKDIR="'"$BKUP_Dir_Def1"'"'
+        echo 'BACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
+        echo 'EXCLUSION=""'
+        echo 'BACKUPSWAP=0'
+        echo 'SMBVER="2.1"'
+        echo 'SCHEDULE=0'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEHRS=2'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEMIN=30'
+        echo 'SCHEDULEMODE="BackupOnly"'
+        echo 'FREQUENCY="M"'
+        echo 'MODE="Basic"'
+        echo 'PURGE=0'
+        echo 'PURGELIMIT=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAIL=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAILSUCCESS=0'
+        echo 'AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0'
+        echo 'SECONDARYSTATUS=0'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUSER="admin"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNC="'"$UNC_NET_Path_Def2"'"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="'"$UNC_Drive_Def2"'"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="'"$BKUP_Dir_Def2"'"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYEXCLUSION=""'
+        echo 'SECONDARYFREQUENCY="M"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYMODE="Basic"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYPURGE=0'
+      } > "$CFGPATH"
+      #Re-run backupmon -config to restart setup process
+      vconfig
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# testtarget is a function that allows you to play with settings to ensure your configuration works
+testtarget () {
+while true; do
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Backup Target Network Connection Tester                                     ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Backup Target Network Connection Tester allows you to play with your connection${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} variables, such as your username/password, network UNC path, target directories and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} local backup drive mount paths. If your network target is configured correctly, this${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} utility will write a test folder out there, and copy a test file into the test folder${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} in order to validate that read/write permissions are correct.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} : Test Target Media Type                       : ${CGreen}$TESTBACKUPMEDIA"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+  then
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} : Test Target Username                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUSER"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} : Test Target Password                         : ${CGreen}$TESTPWD"
+    if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${InvRed}${CWhite}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+    else
+      if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]
+      then
+         echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC"
+      else
+         echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC"
+      fi
+    fi
+  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+  then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target NFS Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUNC"
+  fi
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]; then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CGreen}$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+  else
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear} : Test Target Backup Mount Point               : ${CGreen}$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6)${CClear} : Test Target Dir Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTBKDIR"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]; then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : ${CGreen}$TESTSMBVER"
+  else
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : N/A"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(t)${CClear} : Test your Network Backup Connection"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(p)${CClear} : Import your Primary Backup Settings"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(s)${CClear} : Import your Secondary Backup Settings"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e)${CClear} : Exit Back to Setup + Operations Menu"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  printf "Selection: ${CClear}"
+  read -r TESTINPUT
+      case $TESTINPUT in
+        1) echo
+           printf "Test Target Media Type (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear})"
+           printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: "
+           read -r BKUPMEDIATest
+           if [ -z "$BKUPMEDIATest" ]
+           then
+               printf "\nConfiguration parameter was not modified.\n"
+               read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; echo      
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "1" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                   TESTUNC=""
+               fi
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "2" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
+                   TESTUNC=""
+               fi
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "3" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network-NFS" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+                   TESTUNC="${InvRed}${CWhite}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+               fi
+           else
+               printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIATest].\n"
+               read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to acknowledge..." ; echo
+           fi
+        ;;
+        2) echo ""
+           read -p 'Test Username: ' TESTUSER
+        ;;
+        3) echo ""
+           read -rp 'Test Password: ' TESTPWD
+        ;;
+        4) echo
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target UNC Path (ex: %s): " "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def1")"
+              read -r UNC_NET_Path_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_NET_Path_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_TEST")"
+              elif [ -z "$TESTUNC" ] || echo "$TESTUNC" | grep -q "$ActionNeededStr"
+              then TESTUNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"
+              fi
+              TESTUNCUPDATED="True"
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target NFS Path (ex: $UNC_NFS_Path_Def1): "
+              read -r UNC_NFS_Path_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_Path_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_TEST"
+              else TESTUNC="${TESTUNC:=$UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}"
+              fi
+              echo
+              echo "Optional NFS Mount Options? (Example: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+              read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' TESTNFSMOUNTOPT
+           fi
+        ;;
+        5) echo
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target Backup Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/testbackups): "
+              read -r UNC_DRIVE_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE_TEST"
+              else TESTUNCDRIVE="${TESTUNCDRIVE=/tmp/mnt/testbackups}"
+              fi
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+           then
+              TESTUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+              _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Test Target USB Backup Mount Point: "
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+           fi
+        ;;
+        6) echo
+           printf "Test Target Directory Path (ex: /router/test-backup): "
+           read -r BKUP_DIRTest
+           if [ -n "$BKUP_DIRTest" ]
+           then TESTBKDIR="$BKUP_DIRTest"
+           else TESTBKDIR="${TESTBKDIR=/router/test-backup}"
+           fi
+        ;;
+        7) echo
+           echo "Test CIFS/SMB Version (ex: v2.1=1 / v2.0=2 / v1.0=3 / v3.0=4 / v3.02=5)"
+           read -p '(Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): ' TESTSMBVER
+           if [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "1" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="2.1"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "2" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="2.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "3" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="1.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "4" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="3.0"
+           elif [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "5" ]; then
+             TESTSMBVER="3.02"
+           else
+             TESTSMBVER="2.1"
+           fi
+        ;;
+        [Ee]) break ;;
+              TESTPWD="$(echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+              TESTUNC="${UNC}"
+              TESTBKDIR="$BKDIR"
+              TESTSMBVER="$SMBVER"
+        ;;
+              TESTPWD="$(echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+              TESTUNC="$SECONDARYUNC"
+              TESTSMBVER="$SMBVER"
+        ;;
+        [Tt])  # Connection test script #
+               echo
+               echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+               if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]
+               then
+                   TESTUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC")"
+                   TESTUNC=$(echo -e "$TESTUNC")
+               fi
+                # Ping target to see if it's reachable
+                FAILURE="FALSE"
+                CNT=0
+                TRIES=3
+                TARGETIP="$(echo "$TESTUNC" | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}')"
+                if [ ! -z "$TARGETIP" ]; then
+                  while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                    ping -q -c 1 -W 2 "$TARGETIP" > /dev/null 2>&1
+                    RC=$?
+                    if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then  # If ping come back successful, then proceed
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: Backup Target ($TARGETIP) reachable via PING.${CClear}"
+                      break
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to PING Backup Target ($TARGETIP). Retrying...${CClear}"
+                      sleep 3
+                      CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                      if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to PING backup target ($TARGETIP). Please check your configuration/permissions.${CClear}"
+                        break
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                  done
+                fi
+                # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+                if ! [ -d "$TESTUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                    mkdir -p "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+                    chmod 777 "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+                    echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External test drive mount point not set. Created under: $TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+                else
+                    echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: External test drive mount point exists. Found under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+                fi
+                # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+                if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
+                  if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ] || [ -z "$TESTUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                     echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                     read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                     break
+                  fi
+                fi
+                # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+                if ! mount | grep "$TESTUNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+                then
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+                  then
+                    # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+                    if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+                       modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+                    fi
+                    # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+                    if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+                       modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+                    fi
+                      CNT=0
+                      TRIES=3
+                        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                          mount -t cifs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${TESTSMBVER},username=${TESTUSER},password=${TESTPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+                          MRC=$?
+                          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+                            break
+                          else
+                            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+                            sleep 5
+                            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              FAILURE="TRUE"
+                              break
+                            fi
+                          fi
+                        done
+                  fi
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                  then
+                    # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+                    modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+                      CNT=0
+                      TRIES=3
+                        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+                          if [ -z "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+                             mount -t nfs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+                          else
+                             mount -t nfs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE" -o "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+                          fi
+                          MRC=$?
+                          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+                            break
+                          else
+                            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+                            sleep 5
+                            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+                            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              FAILURE="TRUE"
+                              break
+                            fi
+                          fi
+                        done
+                  fi
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]; then
+                  echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+                  fi
+                fi
+                if [ "$FAILURE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+                  read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+                if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$TESTUNCDRIVE")" ]
+                then
+                    echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+                    # Create the backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+                    if ! [ -d "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}" ]; then
+                      mkdir -p "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}"
+                      MKD=$?
+                      if [ $MKD -eq 0 ]; then
+                        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Test Backup Directory successfully created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR${CClear}"
+                      else
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Test Backup Directory unable to be created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR${CClear}"
+                        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                    if ! [ -d "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test" ]; then
+                      mkdir -p "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test"
+                      MKD=$?
+                      if [ $MKD -eq 0 ]; then
+                        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Test Backup Subdirectory successfully created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR/test${CClear}"
+                      else
+                        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Daily Test Backup Subdirectory unable to be created under: ${CYellow}$TESTBKDIR/test${CClear}"
+                        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                      fi
+                    fi
+                    #include restore instructions in the backup location
+                    { echo 'TEST FILE'
+                      echo ''
+                      echo 'This is a test file created to ensure you have proper read/write access to your backup directory.'
+                      echo ''
+                      echo 'Please delete this file and associated test directories at your convenience'
+                    } > "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/testfile.txt"
+                    TST=$?
+                    if [ $TST -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}testfile.txt${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to copy ${CYellow}testfile.txt${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    # Test tar creation
+                    tar -zvcf "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz" -C / jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
+                    TAT=$?
+                    if [ $TAT -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished creating ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to create ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    # Test tar validation
+                    tar -tzf "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz"
+                    TVT=$?
+                    if [ $TVT -eq 0 ]; then
+                      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished validating integrity of ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} in ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    else
+                      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to validate integrity of ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} in ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
+                    fi
+                    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+                    sleep 10
+                    # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+                    unmounttestdrv
+                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                else
+                    # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+                    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Network Backup Test Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                fi
+                TESTUNCUPDATED="False"
+        ;;
+        "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 9 or Exit = e\n";;
+        * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use 1 - 9 or Exit = e\n";;
+      esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of backupmon from your router...
+vuninstall () {
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Uninstall Utility                                                           ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Uninstall Utility allows you to completely remove BACKUPMON from your router.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}You are about to uninstall BACKUPMON!  This action is irreversible."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CClear}Are you sure? Please type 'y' to validate you want to proceed.${CClear}"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        clear
+        rm -f -r /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+        rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
+        sed -i -e '/backupmon.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start
+        cru d RunBackupMon
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}BACKUPMON has been uninstalled...${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        exit 0
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 1
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version...
+vupdate () {
+  updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Update Utility                                                              ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The Update Utility allows you to check for the latest version available, and allows${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} you to download and update the script on your router. Should an update not be${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} available, this tool allows you to download and overwrite the current version present${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} on your router.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Current Version: ${CGreen}$Version${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${CClear}Updated Version: ${CGreen}$DLVersion${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  if [ "$Version" == "$DLVersion" ]
+    then
+      echo -e "${CClear}You are on the latest version! Would you like to download anyways?"
+      echo -e "${CClear}This will overwrite your local copy of BACKUPMON with the latest build."
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading BACKUPMON ${CGreen}v$DLVersion${CClear}"
+        curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/backupmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+        DLsuccess=$?
+        if [ "$DLsuccess" -eq 0 ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}Download successful!${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully downloaded and installed BACKUPMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to restart BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          exec /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -setup
+        else
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}Download unsuccessful! Please exit to investigate issues.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+          flagerror
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to exit BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          echo -e "${CClear}"
+          exit 0
+        fi
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      echo -e "${CClear}Score! There is a new version out there! Would you like to update BACKUPMON?"
+      if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading BACKUPMON ${CGreen}v$DLVersion${CClear}"
+        curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/backupmon/master/backupmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh"
+        DLsuccess=$?
+        if [ "$DLsuccess" -eq 0 ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}Download successful!${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully downloaded and installed BACKUPMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to restart BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          exec /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -setup
+        else
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}Download unsuccessful! Please exit to investigate issues.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $LOGFILE
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: BACKUPMON was not successfully downloaded or installed. Please investigate!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+          flagerror
+          echo ""
+          read -rsp $'Press any key to exit BACKUPMON...\n' -n1 key
+          echo -e "${CClear}"
+          exit 0
+        fi
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 1
+        return
+      fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checkusbexclusion checks to see if the source and target are the same, that it throws up a warning to add the backup folder
+# to the exclusion file
+checkusbexclusion () {
+if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+  BKDIREXCL="$(echo "$BKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+  if grep -q "$BKDIREXCL" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+    sleep 2
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: Primary USB Backup Folder not found in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
+    echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
+    echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
+    echo -e "excluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+    echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
+    echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
+    echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
+    if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+      echo -e "$BKDIREXCL/*" >> "$EXCLUSION"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      sleep 2
+    else
+      echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Primary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CCyan}You are assuming the risk and responsibility of your USB drive possibly running out"
+      echo -e "of space due to exponential backup file growth, as well as the ever-increasing time"
+      echo -e "it will take to run backups. Please consider the risk of loss of all backups if your"
+      echo -e "USB drive fails. Consider adding your USB backup folder as an exclusion in your TAR"
+      echo -e "exclusion file to mitigate some of these risks.${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge you are taking ownership of this risk...\n' -n1 key
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL="$(echo "$SECONDARYBKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      sleep 2
+    else
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: Secondary USB Backup Folder not found in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
+      echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
+      echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
+      echo -e "excluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+      echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
+      echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
+      echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
+      if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+        sleep 2
+      else
+        echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Secondary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CCyan}You are assuming the risk and responsibility of your USB drive possibly running out"
+        echo -e "of space due to exponential backup file growth, as well as the ever-increasing time"
+        echo -e "it will take to run backups. Please consider the risk of loss of all backups if your"
+        echo -e "USB drive fails. Consider adding your USB backup folder as an exclusion in your TAR"
+        echo -e "exclusion file to mitigate some of these risks.${CClear}"
+        echo ""
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge you are taking ownership of this risk...\n' -n1 key
+      fi
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This amazing function was borrowed from none other than @Martinski... a genius approach to filtering and deleting files/folders
+# $1 = path, $2 = age, $3 = show/delete
+   local retCode=1  minNumOfDays=1
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || \
+      { [ ! -f "$1" ] && [ ! -d "$1" ] ; }
+   then
+      printf "\nFile or Directory [$1] is *NOT* FOUND.\n"
+      return 1
+   fi
+   if ! echo "$2" | grep -qE "^[1-9][0-9]*$" || [ "$2" -lt "$minNumOfDays" ]
+   then
+      printf "\nNumber of days [$2] is *NOT* VALID.\n"
+      return 1
+   fi
+   if [ "$(($(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r "$1")))" -gt "$(($2 * 86400))" ]
+   then
+       count=$((count+1))
+       if [ "$3" == "show" ]; then
+         printf "$1\n"
+       elif [ "$3" == "delete" ]; then
+         if [ -f "$1" ]
+         then rmOpts="-f"
+         else rmOpts="-fr"
+         fi
+         printf "${CRed}Deleting $1..."
+         rm $rmOpts "$1" ; retCode="$?"
+         printf "${CGreen}OK\n"
+         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Purging backup older than $2 days -> $1" >> $LOGFILE
+       fi
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Also coming to you from @Martinski! The following functions provide a mount point picker, slightly modified for my purposes
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+   local theAllStr="${GRNct}all${NOct}"
+   local numRegExp="([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])"
+   local theExitStr="${GRNct}e${NOct}=Exit"
+   local selectStr  promptStr  indexNum  indexList  multiIndexListOK
+   if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]
+   then selectStr="${GRNct}1${NOct}"
+   else selectStr="${GRNct}1${NOct}-${GRNct}${1}${NOct}"
+   fi
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ "$2" != "-MULTIOK" ]
+   then
+       multiIndexListOK=false
+       promptStr="Enter selection:[${selectStr}] [${theExitStr}]?"
+   else
+       multiIndexListOK=true
+       promptStr="Enter selection:[${selectStr} | ${theAllStr}] [${theExitStr}]?"
+   fi
+   selectionIndex=0  multiIndex=false
+   while true
+   do
+       printf "${promptStr}  " ; read -r userInput
+       if [ -z "$userInput" ] || \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^(e|exit|Exit)$"
+       then selectionIndex="NONE" ; break ; fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^(all|All)$"
+       then selectionIndex="ALL" ; break ; fi
+       if echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}$" && \
+          [ "$userInput" -gt 0 ] && [ "$userInput" -le "$1" ]
+       then selectionIndex="$userInput" ; break ; fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}\-${numRegExp}[ ]*$"
+       then
+           index1st="$(echo "$userInput" | awk -F '-' '{print $1}')"
+           indexMax="$(echo "$userInput" | awk -F '-' '{print $2}')"
+           if [ "$index1st" -lt "$indexMax" ]  && \
+              [ "$index1st" -gt 0 ] && [ "$index1st" -le "$1" ] && \
+              [ "$indexMax" -gt 0 ] && [ "$indexMax" -le "$1" ]
+           then
+               indexNum="$index1st"
+               indexList="$indexNum"
+               while [ "$indexNum" -lt "$indexMax" ]
+               do
+                   indexNum="$((indexNum+1))"
+                   indexList="${indexList},${indexNum}"
+               done
+               userInput="$indexList"
+           fi
+       fi
+       if "$multiIndexListOK" && \
+          echo "$userInput" | grep -qE "^${numRegExp}(,[ ]*${numRegExp}[ ]*)+$"
+       then
+           indecesOK=true
+           indexList="$(echo "$userInput" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/,/ /g')"
+           for theIndex in $indexList
+           do
+              if [ "$theIndex" -eq 0 ] || [ "$theIndex" -gt "$1" ]
+              then indecesOK=false ; break ; fi
+           done
+           "$indecesOK" && selectionIndex="$indexList" && multiIndex=true && break
+       fi
+       printf "${REDct}INVALID selection.${NOct}\n"
+   done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-20] ##
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || \
+      ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^(USBmp|NFSmp|SMBmp)[+]?"
