python aidio.py --help usage: aidio.py [-h] [--raw_path RAW_PATH] [--features_path FEATURES_PATH] [--feature FEATURE] mode
Extract features from a data folder to another
positional arguments: mode mode can be features, models)
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --raw_path RAW_PATH Source path where audio data files are stored --features_path FEATURES_PATH Output path where exported data will be placed --feature FEATURE name of the feature to be extracted (options: mfsc, leglaive) ´´´
´´´ python aidio.py features --raw_path /data/svs/ --feature mfcc ´´´
´´´ python aidio.py model --model wavenet --experiment svs --data_path /home/voyanedel/data/data/svs-bin --gpus [0] python aidio.py model --model wavenet_transformer --experiment svs --data_path /home/voyanedel/data/data/svs-bin-full --gpus [1] python aidio.py model --model gmm --experiment svs_1 --data_path /home/voyanedel/data/data/2d/svs --label_filename labels.mfcc.csv ´´´
´´´ python aidio.py features --raw_path /data/svs/ --feature mfcc ´´´