UI Framework for writing cross platform native apps.
Presto-DOM is a react like framework.
It provides a DSL - a bunch of platform independent functions to construct UI. Evalation of these functions lead to creation of a JavaScript Object.
This JavaScript Object is used by an another project presto-ui
reads the object and depending on the platform does the rendering.
PrestoDOM communicates with presto-ui
for rendering to screen.
In most simpler terms, PrestoDOM does the following
- transformation (PrestoDSL (Halogen-VDOM)) --> PrestoUI DSL
- invoking PrestoUI
- diffing algorithm to reduce DOM updates ( granular calling of PrestoUI API)
- one way caching.
You can look for more documentation and example at
prestdom-example repository.
bower i purescript-presto-dom
See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for details.