+   then printf "\n${REDct}**ERROR**${NOct}: No Parameters.\n" ; return 1 ; fi
+   local mountPointRegExp  mounPointCnt  mounPointVar=""  mounPointTmp=""
+   local IPv4RegEx="([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}([0-9]{1,3})"
+   local USBmpPrefix="/dev/sd.*"
+   local NFSmpPrefix="${IPv4RegEx}:/.*"
+   local SMBmpPrefix="[\][\]${IPv4RegEx}[\].*"
+   mounPointPath=""
+   case "$1" in
+       USBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$USBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       NFSmp) mountPointRegExp="^$NFSmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       SMBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$SMBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mounPointCnt="$(mount | grep -Ec "$mountPointRegExp")"
+   if [ "$mounPointCnt" -eq 0 ]
+   then
+       printf "\n${REDct}**ERROR**${NOct}: Mount Points for USB-attached drives are *NOT* found.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   if [ "$mounPointCnt" -eq 1 ]
+   then
+       mounPointPath="$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+       return 0
+   fi
+   local retCode=0  indexType  multiIndex=false  selectionIndex=0
+   if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ "$3" != "-MULTIOK" ]
+   then indexType="" ; else indexType="$3" ; fi
+   printf "\n${2}\n"
+   mounPointCnt=0
+   while IFS="$(printf '\n')" read -r mounPointInfo
+   do
+       mounPointCnt="$((mounPointCnt + 1))"
+       mounPointVar="MP_${mounPointCnt}_INFO"
+       eval "MP_${mounPointCnt}_INFO=$(echo "$mounPointInfo" | sed 's/[(<; >)]/\\&/g')"
+       printf "${GRNct}%3d${NOct}. " "$mounPointCnt"
+       eval echo "\$${mounPointVar}"
+   done <<EOT
+$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' | sort -dt ' ' -k 1)
+   echo
+   _GetMountPointSelectionIndex_ "$mounPointCnt" "$indexType"
+   if [ "$selectionIndex" = "NONE" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+   while true
+   do
+       if [ "$indexType" = "-MULTIOK" ]
+       then
+           if [ "$selectionIndex" = "ALL" ]
+           then
+               mounPointTmp="$(mount | grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1,$3}' | sort -dt ' ' -k 1)"
+               mounPointPath="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+               break
+           fi
+           if "$multiIndex"
+           then
+               for index in $selectionIndex
+               do
+                   mounPointVar="MP_${index}_INFO"
+                   eval mounPointTmp="\$${mounPointVar}"
+                   mounPointTmp="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+                   if [ -z "$mounPointPath" ]
+                   then mounPointPath="$mounPointTmp"
+                   else mounPointPath="${mounPointPath}\n${mounPointTmp}"
+                   fi
+               done
+               break
+           fi
+       fi
+       mounPointVar="MP_${selectionIndex}_INFO"
+       eval mounPointTmp="\$${mounPointVar}"
+       mounPointPath="$(echo "$mounPointTmp" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')"
+       if [ ! -d "$mounPointPath" ] ; then mounPointPath="" ; fi
+       break
+   done
+   if [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] ; then retCode=1 ; fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-19] ##
+   local NOct="\033[0m"  REDct="\033[0;31m\033[1m"  GRNct="\033[1;32m\033[1m"
+   local mounPointPath=""  mpType
+   _GetMountPointSelection_ "$@"
+   if [ $? -gt 0 ] || [ -z "$mounPointPath" ]
+   then
+       case "$1" in
+           NFSmp) mpType="NFS share" ;;
+           SMBmp) mpType="CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           USBmp) mpType="USB-attached drive" ;;
+           "USBmp+NFSmp") mpType="USB-attached drive or NFS share" ;;
+           "USBmp+SMBmp") mpType="USB-attached drive or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           "NFSmp+SMBmp") mpType="NFS share or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mpType="USB-attached drive, NFS share, or CIFS/SMB share" ;;
+           *) mpType="UNKNOWN Parameter [$1]" ;;
+       esac
+       printf "\nNo Mount Point for $mpType was selected.\n\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   printf "\nMount Point Selected:\n${GRNct}${mounPointPath}${NOct}\n\n"
+   ## Do whatever you need to do with value of "$mounPointPath" ##
+   if [ "$USBSOURCE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+      EXTDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+      EXTLABEL="$(echo "${mounPointPath##*/}")"
+   elif [ "$USBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+      UNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+   elif [ "$SECONDARYUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+      SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+   elif [ "$TESTUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+      TESTUNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+   fi
+   if [ "$SMBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
+      UNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+   fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   local mounPointPath  retCode=0
+   local mountPointRegExp="^/dev/sd.* /tmp/mnt/.*"
+   mounPointPath="$(grep -m1 "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] && retCode=1
+   echo "$mounPointPath" ; return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-20] ##
+   if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || \
+      ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^(USBmp|NFSmp|SMBmp)[+]?"
+   then echo "" ; return 1 ; fi
+   local mountPointRegExp  mounPointPath  retCode=0
+   local IPv4RegEx="([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}([0-9]{1,3})"
+   local USBmpPrefix="/dev/sd.*"
+   local NFSmpPrefix="${IPv4RegEx}:/.*"
+   local SMBmpPrefix="[\][\]${IPv4RegEx}[\].*"
+   case "$1" in
+       USBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$USBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       NFSmp) mountPointRegExp="^$NFSmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       SMBmp) mountPointRegExp="^$SMBmpPrefix /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       "USBmp+NFSmp+SMBmp") mountPointRegExp="^($USBmpPrefix|$NFSmpPrefix|$SMBmpPrefix) /tmp/mnt/.*" ;;
+       *) echo "" ; return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mounPointPath="$(grep -Em1 "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPath" ] && retCode=1
+   echo "$mounPointPath" ; return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-03] ##
+# The USB-attached drives may have multiple partitions
+# with different file systems (NTFS, ext3, ext4, etc.),
+# which means that multiple mount points can be found.
+# Here we check if a mounted USB-attached drive exists;
+# if not, we return a null string. If it exists, then
+# we search for the Volume Labels; if found, we return
+# the first label; otherwise, we return a null string.
+   local theLabel  foundLabelOK=false
+   local mounPointDevSD  mounPointPaths  nvramLabels  blkidLabels
+   local mountPointRegExp="^/dev/sd.* /tmp/mnt/.*"
+   mounPointDevSD="$(grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')"
+   mounPointPaths="$(grep -E "$mountPointRegExp" /proc/mounts | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')"
+   [ -z "$mounPointPaths" ] && echo "" && return 1
+   nvramLabels="$(nvram show 2>/dev/null | grep -E "^usb_path_sd[a-z][0-9]_label=" | sort -dt '_' -k 3 | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')"
+   blkidLabels="$(blkid $mounPointDevSD | grep "^/dev/sd.*: LABEL=" | sort -dt ':' -k 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')" #'Fix
+   { [ -z "$blkidLabels" ] && [ -z "$nvramLabels" ] ; } && echo "" && return 1
+   theLabel=""
+   for theLabel in $nvramLabels $blkidLabels
+   do
+       if echo "${mounPointPaths}" | grep -qE "/${theLabel}$"
+       then foundLabelOK=true ; break ; fi
+   done
+   "$foundLabelOK" && echo "$theLabel" && return 0
+   echo "" ; return 1
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# AMTM Email Notification Functionality generously donated by @Martinski!
+# Creation Date: 2020-Jun-11 [Martinski W.]
+# Last Modified: 2024-Feb-07 [Martinski W.]
+# Modified for BACKUPMON Purposes [Viktor Jaep]
+# This function is NO longer called #
+   local msgStr  retCode
+   case "$1" in
+        update) msgStr="Updating" ;;
+       install) msgStr="Installing" ;;
+             *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: ${msgStr} the shared library script file to support email notifications...${CClear}"
+   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: ${msgStr} the shared library script file to support email notifications..." >> $LOGFILE
+   mkdir -m 755 -p "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR"
+   curl -kLSs --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused \
+   curlCode="$?"
+   if [ "$curlCode" -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+   then
+       retCode=0
+       chmod 755 "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+       #printf "\nDone.\n"
+   else
+       retCode=1
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME].${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to download the shared library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# New code that enables checking multiple website URLs to download
+# the Custom Email Library Script, just in case the first URL is
+# not available for any reason.
+# Creation Date: 2024-Jul-09 [Martinski W.]
+# Last Modified: 2024-Jul-17 [Martinski W.]
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+   if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]
+   then
+       printf "\n**ERROR**: NO parameters were provided to download library file.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   _DownloadLibScriptFile_()
+   {
+      if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ; then return 1 ; fi
+      curl -LSs --retry 4 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused \
+           "${1}/$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME" -o "$libScriptFileDL"
+      if [ ! -s "$libScriptFileDL" ] || \
+         grep -Eiq "^404: Not Found" "$libScriptFileDL"
+      then
+          if [ "$2" -eq "$urlDLMax" ] || "$cemIsVerboseMode" || "$doDL_ShowErrorMsgs"
+          then
+              [ -s "$libScriptFileDL" ] && { echo ; cat "$libScriptFileDL" ; }
+              printf "\n**ERROR**: Unable to download the library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME]\n"
+              [ "$2" -lt "$urlDLMax" ] && printf "Trying again with a different URL...\n"
+          fi
+          rm -f "$libScriptFileDL"
+          return 1
+      else
+          mv -f "$libScriptFileDL" "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          chmod 755 "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          . "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH"
+          if "$cemIsVerboseMode" || { [ "$2" -gt 1 ] && "$doDL_ShowErrorMsgs" ; }
+          then
+              [ "$2" -gt 1 ] && echo
+              printf "The email library script file [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_NAME] was ${msgStr2}.\n"
+          fi
+          return 0
+      fi
+   }
+   local msgStr1  msgStr2  retCode  urlDLCount  urlDLMax
+   local libScriptFileDL="${CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH}.DL"
+   case "$2" in
+        update) msgStr1="Updating" ; msgStr2="updated" ;;
+       install) msgStr1="Installing" ; msgStr2="installed" ;;
+             *) return 1 ;;
+   esac
+   mkdir -m 755 -p "$1"
+   if [ ! -d "$1" ]
+   then
+       printf "\n**ERROR**: Directory Path [$1] *NOT* FOUND.\n"
+       return 1
+   fi
+   "$cemIsVerboseMode" && \
+   printf "\n${msgStr1} the shared library script file to support email notifications...\n"
+   retCode=1 ; urlDLCount=0 ; urlDLMax=3
+   for cemLibScriptURL in "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL1" "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL2" "$CEMAIL_LIB_URL3"
+   do
+       urlDLCount="$((urlDLCount + 1))"
+       if _DownloadLibScriptFile_ "$cemLibScriptURL" "$urlDLCount"
+       then retCode=0 ; break ; fi
+   done
+   return "$retCode"
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+   local doDL_LibScriptMsge=""
+   local doDL_LibScriptFlag=false
+   local doDL_ShowErrorMsgs=true
+   local retCode=0  quietArg=""  doUpdateCheck=false
+   for PARAM in "$@"
+   do
+      case $PARAM in
+          "-quiet")
+              quietArg="$PARAM"
+              cemIsVerboseMode=false
+              ;;
+          "-veryquiet")
+              quietArg="$PARAM"
+              cemIsVerboseMode=false
+              doDL_ShowErrorMsgs=false
+              ;;
+          "-verbose")
+              cemIsVerboseMode=true
+              ;;
+          "-versionCheck")
+              doUpdateCheck=true
+              ;;
+          *) ;; #IGNORED#
+      esac
+   done
+   if [ -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+   then
+       if [ -z "${CEM_LIB_VERSION:+xSETx}" ] || \
+          { "$doUpdateCheck" && \
+            _CheckLibraryUpdates_CEM_ "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR" "$quietArg" ; }
+       then
+           retCode=1
+           doDL_LibScriptFlag=true
+           doDL_LibScriptMsge=update
+       fi
+   else
+       retCode=1
+       doDL_LibScriptFlag=true
+       doDL_LibScriptMsge=install
+   fi
+   if "$doDL_LibScriptFlag"
+   then
+       _DownloadCEMLibraryScript_ "$CEMAIL_LIB_LOCAL_DIR" "$doDL_LibScriptMsge"
+       retCode="$?"
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# ARG1: The email name/alias to be used as "FROM_NAME"
+# ARG2: The email Subject string.
+# ARG3: Full path of file containing the email Body text.
+# ARG4: The email Body Title string [OPTIONAL].
+   if [ -z "${amtmIsEMailConfigFileEnabled:+xSETx}" ]
+   then
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND.${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Email library script [$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH] *NOT* FOUND." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+       return 1
+   fi
+   if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]
+   then
+       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: INSUFFICIENT email parameters${CClear}"
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: INSUFFICIENT email parameters." >> $LOGFILE
+       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: INSUFFICIENT email parameters." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+       flagerror
+       return 1
+   fi
+   local retCode  emailBodyTitleStr=""
+   [ $# -gt 3 ] && [ -n "$4" ] && emailBodyTitleStr="$4"
+   FROM_NAME="$1"
+   _SendEMailNotification_CEM_ "$2" "-F=$3" "$emailBodyTitleStr"
+   retCode="$?"
+   if [ "$retCode" -eq 0 ]
+   then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Email notification was sent successfully [$2].${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Email notification was sent successfully [$2]." >> $LOGFILE
+   else
+     echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failure to send email notification [Error Code: $retCode][$2].${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failure to send email notification [$2]." >> $LOGFILE
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failure to send email notification [$2]." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+     flagerror
+   fi
+   return "$retCode"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# sendmessage is a function that sends an AMTM email based on success/failure during the backup process
+# $1 = Success/Failure 0/1
+# $2 = Component
+sendmessage () {
+  #If AMTM email functionality is disabled, return back to the function call
+  if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then
+     return
+  fi
+  cemIsFormatHTML=true
+  cemIsVerboseMode=false
+  tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+  #Pick the scenario and send email
+  if [ "$1" == "1" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILFAILURE" == "1" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive - UNC/DRIVE values missing" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Your UNC or UNCDRIVE values appear to be missing.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC/DRIVE values missing" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Your secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values appear to be missing.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to mount secondary network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to mount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to unmount network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to unmount network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to unmount network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to unmount the primary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Unable to unmount secondary network drive" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to unmount the secondary network drive.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Error creating JFFS tar file" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Error creating JFFS tar file"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Error creating JFFS tar file"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to create/write the JFFS tar file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "JFFS tar file integrity failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> experienced a JFFS tar file integrity issue.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "NVRAM config export failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: NVRAM config export failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: NVRAM config export failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to export NVRAM config file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Error creating EXT USB tar file" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> was unable to create/write the EXT USB tar file.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "EXT USB tar file integrity failure" ]; then
+      emailSubject="FAILURE: EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+      emailBodyTitle="FAILURE: EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>FAILURE: BACKUPMON</b> experienced a EXT USB tar file integrity issue.\n"
+      printf "Please check your network environment and configuration.\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    fi
+    _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+  fi
+  if [ "$1" == "0" ] && [ "$AMTMEMAILSUCCESS" == "1" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" == "Primary Backup completed successfully" ]; then
+      emailSubject="SUCCESS: Primary Backup completed successfully"
+      emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Primary Backup completed successfully"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>SUCCESS: BACKUPMON</b> completed a successful primary backup to destination: <b>${BACKUPMEDIA}</b>\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    elif [ "$2" == "Secondary Backup completed successfully" ]; then
+      emailSubject="SUCCESS: Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+      emailBodyTitle="SUCCESS: Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+      {
+      printf "<b>Date/Time:</b> $(date +'%b %d %Y %X')\n"
+      printf "<b>Asus Router Model:</b> ${ROUTERMODEL}\n"
+      printf "<b>Firmware/Build Number:</b> ${FWBUILD}\n"
+      printf "<b>EXT USB Drive Label Name:</b> ${EXTLABEL}\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      printf "<b>SUCCESS: BACKUPMON</b> completed a successful secondary backup to destination: <b>${SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA}</b>\n"
+      printf "\n"
+      } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+    fi
+    _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# flagerror is a function that writes out an error flag file with a date/time when an error is encountered.
+flagerror () {
+  { echo 'ERROR'
+    echo $(date +%s)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# mountprimary is a function that checks for a mounted primary drive, if not, mounts it...
+mountprimary () {
+    # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+    if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+    then
+      if [ -z "${UNC}" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+        logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+        flagerror
+        sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive - UNC/DRIVE values missing"
+        errorcheck
+        echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+    if ! mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+        # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+        if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+        fi
+        # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+        if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+        fi
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            UNENCPWD="$(echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+            mount -t cifs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${BTUSERNAME},password=${UNENCPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
+        modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+              mount -t nfs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE"
+            else
+              mount -t nfs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE" -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+            fi
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+      then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+    fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# mountsecondary is a function checks for a mounted secondary drive, if not, mounts it...
+mountsecondary () {
+    # Check to see if SECONDARYUNC or SECONDARYUNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
+    then
+      if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]
+      then
+        echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+        logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+        flagerror
+        sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive - Secondary UNC/DRIVE values missing"
+        errorcheck
+        echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # If everything successfully was created, proceed
+    if ! mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+      then
+        # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
+        if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+        fi
+        # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
+        if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+          modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+        fi
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+          while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+            UNENCSECPWD="$(echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+            mount -t cifs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${SECONDARYUSER},password=${UNENCSECPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            MRC=$?
+            if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+              break
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+              sleep 10
+              CNT=$((CNT+1))
+              if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+                echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+                flagerror
+                sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+                errorcheck
+                echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+                exit 1
+              fi
+            fi
+          done
+      fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
+        modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
+        CNT=0
+        TRIES=3
+        while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+          if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
+             mount -t nfs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+          else
+             mount -t nfs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+          fi
+          MRC=$?
+          if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
+            break
+          else
+            echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+            sleep 10
+            CNT=$((CNT+1))
+            if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+              logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondaryexternal NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount secondary network drive"
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            fi
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+    fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# purgebackups is a function that allows you to see which backups will be purged before deleting them...
+purgebackups () {
+  if [ "$PURGE" -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Purge Perpetual Backups Utility                                             ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} You are about to purge ${CGreen}primary${CClear} backups! FUN! This action is irreversible and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} permanent. But no worries! BACKUPMON will first show you which backups are affected${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} by the ${CGreen}$PURGELIMIT day${CClear} limit you have configured.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountprimary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      count=0
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders identified below are older than $PURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
+      for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
+      do
+        _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT show
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual backup folders were identified older than $PURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to permanently purge these backups?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo -e "\n${CRed}"
+        for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
+        do
+          _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
+        done
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 2
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# autopurge is a function that allows you to purge backups throught a commandline switch... if you're daring!
+autopurge () {
+  if [ "$FREQUENCY" != "P" ]; then
+    echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping primary backups." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping primary backups." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    sleep 3
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ "$PURGE" -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Auto Purge Primary Backups Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+  if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  mountprimary
+  # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      count=0
+      for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
+      do
+        _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual backup folders were identified older than $PURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        return
+      else
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders older than $PURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+    sleep 10
+    unmountdrv
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# purgebackups is a function that allows you to see which backups will be purged before deleting them...
+purgesecondaries () {
+  if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Purge Secondary Perpetual Backups Utility                                   ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} You are about to purge ${CGreen}secondary${CClear} backups! FUN! This action is irreversible and${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} permanent. But no worries! BACKUPMON will first show you which backups are affected${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} by the ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT day${CClear} limit you have configured.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}"
+  if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountsecondary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      count=0
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders identified below are older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
+      do
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders were identified older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to permanently purge these secondary backups?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        echo -e "\n${CRed}"
+        do
+        done
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      else
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}\n"
+        sleep 2
+        return
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups Utility...${CClear}"
+    sleep 2
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# autopurgesecondaries is a function that allows you to purge secondary backups throught a commandline switch... if you're daring!
+autopurgesecondaries () {
+  if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" != "P" ]; then
+    echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Perpetual secondary backups are not configured. Autopurge skipping secondary backups." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    sleep 3
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Auto Purge Secondary Backups Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+  if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  mountsecondary
+  # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
+      # Continue with deleting backups permanently
+      count=0
+      do
+      done
+      # If there are no valid backups within range, display a message and exit
+      if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo -e "${CYellow}INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders were identified older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: No perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days were found. Nothing to delete." >> $LOGFILE
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        return
+      else
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days deleted.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        return
+      fi
+  else
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+    sleep 10
+    unmountsecondarydrv
+    return
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# vsetup is a function that sets up, confiures and allows you to launch backupmon on your router...
+vsetup () {
+  # Check for and add an alias for backupmon
+  if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+    echo "alias backupmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh\" # backupmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
+  fi
+  #Initialize logsfiles
+  if [ ! -f $ERRORLOGFILE ]; then
+    {
+     echo 'BEGIN ERRORLOG ->'
+  fi
+  if [ ! -f $LOGFILE ]; then
+    {
+     echo 'BEGIN LOG ->'
+    } > $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  tzone=$(date +%Z)
+  tzonechars=$(echo ${#tzone})
+  if [ $tzonechars = 1 ]; then tzspaces="      ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 2 ]; then tzspaces="     ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 3 ]; then tzspaces="    ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 4 ]; then tzspaces="   ";
+  elif [ $tzonechars = 5 ]; then tzspaces="  "; fi
+  while true; do
+    clear
+    DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+    LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF -- Main Setup and Operations Menu                                 ${CClear}"
+    if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from the various options below, which allow you to perform high level${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} actions in the management of the BACKUPMON script.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+      errordate=$(cat $ERRORFILE | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}') >/dev/null 2>&1
+      errordate=$(date -d @${errordate})
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Backup Errors and Warnings]                                                          ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvRed}${CWhite} WARNING: Errors were detected during last runtime on $errordate.$tzspaces"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvRed}${CWhite}          Please review error logs (ve) at your earliest convenience.                  "
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Backup Operations]                                                                   ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(bk)${CClear} : Run a Manual Backup"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(rs)${CClear} : Run a Manual Restore"
+    if [ $PURGE == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(pg)${CClear} : Purge Perpetual Primary Backups"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(pg)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Purge Perpetual Primary Backups"
+    fi
+    if [ $SECONDARYPURGE == "1" ] && [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ps)${CClear} : Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ps)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Purge Perpetual Secondary Backups"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ep)${CClear} : Edit your Primary TAR Exclusion File"
+    if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(es)${CClear} : Edit your Secondary TAR Exclusion File"
+    else
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(es)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Edit your Secondary TAR Exclusion File"
+    fi
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Testing + Diagnostics Operations]                                                    ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ts)${CClear} : Test your Network Backup Target"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(te)${CClear} : Test AMTM Email Communications"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${InvDkGray}${CWhite} [Setup + Configuration]                                                               ${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(sc)${CClear} : Setup and Configure BACKUPMON"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(vl)${CClear} : View logs"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(ve)${CClear} : View error logs"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(up)${CClear} : Check for latest updates"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(un)${CClear} : Uninstall"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} (e)${CClear} : Exit"
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+    echo ""
+    printf "Selection (e=Exit): "
+    read -r InstallSelection
+    # Execute chosen selections
+        case "$InstallSelection" in
+          bk)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Commencing]...          "
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+            backup
+            sendmessage 0 "Primary Backup completed successfully"
+            secondary               #Run secondary backups
+            if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+              sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+            fi
+            if [ -f $ERRORFILE ]; then
+              errorcheck
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            fi
+          ;;
+          rs)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            restore
+          ;;
+          pg)
+            clear
+            if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+              purgebackups
+            fi
+          ;;
+          ps)
+            clear
+            if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+              purgesecondaries
+            fi
+          ;;
+          sc)
+            clear
+            vconfig
+          ;;
+          ts)
+            clear
+            testtarget
+          ;;
+          te)
+            clear
+            DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+            LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON AMTM Email Communications Testing Utility                                   ${CClear}"
+            if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+            fi
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This test assumes that you have AMTM Email set up correctly. If you still need to${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} configure this feature, open up AMTM -> (em) to add your email server info, ports,${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} credentials, protocols, and other pertinent info.${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "Would you like to send a TEST email from BACKUPMON?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              cemIsFormatHTML=true
+              cemIsVerboseMode=true
+              emailBodyTitle="Testing Email Notification"
+              emailSubject="TEST: BACKUPMON Email Notification"
+              tmpEMailBodyFile="/tmp/var/tmp/tmpEMailBody_${scriptFileNTag}.$$.TXT"
+              {
+              printf "This is a <b>TEST</b> to check & verify if sending email notifications is working well from <b>BACKUPMON</b>.\n"
+              } > "$tmpEMailBodyFile"
+              _SendEMailNotification_ "BACKUPMON v$Version" "$emailSubject" "$tmpEMailBodyFile" "$emailBodyTitle"
+              echo ""
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            fi
+          ;;
+          ep)
+            export TERM=linux
+            nano +999999 --linenumbers "$EXCLUSION"
+          ;;
+          es)
+            if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+              export TERM=linux
+              nano +999999 --linenumbers "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
+            fi
+          ;;
+          vl)
+            echo ""
+            vlogs
+          ;;
+          ve)
+            echo ""
+            velogs
+          ;;
+          up)
+            echo ""
+            vupdate
+          ;;
+          un)
+            echo ""
+            vuninstall
+          ;;
+          [Ee])
+            logoNMexit
+            echo -e "${CClear}"
+            exit 0
+          ;;
+          *)
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}"
+            echo ""
+            sleep 2
+          ;;
+        esac
+  done
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicjffsnvram routine backs up JFFS and NVRAM in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicextdrv routine backs up ExT Drive in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advjffsnvram routine backs up JFFS and NVRAM in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up JFFS to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up NVRAM to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advextdrv routine backs up EXT Drive in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished backing up ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished backing up EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicsecjffsnvram routine does a secondary backup JFFS and NVRAM in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicsecjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basicsecextdrv routine does a secondary backup of the EXT Drive in basic mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+basicsecextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating JFFS tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "JFFS tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advsecjffsnvram routine does a secondary backup of your JFFS and NVRAM in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advsecjffsnvram () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary JFFS tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}JFFS${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of JFFS to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in Secondary JFFS tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #Save a copy of the NVRAM
+  NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+  (nvram save "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+  rm -f $NS
+  if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected while exporting secondary NVRAM config file. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "NVRAM config export failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}NVRAM${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of NVRAM to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
+    echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
+  } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# advsecextdrv routine does a secondary backup of your EXT Drive in advanced mode
+# $1 = Frequency (WDAY, MDAY, YDAY or PDAY)
+advsecextdrv () {
+  freqtmp="$1"
+  eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
+  TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  else
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  fi
+  TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+  rm -f $TE
+  if [ $TEresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected creating secondary EXT Drive tar file." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "Error creating EXT USB tar file"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  timerend=$(date +%s); timertotal=$(( timerend - timerstart ))
+  logger "BACKUPMON INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz"
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} in ${CYellow}$timertotal sec${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary backup of EXT Drive in $timertotal sec to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  #Verify file integrity
+  echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+  TI="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/intexit.txt"
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  TIresult=$(cat $TI)
+  rm -f $TI
+  if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting Script!${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Errors detected in secondary EXT Drive tar file integrity. Exiting." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+    sendmessage 1 "EXT USB tar file integrity failure"
+    errorcheck
+    echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ $TIresult -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz.${CClear}"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished integrity check for secondary ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Based off original backup routine by @Jeffrey Young showing a great way to connect to an external network location to
+# dump backups to
+backup () {
+  # Delete last error file
+  rm -f $ERRORFILE
+  # Check to see if a leftover copy of backupmon.cfg is still sitting in /jffs/scripts and delete it
+  rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+  # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+  if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+  if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+    excludeswap
+  fi
+  mountprimary
+  # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    BKDIREXCL="$(echo "$BKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+    if grep -q "$BKDIREXCL" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+  fi
+  # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External network drive ("; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External network drive ( ${UNC} ) mounted successfully under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create the backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+      if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backup Directory successfully created."
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create frequency folders by week, month, year or perpetual
+      if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}" ]
+          then mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+        PDAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if ! [ -d "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}" ]; then
+          mkdir -p "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ "$MODE" = "Basic" ]
+      then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders #
+        if [ "$FREQUENCY" = "W" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "M" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "Y" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "P" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          basicjffsnvram "PDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "YDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+            basicextdrv "PDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+        datelabel=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          advjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            advextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            advextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            advextdrv "YDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.sh"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.sh script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      cp "$CFGPATH" "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.cfg"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.cfg file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+        EXCLFILE="$(echo "$EXCLUSION" | sed 's:.*/::')"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying $EXCLFILE file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/nvram.txt"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying reference ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying reference nvram.txt extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      #include restore instructions in the backup location
+        echo ''
+        echo 'IMPORTANT:'
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' "${ROUTERMODEL}"
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' "${FWBUILD}"
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' "${EXTLABEL}"
+        echo ''
+        echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
+        echo ''
+        echo 'Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:'
+        echo '1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY).'
+        echo '2.) Run "AMTM" and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before (see above)! Reboot.'
+        echo '3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS.'
+        echo '4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot.'
+        echo '5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder.'
+        echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
+        echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
+        echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
+      } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/instructions.txt"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying restoration instructions.txt file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+      unmountdrv
+  else
+      # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+      logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      flagerror
+      sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+      errorcheck
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# secodary backup routine to provide an alternate backup using optional different methods and target device
+secondary () {
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+    if [ "$SECONDARYSWITCH" == "False" ]; then
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$SECONDARYSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+      # Delete last error file
+      rm -f $ERRORFILE
+  fi
+  # Set Error flag to false
+  ERRORFLAG="False"
+  # Run a secondary backup
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Secondary Backup Commencing]..."
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
+  if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+  fi
+  # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+  if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+    excludeswap
+  fi
+  mountsecondary
+  # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
+  if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL="$(echo "$SECONDARYBKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+      echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is missing!" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+  fi
+  # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      else
+        echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external network drive ("; printf "%s" "${SECONDARYUNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
+        printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external network drive ( ${SECONDARYUNC} ) mounted successfully under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create the secondary backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
+      if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" ]; then
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary Backup Directory successfully created."
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      # Create frequency folders by week, month, year or perpetual
+      if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+        PDAY=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        if ! [ -d "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created.${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Daily Secondary Backup Directory successfully created." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ "$SECONDARYMODE" = "Basic" ]
+      then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders #
+        if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "W" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "M" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "Y" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "P" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+          basicsecjffsnvram "PDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting secondary backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "YDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+            basicsecextdrv "PDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+        datelabel=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
+        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "WDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "MDAY"
+        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+          advsecjffsnvram "YDAY"
+        fi
+        # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the USB drive backup
+        if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+          echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting secondary backup of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting secondary backup of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
+          timerstart=$(date +%s)
+          if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "WDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "MDAY"
+          elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+            advsecextdrv "YDAY"
+          fi
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
+          echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup." >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+      fi
+      #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/backupmon.sh"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.sh script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.cfg file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+        EXCLFILE="$(echo "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" | sed 's:.*/::')"
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of $EXCLFILE file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      fi
+      #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/nvram.txt"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary reference copy of ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary reference copy of nvram.txt extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      #include restore instructions in the backup location
+        echo ''
+        echo 'IMPORTANT:'
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' "${ROUTERMODEL}"
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' "${FWBUILD}"
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' "${EXTLABEL}"
+        echo ''
+        echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
+        echo ''
+        echo 'Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:'
+        echo '1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY).'
+        echo '2.) Run "AMTM" and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before (see above)! Reboot.'
+        echo '3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS.'
+        echo '4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot.'
+        echo '5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder.'
+        echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
+        echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
+        echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
+      } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/instructions.txt"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of restoration instructions.txt file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      # Unmount the locally connected mounted drive
+      unmountsecondarydrv
+  else
+      # There's problems with mounting the drive - check paths and permissions!
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!${CClear}"
+      logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Failed to run Secondary Backup Script -- Drive mount failed. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      flagerror
+      sendmessage 1 "Unable to mount network drive"
+      errorcheck
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# restore function is a routine that allows you to pick a backup to be restored
+restore () {
+  clear
+  DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+  LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON Restore Backup Utility                                                      ${CClear}"
+  if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+    echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                              ${CClear}"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} [Restore Backup Commencing]..."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please ensure your have performed the following before restoring your backups:"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 1.) Enable SSH in router UI, and connect via an SSH Terminal (like PuTTY)."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 2.) Run 'AMTM' and format a new USB drive on your router - label it exactly the same name as before! Reboot."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}     (please refer to your restore instruction.txt file to find your original EXT USB drive label)"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 3.) After reboot, SSH back in to AMTM, create your swap file (if required). This action should automatically enable JFFS."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 4.) From the UI, verify JFFS scripting enabled in the router OS, if not, enable and perform another reboot."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 5.) Restore the backupmon.sh & backupmon.cfg files (located under your backup folder) into your /jffs/scripts folder."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 6.) Run 'sh backupmon.sh -setup' and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore."
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 7.) Run 'sh backupmon.sh -restore', pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} 8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+  # Display instructions
+  echo ""
+  if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+    echo -e "${CClear}Please choose whether you would like to restore from primary or secondary backups?"
+    while true; do
+      read -p 'Restoration Source (P=Primary, S=Secondary, e=Exit)?: ' RESTOREFROM
+        case $RESTOREFROM in
+          [Pp] ) SOURCE="Primary"; echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Source Selected]"; echo ""; break ;;
+          [Ss] ) SOURCE="Secondary"; echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}[Secondary Backup Source Selected]"; echo ""; break ;;
+          [Ee] ) echo ""; echo -e "${CClear}"; return;;
+          "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either P or S.\n";;
+          * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either P or S.\n";;
+        esac
+    done
+  else
+    SOURCE="Primary"
+  fi
+  echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+  if [ "$SOURCE" == "Primary" ]; then
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountprimary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-13] ##
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Sort by modification time ##
+      latestTimeFromTop=false   #true OR false#
+      if "$latestTimeFromTop"
+      then lsFlags="-letd"
+      else lsFlags="-lertd"
+      fi
+      #ls $lsFlags "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/*/ | awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'
+      ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
+      ls $lsFlags "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/*/ | \
+      awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        while true; do
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}"
+            ok=0
+            while [ $ok = 0 ]
+            do
+              if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: Mon or Fri) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 02 or 27) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 2 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 2 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 2 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 002 or 270) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the exact folder name of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 20230909-083422) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountdrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 15 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 15 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 15 characters for the folder name format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              fi
+            done
+            if [ -z "$BACKUPDATE1" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script...${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            else
+            fi
+            if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+              if [ -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt" ]; then
+                source "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt"
+              fi
+              break
+            elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Files under:${CClear}"
+              ls -lR /"${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/$BACKUPDATE
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this backup set?"
+              if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                echo ""
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the JFFS backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVJFFS
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the EXT USB backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                  read ADVUSB
+                  echo ""
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the NVRAM backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVNVRAM
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
+                read ADVRTRFW
+                if [ -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}" ]; then
+                  source "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}"
+                fi
+                break
+              fi
+            fi
+        done
+        if [ -n "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+          if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same source/target router model or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain source/target routers are the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved from a different source router model.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Determine mismatched firmware
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREBUILD ]; then
+          if [ "$FWBUILD" != "$RESTOREBUILD" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same router firmware/build or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain router firmware/build is the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved with older router firmware/build.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this backup location:"
+          echo -e "${CBlue}${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE/"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this backup location:"
+          echo -e "${CBlue}${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE/"
+          echo -e "JFFS filename: $ADVJFFS"
+          if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+            echo -e "EXT USB filename: $ADVUSB"
+          fi
+          echo -e "NVRAM filename: $ADVNVRAM"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS}" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB}" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM}" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Backups were successfully restored to their original locations. Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Unmount the backup drive
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      else
+        # Exit gracefully
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountdrv
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      # Exit gracefully
+      echo ""
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      unmountdrv
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      return
+    fi
+  elif [ "$SOURCE" == "Secondary" ]; then
+    # Create the local backup drive mount directory
+    if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    mountsecondary
+    # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
+      # Show a list of valid backups on screen
+      echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Mar-13] ##
+      ##----------------------------------------##
+      ## Sort by modification time ##
+      latestTimeFromTop=false   #true OR false#
+      if "$latestTimeFromTop"
+      then lsFlags="-letd"
+      else lsFlags="-lertd"
+      fi
+      ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
+      ls $lsFlags "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}"/*/ | \
+      awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+      if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+        while true; do
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CGreen}"
+            ok=0
+            while [ $ok = 0 ]
+            do
+              if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: Mon or Fri) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 02 or 27) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 2 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 2 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 2 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the Day # of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 002 or 270) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 3 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 3 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 3 characters for the day format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the exact folder name of the backup you wish to restore? (ex: 20230909-083422) (e=Exit): "
+                read BACKUPDATE1
+                if [ $BACKUPDATE1 == "e" ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."; sleep 10; unmountsecondarydrv; echo -e "${CClear}"; return; fi
+                if [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -gt 15 ] || [ ${#BACKUPDATE1} -lt 15 ]
+                then
+                  echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid entry. Please use 15 characters for the folder name format"; echo ""
+                else
+                  ok=1
+                fi
+              fi
+            done
+            if [ -z "$BACKUPDATE1" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script...${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $LOGFILE
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Invalid backup set chosen. Exiting script..." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+              flagerror
+              errorcheck
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 1
+            else
+            fi
+            if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+              if [ -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt" ]; then
+                source "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt"
+              fi
+              break
+            elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Available Secondary Backup Files under:${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this secondary backup set?"
+              if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                echo ""
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the JFFS backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVJFFS
+                echo ""
+                if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+                  echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the EXT USB backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                  read ADVUSB
+                  echo ""
+                fi
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the NVRAM backup you wish to restore?${CClear}"
+                read ADVNVRAM
+                echo ""
+                echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
+                read ADVRTRFW
+                if [ -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}" ]; then
+                fi
+                break
+              fi
+            fi
+        done
+        if [ -n "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+          if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same source/target router model or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain source/target routers are the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router model is different from target router model. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved from a different source router model.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Determine mismatched firmware
+        if [ ! -z $RESTOREBUILD ]; then
+          if [ "$FWBUILD" != "$RESTOREBUILD" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build."
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Restorations can only be performed on the same router firmware/build or you may brick your router!"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: If you are certain router firmware/build is the same, please check and re-save your configuration!${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Original source router firmware/build is different from target router firmware/build. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+            if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+              echo ""
+              echo ""
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Continuing restore using backup saved with older router firmware/build.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: This may have disastrous effects on the operation and stabiliity of your router.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: By continuing, you accept full responsibility for these actions.${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+              exit 0
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a secondary backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this secondary backup location:"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: You will be restoring a secondary backup of your JFFS, the entire contents of your External"
+          echo -e "USB drive and NVRAM back to their original locations.  You will be restoring from this secondary backup location:"
+          echo -e "JFFS filename: $ADVJFFS"
+          if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+            echo -e "EXT USB filename: $ADVUSB"
+          fi
+          echo -e "NVRAM filename: $ADVNVRAM"
+          echo ""
+          echo -e "${CClear}LAST CHANCE: Are you absolutely sure you like to continue to restore from backup?"
+          if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+            echo ""
+            echo ""
+            # Run the TAR commands to restore backups to their original locations
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
+            TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+            (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS}" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+            rm -f $TE
+            if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on restore to JFFS${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            if [ "$EXTLABEL" != "NOTFOUND" ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
+              TE="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/tarexit.txt"
+              (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB}" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              TEresult=$(cat $TE)
+              rm -f $TE
+              if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
+                echo -e "${CGreen}No TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+              else
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: TAR errors detected on restore to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}Would you like to proceed with the restoration process?${CClear}"
+                echo ""
+                if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "\n${CGreen}Proceeding...${CClear}\n"
+                  sleep 1
+                else
+                  echo ""
+                  echo -e "${CRed}Exiting...${CClear}\n"
+                  echo ""
+                  exit 1
+                fi
+              fi
+            else
+              echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore."
+              echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping restore." >> $LOGFILE
+            fi
+            echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
+            NS="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/nvsexit.txt"
+            (nvram restore "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM}" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            NSresult=$(cat $NS)
+            rm -f $NS
+            if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
+              echo -e "${CGreen}No errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+            else
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Errors detected on NVRAM restore${CClear}"
+              echo ""
+            fi
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot now!${CClear}"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary backups were successfully restored to their original locations.  Forcing reboot!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo ""
+            rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+            /sbin/service 'reboot'
+          fi
+        fi
+        # Unmount the backup drive
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      else
+        # Exit gracefully
+        echo ""
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+        sleep 10
+        unmountsecondarydrv
+        echo -e "${CClear}"
+        return
+      fi
+    else
+      # Exit gracefully
+      echo ""
+      echo ""
+      echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
+      sleep 10
+      unmountsecondarydrv
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountdrv is a function to gracefully unmount the drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmountdrv () {
+  if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: External USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External USB drive continues to stay mounted." >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l "$UNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External network drive ("; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External network drive ( ${UNC} ) unmounted successfully." >> $LOGFILE
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+          sleep 10
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            sendmessage 1 "Unable to unmount network drive"
+            errorcheck
+            echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountsecondarydrv is a function to gracefully unmount the secondary drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmountsecondarydrv () {
+  if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external USB drive continues to stay mounted." >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the Secondary UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external network drive ("; printf "%s" "${SECONDARYUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external network drive ( ${SECONDARYUNC} ) unmounted successfully." >> $LOGFILE
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Trying every 10 seconds for 30 seconds.${CClear}"
+          sleep 10
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+            echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+            flagerror
+            sendmessage 1 "Unable to unmount secondary network drive"
+            errorcheck
+            echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unmountdrv is a function to gracefully unmount the drive, and retry for up to 30 seconds
+unmounttestdrv () {
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+     echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Test external USB drive continues to stay mounted.${CClear}"
+  else
+    CNT=0
+    TRIES=3
+      while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
+        umount -l "$TESTUNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        URC=$?
+        if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test network drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          break
+        else
+          echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from external test network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
+          sleep 5
+          CNT=$((CNT+1))
+          if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external test network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+            break
+          fi
+        fi
+      done
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checkplaintxtpwds is a function to check if old plaintext pwds are still in use due to change to new base64 pwd storage change
+checkplaintxtpwds () {
+  #echo $PASSWORD | base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1
+  echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A | grep -vqE '[^[:graph:]]'
+  PRI="$?"
+  #echo $SECONDARYPWD | base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1
+  echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A | grep -vqE '[^[:graph:]]'
+  SEC="$?"
+  if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    if [ "$PRI" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Plaintext passwords are still being used in the config file. Please go under the BACKUPMON setup menu"
+      echo -e "to reconfigure your primary and/or secondary target backup passwords, and save your config. New changes to the"
+      echo -e "way passwords are encoded and saved requires your immediate attention!${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to enter setup menu...\n' -n1 key
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      flagerror
+      vsetup
+      exit 0
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    if [ "$SEC" == "1" ] && [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Plaintext passwords are still being used in the config file. Please go under the BACKUPMON setup menu"
+      echo -e "to reconfigure your primary and/or secondary target backup passwords, and save your config. New changes to the"
+      echo -e "way passwords are encoded and saved requires your immediate attention!${CClear}"
+      echo ""
+      read -rsp $'Press any key to enter setup menu...\n' -n1 key
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Plaintext passwords detected. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+      flagerror
+      vsetup
+      exit 0
+    fi
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# excludeswap is a function to write a swap file exlusion file, or to add to an existing exlusions file
+excludeswap () {
+# First check to see if the swap file exlusion file exists, if not, create it. Thanks to @ScottW for the ideas!
+swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ ! -f "$PFEXCLUSION" ]; then
+  if [ ! -z $swapname ] || [ $swapname != "" ]; then
+    { echo $swapname
+    } > "$PFEXCLUSION"
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Page File Backup Exclusion File created" >> $LOGFILE
+  else
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Page File does not exist" >> $LOGFILE
+    echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Page File does not exist" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+    flagerror
+  fi
+# Check to see if the exclusion file/path has been defined, if not, use the pagefile exclusion file in its place
+if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+  if [ -z "$EXCLUSION" ] || [ "$EXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+  fi
+    if [ -z "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ] || [ "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
+  fi
+  # Check to see if an exclusion file is in place, and make sure the swap has been added to it.
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> "$EXCLUSION"
+  fi
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
+  fi
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# checklibupdate is a function to check for updates to the shared email library hosted by @Martinski
+checklibupdate () {
+## Modified by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-17] ##
+## Mofified by ViktorJp [2024-Jul-20]     ##
+# Check, install or update the shared Custom Email Library Script #
+# OPTIONAL Parameters:
+# To indicate verbosity mode: "-verbose" | "-quiet" | "-veryquiet"
+# To do version update check: "-versionCheck" | "-noVersCheck"
+# NOTE:
+# When calling the script with the "-checkupdate" parameter [or
+# perhaps "-forceupdate"?], a "version check" is performed to
+# update the script if/when needed.
+if [ $AMTMEMAIL -eq 1 ]; then
+  cemailQuietArg="-veryquiet"
+  cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+  if [ ! -s "$CEMAIL_LIB_FILE_PATH" ]
+  then
+      cemailQuietArg="-verbose"
+      cemailCheckArg="-versionCheck"
+  fi
+  _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ "$cemailCheckArg" "$cemailQuietArg"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Begin Main Program
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+#{              # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
+# Create the necessary folder/file structure for BACKUPMON under /jffs/addons
+if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d" ]; then
+  mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/backupmon.d"
+# Check for and add an alias for BACKUPMON
+if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+  echo "alias backupmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh\" # backupmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
+#Get FW Version for inclusion in instructions.txt and to check before a restore
+FWVER="$(nvram get firmver | tr -d '.')"
+BUILDNO="$(nvram get buildno)"
+EXTENDNO="$(nvram get extendno)"
+if [ -z "$EXTENDNO" ]; then EXTENDNO=0; fi
+# Check to see if EXT drive exists
+USBPRODUCT="$(nvram get usb_path1_product)"
+LABELSIZE="$(echo "$EXTLABEL" | sed 's/ //g' | wc -m)"
+# If there's no label or product, there's probably no EXT USB Drive, else the label might be blank
+if [ -z "$EXTLABEL" ] && [ -z "$USBPRODUCT" ]; then
+elif [ "$LABELSIZE" -le 1 ]; then
+  clear
+  echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label."
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CYellow}Should your drive be without a label, please give it a value, other than blank. Omit any spaces."
+  echo -e "Example: EXTUSB, or SAMSUNG-SSD... etc.${CClear}"
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label. Please investigate." >> $LOGFILE
+  echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label. Please investigate." >> $ERRORLOGFILE
+  flagerror
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CGreen}[Continuing in 10 seconds]..."
+  sleep 10
+# Check and see if any commandline option is being used
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+    clear
+    sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -noswitch
+    exit 0
+# Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || \
+   [ "$1" == "-backup" ] || [ "$1" == "-restore" ] || [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ] || \
+   [ "$1" == "-purge" ] || [ "$1" == "-secondary" ] || [ "$1" = "-checkupdate" ]
+    clear
+    clear
+    echo ""
+    echo " BACKUPMON v$Version"
+    echo ""
+    echo " Exiting due to invalid commandline options!"
+    echo " (run 'backupmon -h' for help)"
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if the help option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ]
+  clear
+  echo ""
+  echo " BACKUPMON v$Version Commandline Option Usage:"
+  echo ""
+  echo " backupmon -h | -help"
+  echo " backupmon -setup"
+  echo " backupmon -backup"
+  echo " backupmon -restore"
+  echo " backupmon -purge"
+  echo " backupmon -secondary"
+  echo ""
+  echo "  -h | -help (this output)"
+  echo "  -setup (displays the setup menu)"
+  echo "  -backup (runs the normal backup procedures)"
+  echo "  -restore (initiates the restore procedures)"
+  echo "  -purge (auto purges perpetual backup folders)"
+  echo "  -secondary (runs only the secondary backup)"
+  echo ""
+  echo -e "${CClear}"
+  exit 0
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Jul-10] ##
+if [ "$1" = "-checkupdate" ]
+    _CheckForCustomEmailLibraryScript_ -versionCheck -verbose
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if a second command is being passed to remove color
+if [ $# -gt 1 ] && [ "$2" = "-bw" ]  ; then blackwhite ; fi
+# Check to see if the restore option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-restore" ]
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds    #Check for plaintext passwords
+    restore              #Run the restore routine
+    trimlogs             #Trim the logs
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# Check to see if the setup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-setup" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: BACKUPMON is not configured. Proceding with 1st time setup!"
+      echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: BACKUPMON is not configured. Proceding with 1st time setup!" >> $LOGFILE
+      sleep 3
+      vconfig
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    updatecheck
+    logoNM
+    vsetup
+# Check to see if the purge option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-purge" ]
+  then
+    DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+    LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+    if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+    fi
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds     #Check for plaintext passwords
+    autopurge             #Purge primary backups
+    autopurgesecondaries  #Purge secondary backups
+    trimlogs              #Trim the logs
+    echo ""
+  exit 0
+# Check to see if the backup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-backup" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}"
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    checklibupdate
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    BSWITCH="True"
+# Check to see if the backup option is being called
+if [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    BSWITCH="False"
+# Check to see if the secondary-only backup is supposed to run
+if [ "$1" == "-secondary" ]
+  then
+    # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
+    elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
+      source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
+    else
+      clear
+      echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
+      echo -e "${CClear}\n"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+# Check for the Swap File Exclusion
+if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
+  excludeswap
+# Check for updates
+DLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $DLVersion)
+LCLVersionPF=$(printf "%-8s" $Version)
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON v$LCLVersionPF                                                                                          ${CClear}"
+if [ "$UpdateNotify" == "1" ]; then
+  echo -e "${InvYellow} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Update available: v$LCLVersionPF -> v$DLVersionPF                                                                     ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Normal Backup starting in 10 seconds. Press ${CGreen}[S]${CWhite}etup or ${CRed}[X]${CWhite} to override and enter ${CRed}RESTORE${CWhite} mode"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Asus Router Model: ${CGreen}${ROUTERMODEL}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Firmware/Build Number: ${CGreen}${FWBUILD}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} External USB Drive Mount Path: ${CGreen}${EXTDRIVE}"
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Weekly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Monthly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Yearly"; fi
+if [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then FREQEXPANDED="Perpetual"; fi
+if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backing up to ${CGreen}USB${CWhite} mounted to ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}"
+  echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backing up to ${CGreen}"; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -e "${CWhite} mounted to ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Backup directory location: ${CGreen}${BKDIR}"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Primary Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$FREQEXPANDED"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Primary Backup Mode: ${CGreen}$MODE"
+if [ "$SECONDARYSTATUS" == "1" ]; then
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Weekly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Monthly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Yearly"; fi
+  if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then SECFREQEXPANDED="Perpetual"; fi
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Secondary Backup Retention: ${CGreen}$SECFREQEXPANDED"
+  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CWhite} Secondary Backup Mode: ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
+echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CClear}${CDkGray}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+echo ""
+# Check to see if the secondary-only backup is supposed to run
+if [ "$1" == "-secondary" ]
+  then
+    checkplaintxtpwds
+    secondary               #Run secondary backups
+    sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+    trimlogs #Trim the logs
+    errorcheck #See if an error file exists and display it
+    echo -e "${CClear}"
+    exit 0
+# If the -backup switch is used then bypass the counter for immediate backup
+if [ "$BSWITCH" == "False" ]; then
+  # Run a 10sec timer
+  i=0
+  while [ $i -ne 10 ]
+  do
+      preparebar 51 "|"
+      progressbaroverride $i 10 "" "s" "Standard"
+      i=$(($i+1))
+  done
+# Run a normal backup
+echo -e "${CGreen}[Primary Backup Commencing]...          "
+echo ""
+echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+checkplaintxtpwds       #Check for plaintext passwords
+backup                  #Run primary backups
+sendmessage 0 "Primary Backup completed successfully"
+secondary               #Run secondary backups
+if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
+  sendmessage 0 "Secondary Backup completed successfully"
+if [ $PURGE -eq 1 ] && [ "$BSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+  autopurge             #Run autopurge on primary backups
+if [ $SECONDARYPURGE -eq 1 ] && [ "$BSWITCH" == "True" ]; then
+  autopurgesecondaries  #Run autopurge on secondary backups
+trimlogs #Trim the logs
+errorcheck #See if an error file exists and display it
+echo -e "${CClear}"
+exit 0
+#} #2> tee $LOG | logger -t $(basename $0)[$$]  # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode
diff --git a/backupmon.sh b/backupmon.sh
index ffd8b4d..b29b287 100644
--- a/backupmon.sh
+++ b/backupmon.sh
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 # and external USB drive environments.
 # Please use the 'backupmon.sh -setup' command to configure the necessary parameters that match your environment the best!
+# Last Modified: 2024-Sep-17
 # Variable list -- please do not change any of these
-Version="1.8.19"                                                # Current version
+Version="1.8.20"                                                # Current version
 Beta=0                                                          # Beta release Y/N
 CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg"                # Path to the backupmon config file
 DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/version.txt"                # Path to the backupmon version file
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ MDAY="$(date +%d)"                                              # Current day #
 YDAY="$(date +%j)"                                              # Current day # of the year
 EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"            # Grabbing the default External USB Drive path
 EXTLABEL="$(nvram get usb_path_sda1_label)"                     # Grabbing the default External USB Label name
-UNCUPDATED="False"                                              # Tracking if the UNC was updated or not
+PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"                                       # Tracking if the Primary UNC was updated or not
 SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="False"                                     # Tracking if the Secondary UNC was updated or not
 UpdateNotify=0                                                  # Tracking whether a new update is available
 BSWITCH="False"                                                 # Tracking -backup switch to eliminate timer
@@ -41,12 +42,43 @@ SECONDARYUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                      # Tracking switc
 TESTUSBTARGET="FALSE"                                           # Tracking switch
 SECONDARYSWITCH="False"                                         # Tracking switch
-# Default Config variables
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Aug-10] ##
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "" ; return 1 ; fi
+    if echo "$1" | grep -qE "^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.*"
+    then echo "$1"
+    else echo "$1" | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+    fi
+    return 0
+## Added by Martinski W. [2024-Aug-11] ##
+readonly mainLAN_IPaddr="$(nvram get lan_ipaddr)"
+readonly mainLAN_IP_Def="${mainLAN_IPaddr%.*}.25"
+ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)"
+[ -z "$ROUTERMODEL" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)"
+readonly BKUP_Dir_Def1="/router/${ROUTERMODEL}_Backups"
+readonly BKUP_Dir_Def2="/router/${ROUTERMODEL}_2ndBackups"
+readonly UNC_Drive_Def1="/tmp/mnt/backups"
+readonly UNC_Drive_Def2="/tmp/mnt/secondarybackups"
+readonly UNC_NFS_Path_Def1="${mainLAN_IP_Def}:/Backups"
+readonly UNC_NFS_Path_Def2="${mainLAN_IP_Def}:/SecondaryBackups"
+readonly UNC_NET_Path_Def1="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "\\\\${mainLAN_IP_Def}\\Backups")"
+readonly UNC_NET_Path_Def2="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "\\\\${mainLAN_IP_Def}\\SecondaryBackups")"
+readonly ActionNeededStr="<-- Action Needed!"
+# Default Config variables #
@@ -65,9 +97,9 @@ AMTMEMAILFAILURE=0
@@ -250,45 +282,45 @@ fi
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Preparebar and Progressbaroverride is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity
-preparebar () {
   # $1 - bar length
   # $2 - bar char
-  barlen=$1
-  barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1")
-  barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")
+  barlen="$1"
+  barspaces="$(printf "%*s" "$1")"
+  barchars="$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")"
-progressbaroverride () {
-  insertspc=" "
+   insertspc=" "
-  if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
-    printf "\r  $barspaces\r"
-  else
-      barch=$(($1*barlen/$2))
-      barsp=$((barlen-barch))
-      progr=$((100*$1/$2))
-  fi
+   if [ "$1" -eq -1 ]; then
+      printf "\r  $barspaces\r"
+   else
+      barch="$(($1*barlen/$2))"
+      barsp="$((barlen-barch))"
+      progr="$((100*$1/$2))"
+   fi
-    if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi
+   if [ $# -gt 5 ] && [ -n "$6" ]; then AltNum="$6" ; else AltNum="$1" ; fi
-      printf "  ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} ${CGreen}[ e=Exit / Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
+   printf "  ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} ${CGreen}[ e=Exit / Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
-    # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :)
-    key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)"
+   # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :)
+   key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)"
-    if [ $key_press ]; then
+   if [ $key_press ]; then
         case $key_press in
             [Xx]) echo ""; echo ""; sleep 1; restore;;
-            [Ss]) (vsetup); source $CFGPATH; echo ""; sleep 1; exit 0;;
+            [Ss]) (vsetup); source "$CFGPATH" ; echo ""; sleep 1; exit 0;;
             [Ee])  # Exit gracefully
                   echo ""
                   echo -e "${CClear}"
                   exit 0
-    fi
+   fi
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -362,19 +394,14 @@ trimlogs () {
 vconfig () {
   if [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
-    source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-    cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+     source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
+     cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
-  if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-    source $CFGPATH
-    if [ -z $SECONDARYPURGE ]; then SECONDARYPURGE=0; fi
+  if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+    source "$CFGPATH"
-    # Determine router model
-    if [ -z "$ROUTERMODEL" ]; then
-      [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
-    fi
+    if [ -z "$SECONDARYPURGE" ]; then SECONDARYPURGE=0; fi
     # Check for the Swap File Exclusion
     if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
@@ -403,62 +430,67 @@ vconfig () {
       echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}    ${CClear} : Source Router Firmware/Build                 : ${CGreen}$FWBUILD"
       if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>" ]; then
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1) ${CClear} : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point             : ${CGreen}$EXTDRIVE"
       echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Backup Target Media Type                     : ${CGreen}$BACKUPMEDIA"
-      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+      then
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
-        if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
-          echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; printf '%s' $UNC; printf "%s\n"
+        if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+           echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
-          echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+           echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CDkGray}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
-      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+      then
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CGreen}$BTPASSWORD"
-        if [ -z "$UNC" ]; then
-          echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+        if [ -z "${UNC}" ]
+        then
+           echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
-          if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
-            echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $UNC; printf "%s\n"
-          else
-            echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
-          fi
+           if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+           else
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}"
+           fi
-      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+      elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Username                       : ${CDkGray}$BTUSERNAME"
         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup Target Password (ENC)                 : ${CDkGray}$BTPASSWORD"
-        if [ -z "$UNC" ]; then
-          echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+        if [ -z "${UNC}" ]
+        then
+           echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
-          if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
-            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}$UNC"
-          else
-            echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}$UNC"
-          fi
+           if [ "$PRIMARYUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]; then
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}${UNC}"
+           else
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Backup Target Path                           : ${CGreen}${UNC}"
+           fi
-      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]; then
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : N/A"
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  NFS Mount Options?                          : N/A"
       if [ "$UNCDRIVE" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Backup Target Mount Point                    : ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"
       echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Backup Target Directory Path                 : ${CGreen}$BKDIR"
-      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Backup Exclusion File Name                   : ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Backup Exclusion File                        : ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"
       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Backup Swap File                             : ${CGreen}"
         if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
@@ -466,10 +498,10 @@ vconfig () {
         elif [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
           printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n";fi
-      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CGreen}$SMBVER"
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]; then
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CGreen}$SMBVER"
-        echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CDkGray}$SMBVER"
+         echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Backup CIFS/SMB Version                      : ${CDkGray}$SMBVER"
       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(11)${CClear} : Backup Retention                             : ${CGreen}"
@@ -589,45 +621,47 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} If the USB or Network-NFS option is chosen, there will be no need to complete further${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} information for the Target username or password, and will be grayed out.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Network=1, USB=2, Network-NFS=3) (Default = 1)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear}) (Default: 1)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-              echo ""
-              echo -e "${CClear}Current Media Type: ${CGreen}$BACKUPMEDIA"; echo -e "${CClear}"
-              while true; do
-                read -p 'Media Type (1/2/3)?: ' BACKUPMEDIA
-                  case $BACKUPMEDIA in
-                    [1] ) BACKUPMEDIA="Network"; break ;;
-                    [2] ) BACKUPMEDIA="USB"; break ;;
-                    [3] ) BACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"; break ;;
-                    "" ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2 or 3\n";;
-                    * ) echo -e "\nError: Please use either 1, 2 or 3\n";;
+              echo
+              printf "Current Target Media Type: ${CGreen}${BACKUPMEDIA}${CClear}\n"
+              while true
+              do
+                  printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: " ; read -r BKUPMEDIA1st
+                  case $BKUPMEDIA1st in
+                     1) BACKUPMEDIA="Network"; break ;;
+                     2) BACKUPMEDIA="USB"; break ;;
+                     3) BACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"; break ;;
+                    "") printf "\nPlease enter 1, 2 or 3.\n" ;;
+                     *) printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIA1st]."
+                        printf "\nPlease enter 1, 2 or 3.\n" ;;
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-                UNCDRIVE=""
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" != "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-                UNCDRIVE=""
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-                UNCDRIVE=""
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ] && [ "$EXTDRIVE" = "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                 UNCDRIVE=""
             3) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Username                                            ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Username?${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: admin)"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                 echo ""
                 echo -e "${CClear}Current Username: ${CGreen}$BTUSERNAME"; echo -e "${CClear}"
@@ -637,13 +671,14 @@ vconfig () {
             4) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Network Backup Password                                            ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Network Backup Password?${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = admin)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: admin)"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                 echo ""
                 if [ $BTPASSWORD == "admin" ]; then
@@ -658,56 +693,66 @@ vconfig () {
             5) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-                clear
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup UNC Path                                                    ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup UNC Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has a share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use proper${CClear}"
-                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} notation for the network path by starting with 4 backslashes${CClear}"; printf "%s" "(\\\\\\\\)"; echo -e " and using two${CClear}"
-                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backslashes "; printf "%s" " (\\\\)"; echo -e " between any additional folders. Example below:"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"; printf "%s" " (Default = \\\\\\\\\\\\Backups)"; echo ""
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-                echo ""
-                echo -en "${CClear}Current UNC Path: ${CGreen}"; echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'; echo -e "${CClear}"
-                read -rp 'Target Backup UNC Path: ' UNC1
-                if [ "$UNC1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNC1" ]; then UNC="\\\\\\\\\\\\Backups"; else UNC="$UNC1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
-                UNCUPDATED="True"
-              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-                clear
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Path                                                    ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup NFS Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has an NFS share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} proper notation for the NFS network path by using the example below:${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default ="
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-                echo ""
-                echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Path: ${CGreen}$UNC"; echo -e "${CClear}"
-                read -rp 'Target Backup NFS Path: ' UNC1
-                if [ "$UNC1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNC1" ]; then UNC=""; else UNC="$UNC1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
-                UNCUPDATED="True"
-                echo ""; echo ""
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Mount Options                                           ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What optional NFS Mount Options would you like to use (if any)? These options are${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} custom settings that may be needed to establish a successful connection to your NFS${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Please follow format of example below:${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-                echo ""
-                echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Mount Options: ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
-                read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' NFSMOUNTOPT1
-                if [ "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" ]; then NFSMOUNTOPT=""; else NFSMOUNTOPT="$NFSMOUNTOPT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
+                 clear
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup UNC Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup UNC Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has a share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use proper${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} notation for the network path by starting with 4 backslashes "; printf "%s" "(\\\\\\\\)"; echo -e " and using two${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backslashes "; printf "%s" "(\\\\)"; echo -e " between any additional folders. Example below:"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}" ; printf "%s" "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def1")" ; echo -e "${CClear})"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo
+                 echo -en "Current UNC Path: ${CGreen}" ; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}" ; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                 read -rp 'Target Backup UNC Path: ' UNC_NET_PATH1st
+                 if [ -n "$UNC_NET_PATH1st" ]
+                 then UNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_PATH1st")"
+                 elif [ -z "$UNC" ]
+                 then UNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"
+                 fi
+                 PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
+                 clear
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Path                                                    ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What is the TARGET Backup NFS Path? This is the path of a local network backup device${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} that has an NFS share made available for backups to be pushed to. Please note: Use${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} proper notation for the NFS network path by using the example below:${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}${CClear})"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo
+                 echo -e "Current NFS Path: ${CGreen}${UNC}${CClear}" ; echo
+                 read -rp 'Target Backup NFS Path: ' UNC_NFS_PATH1st
+                 if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_PATH1st" ]
+                 then UNC="$UNC_NFS_PATH1st"
+                 else UNC="${UNC:=$UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}"
+                 fi
+                 PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+                 echo ""; echo ""
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup NFS Mount Options                                           ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} What optional NFS Mount Options would you like to use (if any)? These options are${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} custom settings that may be needed to establish a successful connection to your NFS${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} share. Please follow format of example below:${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
+                 echo ""
+                 echo -e "${CClear}Current NFS Mount Options: ${CGreen}$NFSMOUNTOPT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
+                 read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' NFSMOUNTOPT1
+                 if [ "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" == "" ] || [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT1" ]; then NFSMOUNTOPT=""; else NFSMOUNTOPT="$NFSMOUNTOPT1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
             6) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup Drive Mount Point                                           ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
@@ -717,15 +762,19 @@ vconfig () {
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} backup location. Please note: Use proper notation for the path by using single${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} forward slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /tmp/mnt/backups)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${UNC_Drive_Def1}${CClear})"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-                echo ""
-                echo -e "${CClear}Current Mount Point: ${CGreen}$UNCDRIVE"; echo -e "${CClear}"
-                read -p 'Target Network Backup Drive Mount Point: ' UNCDRIVE1
-                if [ "$UNCDRIVE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE1" ]; then UNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/backups"; else UNCDRIVE="$UNCDRIVE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
-                #SMBTARGET="TRUE"
-                #_GetMountPoint_ SMBmp "Select an existing Target CIFS/SMB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
-                #read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                echo ; echo -e "Current Backup Drive Mount Point: ${CGreen}${UNCDRIVE}${CClear}" ; echo
+                read -p 'Target Network Backup Drive Mount Point: ' UNC_DRIVE1st
+                if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE1st" ]
+                then UNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE1st"
+                else UNCDRIVE="${UNCDRIVE:=$UNC_Drive_Def1}"
+                fi
+                ##OFF##SMBTARGET="TRUE"
+                ##OFF##_GetMountPoint_ SMBmp "Select an existing Target CIFS/SMB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                ##OFF##read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
                 if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
                   echo ""
@@ -735,7 +784,8 @@ vconfig () {
                   read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
-              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+              elif [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+              then
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - TARGET Backup USB Drive Mount Point                                       ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
@@ -761,12 +811,14 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Use proper notation for the path by using single forward slashes between directories.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Example below:${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /router/GT-AX6000-Backup)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: ${CGreen}${BKUP_Dir_Def1}${CClear})"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
-              echo ""
-              echo -e "${CClear}Current Directory Path: ${CGreen}$BKDIR"; echo -e "${CClear}"
-              read -p 'Target Backup Directory Path: ' BKDIR1
-              if [ "$BKDIR1" == "" ] || [ -z "$BKDIR1" ]; then BKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"; else BKDIR="$BKDIR1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress
+              echo ; echo -e "Current Backup Directory Path: ${CGreen}${BKDIR}${CClear}" ; echo
+              read -p 'Enter Target Backup Directory Path: ' BKUP_DIR1st
+              if [ -n "$BKUP_DIR1st" ]
+              then BKDIR="$BKUP_DIR1st"
+              else BKDIR="${BKDIR:=$BKUP_Dir_Def1}"
+              fi
@@ -789,7 +841,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please note: Use proper notation for the path to this file by using single forward ${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} slashes between directories. Example below:${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions.txt)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: ${CGreen}/jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions.txt${CClear})"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CClear}Current Exclusion File Path: ${CGreen}$EXCLUSION"; echo -e "${CClear}"
@@ -809,7 +861,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: It is highly recommended to leave this setting DISABLED.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == 0 ]; then BACKUPSWAPFB="No"; else BACKUPSWAPFB="Yes"; fi
@@ -819,13 +871,14 @@ vconfig () {
               if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "1" ]; then
                 swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
-                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' $EXCLUSION >/dev/null 2>&1
-                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' $SECONDARYEXCLUSION >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' "$EXCLUSION" >/dev/null 2>&1
+                sed -i -e '/'$swapname'/d' "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" >/dev/null 2>&1
             10) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+              if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+              then
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} BACKUPMON - CIFS/SMB Protocol Version                                                 ${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
@@ -835,7 +888,7 @@ vconfig () {
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v3.02), you can choose older versions for backwards compatibility purposes, for${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} example, if the target hardware is not able to support a more recent version.${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v2.1=1, v2.0=2, v1.0=3, v3.0=4, v3.02=5) (Default = 1)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (v2.1=1, v2.0=2, v1.0=3, v3.0=4, v3.02=5) (Default: 1)"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                 echo ""
                 echo -e "${CClear}Current CIFS/SMB Protocol Version: ${CGreen}$SMBVER"; echo -e "${CClear}"
@@ -878,7 +931,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (ex: 20230909-084322). NOTE: When using the Perpetual backup retention option, you"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} may only use BASIC mode."
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (Default = M)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (Default: M)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               if [ "$FREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
@@ -920,7 +973,7 @@ vconfig () {
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move these"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with."
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                 echo ""
                 if [ "$PURGE" == "0" ]; then PURGEDP="No"; else PURGEDP="Yes"; fi
@@ -941,7 +994,7 @@ vconfig () {
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} PLEASE NOTE: If there are any backups you wish to save permanently, please move${CClear}"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} these to a SAFE, separate folder that BACKUPMON does not interact with.${CClear}"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = 90)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: 90)"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                   echo ""
                   echo -e "${CClear}Current Perpetual Backups Age?: ${CGreen}$PURGELIMIT"; echo -e "${CClear}"
@@ -980,7 +1033,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} folders will not self-prune or overwrite, even if multiple backups are made on the${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} same day.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Basic-0, Advanced=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (Default: 0)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CClear}Current Operational Mode?: ${CGreen}$MODE"; echo -e "${CClear}"
@@ -1004,7 +1057,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under your /jffs/scripts folder. Each time your router reboots, this command will${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} automatically be added as a CRON job to run your backup.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               if [ "$SCHEDULE" == "0" ]; then SCHEDULEDP="No"; else SCHEDULEDP="Yes"; fi
@@ -1028,7 +1081,7 @@ vconfig () {
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will be asked for the hours and minutes in separate prompts. Use 24hr format for the${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} hours. (Ex: 17 hrs / 15 min = 17:15 or 5:15pm)${CClear}"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default = 2 hrs / 30 min = 02:30 or 2:30am)"
+                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Default: 2 hrs / 30 min = 02:30 or 2:30am)"
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                 echo ""
                 MINS=$(printf "%02.0f\n" $SCHEDULEMIN)
@@ -1049,7 +1102,7 @@ vconfig () {
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} using the config menu, or manually from the file system itself. Please note: This ${CClear}"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} option is only available when having the Perpetual Backup Retention selected.${CClear}"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Backup Only=1, Backup + Autopurge=2) (Default = 1)"
+                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (Backup Only=1, Backup + Autopurge=2) (Default: 1)"
                   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
                   echo ""
                   if [ "$SCHEDULEMODE" == "BackupOnly" ]; then SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup Only"; else SCHEDULEMODEDP="Backup + Autopurge"; fi
@@ -1137,7 +1190,7 @@ vconfig () {
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} download an AMTM email interface library courtesy of @Martinski, and will be located${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} under a new common library folder called: /jffs/addons/shared-libs.${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default: 0)"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
               echo ""
               if [ "$AMTMEMAIL" == "0" ]; then AMTMEMAILDP="No"; else AMTMEMAILDP="Yes"; fi
@@ -1222,48 +1275,53 @@ vconfig () {
                 printf "Disabled"; printf "%s\n";
               else printf "Enabled"; printf "%s\n"; fi
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Media Type                  : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA"
-              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Path                        : N/A"
-              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUSER"
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPWD"
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then
-                  echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
-                else
-                  if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
-                    echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $SECONDARYUNC; printf "%s\n"
-                  else
-                    echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; echo $SECONDARYUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
-                  fi
-                fi
-              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
-                if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then SECONDARYUNC=""; fi
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNC"
+              if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Path                        : N/A"
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]
+                 then
+                    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+                 else
+                    if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
+                       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC"
+                    else
+                       echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC"
+                    fi
+                 fi
+              elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]
+              then
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUSER" ]; then SECONDARYUSER="admin"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Username                    : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYUSER"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYPWD" ]; then SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4) ${CClear}${CDkGray} : Secondary Target Password (ENC)              : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPWD"
+                 if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]; then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_Def2"; fi
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Path                        : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNC"
               if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Secondary NFS Mount Options                 : ${CDkGray}N/A"
-              if [ "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" == "" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]
+              then  ##$UNC_Drive_Def2##
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
-                echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Drive Mount Point           : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
-              if [ -z "$SECONDARYBKDIR" ]; then SECONDARYBKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"; fi
+              if [ -z "$SECONDARYBKDIR" ]; then SECONDARYBKDIR="$BKUP_Dir_Def2"; fi
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7) ${CClear} : Secondary Target Directory Path              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYBKDIR"
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Exclusion File Name                          : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
-              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Backup Retention                             : ${CGreen}"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(8) ${CClear} : Secondary Backup Exclusion File              : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
+              echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(9) ${CClear} : Secondary Backup Retention                   : ${CGreen}"
               if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "W" ]; then
                 printf "Weekly"; printf "%s\n";
               elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" == "M" ]; then
@@ -1292,7 +1350,7 @@ vconfig () {
                 echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |--${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Purge Older Than (days)                     : ${CDkGray}$SECONDARYPURGELIMIT"
               if [ -z "$SECONDARYMODE" ]; then SECONDARYMODE="Basic"; fi
-              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Backup/Restore Mode                          : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
+              echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(10)${CClear} : Secondary Backup/Restore Mode                : ${CGreen}$SECONDARYMODE"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |  ${CClear}"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(e) ${CClear} : Exit Back to Primary Backup Config"
               echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
@@ -1301,35 +1359,55 @@ vconfig () {
               read -r SECONDARYINPUT
                   case $SECONDARYINPUT in
                     1) echo ""
-                        read -p 'Secondary Backup Enabled=1, Disabled=0 (0/1?): ' SECONDARYSTATUS
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Enabled=1, Disabled=0 (0/1?): ' SECONDARYSTATUS
-                    2) echo ""; read -p 'Secondary Target Backup Media (Network=1, USB=2, Network-NFS=3): ' SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA
-                        if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "1" ]; then
-                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
-                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
-                          SECONDARYUNC=""
-                        elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "2" ]; then
-                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
-                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
-                        elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "3" ]; then
-                          SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
-                          SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
-                          SECONDARYUNC="${CWhite}${InvRed}<-- Action Needed! ${CClear}"
-                        else SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
-                        fi
+                    2) echo
+                       printf "Secondary Backup Target Media (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear})"
+                       printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: " ; read -r BKUPMEDIA2nd
+                       if [ -z "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" ]
+                       then
+                           printf "\nConfiguration parameter was not modified.\n"
+                           read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; echo
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "1" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                               SECONDARYUNC=""
+                           fi
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "2" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                           fi
+                       elif [ "$BKUPMEDIA2nd" = "3" ]
+                       then
+                           if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network-NFS" ]
+                           then
+                               SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+                               SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=""
+                               SECONDARYUNC="${CWhite}${InvRed}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+                           fi
+                       else
+                           printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIA2nd].\n"
+                           read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to acknowledge..." ; echo
+                       fi
                     3) echo ""
                        read -p 'Secondary Username: ' SECONDARYUSER
-                    4) echo ""
+                    4) echo
                        if [ "$SECONDARYPWD" == "admin" ]; then
                          echo -e "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): admin"
                          echo -en "Old Secondary Password (Unencoded): "
-                         echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
+                         echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A
                        echo ""
                        read -rp 'New Secondary Password: ' SECONDARYPWD1
@@ -1340,45 +1418,68 @@ vconfig () {
-                    5) echo ""
-                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-                         read -rp 'Secondary Target UNC Path (ex: \\\\\\Backups ): ' SECONDARYUNC1
-                         SECONDARYUNC="$SECONDARYUNC1"
-                         SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="True"
-                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-                         read -rp 'Secondary Target NFS Path (ex: ): ' SECONDARYUNC1
-                         SECONDARYUNC="$SECONDARYUNC1"
-                         echo ""
-                         echo "Secondary NFS Mount Options (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
-                         read -rp '(Optional): ' SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT1
+                    5) echo
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Target UNC Path (ex: %s): " "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def2")"
+                          read -r UNC_NET_PATH2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_NET_PATH2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_PATH2nd")"
+                          elif [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def2"
+                          fi
+                          SECONDARYUNCUPDATED="True"
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Target NFS Path (ex: ${UNC_NFS_Path_Def2}): "
+                          read -r UNC_NFS_PATH2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_PATH2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_PATH2nd"
+                          elif [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || echo "$SECONDARYUNC" | grep -q "$ActionNeededStr"
+                          then SECONDARYUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_Def2"
+                          fi
+                          echo
+                          echo "Secondary NFS Mount Options (ex: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+                          read -rp '(Optional): ' SECONDARYNFSMOUNTOPT1
-                    6) echo ""
-                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-                         read -p 'Secondary Target Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/backups ): ' SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
-                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
-                         SECONDARYUSBTARGET="TRUE"
-                         _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Secondary Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
-                         read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                    6) echo
+                       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                       then
+                          printf "Secondary Backup Target Mount Point (ex: ${UNC_Drive_Def2}): "
+                          read -r UNC_DRIVE2nd
+                          if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE2nd" ]
+                          then SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE2nd"
+                          else SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE:=$UNC_Drive_Def2}"
+                          fi
+                       elif [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]; then
+                          SECONDARYUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+                          _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Secondary Target USB Backup Drive Mount Point: "
+                          read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
-                    7) echo ""
-                       read -p 'Secondary Target Dir Path (ex: /router/GT-AX6000-Backup ): ' SECONDARYBKDIR
+                    7) echo
+                       printf "Secondary Backup Target Directory Path (ex: ${BKUP_Dir_Def2}): "
+                       read -r BKUP_DIR2nd
+                       if [ -n "$BKUP_DIR2nd" ]
+                       then SECONDARYBKDIR="$BKUP_DIR2nd"
+                       else SECONDARYBKDIR="${SECONDARYBKDIR:=$BKUP_Dir_Def2}"
+                       fi
-                    8) echo ""
-                       read -p 'Secondary Exclusion File Name (ex: /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions2.txt ): ' SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+                    8) echo
+                       read -p 'Secondary Backup Exclusion File (ex: /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/exclusions2.txt): ' SECONDARYEXCLUSION
                        if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ] && [ "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" == "" ]; then
-                         SECONDARYEXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"
+                          SECONDARYEXCLUSION="$PFEXCLUSION"
-                    9) echo ""
+                    9) echo
                        read -p 'Secondary Backup Retention (Weekly=W, Monthly=M, Yearly=Y, Perpetual=P) (W/M/Y/P?): ' SECONDARYFREQUENCY
                        SECONDARYFREQUENCY=$(echo "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
@@ -1394,7 +1495,7 @@ vconfig () {
                     10) echo ""
-                        read -p 'Secondary Backup Mode (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (0/1?): ' SECONDARYMODE
+                        read -p 'Secondary Backup/Restore Mode (Basic=0, Advanced=1) (0/1?): ' SECONDARYMODE
                         if [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "0" ]; then
                         elif [ "$SECONDARYMODE" == "1" ]; then
@@ -1415,18 +1516,13 @@ vconfig () {
             [Ss]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              echo ""
-              if [ "$UNCUPDATED" == "False" ]; then
-                UNC=$(echo $UNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g')
-              fi
-              if [ "$SECONDARYUNCUPDATED" == "False" ]; then
-                SECONDARYUNC=$(echo $SECONDARYUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g')
-              fi
+                 echo
+                 UNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "${UNC}")"
+                 SECONDARYUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$SECONDARYUNC")"
                 { echo 'BTUSERNAME="'"$BTUSERNAME"'"'
                   echo 'BTPASSWORD="'"$BTPASSWORD"'"'
-                  echo 'UNC="'"$UNC"'"'
+                  echo 'UNC="'"${UNC}"'"'
                   echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT="'"$NFSMOUNTOPT"'"'
                   echo 'UNCDRIVE="'"$UNCDRIVE"'"'
                   echo 'EXTDRIVE="'"$EXTDRIVE"'"'
@@ -1460,19 +1556,19 @@ vconfig () {
                   echo 'SECONDARYMODE="'"$SECONDARYMODE"'"'
                   echo 'SECONDARYPURGE='$SECONDARYPURGE
-                } > $CFGPATH
+                } > "$CFGPATH"
               echo -e "${CGreen}Applying config changes to BACKUPMON..."
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE
               sleep 2
-              UNCUPDATED="False"
+              PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"
-              UNC=$(echo -e "$UNC")
-              SECONDARYUNC=$(echo -e "$SECONDARYUNC")
+              UNC="$(echo -e "${UNC}")"
+              SECONDARYUNC="$(echo -e "$SECONDARYUNC")"
             [Ee]) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              UNCUPDATED="False"
+              PRIMARYUNCUPDATED="False"
@@ -1482,18 +1578,15 @@ vconfig () {
-      # Determine router model
-      [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
       #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state
       { echo 'BTUSERNAME="admin"'
         echo 'BTPASSWORD="YWRtaW4K"'
-        echo 'UNC="\\\\\\Backups"'
+        echo 'UNC="'"$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"'"'
         echo 'NFSMOUNTOPT=""'
-        echo 'UNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/backups"'
+        echo 'UNCDRIVE="'"$UNC_Drive_Def1"'"'
         echo 'EXTDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/<selectusbdrive>"'
         echo 'EXTLABEL="usbdrive"'
-        echo 'BKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-Backup"'
+        echo 'BKDIR="'"$BKUP_Dir_Def1"'"'
         echo 'BACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
         echo 'EXCLUSION=""'
         echo 'BACKUPSWAP=0'
@@ -1512,17 +1605,17 @@ vconfig () {
         echo 'SECONDARYSTATUS=0'
         echo 'SECONDARYUSER="admin"'
         echo 'SECONDARYPWD="YWRtaW4K"'
-        echo 'SECONDARYUNC="\\\\\\SecondaryBackups"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNC="'"$UNC_NET_Path_Def2"'"'
-        echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="/tmp/mnt/secondarybackups"'
-        echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="/router/GT-AX6000-2ndBackup"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="'"$UNC_Drive_Def2"'"'
+        echo 'SECONDARYBKDIR="'"$BKUP_Dir_Def2"'"'
         echo 'SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA="Network"'
         echo 'SECONDARYEXCLUSION=""'
         echo 'SECONDARYFREQUENCY="M"'
         echo 'SECONDARYMODE="Basic"'
         echo 'SECONDARYPURGE=0'
-      } > $CFGPATH
+      } > "$CFGPATH"
       #Re-run backupmon -config to restart setup process
@@ -1537,10 +1630,11 @@ testtarget () {
@@ -1562,38 +1656,41 @@ while true; do
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(1)${CClear} : Test Target Media Type                       : ${CGreen}$TESTBACKUPMEDIA"
-  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+  then
     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear} : Test Target Username                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUSER"
     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear} : Test Target Password                         : ${CGreen}$TESTPWD"
     if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ]; then
-      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${InvRed}${CWhite}<-- Attention Needed${CClear}"
+      echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${InvRed}${CWhite}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
-      if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then
-        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; printf '%s' $TESTUNC; printf "%s\n"
+      if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]
+      then
+         echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC"
-        echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; echo $TESTUNC | sed -e 's,\\,\\\\,g'
+         echo -en "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CGreen}"; _EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC"
-  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+  elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+  then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target UNC Path                         : ${CDkGray}N/A"
   elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target NFS Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUNC"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(2)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Username                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTUSER"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(3)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test Target Password                         : ${CDkGray}$TESTPWD"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(4)${CClear} : Test Target NFS Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTUNC"
-  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CGreen}$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]; then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CGreen}$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CDkGray}N/A"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}--  Test NFS Mount Options                      : ${CDkGray}N/A"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(5)${CClear} : Test Target Backup Mount Point               : ${CGreen}$TESTUNCDRIVE"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(6)${CClear} : Test Target Dir Path                         : ${CGreen}$TESTBKDIR"
-  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : ${CGreen}$TESTSMBVER"
+  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]; then
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : ${CGreen}$TESTSMBVER"
-    echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : N/A"
+     echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(7)${CClear}${CDkGray} : Test CIFS/SMB Version                        : N/A"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}"
   echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(t)${CClear} : Test your Network Backup Connection"
@@ -1606,19 +1703,38 @@ while true; do
   printf "Selection: ${CClear}"
   read -r TESTINPUT
       case $TESTINPUT in
-        1) echo ""
-           read -p 'Test Target Media Type (ex: Network=1 / USB=2 / Network-NFS=3) (Choose 1, 2 or 3): ' TESTBACKUPMEDIA
-           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "1" ]; then
-             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
-             TESTUNC=""
-           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "2" ]; then
-             TESTUNC=""
-           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "3" ]; then
-             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
-             TESTUNC="${InvRed}${CWhite}<-- Attention Needed${CClear}"
+        1) echo
+           printf "Test Target Media Type (Network=${CGreen}1${CClear}, USB=${CGreen}2${CClear}, Network-NFS=${CGreen}3${CClear})"
+           printf "\nEnter selection [${CGreen}1${CClear}-${CGreen}3${CClear}]: "
+           read -r BKUPMEDIATest
+           if [ -z "$BKUPMEDIATest" ]
+           then
+               printf "\nConfiguration parameter was not modified.\n"
+               read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; echo      
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "1" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+                   TESTUNC=""
+               fi
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "2" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="USB"
+                   TESTUNC=""
+               fi
+           elif [ "$BKUPMEDIATest" = "3" ]
+           then
+               if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "Network-NFS" ]
+               then
+                   TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network-NFS"
+                   TESTUNC="${InvRed}${CWhite}${ActionNeededStr} ${CClear}"
+               fi
-             TESTBACKUPMEDIA="Network"
+               printf "\nERROR: INVALID entry [$BKUPMEDIATest].\n"
+               read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to acknowledge..." ; echo
@@ -1630,43 +1746,58 @@ while true; do
            read -rp 'Test Password: ' TESTPWD
-        4) echo ""
-           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
-             read -rp 'Test Target UNC Path (ex: \\\\\\Backups ): ' TESTUNC1
-             if [ -z $TESTUNC1 ]; then
-               TESTUNC="\\\\\\\\\\\\Backups"
-             else
-               TESTUNC="$TESTUNC1"
-             fi
-             TESTUNCUPDATED="True"
-           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-             read -rp 'Test Target NFS Path (ex: ): ' TESTUNC1
-             if [ -z $TESTUNC1 ]; then
-               TESTUNC=""
-             else
-               TESTUNC="$TESTUNC1"
-             fi
-             echo ""
-             echo "Optional NFS Mount Options? (Example: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
-             read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' TESTNFSMOUNTOPT
+        4) echo
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target UNC Path (ex: %s): " "$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_Def1")"
+              read -r UNC_NET_Path_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_NET_Path_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$UNC_NET_Path_TEST")"
+              elif [ -z "$TESTUNC" ] || echo "$TESTUNC" | grep -q "$ActionNeededStr"
+              then TESTUNC="$UNC_NET_Path_Def1"
+              fi
+              TESTUNCUPDATED="True"
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target NFS Path (ex: $UNC_NFS_Path_Def1): "
+              read -r UNC_NFS_Path_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_NFS_Path_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNC="$UNC_NFS_Path_TEST"
+              else TESTUNC="${TESTUNC:=$UNC_NFS_Path_Def1}"
+              fi
+              echo
+              echo "Optional NFS Mount Options? (Example: nfsvers=3,nolock,_netdev,rsize=8192,wsize=8192)"
+              read -rp 'NFS Mount Options: ' TESTNFSMOUNTOPT
-        5) echo ""
-           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ] || [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
-             read -p 'Test Target Backup Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/testbackups ): ' TESTUNCDRIVE
-           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
-             TESTUSBTARGET="TRUE"
-             _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Test Target USB Backup Mount Point: "
-             read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+        5) echo
+           if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ] || [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+           then
+              printf "Test Target Backup Mount Point (ex: /tmp/mnt/testbackups): "
+              read -r UNC_DRIVE_TEST
+              if [ -n "$UNC_DRIVE_TEST" ]
+              then TESTUNCDRIVE="$UNC_DRIVE_TEST"
+              else TESTUNCDRIVE="${TESTUNCDRIVE=/tmp/mnt/testbackups}"
+              fi
+           elif [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+           then
+              TESTUSBTARGET="TRUE"
+              _GetMountPoint_ USBmp "Select a Test Target USB Backup Mount Point: "
+              read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
-        6) echo ""
-           read -p 'Test Target Dir Path (ex: /router/test-backup ): ' TESTBKDIR
+        6) echo
+           printf "Test Target Directory Path (ex: /router/test-backup): "
+           read -r BKUP_DIRTest
+           if [ -n "$BKUP_DIRTest" ]
+           then TESTBKDIR="$BKUP_DIRTest"
+           else TESTBKDIR="${TESTBKDIR=/router/test-backup}"
+           fi
-        7) echo ""
+        7) echo
            echo "Test CIFS/SMB Version (ex: v2.1=1 / v2.0=2 / v1.0=3 / v3.0=4 / v3.02=5)"
            read -p '(Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): ' TESTSMBVER
            if [ "$TESTSMBVER" == "1" ]; then
@@ -1686,39 +1817,44 @@ while true; do
         [Ee]) break ;;
-              TESTPWD=$(echo $BTPASSWORD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
-              TESTUNC=$UNC
-              TESTBKDIR=$BKDIR
-              TESTSMBVER=$SMBVER
+              TESTPWD="$(echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+              TESTUNC="${UNC}"
+              TESTBKDIR="$BKDIR"
+              TESTSMBVER="$SMBVER"
-              TESTPWD=$(echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
-              TESTSMBVER=$SMBVER
+              TESTPWD="$(echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+              TESTUNC="$SECONDARYUNC"
+              TESTSMBVER="$SMBVER"
-        [Tt])   # Connection test script
-                if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" == "True" ]; then TESTUNC=$(echo -e "$TESTUNC"); fi
-                echo ""
-                echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+        [Tt])  # Connection test script #
+               echo
+               echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
+               if [ "$TESTUNCUPDATED" = "True" ]
+               then
+                   TESTUNC="$(_EscapeUNCPathBackslashes_ "$TESTUNC")"
+                   TESTUNC=$(echo -e "$TESTUNC")
+               fi
                 # Ping target to see if it's reachable
-                TARGETIP=$(echo $TESTUNC | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}')
-                if [ ! -z $TARGETIP ]; then
+                TARGETIP="$(echo "$TESTUNC" | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}')"
+                if [ ! -z "$TARGETIP" ]; then
                   while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-                    ping -q -c 1 -W 2 $TARGETIP > /dev/null 2>&1
+                    ping -q -c 1 -W 2 "$TARGETIP" > /dev/null 2>&1
                     if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then  # If ping come back successful, then proceed
                       echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: Backup Target ($TARGETIP) reachable via PING.${CClear}"
@@ -1736,41 +1872,42 @@ while true; do
                 # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
-                if ! [ -d $TESTUNCDRIVE ]; then
-                    mkdir -p $TESTUNCDRIVE
-                    chmod 777 $TESTUNCDRIVE
+                if ! [ -d "$TESTUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+                    mkdir -p "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
+                    chmod 777 "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
                     echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External test drive mount point not set. Created under: $TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
-                  echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: External test drive mount point exists. Found under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
+                    echo -e "${CGreen}INFO: External test drive mount point exists. Found under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
                 # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
                 if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
                   if [ -z "$TESTUNC" ] || [ -z "$TESTUNCDRIVE" ]; then
-                    echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
-                    read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
-                    break
+                     echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                     read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
+                     break
                 # If everything successfully was created, proceed
-                if ! mount | grep $TESTUNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+                if ! mount | grep "$TESTUNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+                then
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+                  then
                     # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
                     if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
-                      modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
+                       modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
                     # For BE-class router compatibility on 3006
                     if [ $(find /lib -name cifs.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
-                      modprobe cifs > /dev/null
+                       modprobe cifs > /dev/null
                         while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-                          mount -t cifs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE -o "vers=${TESTSMBVER},username=${TESTUSER},password=${TESTPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+                          mount -t cifs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${TESTSMBVER},username=${TESTUSER},password=${TESTPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
                           if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -1779,7 +1916,7 @@ while true; do
                             sleep 5
                             if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive ($TESTUNCDRIVE). Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
@@ -1787,7 +1924,8 @@ while true; do
-                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+                  then
                     # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
                     modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
@@ -1795,9 +1933,9 @@ while true; do
                         while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
                           if [ -z "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
-                            mount -t nfs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE
+                             mount -t nfs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE"
-                            mount -t nfs $TESTUNC $TESTUNCDRIVE -o "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
+                             mount -t nfs "$TESTUNC" "$TESTUNCDRIVE" -o "$TESTNFSMOUNTOPT"
                           if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -1807,7 +1945,7 @@ while true; do
                             sleep 5
                             if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive ($TESTUNCDRIVE). Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
@@ -1815,7 +1953,7 @@ while true; do
-                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+                  if [ "$TESTBACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]; then
                   echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
@@ -1826,8 +1964,8 @@ while true; do
                 # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
-                if [ -n "`mount | grep $TESTUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+                if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$TESTUNCDRIVE")" ]
+                then
                     echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -en ") mounted successfully under: ${CYellow}$TESTUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
                     # Create the backup directories and daily directories if they do not exist yet
@@ -1858,7 +1996,7 @@ while true; do
                       echo 'This is a test file created to ensure you have proper read/write access to your backup directory.'
                       echo ''
                       echo 'Please delete this file and associated test directories at your convenience'
-                    } > ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/testfile.txt
+                    } > "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/testfile.txt"
                     if [ $TST -eq 0 ]; then
                       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}testfile.txt${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
@@ -1867,7 +2005,7 @@ while true; do
                     # Test tar creation
-                    tar -zvcf ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz -C / jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
+                    tar -zvcf "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz" -C / jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh
                     if [ $TAT -eq 0 ]; then
                       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished creating ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} to ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
@@ -1876,7 +2014,7 @@ while true; do
                     # Test tar validation
-                    tar -tzf ${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz
+                    tar -tzf "${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test/test.tar.gz"
                     if [ $TVT -eq 0 ]; then
                       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished validating integrity of ${CYellow}test.tar.gz${CGreen} in ${CYellow}${TESTUNCDRIVE}${TESTBKDIR}/test${CClear}"
@@ -2053,10 +2191,10 @@ vupdate () {
 checkusbexclusion () {
 if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-  BKDIREXCL=$(echo $BKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
-  if grep -q $BKDIREXCL $EXCLUSION; then
+  BKDIREXCL="$(echo "$BKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+  if grep -q "$BKDIREXCL" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
     echo ""
-    echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+    echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
     sleep 2
     echo ""
@@ -2065,16 +2203,16 @@ if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
     echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
     echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
     echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
-    echo -e "exluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+    echo -e "excluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
     echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
     echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
     echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
     echo ""
     echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
     if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
-      echo -e "$BKDIREXCL/*" >> $EXCLUSION
+      echo -e "$BKDIREXCL/*" >> "$EXCLUSION"
       echo ""
-      echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+      echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Primary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
       sleep 2
       echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Primary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
@@ -2092,10 +2230,10 @@ fi
 if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
   if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
-    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL=$(echo $SECONDARYBKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL="$(echo "$SECONDARYBKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
       echo ""
-      echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+      echo -e "${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder already included in TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
       sleep 2
       echo ""
@@ -2104,16 +2242,16 @@ if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
       echo -e "${CCyan}Your settings indicate that your are backing up your USB drive to the same USB drive."
       echo -e "While it is possible to continue with this configuration, it is not recommended, as a"
       echo -e "failure of your USB drive will result in a complete loss of your backups. Also, by not"
-      echo -e "exluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
+      echo -e "excluding your backup folder in your TAR exclusion file, you will be backing up your"
       echo -e "backups, which will result in exponential growth of your backup files, and the time it"
       echo -e "will take to run your backups. It is recommended to add your backup folder to your TAR"
       echo -e "exclusion file now (assuming it is in '/mainfolder/subfolder' format)${CClear}"
       echo ""
       echo -e "Would you like to exclude your USB backup folder from your regular backups?"
       if promptyn " (y/n): "; then
         echo ""
-        echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CCLear}"
+        echo -e "\n${CGreen}SUCCESS: Secondary USB Backup Folder added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
         sleep 2
         echo -e "\n\n${CRed}WARNING: Secondary USB Backup Folder not added to TAR Exclusion File${CClear}"
@@ -2135,7 +2273,7 @@ fi
 # This amazing function was borrowed from none other than @Martinski... a genius approach to filtering and deleting files/folders
 # $1 = path, $2 = age, $3 = show/delete
-_DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ ()
    local retCode=1  minNumOfDays=1
    if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || \
@@ -2379,14 +2517,14 @@ _GetMountPoint_()
    ## Do whatever you need to do with value of "$mounPointPath" ##
    if [ "$USBSOURCE" == "TRUE" ]; then
-     EXTDRIVE=$mounPointPath
-     EXTLABEL=$(echo "${mounPointPath##*/}")
+      EXTDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
+      EXTLABEL="$(echo "${mounPointPath##*/}")"
    elif [ "$USBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
-     UNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+      UNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
    elif [ "$SECONDARYUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
-     SECONDARYUNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+      SECONDARYUNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
    elif [ "$TESTUSBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
-     TESTUNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+      TESTUNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
@@ -2395,7 +2533,7 @@ _GetMountPoint_()
    if [ "$SMBTARGET" == "TRUE" ]; then
-     UNCDRIVE=$mounPointPath
+      UNCDRIVE="$mounPointPath"
@@ -2925,8 +3063,9 @@ flagerror () {
 mountprimary () {
     # Check to see if UNC or UNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
-    if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
-      if [ -z "$UNC" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]
+    then
+      if [ -z "${UNC}" ] || [ -z "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
         echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
         logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -2940,8 +3079,8 @@ mountprimary () {
     # If everything successfully was created, proceed
-    if ! mount | grep $UNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    if ! mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    then
       if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
         # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
         if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
@@ -2956,8 +3095,8 @@ mountprimary () {
           while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-            UNENCPWD=$(echo $BTPASSWORD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
-            mount -t cifs $UNC $UNCDRIVE -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${BTUSERNAME},password=${UNENCPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            UNENCPWD="$(echo "$BTPASSWORD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+            mount -t cifs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${BTUSERNAME},password=${UNENCPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
             if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -2966,7 +3105,7 @@ mountprimary () {
               sleep 10
               if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
                 logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -2980,16 +3119,17 @@ mountprimary () {
-      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
         modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
           while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
             if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
-              mount -t nfs $UNC $UNCDRIVE
+              mount -t nfs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE"
-              mount -t nfs $UNC $UNCDRIVE -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
+              mount -t nfs "${UNC}" "$UNCDRIVE" -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
             if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -2999,7 +3139,7 @@ mountprimary () {
               sleep 10
               if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
                 logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -3013,7 +3153,8 @@ mountprimary () {
-      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+      if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" = "USB" ]
+      then
         echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3028,8 +3169,10 @@ mountprimary () {
 mountsecondary () {
     # Check to see if SECONDARYUNC or SECONDARYUNCDRIVE are present, if not, error out.
-    if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" != "USB" ]; then
-      if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+    then
+      if [ -z "$SECONDARYUNC" ] || [ -z "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]
+      then
         echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values are missing. Exiting.${CClear}"
         logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to external network drive. Secondary UNC or UNCDRIVE values missing. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3043,9 +3186,10 @@ mountsecondary () {
     # If everything successfully was created, proceed
-    if ! mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network" ]; then
+    if ! mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network" ]
+      then
         # Check the build to see if modprobe needs to be called
         if [ $(find /lib -name md4.ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
           modprobe md4 > /dev/null    # Required now by some 388.x firmware for mounting remote drives
@@ -3059,8 +3203,8 @@ mountsecondary () {
           while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-            UNENCSECPWD=$(echo $SECONDARYPWD | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)
-            mount -t cifs $SECONDARYUNC $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${SECONDARYUSER},password=${UNENCSECPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
+            UNENCSECPWD="$(echo "$SECONDARYPWD" | openssl enc -d -base64 -A)"
+            mount -t cifs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" -o "vers=${SMBVER},username=${SECONDARYUSER},password=${UNENCSECPWD}"  # Connect the UNC to the local backup drive mount
             if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -3069,7 +3213,7 @@ mountsecondary () {
               sleep 10
               if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+                echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
                 logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
                 echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -3083,16 +3227,17 @@ mountsecondary () {
-      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "Network-NFS" ]; then
+      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" = "Network-NFS" ]
+      then
         modprobe nfs nfsv3 > /dev/null
         while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
           if [ -z "$NFSMOUNTOPT" ]; then
-            mount -t nfs $SECONDARYUNC $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+             mount -t nfs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+             mount -t nfs "$SECONDARYUNC" "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" -o "$NFSMOUNTOPT"
           if [ $MRC -eq 0 ]; then  # If mount come back successful, then proceed
@@ -3102,7 +3247,7 @@ mountsecondary () {
             sleep 10
             if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+              echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
               logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to mount to secondaryexternal NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!"
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to mount to secondary external NFS network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -3116,7 +3261,8 @@ mountsecondary () {
-      if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
+      then
         echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process.${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) skipping mounting process." >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3154,9 +3300,9 @@ purgebackups () {
     echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
     # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-    if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
-        mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
-        chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+    if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
         echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3164,12 +3310,12 @@ purgebackups () {
     # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-    if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
       # Show a list of valid backups on screen
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual backup folders identified below are older than $PURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
-      for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+      for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
         _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT show
@@ -3196,7 +3342,7 @@ purgebackups () {
       if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
         echo -e "\n${CRed}"
-        for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+        for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
           _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
@@ -3260,9 +3406,9 @@ autopurge () {
   echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
   # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-  if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
-      mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
-      chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+  if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
       echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3270,11 +3416,11 @@ autopurge () {
   # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-  if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
       # Continue with deleting backups permanently
-      for FOLDER in $(ls ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR} -1)
+      for FOLDER in $(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}")
         _DeleteFileDirAfterNumberOfDays_ "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$FOLDER" $PURGELIMIT delete
@@ -3346,9 +3492,9 @@ purgesecondaries () {
     echo -e "\n${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
     # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-    if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
-        mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
-        chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+    if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
         echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External Secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3356,12 +3502,12 @@ purgesecondaries () {
     # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-    if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
       # Show a list of valid backups on screen
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Perpetual secondary backup folders identified below are older than $SECONDARYPURGELIMIT days:${CRed}"
@@ -3388,7 +3534,7 @@ purgesecondaries () {
       if promptyn "(y/n): "; then
         echo -e "\n${CRed}"
@@ -3456,9 +3602,9 @@ autopurgesecondaries () {
   echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
   # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-  if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
-      mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
-      chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+  if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
       echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External secondary drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3466,11 +3612,11 @@ autopurgesecondaries () {
   # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-  if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
       # Continue with deleting backups permanently
@@ -3706,13 +3852,13 @@ vsetup () {
             export TERM=linux
-            nano +999999 --linenumbers $EXCLUSION
+            nano +999999 --linenumbers "$EXCLUSION"
             if [ $SECONDARYSTATUS -eq 1 ]; then
               export TERM=linux
-              nano +999999 --linenumbers $SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+              nano +999999 --linenumbers "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
@@ -3763,10 +3909,10 @@ basicjffsnvram () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -3787,7 +3933,7 @@ basicjffsnvram () {
   #Verify file integrity
-  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -3806,7 +3952,7 @@ basicjffsnvram () {
   #Save a copy of the NVRAM
-  (nvram save ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (nvram save "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   NSresult=$(cat $NS)
   rm -f $NS
   if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -3827,7 +3973,7 @@ basicjffsnvram () {
   #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
     echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
-  } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt
+  } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt"
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3842,10 +3988,10 @@ basicextdrv () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -3869,7 +4015,7 @@ basicextdrv () {
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
-  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -3898,10 +4044,10 @@ advjffsnvram () {
   # If a TAR exclusion file exists, use it for the /jffs backup
-  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -3922,7 +4068,7 @@ advjffsnvram () {
   #Verify file integrity
-  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -3941,7 +4087,7 @@ advjffsnvram () {
   #Save a copy of the NVRAM
-  (nvram save ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (nvram save "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   NSresult=$(cat $NS)
   rm -f $NS
   if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -3962,7 +4108,7 @@ advjffsnvram () {
   #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
     echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
-  } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt
+  } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt"
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying routerfw.txt to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -3977,10 +4123,10 @@ advextdrv () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $EXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$EXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -4004,7 +4150,7 @@ advextdrv () {
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
-  (tar -tzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4032,10 +4178,10 @@ basicsecjffsnvram () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -4056,7 +4202,7 @@ basicsecjffsnvram () {
   #Verify file integrity
-  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4075,7 +4221,7 @@ basicsecjffsnvram () {
   #Save a copy of the NVRAM
-  (nvram save ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (nvram save "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   NSresult=$(cat $NS)
   rm -f $NS
   if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4096,7 +4242,7 @@ basicsecjffsnvram () {
   #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
     echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
-  } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt
+  } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt"
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt.${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw.txt" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4112,10 +4258,10 @@ basicsecextdrv () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -4139,7 +4285,7 @@ basicsecextdrv () {
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
-  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4167,10 +4313,10 @@ advsecjffsnvram () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C /jffs . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -4191,7 +4337,7 @@ advsecjffsnvram () {
   #Verify file integrity
-  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/jffs-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4210,7 +4356,7 @@ advsecjffsnvram () {
   #Save a copy of the NVRAM
-  (nvram save ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (nvram save "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/nvram-${datelabel}.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   NSresult=$(cat $NS)
   rm -f $NS
   if [ $NSresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4231,7 +4377,7 @@ advsecjffsnvram () {
   #include current router model/firmware/build info in the backup location
     echo 'RESTOREBUILD="'"$FWBUILD"'"'
-  } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt
+  } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt"
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}routerfw.txt${CGreen} to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt.${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of routerfw.txt to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/routerfw-${datelabel}.txt" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4246,10 +4392,10 @@ advsecextdrv () {
   eval freqtmp="\$${freqtmp}"
-  if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -X $SECONDARYEXCLUSION -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -X "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
-    (tar -zcf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+    (tar -zcf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" . ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TEresult=$(cat $TE)
   rm -f $TE
@@ -4273,7 +4419,7 @@ advsecextdrv () {
   echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Starting integrity check of ${CYellow}EXT Drive${CGreen} on $(date). Please stand by...${CClear}"
   echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Starting integrity check of EXT Drive on $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
-  (tar -tzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+  (tar -tzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${freqtmp}/${EXTLABEL}-${datelabel}.tar.gz" ; echo $? >$TI) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
   TIresult=$(cat $TI)
   rm -f $TI
   if [ $TIresult -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -4304,9 +4450,9 @@ backup () {
   rm -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
   # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
-  if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
-      mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
-      chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+  if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
       echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Newly created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4320,8 +4466,8 @@ backup () {
   # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
   if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
-    BKDIREXCL=$(echo $BKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
-    if grep -q $BKDIREXCL $EXCLUSION; then
+    BKDIREXCL="$(echo "$BKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
+    if grep -q "$BKDIREXCL" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4331,7 +4477,8 @@ backup () {
   # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
-  if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
       if [ "$BACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
         echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: External drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4375,28 +4522,33 @@ backup () {
-      if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
-        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders
-        if [ $FREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/jffs.tar*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/nvram.cfg*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
-        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/jffs.tar*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/nvram.cfg*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
-        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/jffs.tar*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/nvram.cfg*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
-        elif [ $FREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/jffs.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/jffs.tar*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/nvram.cfg* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/nvram.cfg*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-          [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar* ] && rm ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}.tar*
+      if [ "$MODE" = "Basic" ]
+      then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders #
+        if [ "$FREQUENCY" = "W" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "M" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "Y" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$FREQUENCY" = "P" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
@@ -4461,7 +4613,6 @@ backup () {
           elif [ $FREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
             advextdrv "YDAY"
           echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
           logger "BACKUPMON WARNING: External USB drive not found. Skipping backup."
@@ -4470,22 +4621,22 @@ backup () {
       #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.sh
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.sh"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.sh script to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
-      cp $CFGPATH ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.cfg
+      cp "$CFGPATH" "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/backupmon.cfg"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying backupmon.cfg file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
-      if ! [ -z $EXCLUSION ]; then
-        EXCLFILE=$(echo $EXCLUSION | sed 's:.*/::')
+      if [ -n "$EXCLUSION" ]; then
+        EXCLFILE="$(echo "$EXCLUSION" | sed 's:.*/::')"
         echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying $EXCLFILE file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
       #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
-      nvram show 2>/dev/null > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/nvram.txt
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/nvram.txt"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying reference ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying reference nvram.txt extract to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4493,9 +4644,9 @@ backup () {
         echo ''
         echo 'IMPORTANT:'
-        echo 'Asus Router Model:' ${ROUTERMODEL}
-        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' ${FWBUILD}
-        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' ${EXTLABEL}
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' "${ROUTERMODEL}"
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' "${FWBUILD}"
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' "${EXTLABEL}"
         echo ''
         echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
         echo ''
@@ -4508,7 +4659,7 @@ backup () {
         echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
         echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
         echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
-      } > ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/instructions.txt
+      } > "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/instructions.txt"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished copying restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished copying restoration instructions.txt file to ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
@@ -4560,9 +4711,9 @@ secondary () {
   echo -e "${CWhite}Messages:${CClear}"
   # Check to see if a local backup drive mount is available, if not, create one.
-  if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
-      mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
-      chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+  if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+      chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
       echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary external mount point not set. Newly created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4576,8 +4727,8 @@ secondary () {
   # Check to see if EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB
   if [ "$EXTDRIVE" == "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
-    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL=$(echo $SECONDARYBKDIR | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')
+    SECONDARYBKDIREXCL="$(echo "$SECONDARYBKDIR" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//')"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: **High Risk** -> EXT USB is backing up to EXT USB. TAR exclusion is in place." >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4587,8 +4738,8 @@ secondary () {
   # If the local mount is connected to the UNC, proceed
-  if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+  if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+  then
       if [ "$SECONDARYBACKUPMEDIA" == "USB" ]; then
         echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"; printf "%s\n"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Secondary external drive (USB) mounted successfully as: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4632,28 +4783,33 @@ secondary () {
-      if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
-        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders
-        if [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "W" ]; then
-          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "M" ]; then
-          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "Y" ]; then
-          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/routerfw.txt*
-        elif [ $SECONDARYFREQUENCY == "P" ]; then
-          [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt* ] && rm ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/routerfw.txt*
+      if [ "$SECONDARYMODE" = "Basic" ]
+      then
+        # Remove old tar files if they exist in the daily folders #
+        if [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "W" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${WDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "M" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${MDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "Y" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${YDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
+        elif [ "$SECONDARYFREQUENCY" = "P" ]
+        then
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/jffs.tar*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/nvram.cfg*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}"/routerfw.txt*
+          [ "$(ls -1 "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && rm -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${PDAY}/${EXTLABEL}".tar*
@@ -4724,22 +4880,22 @@ secondary () {
       #added copies of the backupmon.sh, backupmon.cfg, exclusions list and NVRAM to backup location for easy copy/restore
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/backupmon.sh
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/backupmon.sh"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.sh${CGreen} script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.sh script to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}backupmon.cfg${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of backupmon.cfg file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
-      if ! [ -z $SECONDARYEXCLUSION ]; then
-        EXCLFILE=$(echo $SECONDARYEXCLUSION | sed 's:.*/::')
+      if [ -n "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ]; then
+        EXCLFILE="$(echo "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" | sed 's:.*/::')"
         echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of ${CYellow}$EXCLFILE${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of $EXCLFILE file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
       #Please note: the nvram.txt export is for reference only. This file cannot be used to restore from, just to reference from.
-      nvram show 2>/dev/null > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/nvram.txt
+      nvram show 2>/dev/null > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/nvram.txt"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary reference copy of ${CYellow}nvram.txt${CGreen} extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary reference copy of nvram.txt extract to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4747,9 +4903,9 @@ secondary () {
         echo ''
         echo 'IMPORTANT:'
-        echo 'Asus Router Model:' ${ROUTERMODEL}
-        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' ${FWBUILD}
-        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' ${EXTLABEL}
+        echo 'Asus Router Model:' "${ROUTERMODEL}"
+        echo 'Firmware/Build Number:' "${FWBUILD}"
+        echo 'EXT USB Drive Label Name:' "${EXTLABEL}"
         echo ''
         echo 'WARNING: Do NOT attempt to restore if your Asus Router Model or Firmware/Build Numbers differ from your backups!'
         echo ''
@@ -4762,7 +4918,7 @@ secondary () {
         echo '6.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -setup" and ensure that all of the settings are correct before running a restore.'
         echo '7.) Run "sh backupmon.sh -restore", pick which backup you want to restore, and confirm before proceeding!'
         echo '8.) After the restore finishes, perform another reboot.  Everything should be restored as normal!'
-      } > ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/instructions.txt
+      } > "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/instructions.txt"
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Finished secondary copy of restoration ${CYellow}instructions.txt${CGreen} file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}.${CClear}"
       echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Finished secondary copy of restoration instructions.txt file to ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}" >> $LOGFILE
       echo -e "${CGreen}STATUS: Settling for 10 seconds..."
@@ -4839,9 +4995,9 @@ restore () {
   if [ "$SOURCE" == "Primary" ]; then
     # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-    if ! [ -d $UNCDRIVE ]; then
-        mkdir -p $UNCDRIVE
-        chmod 777 $UNCDRIVE
+    if ! [ -d "$UNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$UNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$UNCDRIVE"
         echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: External drive mount point not set. Created under: $UNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -4849,8 +5005,8 @@ restore () {
     # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-    if [ -n "`mount | grep $UNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$UNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
       # Show a list of valid backups on screen
       echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
@@ -4863,10 +5019,9 @@ restore () {
       then lsFlags="-letd"
       else lsFlags="-lertd"
-      #ls $lsFlags ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/*/ | \
-      #awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'
+      #ls $lsFlags "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/*/ | awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}'
       ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
-      ls $lsFlags ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/*/ | \
+      ls $lsFlags "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/*/ | \
       awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
       echo ""
@@ -4937,15 +5092,15 @@ restore () {
             if [ $MODE == "Basic" ]; then
-              if [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt ]; then
-                source ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt
+              if [ -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt" ]; then
+                source "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt"
             elif [ $MODE == "Advanced" ]; then
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Files under:${CClear}"
-              ls -lR /${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/$BACKUPDATE
+              ls -lR /"${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}"/$BACKUPDATE
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this backup set?"
@@ -4965,18 +5120,15 @@ restore () {
                 echo ""
                 echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
                 read ADVRTRFW
-                if [ -f ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW} ]; then
-                  source ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}
+                if [ -f "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}" ]; then
+                  source "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}"
-        # Determine router model
-        [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
-        if [ ! -z $RESTOREMODEL ]; then
+        if [ -n "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
           if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
             echo ""
             echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
@@ -5042,7 +5194,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
-            (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             TEresult=$(cat $TE)
             rm -f $TE
             if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5056,7 +5208,7 @@ restore () {
               echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
-              (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
               TEresult=$(cat $TE)
               rm -f $TE
               if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5084,7 +5236,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
-            (nvram restore ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (nvram restore "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             NSresult=$(cat $NS)
             rm -f $NS
             if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5121,7 +5273,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
-            (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS}" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             TEresult=$(cat $TE)
             rm -f $TE
             if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5135,7 +5287,7 @@ restore () {
               echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
-              (tar -xzf ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              (tar -xzf "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB}" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
               TEresult=$(cat $TE)
               rm -f $TE
               if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5163,7 +5315,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
-            (nvram restore ${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (nvram restore "${UNCDRIVE}${BKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM}" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             NSresult=$(cat $NS)
             rm -f $NS
             if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5226,9 +5378,9 @@ restore () {
   elif [ "$SOURCE" == "Secondary" ]; then
     # Create the local backup drive mount directory
-    if ! [ -d $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ]; then
-        mkdir -p $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
-        chmod 777 $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE
+    if ! [ -d "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
+        chmod 777 "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"
         echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE ${CClear}"
         echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - WARNING: Secondary External drive mount point not set. Created under: $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -5236,8 +5388,8 @@ restore () {
     # If the UNC is successfully mounted, proceed
-    if [ -n "`mount | grep $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE`" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$(mount | grep "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE")" ]
+    then
       # Show a list of valid backups on screen
       echo -e "${CGreen}Available Backup Selections:${CClear}"
@@ -5251,7 +5403,7 @@ restore () {
       else lsFlags="-lertd"
       ## Modified by Viktor Jaep for color [2024-Mar-15] ##
+      ls $lsFlags "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}"/*/ | \
       awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s %s %2d %s %s",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10} { printf " \033[1;34m"$11" \033[0m\n";}'
       echo ""
@@ -5322,15 +5474,15 @@ restore () {
             if [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Basic" ]; then
-              if [ -f ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt ]; then
-                source ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt
+              if [ -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt" ]; then
+                source "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/routerfw.txt"
             elif [ $SECONDARYMODE == "Advanced" ]; then
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CGreen}Available Secondary Backup Files under:${CClear}"
               echo ""
               echo -e "${CClear}Would you like to continue using this secondary backup set?"
@@ -5350,18 +5502,15 @@ restore () {
                 echo ""
                 echo -e "${CClear}Enter the EXACT file name (including extensions) of the routerfw.txt file to be referenced?${CClear}"
                 read ADVRTRFW
+                if [ -f "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVRTRFW}" ]; then
-        # Determine router model
-        [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
-        if [ ! -z $RESTOREMODEL ]; then
+        if [ -n "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
           if [ "$ROUTERMODEL" != "$RESTOREMODEL" ]; then
             echo ""
             echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Original source router model is different from target router model."
@@ -5426,7 +5575,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
-            (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/jffs.tar.gz" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             TEresult=$(cat $TE)
             rm -f $TE
             if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5439,7 +5588,7 @@ restore () {
               echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
-              (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${EXTLABEL}.tar.gz" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
               TEresult=$(cat $TE)
               rm -f $TE
               if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5467,7 +5616,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
-            (nvram restore ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (nvram restore "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/nvram.cfg" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             NSresult=$(cat $NS)
             rm -f $NS
             if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5503,7 +5652,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} to /jffs" >> $LOGFILE
-            (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS} -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVJFFS}" -C /jffs ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             TEresult=$(cat $TE)
             rm -f $TE
             if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5516,7 +5665,7 @@ restore () {
               echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE${CClear}"
               echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} to $EXTDRIVE" >> $LOGFILE
-              (tar -xzf ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB} -C $EXTDRIVE ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+              (tar -xzf "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVUSB}" -C "$EXTDRIVE" ; echo $? >$TE) 2>&1 | grep "tar:" | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
               TEresult=$(cat $TE)
               rm -f $TE
               if [ $TEresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5544,7 +5693,7 @@ restore () {
             echo -e "${CGreen}Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM${CClear}"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Restoring ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} to NVRAM" >> $LOGFILE
-            (nvram restore ${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM} ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
+            (nvram restore "${SECONDARYUNCDRIVE}${SECONDARYBKDIR}/${BACKUPDATE}/${ADVNVRAM}" ; echo $? >$NS) 2>&1 | teelogger $ERRORLOGFILE >/dev/null
             NSresult=$(cat $NS)
             rm -f $NS
             if [ $NSresult -eq 0 ]; then
@@ -5619,7 +5768,7 @@ unmountdrv () {
       while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-        umount -l $UNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        umount -l "$UNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
         if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
           echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External network drive ("; printf "%s" "${UNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
@@ -5630,7 +5779,7 @@ unmountdrv () {
           sleep 10
           if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive [$UNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
             logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -5657,7 +5806,7 @@ unmountsecondarydrv () {
       while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-        umount -l $SECONDARYUNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the Secondary UNC
+        umount -l "$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the Secondary UNC
         if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
           echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: Secondary external network drive ("; printf "%s" "${SECONDARYUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
@@ -5668,7 +5817,7 @@ unmountsecondarydrv () {
           sleep 10
           if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive [$SECONDARYUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
             logger "BACKUPMON ERROR: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!"
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $LOGFILE
             echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Unable to unmount from secondary external network drive. Please check your configuration!" >> $ERRORLOGFILE
@@ -5694,17 +5843,17 @@ unmounttestdrv () {
       while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries
-        umount -l $TESTUNCDRIVE  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
+        umount -l "$TESTUNCDRIVE"  # unmount the local backup drive from the UNC
         if [ $URC -eq 0 ]; then  # If umount come back successful, then proceed
-          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test tetwork drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
+          echo -en "${CGreen}STATUS: External test network drive ("; printf "%s" "${TESTUNC}"; echo -e ") unmounted successfully.${CClear}"
           echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: Unable to unmount from external test network drive. Retrying...${CClear}"
           sleep 5
           if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then
-            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external test network drive. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
+            echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Unable to unmount from external test network drive [$TESTUNCDRIVE]. Please check your configuration. Exiting.${CClear}"
             read -rsp $'Press any key to acknowledge...\n' -n1 key
@@ -5765,11 +5914,11 @@ excludeswap () {
 swapname=$(cat /proc/swaps | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' | sed 's|.*/||') >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ ! -f $PFEXCLUSION ]; then
+if [ ! -f "$PFEXCLUSION" ]; then
   if [ ! -z $swapname ] || [ $swapname != "" ]; then
     { echo $swapname
+    } > "$PFEXCLUSION"
     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - INFO: Page File Backup Exclusion File created" >> $LOGFILE
     echo -e "$(date +'%b %d %Y %X') $(nvram get lan_hostname) BACKUPMON[$$] - **ERROR**: Page File does not exist" >> $LOGFILE
@@ -5791,14 +5940,14 @@ if [ "$BACKUPSWAP" == "0" ]; then
-  # Check to see if an exlusion file is in place, and make sure the swap has been added to it.
+  # Check to see if an exclusion file is in place, and make sure the swap has been added to it.
-  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" $EXCLUSION; then
-    echo "$swapname" >> $EXCLUSION
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" "$EXCLUSION" ; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> "$EXCLUSION"
-  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" $SECONDARYEXCLUSION; then
-    echo "$swapname" >> $SECONDARYEXCLUSION
+  if ! grep -q -F "$swapname" "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION" ; then
+    echo "$swapname" >> "$SECONDARYEXCLUSION"
@@ -5855,25 +6004,22 @@ if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/nul
   echo "alias backupmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh\" # backupmon" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add
-# Determine router model
-[ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get productid)" || ROUTERMODEL="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic
 #Get FW Version for inclusion in instructions.txt and to check before a restore
-FWVER=$(nvram get firmver | tr -d '.')
-BUILDNO=$(nvram get buildno)
-EXTENDNO=$(nvram get extendno)
-if [ -z $EXTENDNO ]; then EXTENDNO=0; fi
+FWVER="$(nvram get firmver | tr -d '.')"
+BUILDNO="$(nvram get buildno)"
+EXTENDNO="$(nvram get extendno)"
+if [ -z "$EXTENDNO" ]; then EXTENDNO=0; fi
 # Check to see if EXT drive exists
 USBPRODUCT="$(nvram get usb_path1_product)"
-LABELSIZE=$(echo $EXTLABEL | sed 's/ //g' | wc -m)
+LABELSIZE="$(echo "$EXTLABEL" | sed 's/ //g' | wc -m)"
 # If there's no label or product, there's probably no EXT USB Drive, else the label might be blank
 if [ -z "$EXTLABEL" ] && [ -z "$USBPRODUCT" ]; then
-elif [ $LABELSIZE -le 1 ]; then
+elif [ "$LABELSIZE" -le 1 ]; then
   echo -e "${CYellow}WARNING: External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient, or unable to detect default sda drive label."
   echo ""
@@ -5891,7 +6037,7 @@ fi
 # Check and see if any commandline option is being used
 if [ $# -eq 0 ]
-  then
     sh /jffs/scripts/backupmon.sh -noswitch
     exit 0
@@ -5917,7 +6063,7 @@ fi
 # Check to see if the help option is being called
 if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ]
-  then
   echo ""
   echo " BACKUPMON v$Version Commandline Option Usage:"
@@ -5950,21 +6096,17 @@ then
 # Check to see if a second command is being passed to remove color
-if [ "$2" == "-bw" ]
-  then
-    blackwhite
+if [ $# -gt 1 ] && [ "$2" = "-bw" ]  ; then blackwhite ; fi
 # Check to see if the restore option is being called
 if [ "$1" == "-restore" ]
-  then
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
@@ -5984,11 +6126,11 @@ if [ "$1" == "-setup" ]
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}WARNING: BACKUPMON is not configured. Proceding with 1st time setup!"
@@ -6014,11 +6156,11 @@ if [ "$1" == "-purge" ]
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
@@ -6039,11 +6181,11 @@ if [ "$1" == "-backup" ]
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
@@ -6060,11 +6202,11 @@ if [ "$1" == "-noswitch" ]
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
@@ -6079,11 +6221,11 @@ fi
 if [ "$1" == "-secondary" ]
     # Determine if the config is local or under /jffs/addons/backupmon.d
-    if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
-      source $CFGPATH
+    if [ -f "$CFGPATH" ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding
+      source "$CFGPATH"
     elif [ -f /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg ]; then
       source /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg
-      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg /jffs/addons/backupmon.d/backupmon.cfg
+      cp /jffs/scripts/backupmon.cfg "$CFGPATH"
       echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: BACKUPMON is not configured.  Please run 'backupmon.sh -setup' first."
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index 5047369..fd9920b 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+v1.8.20 - (October 12, 2024)
+        - PATCH: Code improvements to allow blank space chars in directory paths.
+        - PATCH: Changed defaults to directory paths to show the correct router model.
+        - PATCH: Changed defaults containing an IP address to show the correct LAN IP address octets of
+          the router.
+        - PATCH: Various fixes and code improvements
 v1.8.19 - (July 20, 2024)
         - PATCH: Bugfix release to help fix missing shared email libarary error messages that popped up
           due to the last release. Issue ended up being that the email library update wasn't properly
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index c8f955a..4ad03d1 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@